Discuss Ecclesiastes 1 Page 4

  • Kylie Smith on Ecclesiastes 1 - 5 years ago
    There is such a contrast between Ecclesiastes and Proverbs. Proverbs seems so full of wise advice; so is Ecclesiastes, but Solomon's bitter experience and his regrets over his sinful life are painfully apparent. Ecclesiastes is wonderful, but sobering. I especially like the cycles of nature in Chapter One. Studying a masters in Envl Science, it tells me that Inspiration is way ahead of science!
  • Brenda M Dalton on Ecclesiastes 1 - 6 years ago
    I think Ecclesiastes is a great reminder, or a teacher if we haven't been there yet, that nothing we do that is not of God will prove to be worthless at the end of our lives. None of it. And the happiness we seek, the emptiness we search to fill can only be found in the will of God. What God wants for us is what we should be discovering for ourselves.
  • Ok - 6 years ago
    Ecclesiastes 1:11 oh how discouragement can hinder us. Solomon had no idea in his lonely sounding writings, that God was going to reveal his writings to ongoing generations in the greatest Book ever written.!!!!!!
  • Ok on Ecclesiastes 1 - 6 years ago
    kinda sad reading Solomons writings chapter 1 Eccl. Sounds so full of boredom and like he feels alone in same ole same ole...Here he is writing one of Gods inspired books of Bible
  • Chris Powell on Ecclesiastes 1 - 6 years ago
    All is vanity, this earth, our human body, homes, cars are temporary that s why the ear and eye are not satisfied. God made us to want him more than these things, he is the one that quenches our thirst. God knows it all cause he created it all and there s nothing new that surprises him.
  • I AM THAT I AM on Ecclesiastes 1 - 6 years ago
    No, there is no new thing under the sun now, O LORD. You teach that all is vanity. For you spoke and it was done: you commanded and it stood FAST. For we are but of yesterday, and know nothing, because our days upon earth are a shadow: There is no darkness, nor shadow of death, where the workers of iniquity may hide themselves or thy Name, O Father, by their vain attempts to cover it up:
  • Hannon Roy on Ecclesiastes 1 - 6 years ago
    Anything new? Try living on the Moon or Mars. Exploration isn't new, but space is. Growing an ear on a mouse (Genetics) is new. We should love the idea of new, not letting ourselves get tired of riches and wives. Still, God loved and recognized him.
  • Lawrence Hempel on Ephesians 1 - 6 years ago
    Ephesians 1:3 answers the universal questions posed by Ecclesiastes 1:14
  • A disciple on Ecclesiastes 1 - 6 years ago
    "There is no remembrance of former things; neither shall there be any remembrance of things that are to come with those that shall come after." When the king sent to call all those who had been invited to come to his son's wedding, and all made excuses why they couldn't come; when the king heard he was furious, and commanded that they were not worthy who had refused; but not the whole Nation.
  • A disciple on Ecclesiastes 1 - 7 years ago
    Dear Bob; I love the Book of 'The Preacher' or, 'The Summoner.' Some Bible expositors say that Ecclesiastes was a Book about Solomon's Non-Spirit filled attempt to figure out life. But what it really is, is a collection of examples used to call people to rise above this present existence, and all its vanity and vexation of spirit. The very Title of the Book implies Preaching and Calling Assembly.
  • Bob DeHaan on Ecclesiastes 1 - 7 years ago
    I have gained much wisdom and understanding from this wonderful book called Ecclesiastes. The heart of man seeks all that is vanity in this world. We can not understand unless we give up our lives to Jesus Christ. We become new creations in Christ, seeking seeking An Eternal perspective instead of a vain and temporal perspective. Holy Spirit feed us the Bread of Life each new day!
  • Clarence Bagley on Ecclesiastes 1 - 7 years ago
    could it be that Year's is only a myth if there is nothing new under the sun
  • Carolyn Rowe on Ecclesiastes 1 - 7 years ago
    God gave Solomon wisdom greater than anyone before or after him, yet he ended up marrying 700 "strange " women ( heathens) who turned his heart from God to idols. Man at his best is vanity. He misuses God's gifts on his lust.
  • I perceive the knowledge of Geography as a subject already existing in full deta on Ecclesiastes 1 - 7 years ago
    God is Omniscient. He knows everything, and we need to therefore fear Him alone who knows all things in secret and in the open, in dark or in light, in private or in public. Fear Him Alone!
  • A disciple on Ecclesiastes 1 - 7 years ago
    Pauson; this is something that many of us were taught, by those who didn't know themselves! The fact is, that Solomon had asked the LORD for this wisdom to be able to feed the people with knowledge and understanding. "The Preacher;" which is most accurately interpreted, "The Summoner, (one who calls to assembly);" was written for awakening men out of the vanities of this life, to bring them to God
  • Pauson on Ecclesiastes 1 - 7 years ago
    Solomon could not understand his purpise of living. He served his interests rather than thinking about his legacy. All is vanity without christ.
  • Chris Powell on Ecclesiastes 1 - 7 years ago
    All that we seek and have is vanity, listen to what the Lord is saying. We can own everything in this world but will never be satisfied.
  • A disciple on Ecclesiastes 1 - 7 years ago
    Billy B. Yes, I think those are good points. Something more you may find interesting; when we think of Ecclesiastes as God's Spirit in Solomon preaching to His people Israel, and summoning them to the great Assembly of the Saved; of all the distractions, cares and pleasures of this life; of all the vanity and vexation of spirit; how do we consider, "What will a man give in exchange for his soul?"
  • Billy b on Ecclesiastes 1 - 7 years ago
    So what I get out of it is that no matter how great or how strong and big Jesus makes us where only made in his image we are not perfect the point is not to focus on the bad but to show God loves us all and came for sinners
  • Ibby on Ecclesiastes 1 - 7 years ago
    Solomon pleased God he asked for wisdom and God blessed him.However with all the wisdom he took himself strange wives and he forsook God, King Ahab had a strange wife Jezebel look at the outcome, after King Solomon​ looked back his life even with all the wisdom and riches it all came down to vanity.
  • Lizzy on Ecclesiastes 1 - 8 years ago
    Thank u Jesus
  • Terry neil owens on Ecclesiastes 1 - 8 years ago
    I think God is telling us he gives the knowledge we are searching for but they are also more sorrows that you share as you are searching.this world has its share of sorrows. Has you share witnessing with those Laden with burdens. Around you also what is now is probally a ready been. God knew it then God knows it now and He will know it tomorrow. He is the before. The now and forever Amen

