Discuss Deuteronomy 22 Page 6

  • Joseph on Deuteronomy 22:5 - 10 years ago
    Could it be that many times man tries to put the Bible into culture removing the true meaning of scripture? The truth is that neither men not women wore britches when God gave this passage to Moses. Both the man and the woman word robes. What was different was that a man wore an outer garment called a girdle. The girdle was an outer belt like garment that the man would use for two purposes. One he would gird up his loins to run in battle secondly he would gird up his loins to work in the field. The rest of the time the girdle would be worn around his waist ready for use. The woman did not wear a girdle or bind her garment at the waist. In do so you show the beautiful figure that God gave to the woman. I believe God wants that figure covered except for her husband. In Genesis, God clothed Adam and Eve covered them with coats of skins. Which the word coat meanse a drapped garment. Man had his own standard, aprons of fig leaves. Aprons are a wide belt. Yet in the presence of a Holy God those coverings of man were not sufficent. God knows that lust is created in man through sight. Seeing women and their beautiful figure was meant for the husband and wife to enjoy. God states that the woman or the man that dresses like the other would cause great confusion and lust. Those that have trusted Jesus Christ as their Saviour will one day wear white robes of righteousness. We will not wear pants and shorts and worse in Heaven.
  • Ar on Deuteronomy 22 - 10 years ago
    to Richard Boakye 's remark of 7 9 2014 So you don 't want women to wear trousers, because that 's a man 's clothing. Did Jesus wear trousers? How would you see women wearing rings on their nose? Would you agree? I am sure you wouldn 't But look what Ezekiel chapter 16 vers 12 says And I adorned you with ornaments and put bracelets on your wrists and a chain on your neck. 12 And I put a ring on your nose and earrings in your ears and a beautiful crown on your head .
  • Richard boakye on Deuteronomy 22 - 10 years ago
    God has said don 't wear what a man will wear, likewise men dont do the same, but this generation thinks that anything goes and Gods word is no more valuable, that why the world is suffering, and will continue to suffer until we all come to the knowlwdge of the truth. Men don 't wear skirts so women stop wearing pants and obey Gods law.
  • Emma on Deuteronomy 22:5 - 10 years ago
    I believe Deuteronomy 22 5 women should not wear mens clothing
  • Obiechina Moses on Deuteronomy 22 - 10 years ago
    Deut.22 5 God forbids transvestism despite the cultural setting. Since there is no different sexual identity in different parts of the world, the same biblical rule is applicable. It has always been a heathen custom to promote sex abuse as a ritual in the worship of deities. So priests of a godess appear in female attire and vice versa. Homosexuals, bisexuals and transgenders hide under their travestic dresses to perpetrate their evil. So, God in His wisdom has said and is still saying to His faithful children "it shall not be so among you. You are a holy nation. No abomination should be seen in your midst, not even in your dressing ". All we should do is to obey and not try to use our intellectual confusions to explain the truth out to support our outright rebellion. Shalom!
  • Hugh on Deuteronomy 22 - 10 years ago
    Bonnie you said, "I believe it is referring to the homesexual and lesbian deal ".. Bonnie woman are getting more,and more rebellious not wanting to submit to a man but want to be married. The more women dress,act like a man, take the man responsibilities his role as a father the more out of sink this world is going to be. Bonnie put your Black or White body back in a Dress and be a woman. Go to church and respect your Husband as the head of the house don 't shame him....
  • Hugh on Deuteronomy 22:5 - 10 years ago
    Bonnie Its clear that you are thinking like a Juevenile and to be honest you are intitled to your on opinion. You are thinking Carnal not in the spirit look at the wholed picture and cross reference verse 5 its talking about a whole lot more then just pants....
  • Henry adu coleman on Deuteronomy 22:5 - 10 years ago
    the word of God gives room for culture and tribes to partake in our christian life so God change the language of the Israelite to different tribes in babel and even promote tribes through the sons of Jacob. every tribe has it own culture which dress to wear is part, so how and what to wear differs from tribe to tribe. also God gave man the right to name all things since the time of Adam, so God said what even man decree on earth is decree in heaven. what to wear for man or woman is based on the tribe and the culture sittings of the people which should please God. so God said man should not wear woman 's dress and vice versa because God considered all tribe and culture sittings. God was emphasizing on man not play the role of a woman and woman not play the role of a man because of the issue of homosexuality, submission of women to men, modesty to avoid lust, distinction of sex of man and women and also distinct the occupation of man and women in the home and workplace because men are strong and women are weak. lets allow that Holy Spirit to teach us the word of God.
