Discuss Deuteronomy 11 Page 2

  • Vera ship on Deuteronomy 11 - 9 years ago
    God is reminding Israel how he brought them out of Egypt to possess the land he is giving them. God is also letting them know if they keep his commandments he will bless them beyond measure if they do not worship other Gods. God also remind them not to get high minded and think that it was all their doing.
  • Bill on Deuteronomy 11:22 - 9 years ago
    The condition for inheriting i.e., taking possession of the land was obedience to God s Word and faithfulness i.e., full dependence on the Lord for victory . Here s the point saved Israelites unconditionally received God as their inheritance, but possession of Canaan land was conditional, depending on their obedience and faithfulness to Jehovah... it is a mistake of equating Canaan land with heaven, but that is a hermeneutical error in my opinion. We believe Canaan land is a picture of two things 1 spiritual victory in the present life, which leads to 2 inheriting Millennial rest in the life to come. Incidentally, even after taking possession of Canaan land the Israelites had the potential of losing it, if they became unfaithful see Deut. 28 58, 63. Cr. James Hollandsworth KingdomPreparation
  • Annalee foxbell on Deuteronomy 11 - 11 years ago
    as long has you keep the lord commandments he shall give you a latter rain e.g he bless you aboundantly more than you can imagine

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