Discuss Deuteronomy 17

  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    Praying offensively rather than defensively

    The only offensive weapon in Ephesians 6 is the sword of the Spirit. Today's megachurches have tended to make things into a sideshow by defining success as someone with a lot of possessions. Indeed God CAN honor a prayer regarding material things but it is unwise and naive to ignore verses such as Deuteronomy 17:17; for it can lead to total apostasy later when greed takes over.

    Playing games to underestimate the intensity of the evil we face does no one any favors either. Those who would be hesitant to warn sinners of their grievous state and need of repentance so as not to "offend" anyone are probably the same ones who downplay how serious the conflict is with the demonic horde under Satan that have pretty well taken over society; and worse the church in a large part making those who want to engage in serious battle seem like they are outcasts. Worse still there are many who look at Satan as somehow ruling over hell (as opposed to perhaps guarding Hades in the past as seen in those held captive described in Psalm 68:18). Men are blinded because of their own sin but 2 Corinthians 4:4 shows how Satan is the agent the Lord allows to keep men in this state. Part of praying for someone may indeed be for the enemy to cause enough misery for them to cry out to the Lord; this seems commonplace for those who are Prodigal type individuals.

    We see when multiple people in particular persevere in prayer for someone things often eventually happen. For those who won't respond; often they are taken away and we never have contact with them again. We don't have the luxury of knowing if anyone has another day on this earth; but we do know the Lord will save all of His elect.

    Also; of course the praiseworthy attributes of God's Holiness; power; might; honor and glory should be acclaimed with conviction. This comes from TRUE worship in song and scripture reading. It also comes from a broken and contrite heart ( Ps 51
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Page 2.

    2. A second crucial rule of biblical hermeneutics is that passages must be interpreted historically, grammatically, and contextually. Interpreting a passage historically means we must first seek to understand the culture, background, and situation that prompted the writing. For example, in order to understand Jonah's flight, in Jonah 1:1-3, we should learn of the history of the Assyrians as it related to Israel.

    Interpreting a passage grammatically requires one to follow the rules of grammar and recognize the nuances of Hebrew and Greek. For example, when Paul writes of "the great God and Saviour Jesus Christ" in Titus 2:13, the rules of grammar state that God and Savior are parallel terms and they are both in apposition to Jesus Christ; in other words, Paul clearly calls Jesus "our great God" & not identifying the two Persons separately in the Deity. Interpreting a passage contextually involves considering the context of a verse or passage when trying to determine the meaning. The context includes the verses immediately preceding and following it, the chapter, the book, and indeed the entire Bible. For example, many puzzling statements in Ecclesiastes become clearer when kept in context; the book of Ecclesiastes is written from the earthly perspective 'under the sun' ( Ecclesiastes 1:3). In fact, the phrase 'under the sun' is repeated many times in this book, establishing the context for all that is "vanity" in this world.

    3. A third rule of biblical hermeneutics is that Scripture is always the best interpreter of Scripture (& this you believe & stated clearly). For this reason, we always compare Scripture with Scripture when trying to determine the meaning of a passage. For example, Isaiah's condemnation of Judah's desire to seek Egypt's help and their reliance on a strong cavalry ( Isaiah 31:1) was motivated, in part, by God's explicit command that His people not go to Egypt to seek horses ( Deuteronomy 17:16).
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I believe it's a daily decision effort. Referring to "pick up your cross daily & follow" Jesus, "dying to self", being "born again " we have to go from a symbolic crawling to walking. Luke 9:23, Luke 14:27, Matthew 10:38, John 8:24,

    Learn to :

    Deuteronomy 17:19, Isaiah 1:17,

    Even fruit, isn't automatic, it takes time to grow.

    Pruning, is there habits that need to be cut off? Even if it starts growing back, to trim again.