  • Esp on Deuteronomy 22:5 - 10 years ago
    It is true that there are many pastors of today who are scared to preach the word of God. Pastors preach the gospel as it is given to you. Do not be afraid of loosing your people in the church. Preach deut 22 5 as the way it is. It is simple and understandable
  • Prophet Elijah Augustine on Deuteronomy 22:5 - 10 years ago
    well i ve gone thru diffts views people about deu 22 5.This topic is a big blow to the church of Jesus christ and that the devil is draggin the church to hell by bring confusion to our faith in christ.it topical wrong for women to put on man s wears, it is a v big sin.i know that my follow prophet re the worse preachers that the devil uses to preach nonesense for their own selfish interest.most prophet re not real men of God,they re looking for money so they cant preach,God wil judge them send them to hell if they dnt stop decieving people.let us obey Deu 22 5 it is nothing but the truth.
  • Tatenda Samuel Dhokotera on Deuteronomy 22:5 - 10 years ago
    my brethren, l do love you with all my heart, am sorry if am going to hurt you. where the bible is silent am silent,where the bible speak l speak. Dont try to comment any bible verse, you will give account of it in that day. Just say or speak what it said,nothing else. Reasoning will move you further away from the word of God just like Eve. Eve questioned why God forbid to eat the fruits of the tree,when she done it, she was further away from the Word. That 's what you have done
  • Tracy on Deuteronomy 22:5 - 10 years ago
    im totally lost God open my eyes
  • John smith on Deuteronomy 22 - 10 years ago
    Did not the priest were pants under there robes to hide there nakedness as they went up the steps in the temple Priests are men
  • Rev. Duane L. Wildie on Deuteronomy 22:12 - 10 years ago
    Could this be used as indication of what some people say is a prayer shaw the Hebrews used to cover themselves in worship
  • Debbie on Deuteronomy 22:5 - 10 years ago
    Would God not allow one into the kingdom of heaven because they wore the wrong garments The motive behind the garments is what the point is
  • Isaac Idowu on Deuteronomy 22:5 - 11 years ago
    Whenever Deut 22 5 is discussed the main contention is usually women and trousers Well God s words were given to take care of the past present and future which ought to be obeyed to the later Now the devil and his agent on assignment in making sure this instruction is not obey come up with what the call ladies trousers Why didn t the come up with men s skirts No they cannot do that reason is that women are their target as tools of SEDUCTION
  • Dwight on Deuteronomy 22 - 11 years ago
    Deuteronomy 22 5 is just part of that If we hold to 22 5 then we need to hold to 22 11 22 5 is talking to cross dressers and homosexuality Lets not destroy the church from within on small things like this Lets just pray for one another and let God do the rest Show love one to another
  • Steve on Deuteronomy 22:5 - 11 years ago
    Is it not clear that to everyone that we are not under the Law but we still have to live by the ten comandments if we take one verse and make it such an issue to try to control what our women wear is it not pants that is the issue here pants wern t even invented yet Ithink that homosexuality was really the issue here its been around as long as there s been sin men trying to be women and women trying tobe men looking like the opposite sex and laying with the same sex is both an abomination to God
  • Gozie on Deuteronomy 22:5 - 11 years ago
    I think the mystries about Gods kingdom is not for a canal mind deutronomy 22 5 is saying a man should not wear woman physical structure vice versa For example a man changing his sexual organ to that of woman
  • Mikyes Emmanuel on Deuteronomy 22:5 - 11 years ago
    Good lesson
  • Faustin on Deuteronomy 22:5 - 11 years ago
    The bible says in the book of Genesis that after the fall, he slew a lamb and He clothed them, I am sure that what Deut22,5; 1Peter3,1-6 and 1Tim2,9-15 are just manifestation of what was done in the garden, God isn't a controversial God but He knows why He is saying so!!! Look around you how women are portraying themselves as "Sex appeal" with their tight and squeezed jean and legging? Do you think they are godly like that? I am not sure according to the word, they just look like sexual tool and you don't even desire marry such women unless for sexual avidity! Lord have mercy because the word of God prone holiness and that is the only thing people are afraid of and by the way they want to dilute the word! Also weak pulpit, those that are there for money making will never speak the truth, afraid to loose their money they make out of church goers! Only a true child of God will recognise the word without doubting it!!! God isn't a "theological entity, bible school or bishop" He interprets his own word and give it to those that yearn for the truth! Shalom
  • Nkopeti on Deuteronomy 22:5 - 11 years ago
    Beloved, every sound Christian believes the Bible to be the word of God. It would therefore be dangerous if the totality of the scriptures is not accepted. It is even more disastrous when sentiments and selfish interest are used to interpret and teach the words of the living God whose standard and principle will never changed. Duet.22 : 5 is very clear in all translations and should not be subjected to any canal argument , except for cheap 'pastors' who are after quantity and not quality. This is more worrisome in today's Christianity.
