Discuss Ecclesiastes 12

  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    The Terror of the Lord

    Revelation 14:9-11

    9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,

    10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:

    11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.

    About 15 years ago and several times before that I had a vision of the pure terror involved with the mark of the Beast. I have since told people that I would ask the Lord would give them such insight but not for those who aren't spiritually strong. The Lord has held back the day of Judgment, but it is promised to be worse than any time in the past and future. Mark 13:19 as well as other New Testament passages and Daniel 12 show proof of this. Without Christ we are dragged in; to the sieve of destruction ( Isaiah 30:28). Suddenly the wicked are broken and that without remedy ( Prov. 6:15).

    To realize how fearful judgment is apart from Christ I cannot put into words. When we see Mystery Babylon we can't help but be reminded of the American Pie song with its lyrics

    I went down to the sacred store

    Where I'd heard the music years before

    But the man there said the music wouldn't play

    These remind us of Ecclesiastes 12:4 as well as Lamentations 5:14 along with other stanzas in this song about the Lord taking off and no more joyful music as stated in Revelation 18:22. We are hypnotized by music and media today and its demonic mantras and dulled in our senses with the vulgar obsenities that increasingly assail the rightous. The agenda is out in the open at this point; Satan's hour is about to arrive. Christ comes soon so rejoice
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 1 year ago

    Perhaps I should have added verse 2 for more context for my post to better understand the evil mentioned of men under the sun.


    Ecclesiastes 9:2.

    All things come alike to all: there is one event to the righteous, and to the wicked; to the good and to the clean, and to the unclean; to him that sacrificeth, and to him that sacrificeth not: as is the good, so is the sinner; and he that sweareth, as he that feareth an oath. THIS IS AN EVIL AMONG ALL THINGS THAT ARE DONE UNDER THE SUN, that there is one event unto all: yea, also the heart of the sons of men is full of evil, and madness is in their heart while they live, and after that they go to the dead. Ecclesiastes 9:2-3

    Vs 4. For to him that is joined to all the living there is hope: for a living dog is better than a dead lion.

    The theme here is "the living dog, he will one day parish and never return, as well as the Lion.

    However, atleast the dog is alive because according toverse2 "All things come alike to all"


    ( All things come alike to all")

    (there is one event to the righteous, and to the wicked;)

    The life you have now is your portion. It's all you get.

    Ecclesiastes 9:5-6 is commonly used for the belief in soul sleep.

    Again, However Ecclesiastes 12:7 says otherwise.

    (Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.)

    God bless.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Yes Oseas,

    Those who believe in Soul Sleep misinterpret Ecclesiastes 9:3-5.

    This is speaking of the philosophy of the "man under the sun." They say a man is just like a dog, "When he dies, that's it."

    Verse 3 says this saying or belief is "an evil among all things that are done under the sun,



    yea, also the heart of the sons of men is full of evil, and madness is in their heart while they live, and after that they go to the dead.

    4, For to him that is joined to all the living there is hope: for a living dog is better than a dead lion.

    5, For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten.


    The writer believes in absent of the body is to be present with the Lord.

    Look ahed at Ecclesiastes 12:7Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.

    God bless.
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi GiGi, hope you or Jema don't mind, Jema's and my understanding are similar. Like you said not trying to convince you, just things to look at and study.

    Death is sleep, we still exist we just no longer have any consciousness or knowledge of time or happenings. I take it is 1 Peter 3:18-20 as your question on who Jesus preached to in Hades between His death and resurrection.

    There are several interpretations of the meaning of these verses. some depend on the belief in the immortal soul and a place where souls go. First, this chapter, or these verses, do not say when Jesus did this. If Scripture does not support when Jesus did this can we say Jesus preached to these spirits between His death and resurrection?

    Second, I do not know any Scriptures that people are called spirits. We have a spirit that gives us our breath, drive, energy, and communication with God through His Spirit, but when we die that stops and it goes back to God, Ecclesiastes 12:7. We are mortal beings and we are not called spirits, to me that would open the door to necromancy, that is just me. I can give my understanding of these verses if you want.

