Discuss Ecclesiastes 3 Page 4

  • James reese on Ecclesiastes 3 - 3 years ago
    Ecclesiastes 3 18-20 explain
  • Thomas - In Reply on Ecclesiastes 3:3 - 3 years ago
    in Reply on Ecclesiastes 3:3 Don't be a fool- the bible gives you a right to defend yourself. Genesis 9:5-6

    5And surely your blood of your lives will I require; at the hand of every beast will I require it, and at the hand of man; at the hand of every man's brother will I require the life of man.

    6Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man.
  • Earl Bowman - In Reply on Revelation 16 - 4 years ago
    Chris, may the Spirit grace you with the intent of my words, none to be taken as condemnation but edifying. The beast in revelation has so been misunderstood by the teaching of the carnal mind and the doctrines of man. May the Holy Spirit grace us with his words. Job 18:3 Wherefore are we (all mankind) counted as beasts (carnal minded), and reputed vile in your eyes. Psalms 49:20 (carnal) Man that is in honour (pride),and understandeth not (the Spirit), is like a beast that perish (goes to the grave). Psalms 73:22 So foolish was I, and ignorant: I was as a beast before thee (Spirit of God). Proverbs 9:1-2 Wisdom (by the Spirit of God) hath builded her house (us), she hath hewn her seven pillars: (vs) 2 She (wisdom) hath killed her beast (carnal mind).... Ecclesiastes 3:18 I said in my heart (mind) concerning the estate of men, that (the Spirit of) God might manifest (grace) them, and that they might see that they themselves are beasts. II Peter 2:12 But these (carnal mind) as natural brute beast, made to be taken an destroyed, speak evil of the things they understand not.... Jude 1:10 But these speak evil of those things which they know not: but what they know naturally, as brute beast...The only mammal (beast) that buys and sells is a man. Revelation 13:18 Here is wisdom (hath killed her beast). Let him (wisdom) that hath understanding (of the Spirit) count the number of the beast: for it (the beast) is the number of a man (all mankind)....The angel told John not to seal the book. Revelation was just as relevant in Johns (To-day is the day) as it is (To-day is the day). The day (one day) of the Lord that was prophesied by the prophets has been going on now for 2000 years. The beast (all mankind) is judged in Christ ( Hebrews 12:29 For our God is a consuming fire) and the beast was thrown alive into the lake of fire (Christ), All mankind will eventually be judged in Christ. Gods grace be upon us.
  • Stanjett - In Reply on Ecclesiastes 3:3 - 4 years ago
    If someone came to murder me for some reason, I would blow them away. And I don't think God would blame me.
  • Richard - In Reply on Ecclesiastes 3:3 - 4 years ago
    Not knowing why this was posted here. In the past the same mentality was in my head. Purchasing firearms and whatnot. Although after receiving Christ I will never take the life of another human willingly. Even if they have come to murder me for some reason. I will be the victim. To not have the blood of anyone else on my hands.

    Jesus Christ is our perfect example to follow. What did He do when they came to arrest Him to put Him to death? He knowing what was to come.

    Put on love and trust in our Perfect Father. God Bless you all my brothers and sisters.
  • John on Ecclesiastes 3:3 - 4 years ago
    ...because when someone comes to murder you, you may kill them.
  • Mishael - In Reply on Romans 3:4 - 4 years ago
    Laurie, this is the way to be released from things which trouble your peace:

    Mark 11:25

    And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.

    How many times? Until that memory loses its power to trouble you.

    I pray, that as you pray, that you will once again find your peace of mind and spirit.

    Ecclesiastes 3:1 says: to every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. Read verses 2-8. This season will come to a close if you will trust in what God says here.

    It's the forgiving that makes this whole thing work. You'll not feel like doing this. It's an act of obedience and faith in Gods Word to us. Just like me, you'll wake up one day, and all that hate and discomfort of mind...will be peaceful.
  • C Holt on Ecclesiastes 3:5 - 4 years ago
    Spiritual growth in oneself in Christ
  • BSP on Ecclesiastes 3:3 - 4 years ago
    Verse 13-Jehovah God created us to enjoy work and leisure. We must find the balance between both.
  • T - In Reply on Mark 16:15 - 4 years ago
    Is the breath of life from God not spirit?