  • Mohamed k shaban on Deuteronomy 22:5 - 11 years ago
    Read this screpture Romans 6:15-23,Mattew 8:24-29,dear christians obey the powerfull word of our mihty GOD,read this screpture james 4:1-10,thank you all, fom kenya,ilove JESUS.
  • Soldier of Cross on Deuteronomy 22:5 - 11 years ago
    naturally, every child listen to his/her father. Similalry only the children of God will accept the word/bible as their absolute and thus will never try to justify their wrongs. So those who are fighting scriptures know in their hearts whats wrong and right, even their concience does testify. So if you are fighting scriptures you are doing so bc of yr father the devil
  • Gabriel on Deuteronomy 22:5 - 11 years ago
    most of the comments talked of trousers for men and skirt for women these are dress
    code for a particular nations of the world here in Nigeria a tribe called Irobo their men wear wrapper and shirt especially for an important occasion, while some tribes like Yorubas and Hausas forbid their men from wearing wrappers, cloth is meant for covering nakedness.and that was what did when Adam and Eve were naked. Let your heart be right with God whether trouser or skirt God looks first into your heart.
  • Herman on Deuteronomy 22 - 11 years ago
    Chapter 22 Verse 5. Clearly this is talking about cross dressing. Now being it is considered an abomination (something God Hates Strongly) it will still apply today. Certain laws did not change, example the Ten Commandments which still hold true in the New Testament. (Under Grace). God has not changed in his judgement or believes. All of these things can be forgiven but once forgiven as Jesus said to the woman at the well, go and sin no more. God is the same yesterday, today and forever.
  • Aina on Deuteronomy 22:5 - 11 years ago
    Lev 19:2 enjoins us to be holy for God is holy Romans 12 :1&2 also tell us to present our bodies a living sacrifice holy acceptable to God and be not conformed to this world. The word of God also tells s to flee fornication for no fornicator will inherit the kingdom of God. Matt 5 tells us that if a man lusts after a woman he has committed adultery already with her in his heart. You judge from a sincere heart, how can a woman wear trousers without looking sexy no matter the design.
    only God knows the no of men that woman would have seduced a day without her knowing it. The word of God also says we should flee the appearance of evil. Even if is a very tight skirt or dress that a woman wears and it outlines her figure and becomes revealing it can become seductive and she has to flee that . God is not mocked whatsoever a man sowed he shall surely reap .Modesty is the watchword .Mind u in these last days the devil has invented so many things including ungodly fashion in order to derail christians and drag them to hell so beware and be sober. The word of God is full of enough instructions to us to know the mind of God concerning all aspects of our lives so there will be no excuse for any one who dresses in an ungodly manner
  • George on Deuteronomy 22:5 - 11 years ago
    According to deuteronomy 21 vs 18 to 21, therefore, whosesoever will not obey the commandment of God in deut. 22 vs 5 is stubborn and rebelious . And such person will not inherit the kingdom of God.
  • Anonymous on Deuteronomy 22:5 - 11 years ago
    It hurt God when we disobey Him, women, men stick to His word in Duet. 22:5
  • Josie on Deuteronomy 22 - 11 years ago
    There are 30 verses in Chapter 22. But the only verse everyone seems focused on is verse 5. What makes that one verse more important than all the others? Having been raised with this drilled inside my head my whole life; I understand it is of the most importance in some religious organizations. But if that is a LAW that we must take literally, then shouldn’t we take them all in that chapter literally? Why is it that we believe GRACE for all the other verses ("It doesn’t apply for today because of grace") but yet we are held firmly to separation of men and women’s appeal (pants and skirts only; example - women can put on mens boots or coat if needed)
    Verse 11: Thou shalt not wear a garment of divers sorts, as of woolen and linen together. Many preachers standing on the platform preaching firmly on separation of men and women’s appeal are doing so while their suits are made with divers sorts… what is the difference??? One verse is important and the other isn’t? I have heard it explained this way, that the one with the divers sorts was given under the Law… ???? They were both given under the Law!
    Verses 13-29 Why aren’t these verses taken literally and done as told to do when one is found in adultery. How many fathers would stone their own daughters to death today if she is found not to be a virgin upon her wedding night?
    I guess my question continues to be, “Why is only one verse out of 30 not under Grace?”

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