    Jesus's transformation is a vision, Matt. 17:9, Jesus had not been crucified and resurrected, Jesus is the first fruit of those who slept the firstborn of death. Moses could not be resurrected before Jesus; Jesus was there but Moses and Elijah were like the things John was shown in Revelation. It was done to strengthen their faith for God said out of the cloud, this is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him.

    Heb. 12:1 I am sorry I do not see these witnesses in heaven, the word cloud could be a multitude or a great company who through diversity have obtained a good report through faith. All we know of God's former work should inspire us to run the race set before us. John 11:26 I understand eternally die because it is appointed unto men once to die, Heb. 9:27.

    Forgive me if I have overstepped, God bless,

  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi Jema,

    I agree with you, and you are not alone. My understanding, the soul is a living being human or animal. We see this first in Genesis 1:20 the word creature is the Hebrew word nephesh meaning a soul, living being, life, self, person, desire, passion, appetite, and emotion. Genesis 2:7 By the breath of life Adam became a living soul, not given a soul.

    The breath of life is our spirit given to us by God for when this breath leaves us, we are a dead soul, asleep. This breath, our spirit is what goes back to God, every man or woman regardless of faith, Ecclesiastes 12:7. In Scripture the dead are in the grave, not in heaven or hell and it is called sleep, Deuteronomy 31:16 Job 17:13-16 and many more.

    We have an earnest of the Spirit a downpayment, we are sealed, so, we are sealed until when? Until redemption, 2 Corinthians 1:21-22 Ephesians 4:30 1 Corinthians 15:51-55, resurrection for those elects, chosen, and faithful we see in Rev 17:14 and Rev. 20:4-6. This is when we will be absent from this mortal body and be with the Lord.

    The soul is who we are, and our conscience is the recorder of our life that is in the books that are open for the rest of the dead not in the first resurrection, Rev. 20:11-15, The ones written in the book of life will receive their glorified bodies and the rest will be cast into the lake of fire.

    My understanding from my studies is the immortal soul and the meaning of death being a separation of the soul from the body does not come from scripture it comes from the Greek philosophers Socrates, 400 BC, Plato, and Aristotle. Later Augustine 354-430 AD adopted it, teaching death meant the destruction of the body, but the conscious soul would continue to live in either a blissful state with God or an agonizing state of separation from God.

    Just a little, if the soul, that is who we are is immortal, that means death does not exist.

    God bless,

  • Chris - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Thanks Gasman for your reply; I'm glad that my answer to you might have been a little helpful. However, your question as to when does a human (whether still in embryonic form or after release from the womb) is equipped with a soul & spirit, can't really be answered irrefutably, simply because the Word is silent on it & very likely the medical profession will never admit it. Though some Scriptures might help us, such as Ecclesiastes 3:19-21; Ecclesiastes 12:7; Luke 23:46; Acts 7:59; James 2:26; and maybe others which seem to show both the importance & destination of the human spirit when the body dies. Then again, the word 'soul' is also used similarly: Matthew 10:28; Matthew 16:26; Revelation 6:9, which seems to further confuse this matter of distinction between soul & spirit. However, as man is made in his Creator's Image, I believe that he needs to be fully equipped with & reflect this fully formed creative work; hence the need for this three-fold aspect of his humanness.

    Yet, as you wrote, "Our core values we know for sure but secondary issues we don't", which is what we need to emphasize & build up one another on, rather than on matters we know little or nothing about. Yet, it's always an interesting exercise to ponder even over such things. Blessings.
  • Chris - In Reply on Mark 13 - 1 year ago
    Hello Moha4med. The Bible doesn't teach us that there is an appointed angel for killing people. The closest Scripture I could find is in 2 Kings 19:35, where the angel of the LORD went into the camp of the Assyrians and killed 185K people. This was God's action in response to the prayer of King Hezekiah of Judah asking God to save them from the hand of the Assyrians. And God sent His angel to carry out this destruction.