    Luke 17:33, John 8:34, Romans 6, Romans 7, Romans 8:2,

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • RichFairhurst - In Reply on 1 Kings 3:13 - 3 years ago
    It is also interesting to me that apart from being chosen by God and being an Israelite, in nearly all other respects Solomon didn't gain the wisdom to apply to himself Deuteronomy 17:14-20. He instead gave himself over to his earthly appetites in multiplying horses ( 1 Kings 4:26), wives ( 1 Kings 11:3), and gold ( 1 Kings 10:14) and silver ( 1 Kings 4:27)

    23. So king Solomon exceeded all the kings OF THE EARTH, for riches and for wisedome. 24. And ALL THE EARTH sought to Solomon, to heare his wisedom which God had put in his heart. ( 1 Kings 4:23-24).

    Christ has fulfilled Deuteronomy 17:14-20. He is God's true choice for king to reign over all his brethren, and rather than turning His heart or the people's heart away from God or exalting Himself above His brother's as Solomon and even more foolishly Solomon's son Rehoboam did ( 1 Kings 12:4-17), He fulfilled God's will and humbled Himself in the upper room and in His death on the cross.
  • JCs - 3 years ago
    Deuteronomy 17:3

    "And hath gone and served other gods, and worshipped them, either the sun, or moon, or any of the host of heaven, which I have not commanded;"
  • Virginia ulrich on Romans 12 - 3 years ago
    Yes, since John 8:33 Esau now resides at the holy city, and acknowledges that they are Esau, and, are responsible for the wars, plagues, sacrifice and torture of many millions of children, we have a problem, as also explained at Malachi 1:3-4.

    Esau, and Canaanites of pollution with fallen angel mating, plus those Masons and others who take imprecatory secret oaths to Satan, are spreading great hated and lies against The Creator, King of Heaven and earth, and, His Savior Son, who by His Blood Redeems us from eternal death if we truly love Him to live according to His Spirit and His Word. Now as Obadiah, Isaiah 63, tells us, as well as John 8:33-44, Matthew 23, Rev. 2 and 3 of the Synagogue of Satan. They have even polluted all institutions on the earth. They are also now destroying all creation, and have brought on the Mark of the Beast of Rev. 13:16, that tracks people by a matrix of computers over all the earth, and changes the DNA of our bodies that house the temple of our Savior and His Holy Spirit IF we choose the jab to be owned by Satan, instead. People are taking that Beast ownership Mark, which can not be undone.

    We have not called on The Holy Names that Never changes since the beginning. See Palms 91, daniel 9:19, Exodus 9:16, Matthew 23:39 in the institutions of the earth! Like the 10 virgins, we need to call on Our Father in Heaven, and Hallow His Name, and forgive our debtors as we want to be forgiven, and, pray for enough Holy Spirit in our lamps.

    At Declaration of Independence, last paragraph, we find THE CREATOR is our Judge! At Deuteronomy 17:8, hard matters are brought to Him for Judgement. Vengeance belongs to Him. He owns everything. Psalms 24. At Zephaniah 3, He Judges between His people and Satan. Isaiah 66, Hosiah 5:15 we find examples of The Creator's judgment. At Joel 3, we find The Creator gathering the people's of the earth of war, together for a feast of the condemned flesh for the predator animals of the earth.
  • Elijah Wiaka on Deuteronomy 17 - 4 years ago
    God bless you all.
  • Chris - In Reply on 2 Samuel 12:8 - 4 years ago
    David & Solomon would have known the requirements of Deuteronomy 17:14-20 especially & as well, 1 Samuel 13:14 does show God's own selection for Israel's next king, but the fact of the matter is that David failed God in many respects. He was still the chosen one, yet still human with failings, but God could find the qualities in David that were absent in Saul. David's disobedience through a multiplicity of wives, & desire for Bathsheba in particular, brought on the required sorrow & discipline.

    There are both fine godly men & women in the Church today. True, we are also products of our cultures, environments, & circumstances, but those who are truly walking in the Spirit & filling themselves with the Word of God, are continually subject to His directions & the proper thoughts & decisions they have to make.

