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Hopefully I will not receive much rebuke for this but this is only for your help. As it is the truth. I was baptized with water when a baby but of coarse then lived a pretty aberrant lifestyle. It was just last year when I was lead to Jesus Christ. Passionately giving myself to Jesus Christ and inviting Him into my heart along with praising Him and confessing how sorry I was for not believing in Him for so long. Just always believing in other people instead of reading the Bible for myself.
It was only after about a week of praising Him and telling Him how sorry I was from the heart that something astounding happened to me. Surround Jesus Christ. Since then many marvelous things have occurred to me. Even having to battle satan as he tempted me to keep doing things that were not ok with God. Not even knowing it at the time.
The main thing I wanted to state is that I have never been baptized with water again since I was a baby. The Holy Spirit is in me and the relationship I have with our Father in Heaven is glorious. Jesus Christ will baptize you with the Holy Spirit when He knows it is time. You may already have the Holy Spirit in you and just not know it yet.
Please no one take this the wrong way and think I have anything against getting a water baptism. I am only saying this because of truth, experience, and the Holy Spirit wanted me to post this for you. It is always going to be hard while we are still here in earth and no one should think it is going to get easier. Keep fighting satan and sin, keep praying from the heart, and do your best to follow in the foot steps of Jesus Christ.
With the one problem you have about unforgiveness. I know it's hard. We all have problems. Just ask yourself "do I want God to forgive all my sins?" I'm sure you do so just forgive no matter what. This doesn't mean things people do to you, or others, are ok or right. Just let God be the Judge. As Jesus Christ did. 1 Peter 20-25.
You are in my prayers sister.
There's a list on Google:
'Death counts past Pandemics'
Use search engines. You'll find all kinds of cool facts.
So, if someone is enslaved and held captive beyond their will, it's obvious it's a sin, because of the mountain of verses showing context, like love your neighbor as yourself, and don't seek vengance- turn the other cheek. Matthew 5:43-48. It even takes it a step further and says to be kind to your enemy, pray for them, help others, and give to those who ask. Luke 6:30-36. There are other indications from the Bible that slavery is a sin as well. The mosaic law of the Israelites was to put someone to death for attempting to trade slaves: Exodus 21:16. In 1 Timothy 1:8-10 it lists 'menstealers' (slave-traders) along with other sins.
Romans 13:7-10. The Bible summarizes the commands as not every sin will be perfectly or specifically addressed, but just love one another. It says love is the fulfilling of the law.
I already explained how slavery is different than servitude common in Bible.
Given the mountain of scripture evidence, it would seem dishonest to claim the Bible says slavery is ok.
The free gift of salvation through Jesus Christ from our Perfect Father in Heaven. To be His children with everlasting life in Heaven! Thank you Father!! I am yours for eternity.
Our Fathers love for us all is so great we cannot even comprehend His thoughts or ways.
God Bless you all my brothers and sisters!
You've searched out and thought about it enough to bring up the story of Job to show God's ultimate authority over all of what you term the 'evil' failures of His creation. You craft and shade your rendition of the examples you give so that the whole situation begins to stink. Then you just drop your investigation right there and point to God and say 'He did it'. Do you really think that it should all be written off as that simple? If you're happy with that then I guess that's ok but then it sounds like a 'misery loves company' attack.
Is beating or torture, even to death, the ultimate trouble to befall either an individual or his/her loved ones? Is there nothing worse than death? Can good come from 'evil'? Thousands of years later millions of people like myself are wiser thanks to God having provided us this account in the life of Job.
For various translations of the word 'evil' (as found in Job 2:10 for example) you can do a web search on "Strongs H7451". I think you'll find that displeasure, distress, or adversity will be an accurate modern English equivalent.
Giving "me permission to kill someone" is a strange example, but yes, if you could give me 'permission' & I took 'advantage' of that, then I don't see how you would be blamed, though your mental state could be brought into question. The blame & punishment rests upon me who committed the crime. But if you compelled me to kill, indeed threatened me with death if I refused you, then you would bear the greater responsibility - and God doesn't force or compel us to do wrong (or, evil).
The Godhead in their mercy, confused the languages. People drifted off to other regions to build their own cities where they settled. I don't remember Nimrod stopping them?
I consider myself to be a willing slave to Jesus: because He first loved me. I had to learn of that love, and to receive it. Gratitude and worship of Who He is, is where I choose to be. I desire to embrace all that He desires me to be. Free of self imposed hindrances that this flesh struggles against the desire of the spirit: which wants to worship God alone. We do groan inwardly to be free.
Belonging to Jesus is my one great happiness. Family and other things are blessings, but I don't set them above the love of God.
We all make our own way towards Him, the easiest way we will come. I fall over rocks at times, but I get up and continue the journey.
That carnality in our self is the biggest rock. It opposes progress to the freedom that is only found in Christ.