    So neither Jesus Christ nor any other person before or after Him (except the above reference), who faced death had any angel involvement in their deaths. For Christ, it is recorded in Luke 23:46, "And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit: and having said thus, he gave up the ghost." Jesus released His spirit back to the Father & in so doing He died on the Cross. And in Ecclesiastes 12:7 we read, "Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it." The spirit of man cannot perish, for it is spirit, as God is Spirit. Man's spirit at death returns to God, for God to direct it to its abode awaiting acceptance or final judgement. So, your other questions are not applicable because there is no angel of death that Jews or Christians are told about. I know that in Islam, Azrail is believed to be the angel of death (Surah 32:11), but none recorded in the Bible nor in the Jewish Tanakh. There maybe mention of this in other Jewish literature or the Apocryphal writings, I can't be sure.
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply on Daniel 12 - 1 year ago
    Hi Ashleyreagen44,

    I agree with Adam, as we see in Genesis 2:7 that when God breathed into the nostrils of Adam the breath of life he became a living soul. When this spirit of life that is given by God leaves us, we are no longer a living soul. Ecclesiastes 12:7 the spirit goes back to God who gave it, that is for all people, saved or not saved.

    We cannot live without the spirit, our breath as James 2:26 said without it our body is dead. When we stop breathing and that spirit goes back to God, we are no longer a living soul, as Jesus said on the cross, I commend my spirit, His breath then He died. Jesus did not go to heaven He went to the tomb/grave the same as we will. Jesus did not ascend to heaven until after He was resurrected, John 20:17.

    My understanding is the confusion comes from Greek Philosophy, the meaning of death, Hades, and the immortality of the soul that merged into the Church with Augustine with the teaching on human nature and the afterlife to Greek philosophies.

    Daniel 12:2 is the same as John 5:28-29 that we see in Revelation 20:11-15, the sheep and the goats, we see the last enemy cast into the lake of fire death, and hell/grave. My understanding of Scripture we are mortal, and our breath/spirit goes back to God and our soul no longer lives but is asleep in the grave until we are resurrected from the grave. This body is not what is resurrected it is our soul into our new body, and that is when we will be absent from this body, 1 Cor. 15:42-58.

    Can I tell someone who thinks their loved one is in heaven their wrong? No, that would be hurtful. If they ask for my understanding, this is what Scripture says to me.

    God bless,

  • Chris - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hello Ashley. In my understanding, there are two aspects for those who belong to Jesus at their death: the mortal body goes into the ground & the immortal spirit returns to God ( Ecclesiastes 12:7). Some believe that both the spirit/soul & body remain together in the ground.

    In Daniel 12:1,2, we read about the resurrection of the body in that final day, but there is no mention of the fate of the spirit of the deceased. Then in the account that Jesus gave of the wealthy man & poor Lazarus ( Luke 16:19-31), we note that Jesus spoke of three men: one in torment in hell's flames, one in relative peace & comfort in paradise, & with Abraham at his side. If any of these men just remained in the grave, Jesus would not have spoken of life beyond the grave soon after their deaths & such a life where either torment or peace can be experienced.

    Even the Apostle Paul expressed his desire to leave this Earth ( Philippians 1:21-24) & to be with Christ, though he was required to continue to be used of God in the Gospel for a little longer. Paul didn't expect to lie in the grave, but his hope was that death would actually be welcome, for it meant that he would be with his Lord & Savior. And in passages such as Revelation 4:4; Revelation 5:5-10; Revelation 19:4; etc. we read about the Elders around God's Throne in Heaven. So I believe that at death our spirits return to God to join the host of Heaven worshiping the Lord of Glory. And when Jesus returns in the clouds to receive His beloved, those who have died in Christ will have their bodies re-formed to join their spirits, & those believers alive at that time will arise physically to be with the Lord forever. All this points to Jesus snatching away His people off the Earth before the awful Judgements of God come upon the unbelieving world. And then we all reign with Christ on the Earth in the Millennium period.
  • Bro dan - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi Chris,

    Here are my comments on the scripture you presented.

