Deut 28 8 This chapter helps me to know why some christians are not being blessed some of us did not have a saving account that will serve as our store house where God will send his blessings
Verse 1 and Verse 15 sum it all.It is not a matter of what we are promised or not.Obedience to God is the key thing.If we obey, we shall have paradise.If we dont,too bad for us for hell awaits.God says, 'Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all other things shall follow or we can attain this righteousness through obeying God.My prayer for us is that God gives us the power, ability and will to obey Him.May He make us obey him for we are clay.Amen
Saul recognized Samuel, so it was not a demon, as some have suggested. Samuel was in the place of the dead, waiting for resurrection and the judgment of the righteous. Saul and offspring were to join Samuel there, as they were to die. God had become Saul's enemy, because Saul had rejected Him, over and over. Deuteronomy 28:63 describes what happens when God's people reject Him over and over: "And it shall come to pass, that as the LORD rejoiced over you to do good, and to multiply you; so the LORD will rejoice over you to destroy you, and bring you to nought; and you shall be plucked from off the land whither thou goest to possess it" Christians in the modern church are a little reluctant to acknowledge that God can punish, as well as reward, but there it is. Final judgment of Saul? Only God knows the answer to that one.
This is one of my most favorite verses in the bible because here God promises me eternal joy and happiness! It is up to me to take it or leave it! But then he also regulates and directs my decision making by showing me the best option! I want God to work miracles in my life so that i can be that person whom i know he created me to be and serve him in spirit and in truth! Amen
The true Israelites are still scattered around the world. There is only one people I know of that came to America, the islands and other places by ship in bondage and that is the Black people who came by the Trans-Atlantic slave trade. The first enslavement the Hebrews were in was in Egypt. They came out of bondage in Egypt by foot across the Red Sea. They were enslaved there 430 years approximately. The second enslavement and punishment of curses was spoken by Moses that God had gave him word of. The second enslavement would last 400 years and that this time the Children of Israel would be under a curse of God because of their disobedience and be enslaved 400 years. This time back to Egypt in ships. Egypt represented the first place of enslavement but this time by ships. Egypt representing enslavement. What other people is that but the so-called Black people who have been sent all around the world by slave ships. But then Deuteronomy 30 mentions the end of their enslavement. That their enemies who hate them will become accursed as they were. They will come out of the curse and be regathered again some time in the future.
When I suffered with long bouts of depression in the past, this passage captured exactly how I felt each day.
Deuteronomy 28:67
In the morning...I said, Would to God it were evening! [I wish this day were over] and at evening...I said, Would to God it were morning! [I wish this pain were over for the night]
Hyksos Exodus we have evidence of. Hyksos suddenly disappear from history. A Jewish empire or ancient Israel we have no evidence of. Jewish people do well financially and certainly could not be called scattered or enslaved. They form groups wherever they go. They are not scattered. You do the math.
God has given us the Holy Spirit to guide us. We read our bibles and have the word in our hearts. The Holy Spirit will help guide us on the right paths. Prayer is a two way communication process; we pray, and then we listen. The Holy Spirit will guide us in the direction that is agreeable with God's word. God's word is His will. When we walk according to the will of God, that's when the blessings will come upon us.
Deuteronomy 28 is indeed a sound iron stamp signature of God's thoughts and His intended actions according to our choices. It started with blessings, but after reading the curses, I had to go back and read the blessings again cos I almost forgot it. God is simple and kind, merciful and faithful. It is we who haven't been able to live up to His love. Now we start and we shall never stop obeying His words in Jesus Name Amen.
