The idea here is not designed specifically for todays society where laws based on morality exist based on the Bible originally but no longer literally. For instance adultery is not punishable by stoning. But it is punishable nevertheless by God who knows how to requite iniquity. If one were to lead an all together moral life based on the principles of God as given ti his intercessor, Moses, would not God be pleased with this person and does not God reward rightiousness without fail?
I do not agree. There are some parts of the Bible Christians follow, and some parts we don't. This area specifically says Hebrew men and women.
@ Joe
I agree, no one would need the governments help if people would only help each other. It would be better for the government, they have enough to deal with. It would be better for people as well, both for their over all health and their pride.
If America would have done the right thing with the freedom of slaves who knows what would have changed in History...From what I gather, this principle is similar to the 40 acres and a mule concept...
I believe the principles laid out here are a model for all cultures today. If we did what the Bible says here there would be no need for people to depend on state or federal welfare/assistance.
I do not agree. There are some parts of the Bible Christians follow, and some parts we don't. This area specifically says Hebrew men and women.
@ Joe
I agree, no one would need the governments help if people would only help each other. It would be better for the government, they have enough to deal with. It would be better for people as well, both for their over all health and their pride.