    Jeremiah 31:33: God will put his Laws in our heart and minds. These would be the same 10 Commandments/Laws as well as the additional emphasis on those commands that Jesus added along with the additional Love your nieghbor command. John 13:34

    "A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another."

    Ecclesiastes 12:13: I think we agree for the most part that Gentiles have in fact received God's laws by by accepting the Gospel of Jesus Christ and becoming heirs of Abraham, and not only the original 10 but also the additional more comprehensive laws as discussed and clarified by Christ.

    Mark 2:27: Yes, Jesus was talking to the Jews/Pharisees about the Sabbath, but now that we are Heirs of Abraham these laws also apply to us. I know we differ on this, but this is my belief based on scripture. Jesus was also talking to the Jews about the Gospel of the Kingdom but then gave it to the rest of the world, so all that believe become the heirs of Abraham/Israel.

    And Revelation chapter 22: I agree that this Chapter is Jesus speaking to John, but I believe that Jesus is speaking of all the Commandments including His, and His Fathers - not just Jesus commandments that you referred. Also, hoping we both agree that Jesus is God and so then when Jesus states commandments - He is referring to all Commandments. I also do agree it is His Spirit that promotes us to willfully follow His commandments.

    Regarding Romans 8:1-4 I'll reiterate the same comments I made to Giannis above. I agree that if we are Saved/Reborn Christians living our lives in conjunction with God's Holy Sprit that indeed is sufficient to receive salvation per the scripture. Very important: If, we are living by the Sprit we will be embracing God's/Jesus Commandments as the Spirit will certainly be directing us to do so, via God writing His laws in our body and mind.

  • Chris - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Thanks Bro. Dan for re-posting that previous comment. Looking at it more closely, these are my observances/responses.

    Jeremiah 31:33: this is a new covenant with Israel that the LORD makes, where His Commandments are no longer on a tablet of stone but His Laws written upon their hearts. How does the LORD do this? Is it the same Ten Commandments now impressed deeply in their hearts or by the aid of the Spirit, enabling Israel to know ALL of His Commandments & have the power to obey them, which they didn't have before & with their eyes darkened? Romans 11:7-11.

    Ecclesiastes 12:13: the Preacher writes about fearing God & keeping His Commandments. "Man" here must apply to Israel, since the Gentiles had never received any of God's Laws. But when the Gentiles did receive Christ (post Crucifixion/Ascension), learned of His Laws & subsequently received His Spirit, then yes, to fear God & keep His Commandments meant all of God's Commandments which included far more than the Ten: 'the Law of (from) the Spirit'; that 'which frees man from the Law of sin & death' (the Ten Commandments).

    Mark 2:27: I see here that Jesus was talking with some Pharisees about the Sabbath. The Sabbath Day was given only to Israel, which has to be the 'man' spoken of. The Sabbath was never given to the Gentiles (Romans, Greeks, Syrians, Egyptians) who were living there at that time; at least we're not told whether they were required to observe the Sabbath Day when it came around.

    And Revelation chapter 22: this whole chapter is about Jesus' Words with John. So 'his commandments' must refer to Jesus' Commandments & hence the right to the tree of life. Thus His Spirit gives us all we need to know & obey; it is by Christ's Blood & obedience to His Spirit that we 'gain entrance into the city', never by the Decalogue.

    As well, I wrote a little to you on Romans 8:1-4, asking for your comment, if you so wish, as this passage is critical to understanding the Church's position with the Law. GBU
  • Bro dan - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi Chris,

    I understand, and you've related your position that you don't feel the need to follow God's 10 Commandments (The Decalogue as your refer to it). You state that it is only for the Jewish People. Conversely, I truly believe the scripture solidly supports that the 10 Commandments were for all of mankind, a moral law, a law that tells everyone what sin is. When God made the New Covenant He said I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts. Jer 31:33. Same Law.

