I think God was showing the King who is boss, Lord of Lords, King of Kings and to submit and surrender all to him, or be like Job and lose everything so in other words; just to seek first the kingdom of God and all else would be added unto him. For an example to all men.
Jeanette Campbell /Warner on Daniel 4:16 - 12 years ago
To change a heart you must know it, and the word asks us who can know this wicked and perverse miracle that God has given us? Jeremiah 17:9. Only God can know our hearts because He created us in His own image, and not only that, He is the Holy and awesome one that changes what He wishes, whatever He desires He is God; maker of heaven and earth.
Governments today must accept, just as Nebuchadnezzar learned, that the most High God rules in the affairs of men, and gives it to whom so ever He will. Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people. Those who walk in pride, God will abase. The poor must be provided for by governments, and righteous judgments must be rendered to all. Pay taxes to whom taxes are due, and give honor to whom honor is due. Daniel was used by God to give the interpretation of the King's dream to him, because God reveals secrets to His servants. God has placed watchmen, as preachers, to warn those in government that they are accountable to the most High God. It is God who removes them from power, and restores them as it pleases Him. Give praise to God, and live a righteous life.
Nebuchadnezzar, the king, had a dream, and only Daniel is able to interpret the dream. So God used Daniel to give the rebuke to the king because of his pride. God gave the king 12 months to repent as Daniel told him to cut off his sins by works of righteousness, and showing mercy to the poor. Well he failed to repent at that time. So his kingdom was taken from him, and he became as a beast growing hair while eating grass like an ox. After seven years the king's thoughts returned to his head, and he realized that the Most high God rules in the affairs of men. God gives the kingdom of men to the bases of men. Once the king understood this principle he repented of the sin of pride, and praised the Most high God. As fathers we are to remember that Jesus is the head of the family, and we must submit to his rule in our lives. We must love our wives as Christ loves the church, and never walk in pride. We are told to humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God, and in due time he will exalt us. May all the fathers out there have a happy fathers day. Thank God for your family, as they are a gift from the Most high God.
The Watchers are mentioned in the book of Enoch, which used to be in the bible but was first taken out by the jews because it prophesied Christ and it was also remonved from the early european churches because of what the fallen watchers where accused of. In the book of Enoch, the Watchers were Angels that God had on Earth to help watch over the earth before the days of Noah. Some of the Watchers ( Not all of them) Had chosen to fall from God. They started to Lust after the Daughters of Men. Some of these Woman became Pregnant by the Angels and gave birth to huge Giants called the Nephelim. There are several passages in the bible about Giants (Goliath being a descendant of one of these creatures). There are bible passages that talk about the watchers or they are also reffered to as the sons of God! But there are still many Watchers that are in God's good favor there were about 200 that chose to turn from God, so not all watchers are fallen angels. If you do some research and google "Giant human remains found" you will see that the offspring of the fallen watchers are being found all over the middle east and other countries near by. The Bible is so real and we all have to really study and pay close attention to each verse because there is so much that we have missed just by not understanding the biblical cultures and Languages that seem to almost not exist anymore.
No one is above God and he will bring down anyone who behaves as if he/she thinks that he/she is greater than God. He will humble that individual until he/she accepts and admits that God is the Lord and Master of our lives who is to be served wholeheartedly then he will elevate that individual.
The Magi. Their descendants? Their sect and order? Daniel was given the prophecies concerning the year that the Messiah would be born. These Magi held these prophecies with utmost regard. Are they none other than the Wise Men (Magi) who knew and sought out the Messiah? I think it so. Very so.
God hates pride, no matter the caliber of person that is proud. A lot of people are proud but feel that it doesn't matter because of its subtle nature. People manifest pride in the following ways: thought, dressing, speech, look, ambition, decoration, walking,et cetera. A heaven-minded and rapture-conscious follower of Christ should endeavor to humble himself on a daily basis. "Before honor is humility".
I completely agree with your comment Yolanda. I may be trying to humble my self and I can't do it my self, I understand I need to let of humble me. I can't do anything with out God. pray for me, thank you all for your comments, God bless you all.
who are the watchers? They are not angels for they made the decree and the holy ones made the decision that the angels carried out. It appear to me that the watchers and the holy ones are serval beings or spirits and not just one entity.
Excellent chapter to keep me humble. Teaches me to give God the glory in all my blessings. God will humble you if you don't humble yourself. God does not mind us being blessed. Only recognize that God has blessed you and know achievements have given you this honor. So give back the honor to God. God is where all blessings flow. God is worthy of all honor. God is the one who sent his son to die on the cross for our sins. Thank you Jesus.