Discuss Deuteronomy 8 Page 3

  • 37 on Deuteronomy 8 - 9 years ago
    I immediately know,and reminded where my help comes from!Everything I have went through in my 40 yrs!I 'am grateful for all GOD has done in my life.I pray he will keep my eyes on him lest I die spiritually without him!!
  • Lilian on Deuteronomy 8 - 9 years ago
    Jesus is the word of God and the word was God. We must believe that Jesus is the Son of the Living God who have redeemed us on the cross and we are pardoned with our sins. Thanks to Jesus for his precious blood that shed for us in order for us to be saved and have life in abundance. Jesus renewed everything for us. Our job now is to believe Jesus and obey his commandments. We must be Born Again in Spirit in order for us to be saved. Jesus loves you and he will never leave you nor forsake you. He is faithful to his promises that if you delight God into your life first all things that you need will be added. Jesus is leading us to the living water the word of God. Our faith comes only by hearing the word of God. Blessed are those who believe and meditate the word of God day and night. Everything you will do in life you will surely prosper. God is promising God and a loving Father to all of us. Amen
  • PST DEBORAH NDEKEI on Deuteronomy 8 - 9 years ago
    forget not the Lord when He blesses you. Remember how far that He has brought you. Wealth and riches should drive you closeer to God because we are just stewards.
  • Nompumelelo on Deuteronomy 8 - 9 years ago
    god wanted us to see that nothing is imposible to him . and we must just walk the word
  • Hendrina Cohen on Deuteronomy 8:18 - 9 years ago
    Most of the time we remember God when we are in problems. But when all is well we tend to forget about God and yet it is he who makes us worthy. This is a very powerful verse. A foundstion for us to maintain our wealth
  • Lilian on Deuteronomy 8 - 9 years ago
    God is loving Father and always faithful to his promises. Jesus only wants us to believe him and seek the kingdome of God first and we shall find. Without his heavenly manna which is the word of God we will not live and have the abundant life as Jesus himself is a word of God and we only feed thru him as Jesus is the only way the truth and the life no man comes to the father except thru Jesus. We have to walk with Faith and not by sight. Believe him only and Praise God and Thank him only for what he has done in our lives and this is more than enough for God to know to save us. Jesus loves us all the time, he knows our failures in life as all our hair are numbered. He is the only Jehovah The provider, Peace and Rightousness above all names is only Jesus...
  • Marianrose on Deuteronomy 8 - 10 years ago
    Deuteronomy 8 always reminds me I strongly believe and trust in him, not because of the miracle he does,but because he is my CREATOR AND SALVATION '
  • Scott.fiji on Deuteronomy 8 - 10 years ago
    Lord give everything but he needs you to be faithful and obey to his law
  • Mary on Deuteronomy 8:5 - 10 years ago
    God is all we need
  • Brad Stafford on Deuteronomy 8:18 - 10 years ago
    Scriptures like this are not mentioned by most churches and for a lack of knowledge people suffer.
  • Mario L. apellido on Deuteronomy 8:17 - 10 years ago
    this verse is about robbing God 's glory by boasting about ourselves that we do it by our own might not recognizing that we are just but Creation and all things is of God, John 1 3. Amen.
  • Tiree on Deuteronomy 8 - 10 years ago
    Our focus as a Christian not on blessings, but on God Who gives us everything we need.
  • we must obey the Lord our God.
  • Imani on Deuteronomy 8:3 - 10 years ago
    God knows best for you
  • Cathy on Deuteronomy 8 - 10 years ago
    If we obey God s Commandments and His Voice we will not want for anything
  • Marion-cherie abdullahi on Deuteronomy 8 - 10 years ago
    deuteronomy chapter 8 was given to me in a dream in the year 2000 and it has been working for me, serve the lord and be bless and all the blessing in the chapter is real in my life and also in the lives of those who serve God will see the hand of God doing great and mighty things, just fear and serve him.
  • Comos sosibo on Deuteronomy 8 - 11 years ago
    Glory be in the name of God who is the creator of lives and supporter of lives.
  • Lazarus Dawa John on Deuteronomy 8:2 - 11 years ago
    God purpose is train or discipline to test us to see if really we are disciplined enough and are capable to obey, from the heart will prove our inability and our capability to obedience before possessind the promised land. So it shovld be to all christians.
  • Saurabh on Deuteronomy 8 - 11 years ago
    Surely God tests us when we walk in His ways to know what lies deep in our hearts. If we prevail thru grace of God we encounter abundance blessings in our letter end(Duet. 8:2,5 & 16). Our saviour Lord Jesus Christ also declares us that ''you shall have tribulations in this world but be of god cheer for I have overcome the world''. Blessed be his name forever !
  • BENNY on Deuteronomy 8:1 - 11 years ago
    I like this chapter a lot, because it gives me courage to move on with life. I understand whatever we pass to Christians is for a reason. Thy Lord knows the end from the beginning. God uses trials to break us and make us fit for the assignment he has for us. There is hope for the hopeless. Any true believer that waits patiently for the Lord will certainly enter into his/her inheritance. Glory to God the highest!