    When Jesus came, he said he did not come to abolish the Law, he came to fulfill it.and Jesus followed the law and I believe that he does expect those of us that follow Him, to follow these same Laws, as He states this in so much scripture throughout the bible.

    Ecclesiastes 12:13"Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man." This verse doesn't say for this is the whole duty of the Jewish people. It says: for this is the whole duty of man!

    Regarding the 4th Commandment: Keep Holy the Sabbath. Mark 2:27"And he said unto them, The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath:" Here again, this verse does not say the sabbath was made only for Jewish/Hebrew people.

    I will leave you with one last verse, that I believe is targeted at those of us that wish to enter into the Kingdom of God.

    Revelation 22:14"Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city."

  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi David0921,

    Good discussion: my understanding of scripture is as yours, man will not be in the lake of fire for eternity, but also somewhat different. In Daniel 12:2 John 5:24-29 Revelation 20:11-15 we see all good, bad, and ugly will be resurrected so everyone will have a conscious existence to answer and be accountable on judgment day, the last day, and my understanding is that is Revelation 20:11-15.

    Greek philosophy of the immortal soul has influenced the understanding of death so, if the soul is immortal and cannot die the burning in hell/lake of fire will be forever. Scripture says to me we are mortal, Romans 8:11 1 Corinthians 15:53-54 2 Corinthians 5:4. We see in Genesis 2:7 that man became a living soul, not a soul was placed in man, so when that breath of life/spirit is gone the body/soul is dead. The breath of life, Ecclesiastes 12:1-8 there will we be until the resurrection.

    I could say more but in short, just for consideration, if there is eternal punishment, on resurrection day the unsaved will be given what scripture says only the saved will receive, an immortal body and eternal life? "O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?" So, the penalty for sin will be eternally over and done with, no more sin, and no more death for eternity, forever and ever.

    God bless,

  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    The dangers of living in the past

    Ecclesiastes 7:10 warns us about looking to how things were better in the old days. It is easy to be nostalgic about the glories of our youth but the truth is all are as a fading flower ( Isaiah 28:4); and we soon return to the dust from whence we came ( Ecclesiastes 12:7).

    Taken to the utmost level; we can hold onto affections for those who have passed on who are not clearly followers of Christ and we risk being deceived by what is called familiar spirits; which is demons impersonating loved ones and somehow giving us comfort in what we assume is their presence. It is important to realize that in our fallen nature we are at risk for deception and must not put our confidence in the flesh. Our comfort in this world must not be due to material possessions; or anything else transient of this world. Ecclesiastes is a good book to read as to the conclusion of the matter is fearing God and keeping His commandments after the many things of vanity this world has to offer; surely Solomon would know having squandered his walk with God by doing things God warned against such as multiplying gold and silver and horses; marrying foreign wives; etc.

    In the US today; we also can't expect the country to flourish as it did in the past. The only way that could happen is with a large scale revival and repentance would have to begin in the church. Being the last days; apostacy is to be expected and clearly after the brevity of the change of heart after September 11 2001 hearts have only hardened further. Our youth today and the state of the world in general is well on its way to the prophesied Tribulation. Should we have offspring or even a spouse that remains faithful to God is truly a blessing; but the contrary shouldn't lead us to assume we are unfaithful.

    Hebrews 12:1 gives us good instruction on casting aside every weight and sin that is holding us back. Let us fix our eyes on things above ( Colossians 3:2).
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi Chris,

    Thanks, Chris I was just being silly with the ruckus, I took a closer look at John 3 and I understand what you are saying about John 3:13 being in the discussion with Nicodemus. Jesus is telling him that no man had, or could go up to heaven, to bring the knowledge of heavenly things. That is a better understanding of the context of what Jesus was telling Nicodemus.