This is so true the Israelites were scattered around the world. They are hated even to this day and do not know who they are or whose they are these people in Israel told Jesus they never been in bondage to any man so they cannot be Israel ( John 8:32-33 )
Comments on Galatians Chapter 3:10. “FOR AS MANY AS ARE OF THE WORKS OF THE LAW ARE UNDER THE CURSE: FOR IT IS WRITTEN, CURSED IS EVERY ONE THAT CONTINUETH NOT IN ALL THINGS WHICH ARE WRITTEN IN THE BOOK OF THE LAW TO DO THEM.” I think the whole chapter presents many challenges in understanding correctly our relationship with God and our fellow human beings. If understood incorrectly it can lead to unnecessary pain and suffering, despair, even destruction. Here is what I mean (true story): A young family, with two children; the wife, a musically talented lady in her upper twenty’s, the daughter of a minister of a “particular” church, and the husband, a little older but not wiser. At one point, the young husband feeling “freed from the Law” commits adultery. And of course, since there was no breaking of the Law, (the law being “nailed to the cross”), he did not feel guilty, and didn’t make much of it. But when his wife found out, she decided to divorce him: not because he broke the seventh commandment, but because of “infidelity”… When she told me what happened, and her plans to divorce, I was shocked. I tried my hardest to convince her not to do it. I talked to her about forgiveness in Christ, I asked her to consider the future of her kids without their dad, but to no avail. I finally mentioned God’s commandment found in Matthew 19:6 which says: “… What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.” When she heard that, she said: “Brother Daniel, I can’t keep the Law! I’ve got to go through with the divorce; I don’t want to be under the curse of the Law, there’s nothing worse than that! But God will take care of me and the kids…” So, here they were: four people, saved and “free from the curse of the Law”, and very much cursed by the misinterpretation of one bible verse. Now, is this what the Apostle Paul is teaching in verse 10? Absolutely not! Here, in order to build his case against circumcision, the apostle is quoting the text from Deuteronomy 28:15. “… IF THOU WILT NOT HEARKEN UNTO THE VOICE OF THE LORD THY GOD, TO OBSERVE TO DO ALL HIS COMMANDMENTS AND HIS STATUTES WHICH I COMMAND THEE THIS DAY; THAT ALL THESE CURSES SHALL COME UPON THEE, AND OVERTAKE THEE:” And from verse 16 to verse 68, God pronounces 53 curses against those WHO WILL NOT “observe all his commandments and his statutes”: Thus, (Paul) is implying that if you want to be circumcised in order to be “right with God”, then you need to keep the rest of the “Sacrificial and Ceremonial Laws”. A short overview of the Laws given to the people of Israel by God looks like this: 1. Religious Laws: A) Moral, B) Regarding Tithes and Offerings, C) Sacrificial, D) Ceremonial, A) Moral: a) The Ten Commandments (TTC) b) TTC Expanded B) Tithes and a) The Tenth Offerings, b) First fruits, c) Miscellaneous offerings, C) Sacrificial: a) Sin offerings, b) Peace offerings, c) Burnt offerings, d) Continual offerings, e) Drink offerings, f) Altars, g) Miscellaneous furniture, D) Ceremonial: a) Regarding the Levite priests, b) Regarding the people, c) The First Born, d) The Covenant of circumcision, e) Regarding the Temple/Tabernacle, f) The Feasts, etc. 2. Civil Laws: relating to the rights of the people, the conduct and relations between members of the family and of the community, including the king. 3. Criminal Laws: Same as above Now, the SACRIFICIAL AND CEREMONIAL LAWS make up the body of Law which Apostle Paul calls “the schoolmaster” which pointed to Christ: Galatians 3:24 “Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith. 25 But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster.” Today we have no use for circumcision, sin offerings, burnt offerings or any Ceremonial Laws: We have Christ; the Type met the Anti-type. After the Roman Conquest, the Jewish CIVIL AND CRIMINAL LAWS had no “teeth”, and they were subject to the Roman Laws. No one could implement any of them, except with the approval of the Roman Governor, including Christ’s crucifixion. So, today the only valid Laws remaining are: The Moral Laws, including the Ten Commandments which Apostle James calls “The Royal Law” ( James 2:8), and Laws regarding the Tithes and Offerings. In support of this Apostle Paul makes the following statements in Romans Chapter 7: (7) “What shall we say then? Is the law sin? God forbid. Nay, I had not known sin, but by the law: for I had not known lust, except the law had said, Thou shalt not covet. (12) WHEREFORE THE LAW IS HOLY, AND THE COMMANDMENT HOLY, AND JUST, AND GOOD. (16) If then I do that which I would not, I consent unto the law that it is good. (22) FOR I DELIGHT IN THE LAW OF GOD AFTER THE INWARD MAN: (25) … SO THEN WITH THE MIND I MYSELF SERVE THE LAW OF GOD;” Amen.
God’s blessings, are constantly available for those that love and honour Him. As a matter of fact it is not a denominational thing, but truly what He has, in His Kingdom. And that indicates that, whosoever has genuinely and truly given his life to the LORD, is already, in the family of God. Hence, through the agency of the Holy Spirit he can partake of the best that God has made available. This book of Deuteronomy is one of those areas, in the Holy Writ where it reveals the kind of blessings that God has promised for he that loveth and believeth Him through Jesus Christ of Nazareth. The beginning of it, in verse 1, talks about, what God, will do for such that is fully committed to Him through hearkening, listening and constant obedience to His commandments. And then it says, in verse 2, that all these blessings shall come and overtake you if you shall hearken to the voice of thy God. What does that connote? It connotes that God, in His eternal faithfulness demands committed obedience from all His children- and when you come to think about it, that shouldn’t be a thing of difficulty- and that is when we consider who God is and the fact that He is love. Well, there, in that commencement of scriptures and some other part of that chapter, are a great promises that talk about over flowing blessings. It refers to blessings that would spring forth, and come in such a way that it would totally and completely take care of whatever needs that you and I are confronted with. The truth is, God has declared His Word, and yet it is only beneficial to the hearer and doers of His dictates. The conditions, terms and provisos attached to this, through this Deuteronomy 28, are to diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD and observe to do according to all His commandments.. Please, look at that word “voice”. It means ‘His Voice’-and that is ‘God’s Voice’ and not that of a man, even though primarily He’ll speak through the agency of His Word and through the Holy Spirit. He also speaks through His servants and that aspect of the preached word is considered as secondary. The fact is, if we are diligent and fully committed enough to honour the conditions of His dictates, then overflowing blessing become guaranteed. God has agreed, covenanted and promised to meet, all the needs of those that love Him- and that is, He desires to shower on you and I, His blessings, and that is to the degree or the level of commitment and trust that we put on His Word. Therefore, it is wise and appropriate, to reflect upon, listen to, peruse, research, dwell upon and practice His Word. It is only for they that crave for, thirst after, love and believes His lovingkindness. And that is, hidden in His righteousness.