  • Emelia on Ecclesiastes 1 - 8 years ago
    What I can say is that in everything we are doing in this wold must to be done in the will of God .
  • Irene123 on Ecclesiastes 1 - 8 years ago
    1 Kgs.3:9 - Solomon asked for understanding (wisdom) in judging ALL the people, all by himself, no appointing others, as Moses did, in helping with this. Solomon was rather self-centered, but God could, and did use him, but Solomon's end was - bad. He totally left the Lord.
  • Irene123 on Ecclesiastes 1 - 8 years ago
    To Michael C. on Eccl. - God will grant you what you want; no matter if it's for His glory or your own. Solomon did not follow after the Lord as David his father did: you need to read the WHOLE chap. of 1 KGS. 11. God granted Solomon wisdom, but God KNEW why he asked for wisdom instead of a heart to follow after God. Had he asked for such a heart - God would have granted it, and wisdom.
  • Michael C. on Ecclesiastes 1 - 8 years ago
    The Book of the Preacher, or, The Summoner; is exactly that! The Spirit searches the deep things of God, and convicts men of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment. Solomon's desire, from the day he took the throne, was to worthily follow in the steps of his father, "A man after the LORD's own heart, who would fulfill all His will." His desire was to feed Israel with knowledge and wisdom from God.
  • Christian o. on Ecclesiastes 1 - 9 years ago
    yes , thisbook is filled with wisdom. my advice to all is that : they should live in wisdom like solomon
  • Linda Johnson on Ecclesiastes 1:10 - 9 years ago
    I'm not really sure, it looks like it is saying history repeats itself, however,. one must read with the mind of Christ in the spirit of the living God...
  • Jonah Christian. on Ecclesiastes 1:9 - 9 years ago
    History repeat itself. The world is an algorithm which can only be changed by our actions or decision we make or made. The writer is simply telling us everything under the sun has an origin.Anything new originated from existing object or substance
  • Emmanuel Baah Adutwum on Ecclesiastes 1:9 - 9 years ago
    There is no new thing under the sun. What has happened or occuring in your life has occured before. What we are seeing today was there already. eg. Artificial insemination. Joseph did not sleep with marry but marry got pregnant. eg2. elevator: Jacob saw angels running to and fro in his dreams. Women crying for children. Hannah did the same thing. Sickness or what a few can be mentioned. Post your problem or something u think is new under the sun let me prove you wrong from the bible

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