    On the other, We are told in Hebrews 9:27 man is appointed once to die but it is God's will and His pleasure, and some things we have not been told. We know in Hebrews 11:5 Enoch was translated that he should not see death, and in 2 Kings 2:11 Elijah was taken up, other than that we speculate.

    We do know Moses died Deut. 34:1-5, that is why I believe the transformation was a vision, whether a future event like things John was shown in Revelation or just a vision to strengthen the three to be apostles. My understanding is our soul is not immortal, to me scripture says we are mortal 2 Cor. 15:46-48 and will be until we are resurrected, 1 Cor. 15:53-54. The spirit that goes back is our breath/life, Ecclesiastes 12:7

    In Matt. 27:50-54 my understanding is different, the word resurrection is a different word than used for all the other times it is in scripture it has more of a meaning of waking up. I would think after being hung on the cross for 6 hours one would be in and out of consciousness. In vs 50 Jesus cried out and yielded up the ghost.

    All the things that happened next are connected with and, all happened when Jesus died. The earthquake opened the graves and those who arose went into Jerusalem when Jesus died not after Jesus was resurrected. That is my understanding, but scripture does not tell us about who they appeared to or what happened to them. Verse 54 confirms this to me and ties it to John 8:28.

    Thanks for your reply and a better understanding of John 3:13, but my understanding is still no one but Jesus has ascended to heaven or will.

    God bless,

  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi Jcolli9,

    My understanding is like Adam's, just to add to what Adam said. You should study on your own, there are different views.

    The belief that our soul is immortal comes from ancient Greek philosophy. The meaning of death, being a separation of the soul from the body also came from ancient Greek philosophy that is different than what we see in the Old Testament.

    It is Platonism, Augustine of Hippo held this philosophy. He was a theologian, and philosopher with a strong influence on doctrines in the church, in the fourth and early fifth century.

    Gen. 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. The spirit/breath gives us life.

    The Hebrew word nephesh means a soul, living being, life, self, person, desire, passion, appetite, and emotion. The Greek word psuche means the soul, life, self, and a person's distinct identity. If you study them, it is also used for all living beings' fish, animals, birds, and man.

    Physically we live AND die, eternally we live OR die, our choice of the gift of God that is through Jesus Christ our Lord, eternal life, or die the second death.

    The word spirit, the Bible writers used the Hebrew word ruach meaning breath, wind, spirit, or the Greek word pneuma also meaning wind, breath, spirit, this life-giving breath/spirit is what goes back to God.

    We are buried dead, mortal, in corruption and we are raised immortally incorruptible 1 Corinthians 15:42-44. That is when we will be absent from this flesh body.

    All consciousness ends when we die. Psalm 6:5 Job 14:12-14 Job 17:13-16 Psalm 89:48 Psalm 115:17 Ecclesiastes 9:5-10

    We sleep in death until resurrection day, the day of redemption. 1 Corinthians 15:51-54 Ephesians 4:30

    Our spirit (breath) given to us by God is what keeps us alive, and we are a living soul. Ecclesiastes 12:7 Psalm 104:29 Psalm 146:4 James 2:26

    May this help your study.

    God bless,

  • David0920 - In Reply on Ecclesiastes 12 - 1 year ago
    I will pass on that thank you. Not familiar with this individual. But Satan does not come with a red suit and a forked tail. Be very careful to whom you listenread the Bible instead!

    2 Corinthians 11:13-15

    For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.
  • Anthony Bernabeu on Ecclesiastes 12 - 1 year ago
    If you really want to be on fire for Jesus Christ, listen on YouTube to "John Todd Illuminati" audio(tapes 1-6). He was a very high-ranking male witch into human sacrifice; he accepted Christ as Lord and Savior, then sought to expose the darkness. Some say later he backslid, but on these tapes (on these audio tracks) he is very pro-Christ.
  • Ruby Lea Read - In Reply - 1 year ago

    May I add to the truths Alex has given you.