  • R. D. Mattock on 1 Corinthians 16 - 11 years ago
    1 Corinthians 16:1, 2, coming to Poverty or prosperity, and your choice, Far too long the Devil has told us this lie: “some people are destined to be poor, and some people are destined to be rich, and there’s nothing you can do about it”. It is a lie because Acts 10:34 says “God is not respecter of persons”. And 3 John 2 says “God’s desire is that you prosper”. Deuteronomy 8:18 says “God has given you the power to get wealth”. God would not give you the power to get wealth if He did not intend you to use that power and become wealthy. Your current financial condition is determined by your past obedience in giving. Your future financial conditions will be determined by your obedience today. Genesis 8:22 says “Seedtime and harvest as long as the earth remained”. Don’t eat the seed. If you eat a seed in an apple, the seed taste bad. God is teaching us not to eat the seed but to plant it. Saints Quit tipping God.
  • DAVID on Proverbs 1 - 11 years ago
    What strikes or hits me is that, this word is real! Do what it say, and watch God do what he says! Verse 30, for example, they would none of my counsel, they despised all my reproofs. But do this and listen to God’s word, then watch your owns ways change. But you have to do this with your heart! Because this is what God looks at, and takes seriously. Verse 31, therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way, and be filled with their own wickedness! Verse 23, thus saith God, turn you at my reproof (counsel)! Behold, I will pour out my spirit unto you, I will make known my words unto you! Do this, and see God really lead you and guide you and tell you more than what the people go to church or worship building know. Because you are his people and he is your God through Jesus Christ! If your heart troubles you, God is greater than our heart and knows all things, but there is no man, stepping up then goes back, such an one is not fit for the kingdom of God ( Luke 9:62)! Or if any man draws back, God's soul have no more pleasure in him ( Hebrews 10:38). I know people think we should try to live the bible as best we can, but God said, man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds or comes forth out of the mouth of God ( Deuteronomy 8:3, Mark 4:4, Matthew 4:4, Luke 4:4). God is not playing with us when he came through Jesus Christ! God is with us for truth and righteousness, and to heal and raise us from the dead. Because his enemies are real, God through Jesus Christ also is real! But there are more of the enemy then of the truth or spirit of God! Because the enemy deceives us with the fancy, glittery things, and the things that are pleasing to the eyes, to trick us, and this he does well, but for destruction and hell! God sent his son servant here to deliver us from the fallen spirits, and to raise us up with truth and healing and strength. But many despise God’s wisdom, and rather believe the or a lie ( Romans 1:23), but while we stop and believe the lie, God keeps moving and leaves us behind, and says; unless you repent, you shall likewise perish ( Luke 13:3). My name is David Brown I'm living true witness, because Jesus Christ made me so, and to expose the lie and lay the truth, even if no-one wants to hear it!
  • Kevin on Deuteronomy 8 - 11 years ago
    God's goodness can be seen not only in the "great" things but even in the smaller ones, as the blessings of what we wear. I give thanks to God for all that I have, I am, I hope and what I have yet to see.
  • André on Deuteronomy 8 - 12 years ago
    Basically no one is entitled to change or add or subtract anything from the Bible ( Revelation 22:18-19).
    Some people sure do so, but not without consequences ( 2 Peter 3:14-15).
    God bless you.
  • Joe on Deuteronomy 8:3 - 12 years ago
    If the bible is the divine word of God, how can it be changed by man?
  • HARRY ALLISON on Deuteronomy 8 - 12 years ago
    HOW often in my past and sometimes now, forget where my help comes from! WHEN I FORGET I TAKE A STEP BACKWARD. IT is too easy to look on blessings a nd for get WHO the BLESSER is.
  • HARRY ALLISON on Deuteronomy 8 - 12 years ago
    GRATITUDE,is the key....
  • T douglas on Deuteronomy 8 - 12 years ago
    I believe that god will alowe us to go to the very edge of the cliff , so that we can for ourself see the danger we are putting ourself in,
    but he will not let us go over , just as long as we are willing to turn in obedience to god word , 2chronicles 7 v14/15 you may be at your cliff edge its time to turn.
  • StephendeRafael on Deuteronomy 8 - 13 years ago
    You could say that we still are in the wilderness in that we are not yet in the promise land if you look at the Bible metaphorically. I do and that is why I fear God and depend on God at the same time, to feed me the truth and clothe me in his holiness, and sustain me with water from the rock of Jesus, his Son. I see it that way! If I countermand his commandments, woe unto me, for I am chastised sore until I weep for his mercy and He fills me with the Holy Spirit, and I feel sustained no matter where I am in this wilderness of the world. We wander on toward the land of milkand honey that the heirs of Abraham were promised in the Genesis of time, like an Exodus thru the danger of disobedience, in Numbers do we travel being led by his chosen prophets. Let us not feint from weariness, or pullback from the sacred covenant and our vovs to follow after righteousness and not trust in our own counsel.
  • Daniel, Ebere on Deuteronomy 8 - 13 years ago
    Honestly this portion of the Bible ( Deut. 8) is one of the best portions that ministers to my soul about the love of God to Israel and all mankind. Verse 4 told us how God kept them with one cloth, one shoe for forty good years yet the cloth nor the shoe did not spoil. He is Jehovah 'OVERDO'. This has really helped me to trust Him with my whole heart, that He is able to do all things as He had promised. Let us obey His commandment in Deut. 8 and it shall be well with us in Jesus Name. Amen.

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