That's why it's my thought that true slavery already existed within ourselves. It wars against the freedom that is in Christ. But our deepest heart wants to be free.
People are captured by the flesh and taken captive (enslaved to bondage) by ever present, Satan. Who watches, studies our weakest cracks: drugs, porn, overeating, reading a horoscope instead of reading the Bible for an encouraging word for our day.
Spending plastic money instead of saving so we can pay cash. Envying other people's homes, wives, cars.
It takes change within, to set us free from what the flesh wants. People want freedom! They just don't see the Bible as a means to be free. They try everything (they see on tv) trying to get free. The worldly voice just wants your money! Even your Soul.
Only Jesus heals. He can cure us. Change us. Free us slaves.
May the Lord Bless you with knowledge and peace. Love one another.
liberty and pursuit of happiness in order to gain money off of their
labor. I don't care if slaves had accommodations at the four
seasons, if they still were someone's property with no freedom to act
on their own desires, life goal, ability to fulfill their potential and had
no rights as an equal, only to be used as free labor or as sex slaves How anyone could claim
that there is any context where that would be ok, I don't care what
time in history it was, God should have not only condemned this but
actually punished slave owners like gays or unruly kids. Genesis chapter 17, verse 12: Exodus chapter 12 verse 43:
Exodus Chapter
21, verse 1: Exodus Chapter 21, verse 20
Exodus Chapter 21, verse 32:
Leviticus Chapter 22, verse 10:
Leviticus Chapter 25, verse 44: Luke, Chapter
7, verse 2:
Colossians, chapter 3, verse 22:
Titus, chapter 2 verse 9:
If a man beats his male or female slave with a rod and the slave dies as a direct result, he must be punished, but he is not to be punished if the slave gets up after a day or two, since the slave is his property.]
God is also completely comfortable with the concept of beating your slaves, as long as you don't kill them. [Leviticus Chapter 25, verse 44:
Your male and female slaves are to come from the nations around you; from them you may buy slaves. You may also buy some of the temporary residents living among you and members of their clans born in your country, and they will become your property. You can will them to your children as inherited property and can make them slaves for life, but you must not rule over your fellow Israelite's ruthlessly.]
Here God states where you may purchase your slaves, and clearly specifies that slaves are property to be bought, sold and handed down. and this is what Jesus has to say about .[ 1st Peter 2:18 slave submit yourself to your masters with all respect not only the good and gentle ones but also the cruel.] shouldn't the Bible say, "Slavery is wrong -- you may have no slaves"? Shouldn't one of the Commandments say, "thou shalt not enslave"? Ephesians 6:5
New International Version
Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ. Colossians 3:22
New International Version
Slaves, obey your earthly masters in everything; and do it, not only when their eye is on you and to curry their favor, but with sincerity of heart and reverence for the Lord.
I noticed you wrote: "shouldn't the Bible say, "Slavery is wrong -- you may have no slaves"?"
First, the Bible doesn't say slavery is morally right anywhere. If you assume that, please state where you think it says that. It says the opposite, though. Not every sin is explained in detail as a comprehensive list as what not to do. Matthew 22:36-40 - 2 greatest commandments say love your neighbor. You can't enslave someone beyond their will and be loving, so its obviously wrong.
There's a verse people commonly cite which is addressed to slaves to be content. Just because something is addressed to someone doesn't mean it's ok.
To anyone who reads the Bible and seeking to know God and emulate Jesus's character it's obvious that slavery and oppressing others is wrong if someone is actually, not everything morally wrong is specifically stated in the Bible, because there's countless ways to harm others. It also doesn't say to not look at pornography and isn't specific to all sexual sins, but if someone made that argument, they would obviously be using a logical fallacy too.
The Bible is full of examples to be kind and loving to each other. Example: Zechariah 7:9-10.
The Bible is also a book of history and real historical things documented, including many negative things. So a common fallacy is people assume just because it says something in the Bible means it's morally ok. No, there was death, slavery, and horrible things happening in that time and it doesn't mean it was morally allowed by God. Everyone will be judged fairly. Slavery was one of the many unfortunate ways people suffered back then- over a million Israelites were slaves in Egypt.
There was also a form of servitude back then which was common for the culture- which was closer to a job in some cases, even though people enjoy calling it slavery in order to strengthen their argument. You can go to a kibbutz today in Israel if you want and see what it's like- would that make you a slave? Volunteering for something to get something in return isn't slavery.
Just be careful with what you are stating about the Lord. You yourself are going to have to answer for all these things. Like these false things " the creator of the universe states in writing that slavery is perfectly acceptable. Beating your slaves is fine. Enslaving children is fine." The Lord never states "it's perfectly acceptable" as you state. It is stated that "if" it is done. Not that it's perfectly fine how you state. How you put children in there is totally false. I'm not getting into this discussion just be careful with, looking to the Old Testament, trying to point your finger at God. He sent Jesus Christ which is a free gift of salvation from Him. No matter what we have done. He still loves us and always will.