    Christ said flesh and blood can not inherit the kingdom of God, you must be born again.

    This birth can not take place till this body of flesh dies, we can only come to truth of what God is going to fulfil.

    Christ said I am the way, the truth, and the LIFE, the LIFE in you is CHRIST, man will not die to themselves and believe this truth.

    You are the BODY OF CHRIST.

    Alex quoted you Revelation, he who lives by the sword, the sword is THE WORD OF GOD, Christ the WORD, the SEED is the WORD OF GOD, Christ is the SEED, the SEED is the SPIRIT OF CHRIST, this is the LIFE in YOU, so he who lives by the sword must died by the sword, the WORD has to destroy deceptions, lies and falsehoods, all of these are born of Satan, your carnal mind.

    Ecclesiastes 12:7 Then shall the dust (flesh and bone body) return to the dust it was, and the spirit shall return unto God that gave it ----your are BORN AGAIN.

    You are the BODY OF CHRIST, you do what the spirit causes you to do, Ezekiel 36:27, Philippians 2:13, your the body, the spirit of Christ (the SEED) is the LIFE.

    1 John 3:9 Whosoever is born of God (has the mind of Christ) doeth not commit sin (the body only does what the spirit of Christ causes it to do, 24/7); for his SEED (truth and life); remaineth in him (his body): and he cannot sin (thy will be done), because he is born of God.

    Jeremiah 51:19:24, Isaiah 41:15 ----God always uses man to do HIS WORK, Christ said of myself I can do nothing, he knew he was the body of the Father, he could only do what the spirit of the Father caused him to do, he said we can do nothing without him, we are only the body that the spirit of Christ uses to perform all his pleasure.

    Can you be angry and not sin? Christ was continually anger with the Pharisees, yet he was without sin, why, because he was only doing what the spirit caused him to do.

    God Bless You as we are driven to truth.
  • T Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    1Thessalonians 5:23, "spirit" Strongs Exhaustive Concordance - Greek word "pneuma" current of air, breath, a spirit, rational soul (superhuman) life

    Thayer's Greek Lexicon ._._ 3. a spirit ' a simple essence, ._._._ possessed the power of knowing, desiring, deciding and acting'

    "soul" Greek "psuche" soul, life, self, inner being or life, 2. (literally) breath, 3. The heart's desire, the drive or passion of ones soul,

    Same Greek words used for Hebrews 4:12,

    Hebrews 5:12,

    Ecclesiastes 12:7, "and as it was: and the spirit" translated from one Greek word "ruwach" wind, ._.

    Thayer's = breath, wind, spirit, 1. breath of mouth or nostrils

    You can study deeper in this website, there were multiple scripture references in the Thayer's Greek Lexicon, if you tap on a scripture, it will open new page, scroll down to "Translation Details" by clicking on any of the separated words or phrases it will bring you to the Concordance references.

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • Zarfkh - 2 years ago
    What is the difference between the soul and the spirit of a person? ( 1 Thessalonians 5:23 - Hebrews 5:12 - Ecclesiastes 12:7)

    What makes up the soul and what makes up the spirit?
  • James Paige on Revelation 22 - 2 years ago
    SO, THE QUESTION IS.What is it that those, who believe in the natural immortality of the soul, do not understand?

    AN ANSWER.They do not understand, how God created man, a living soul, it they did there would be no problem understanding what returned to God, at death.

    A common view of the meaning of the spirit that goes back to God, says that it refers to the breath of life. That would agree with King Solomon's statement in Ecclesiastes 3:21 where he said, "the breath of man ascends upward" at death. It is important to know that the Hebrew word that is translated as "breath" in Ecclesiastes 3:21 is the same Hebrew word that is translated as "spirit" in Ecclesiastes 12:7. So, this Hebrew word ruach can be translated as "breath" or "spirit."

    It is important to know that Genesis 2:7 translates ruach as "breath." So it says, "breath of life."

