We are living in the age of grace,and Christ is calling Jews along with Gentiles into the Church. This is the period between the 69th week of the 70 week of years. When the Church is caught up in the clouds, then the 70th week will begin. The man of sin will sign a false peace treaty with Israel for 7 years. After that Christ returns and sets up his kingdom.
The Messiah already confirmed the covenant
according to Gal 3:17. This is irrefutable.
The MEssiah is the one who made their house desolate in the first century.
There is no more temple because the city and the sanctuary were already destroyed, according to Dan 9:26.
The Messiah already scattered the power of the holy people according to Dan 12:7.
There is no more things written, that have yet to be fulfilled.
We are now living in the everlasting Kingdom age that was promised by Isa 9:7
Please read a booy written in the early 1900s by Sir Robbert Anderson It is titled The Comming Prince. It covers the prophecies of Daniel including ,the return of the Jews to there homeland, the rapture,The Antichrist ,and the tribulation. Starting with the 490 year period.
Aye; are you guys Pentecostal? Baptist? King James 1611; Genesis 15:13; Acts 7:6,7; Israel 1948 + 70. Jeremiah 25:11; Daniel 9:2; and Revelation 17:5. Less the Seven Year Tribulation. Church sleeps, should awake at Midnight Hour. Israel also must prepare for their Messiah reinstate most Mosaic Laws. God bless.
I pray none reject so great salvation. Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever more. I pray the Lord open the Jews and other non-believers' eyes today to recognize Jesus is the Messiah. I pray we repent today as a nation and as individuals and get forgiveness for our sins. In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen.
according to Gal 3:17. This is irrefutable.
The MEssiah is the one who made their house desolate in the first century.
There is no more temple because the city and the sanctuary were already destroyed, according to Dan 9:26.
The Messiah already scattered the power of the holy people according to Dan 12:7.
There is no more things written, that have yet to be fulfilled.
We are now living in the everlasting Kingdom age that was promised by Isa 9:7