    Both men & women need to shoulder the blame where wrong has been committed since we have departed by not applying the Word to our lives. We might expect our wives to be submissive to us, but we fail to singularly & passionately love our wives & see to their needs. If the modern wife disregards her position then either she is re-interpreting the Word to suit, or the husband has failed in his calling to love her. Those constantly walking in the Spirit are those who are constantly sensitive to the Lord & to each other in marriage.
  • T. Levis - In Reply on Proverbs 11:26 - 4 years ago
    Mathew 5:17

    2 Corinthians 6:14 -18

    Malachi 2:15

    Deuteronomy 17:17

    1 Kings 11:1-6

    Hopefully this is helpful
  • SUBMISSION IN MARRIAGE - In Reply on Luke 7:23 - 4 years ago
    There is more peace in the home if the husband follows Christ; the wife should be able follow her husband's leadership if he does.

    1 Peter 3:7 Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.

    1 Timothy 3:11

    Even so must their wives be grave, not slanderers, sober, faithful in all things.

    Ephesians 5:25

    Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it

    Deuteronomy 17:17

    Neither shall he multiply wives to himself, that his heart turn not away:

    Genesis 2:24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

    Ephesians 4:32 And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.

    Colossians Chapter 3

    18 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord.

    19 Husbands, love your wives, and be not bitter against them.

    James 4:7

    Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

    1 Peter 3:1

    Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be WON by the conversation of the wives;


    1 Corinthians chapter 7 deals with Marriage.

    Submission works both ways.

    Shared household duties makes for more Romance.

    Shared accounting duties enlightens partnership and goals. Read Proverbs for money advise.