    The word "ruach" can be translated as "breath" or "spirit." It is translated in the "Old testament," (90) times as "wind" and (28) times "breath"
  • Duncan - In Reply on Ecclesiastes 12 - 2 years ago
    Dont seek prophesy in doing so you might find them that deceive. But i encourage you brother seek the kingdom of God first and his riotousness

    repent and believe in the lord Jesus Christ and read your bible.

    Psalms 1;1

    Blessed is the man

    who walks not in the counsel of the wicked,

    nor stands in the way of sinners,

    nor sits in ethe seat of scoffers.

    2 but his delight is in the law2 of the LORD,

    and on his law, he meditates day and night.
  • Light Levi on Ecclesiastes 12 - 2 years ago
    Could you prophesy about my life? =]
  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    Part 8: Conclusion to Rapture signs (not sure what number it is some seem to be mia)

    Ok; as Solomon stated at the end of Ecclesiastes 12: the conclusion of the matter is to fear God and keep His commandments. The judge is standing at the door (see James 5:9).

    As to my last posting; the Rapture is worth it more than any utopian pipe dreams the world has to offer. The Angel of Destruction is coming to judge with the plagues of the Seals at the very beginning of the Tribulation. The Rapture will prove that the straight and narrow truly IS worth it. The world will go from praising God (if we take Revelation chronologically starting in chapter 4); fearing God then ultimately fighting against Him at Armageddon under Satan's deception that NO MAN CAN RESIST without God's help. Unlike the world a true believer realizes that there is no way they can enter into heaven without the atoning work of Christ. FEW so called Christians are going to make it; I can say that with confidence because unlike today's megachurch concept Christ Himself said that few are giong to be saved. You can find that verse and read it yourself. If few are saved than don't expect more than a few to be Raptured. Resurrected; perhaps-that is something most "rapture" testimonies don't cover with some exceptions. We may not see someone raptured but the empty tombs will not be able to be explained on a worldwide basis and the selective nature of it will clearly signify the Rapture has occurred. With anything else it is likely that the majority of professing believers have ditched the concept of the Rapture and others are deluded as to qualifying for it. Still others prach harsh messages assuming that those who ARE worthy to escape must somehow "muscle up" to live through the Tribulation. That perhaps is a last point or "principle". Enough is enough for now. Agape.
  • T Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Psalms 25:14,

    Secret - consultation, intimacy, Hebrew word translation into "cowd" company of persons (in close deliberation)

    Virginia G. Cantu, Actually you've got it right, important part "GOD hates evil". Proverbs 3:32, Ecclesiastes 12:14. He also will direct us, & sometimes even give us insight into His plans. Psalms 73:24, Matthew 6:6, Deuteronomy 29:29, Psalms 91:1, Daniel 2, Daniel was given the secret dream the ruler had & the interpretation meaning. Amos 3:7,

    Even the secret of Christ Jesus the promised Messiah= Romans 16:24-27,

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • Wispythebuffalo - In Reply on Ecclesiastes 12 - 2 years ago
    Hello Keith and Erin, I hope all is well wherever you are. What year was your Cambridge bible published? How long have you had those bibles?


  • GiGi - In Reply on Ecclesiastes 12 - 2 years ago
    Welcome Keith and Erin.

    Glad you are here. Wow, you and your wife have lived a very long life! I am looking forward to reading all the tidbits you share of your life with us here.
  • Jacqui - In Reply on Ecclesiastes 12 - 2 years ago
    How nice to hear from you . I hope you will post some more messages .
  • Keith P. Besch on Ecclesiastes 12 - 2 years ago
    The King James Bible on line, is absolutely terrific. My first time to find it on Goggle.

    I have two very old Cambridge KJV, all tattered and torn and marked up, Yikes, I'm 89 and didn't realize all those marking over the years. I love and enjoy you King James Bible on Line.

    Keith P. Besch and Erin too [wife]

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