Proverbs 5 starts with a great and strong admonition that we should give, so to speak, committed and concentrated attention to the Word of God- and that refers to His Wisdom ( Psalms 37:4John 15:7). But why such recommendation? It is because God‘s love is always instructional, corrective, inspiring; and as matter of fact encouraging. And in this Proverbs 5;1, Solomon, through the Wisdom of God, places great emphasis on obedience, and that is with regard to, giving attention to God’s Word. You see, the truth; God's Word, is filled with His love, truth, graciousness, peace, mercy and loving kindness. And when we give attention and plenty of time to the dictates of the Word of God, gossips, rumours, backbiting, innuendos and lies that others dish out won’t affect us. John 1:12, You see, he that loves the LORD and daily feeds and honour His Word, is hidden in Christ who is hidden in God. It is a mystery and yet it is real. Therefore, Proverbs 5 contains so much, as it encourages towards righteousness, godliness and holiness; and also warns individual Christians against immorality. When the truth of God Word is honoured, blessings become the norm ( 1 John 5:4). In other words it becomes a daily occurrence in the lives of the practitioners of the dictates of the Holy Writ, the Word of God. And with that comes genuine prosperity. It therefore connotes that the warnings against immorality are highly important for the true believer, so that the substances and such things that he carries, does not depart and flee into others habitation. And that is because the things of the Holy Spirit are not compatible with the arm of the flesh. Therefore, the reason for such strong warning and admonition, the implication of this, is that we give unwavering attention to the Word of God, and to really reflect on it and not on immorality. The more attention and time we give to meditating on the Word of God, the more intimate we become with the Holy Spirit; and the more the blessing and revelation He will pour upon us. In fact because the Kingdom of God is already inside whoever truly loves and believes God and His Word through the person of Jesus Christ, then investing committed attention to His Word and the practice of it cannot but result in outpouring of the blessings and favours of the Almighty God upon such individuals, ( Matthew 6:10; Luke 17:21, Romans 6:16). God has placed ministry gifts within the Body of Christ that we can learn from- and that is beside personal study of His Word. And therefore, it is wise to take advantage of such favours, and ministrations. And when the right type of attitude is put in place in that direction, that would result in practical righteousness, as we conduct ourselves, humbly and genuinely in line with the Word of God. In Deuteronomy 28:14, it talks about the blessings of obedience- while the other part of it talks about the curse of disobedience. When you read through it you cannot but marvel no matter who you are. And therefore the importance of taking on board God's dictates saturates and fills our being and then puts it in our mouths, as we conduct our lives in righteousness. We also declare it toward sanctification and purification, and that is because we are the righteousness of God through Jesus Christ. However, we must never forget that, all these are only for whosoever trusts and obeys; for you can't be wiser that your belief system. Hence the importance and relevance of genuine and committed obedience towards the dictates of the Holy Writ; for it has to be to you according to THE level of your dependency on God. That means devotion, humility and consecration.
Obedience is better than sacrifice. If you want to prosper in life, be obedient, for the bible says if you listen diligently, the Lord will set you above nations. If you want to prosper, be obedient.
It appears that if the world does fall into totalitarianism, some sort of thing like that could happen, especially if the powers that be mandate to the people to increase workforces lean on these principles.
It pays to dwell in the word of God. Deuteronomy 28 is not meant to scare Christians as most readers stop at verse 13. It is meant to help our weakness and keep our steadfastness in God's faithfulness. Jesus has deleted all curses of the law. Praise God!
There is no chance for everyone to say they didnt hear the gospel, because the word was manifisted on this books for many thousands years ago, deuteronomy 28:58 (kjv)
we are kings and priests in a way of melchizedez!!but i am aware in acquiring promises of God,one must pass the ordinances/conditions that are behind those BLESSINGS!!
Deuteronomy 28:67
In the morning...I said, Would to God it were evening! [I wish this day were over] and at evening...I said, Would to God it were morning! [I wish this pain were over for the night]