    Shared Parenting produces happier, balanced kids. Media is a privilege: not a 1st Amendment right.
  • PatH on Deuteronomy 17 - 5 years ago
    Irene, WE are not supposed to pray to anyone or to anything except ""GOD through "JESUS CHRIST" our intercesor . The only way to salvation is through the blood of JESUS. John 16:24-26, Hebrews 8:25.
  • Max kennedy on Revelation 3 - 5 years ago
    It's the tribute of Solomon who was was wise, 1 Kings 4:30, but Jesus is greatet, Matthew 12:42. It's in 1 Kings 10:14. This was about the time Solomon's wisdom was running out, because he turned to other gods and did evil, 1 Kings 11, and his yoke was grievous 1 Kings 12:11, and he wasn't suppose to multiply gold to himself. Or wives for that matter etc. Deuteronomy 17:17. It's also a riddle
  • Max Kennedy - In Reply on Revelation 3 - 5 years ago
    It's the tribute of Solomon who was was wise, 1 Kings 4:30, but Jesus is greatet, Matthew 12:42. It's in 1 Kings 10:14. This was about the time Solomon's wisdom was running out, because he turned to other gods and did evil, 1 Kings 11, and his yoke was grievous 1 Kings 12:11, and he wasn't suppose to multiply gold to himself. Or wives for that matter etc. Deuteronomy 17:17. It's also a riddle
  • BSP on Deuteronomy 17 - 6 years ago
    Verse 17~The wisdom of this law was shown years later when King Solomon's many wives turned his heart away from Jehovah God.
  • BSP on Deuteronomy 17 - 6 years ago
    Verse 16~The people were not to rely on material things or on other nations, but they were to put their complete trust in Jehovah God.
  • A disciple on Deuteronomy 17 - 6 years ago
    The Passover and the feast of Unleavened Bread was instituted by Moses for the children of Israel, to forever memorialize the LORD delivering them from the bondage of slavery in Egypt. It is significantly representative of Christ's sacrifice on Calvary to save the whole of humanity form its sins, thereby reconciling and redeeming us to God. St. Patrick's Day and Passover are not the same thing.
  • A disciple on Deuteronomy 17 - 6 years ago
    Eric; Patrick was the Apostle of Ireland: born at Kilpatrick, near Dumbarton, in Scotland, in the year 387; died at Saul, Downpatrick, Ireland, 17 March, 493. His parents Calphurnius and Conchessa, belonged to a Roman family of high rank, and held the office of decurio (members of the colonial council) in Gaul or Britain. He was the one to first bring the Glad Tidings to what is now Ireland.
  • Eric on Deuteronomy 17 - 7 years ago
    I know it is said by man and believed to be true that we no longer need abide by mosaic laws. But I urge you folks to honor the Passover and I urge you to honor it this month from the 14th-20th. The 17th being The Feast of Unleavened Bread. Maybe I'm mistaken but I think most people call it St Patrick's Day. Biblical scholars help me out here. We may want to re-check our calendars on this one. 27
  • Liz Cherry on Deuteronomy 17 - 7 years ago
    God is our creator, He knows and controls all things. We should pray to God thru Jesus who is our intercessor. Prayer to others are useless as they have only power given by God who has all power.
  • BSP on Deuteronomy 17 - 7 years ago
    Verse 1: Jehovah God deserves the best sacrifices and offerings that we can give. He has given us the best and we should be moved to give him our best.
  • Lu2677 on Deuteronomy 17 - 7 years ago
    Revelations 2:8-11
  • Bruce on Deuteronomy 17 - 7 years ago
    THE WRATH OF GOD:---now Justified by His Blood We shall be Saved from Wrath Through Him. Romans5:9 / For God hath not appointed us to Wrath but to obtain Salvation by Our Lord Jesus Christ: 1Thessalonians 5:9. The Wrath of God is poured out on the unbelieving. If We are here, The Wrath will have no effect on Us. We are covered by The Blood. When He sees The Blood He will pass over You.
  • Bruce on Deuteronomy 17 - 7 years ago
    Irene:---that we must through much "Tribulation" enter into The Kingdom of God: Acts 14:22 / Yet Hath he not root himself,but dureth for a while: for when "Tribulation"or "Persecution" arises because of The Word he is offended. Matthew 13:21 / Who shall separate us from the Love of Christ? "Tribulation",distress,Persecution---Romans8:35./Tribulation,Persecution comes to All those Washed in The Blood
  • Irene123 on Deuteronomy 17 - 7 years ago
    " ..... we are not to worship saints or holy men, but we can still PRAY to them ..... "; ??? Hosea; God is speaking to the Israelites priests for withholding His truth from His people. We, in this age of Grace, are His people. To paraphrase - God's eyes run to and fro in the earth, beholding the evil and the good.
  • Lu2677 on Genesis 2 - 9 years ago
    "host" Joshua 10:5 (trained soldiers) (armed servants) "5 Kings and all their host, encamped before Gibeon."
    "host of heaven" Deuteronomy 4:19 (are god's created angels), Deuteronomy 17:3.
  • Jane on Deuteronomy 17 - 9 years ago
    If you pray to saints what do you want the dead to do with the prayer? That means you are worshiping them. Pray to the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and pray in or through Jesus Christ that is what God permit
  • Vicky on Deuteronomy 17 - 11 years ago
    deu 18 describe the coming of the lord jesus christ to redeem everybody that blivs in him from the sin of our fourfathers
  • Alicia on Deuteronomy 17 - 11 years ago
    To "Anonymous"'s comment: Absolutely NO prayer TO ANYONE BUT JESUS CHRIST! There is only ONE mediator between God and man and that is JESUS CHRIST!!! Only He was and is and always be the righteous Lamb who was SLAIN for OUR iniquities! All is through Jesus and NO OTHER!
  • John on Deuteronomy 17:6 - 11 years ago
    ....worthy of such....Proof or Evidence of 2 or more witnesses.
  • Patty on Deuteronomy 17 - 11 years ago
    God says ahe,s the only one whom we need to woship and not anything else, but what we need to forget that we need to pay atension to what we are seeing and taking up most of our times with, when we could be reading our bible and studying gething to know Jesus more. that thing can also come to be our idol worshiping, God help us I pray that we may take the time to learn more of you each day.

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