Jesus Christ is Lord. God is Love. God Bless you.
If a man beats his male or female slave with a rod and the slave dies as a direct result, he must be punished, but he is not to be punished if the slave gets up after a day or two, since the slave is his property.
Not only does God condone slavery, but he is also completely comfortable with the concept of beating your slaves, as long as you don't kill them.Leviticus Chapter 25, verse 44:
Your male and female slaves are to come from the nations around you; from them you may buy slaves. You may also buy some of the temporary residents living among you and members of their clans born in your country, and they will become your property. You can will them to your children as inherited property and can make them slaves for life, but you must not rule over your fellow Israelites ruthlessly.
Here God states where you may purchase your slaves, and clearly specifies that slaves are property to be bought, sold and handed down. 1st Peter 2:18 slave submit yourself to your masters with all respect not only the good and gentle ones but also the cruel.shouldn't the Bible say, "Slavery is wrong -- you may have no slaves"? Shouldn't one of the Commandments say, "thou shalt not enslave"? the creator of the universe states in writing that slavery is perfectly acceptable. Beating your slaves is fine. Enslaving children is fine. ["Mein Kampf" contains phrases Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord. Nazi soldiers wore belt buckles inscribed with "Gott mit uns" (God is with us).
You believe that the God of the Bible is Creator of all things & this ALL must include both good & evil. I agree with your definition of 'everything', but your definition of 'evil' is questionable and, as I've outlined earlier, can have other meanings & when applied to the actions of God, it cannot be associated with the actions of Satan. Absolutes, by definition, can never be fused together or else they cease to be so (e.g. Truth/Lie; Hot/Cold; Alive/Dead). To suggest that God can be both or do both, that makes your definition & understanding of God reprehensible & contrary to biblical teaching.
God also speaks through Isaiah in that chapter about His Greatness & the special position of Israel to His Heart (vv 3-6) & a part of that message was that God can create both light & darkness (the absence of light); He can create peace & also evil (the absence of peace; calamity; war). God, in His Power & Authority can cause Israel to live in peace & security, or if they disobeyed Him, then that peace can be taken away (evil will befall them). However, in this chapter, God is using Cyrus to bring evil (war) by conquering Babylon thus enabling the release of Israel from her clutches.
And so with Job 2:10. Did God specifically bring evil upon Job when he did nothing wrong deserving punishment? Rather, God permitted Satan to afflict Job terribly with the loss of his family, property & affliction of boils. His 'wise, loving' wife told Job to curse God & die - it would be better for him than suffering, but you know Job's response to her: God has blessed me with good & shall not evil (bad) things also come my way - not knowing the reason for his suffering as God gave Satan permission to test Job's faithfulness. Likewise, do we also blame God when evil strikes us? Some do, but those who know the Heart of God understand the matter correctly: a Good God cannot create evil, or else He isn't good - God cannot be both. Evil comes because of our sin or from God's discipline just as He gave to Israel when they left Him.
Tis true, even the mistreated dog will crawl back to his master & hopefully that will soften the master's heart & the dog will receive a loving reception. Yet, we know that whatever & however life throws curved balls at us, our Master will always be there with open arms & a loving embrace. Continue to enjoy your Master's Love & Healing in every area of your life.
18:8 Like portions - With their brethren who were in actual ministration: as they share with them in the work, so shall they in the encouragements. Beside that which cometh - The reason of this law was, because he that waited on the altar, ought to live by the altar: and because it was fit he should keep his money, wherewith he might redeem what he sold, if afterwards he saw occasion for it. Mr. Henry adds a remarkable note here: especially considering he wrote threescore years ago. A hearty, pious zeal to serve God and his church, tho' it may a little encroach upon a settled order, and there may be somewhat in it that looks irregular, yet ought to be gratified, and not discouraged. He that loves dearly to be employed in the service of the sanctuary: in God's name let him minster. He shall be as welcome to God as the Levites, whose course it was to minister, and should be so to them.
18:10 Useth divination - Foretelleth things secret or to come, by unlawful arts and practices. An observer of times - Superstitiously pronouncing some days lucky, and others unlucky. Or, an observer of the clouds or heavens, one that divineth by the motions of the clouds, by the stars, or by the flying or chattering of birds, all which Heathens used to observe. An enchanter - Or, a conjurer , that discovers hidden things by a superstitious use of words or ceremonies, by observation of water or smoke or any contingencies. A witch - One that is in covenant with the devil.
18:11 A charmer - One that charmeth serpents or other cattle. Or, a fortune - teller, that foretelleth the events of men's lives by the conjunctions of the stars. Spirits - Whom they call upon by certain words or rites. A wizard - Heb. a knowing man, who by any forbidden way's undertakes the revelation of secret things. A necromancer - One that calleth up and enquireth of the dead.
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