    Wouldn't every breathing thing, created by God, therefore contain spirit?

    Did God not create all of the animals?


    Ecclesiastes 3:18-21

    1 Corinthians 15:42-44

    Job 12:10

    Psalm 74:19

    Genesis 1:30

    Revelation 5:13

    Job 12:7-10

    Psalm 150:6

    Genesis 7:15

    A man can study the Bible his entire life and will claim he knows everything about it. The reason a man studies the Bible his entire life is to TRY to better understand it. NO MAN KNOWS THE FULL WORKS AND WONDERS OF GOD OR HIS CREATION.

    Saying "no it is a metaphor" is an opinion from personal understanding.

    Use scripture. Not someone else's opinion.
  • What Happens To Our Spirits and Souls on Isaiah 13:10 - 4 years ago
    Adam was alive spirit, soul, body; until he and Eve ate the fruit. In Genesis 3:22 we see the Godhead conversing about how to protect the Tree of Life. It's not where it was, now: Revelation 22:2.

    Since it's written, by God: all souls are mine.

    Ecclesiastes 12:7 Then shall the dust return to the Earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it. Ecclesiastes 3:21.

    New Testament Scriptures on Christian spirits: Hebrews 12:23, Luke 23:46; Matthew 22:32, 1 Thessalonians 5:10,

    1 Peter 3:18, 2 Corinthians 5:1-8

    John 17-24, Philippians 1:21-24

    Acts 7:55-56, Acts 7:59, Genesis 35:18

    Love to all. Mishael
  • Lisa Chapman - In Reply on Ecclesiastes 3:8 - 4 years ago
    Hi Emma,

    I pray that you are doing well. After reading your post, I realized just how important it really is for us to have faith in God as our protector, just as He is our Creator. Have faith. The shootings you hear are most likely a result of violence, and as long as you are not involved you are not a target. Also, it is best they do not ever see you look in their direction. Don't try to see where it is coming from, or who is shooting. If it is in fact a murder taking place, if they see you see them, it is likely you will then be shot as a result of witnessing them commit murder. Pray, and always have trust and faith in God that He is your protector and provider of all things needed. :)

    Many Blessings,

    Lisa Chapman
  • Chris - In Reply on Psalms 23:3 - 4 years ago
    William, as much as we would like to think that our loving faithful pets will also be with us in Heaven, the understanding of God's creative Work, His Designs & Plans & Scripture itself, suggests that just won't happen.

    Ecclesiastes 3:18-21 tells us that even though mankind & animals both return to dust from whence they came, it is only humans whose spirit is preserved that return to God Who gave it (Eccl 12:7). It is true, that all creatures have been given life (breath = spirit) from God, but to mankind, God has given a spirit that transcends anything given to any other creature.

    Here are some other verses that lend support to this:

    a. Gen 1:27: we're specially made, created in God's Image unlike animals.

    b. 1 Thes 5:23: man is comprised of spirit, soul & body, unlike animals, & all three parts of the human makeup will be required by God at their specific times.

    c. Mt 6:23: only man can commune with his Creator & has the ability to know, worship & serve Him.

    d. Gen 3:4-6: humans have the power of using free will, discernment & choice (all attributes of God) whereas animals exist by instinct without the power to reason, calculate, effectively communicate, create, culturally develop, etc.

    e. Rom 3:23: only mankind had the ability to sin against his Creator (re: his the special spirit given him). And that life of gross violation to God's Holy Standards & Character, prompted Him to pursue man to the point of offering up of Himself for man's redemption & restoration.

    Animals simply don't fall into the same category as God's specific & special Work of creating man: we were created to love Him, serve Him, to enjoy His blessings & to one day return to Him. Why? Because we were specially created for Him to one day join the Heavenly throng in everlasting worship. Unfortunately, animals (& our beloved pets) don't become a part of this in-gathering after their death as they weren't created to this end - Heaven is not filled with beasts but holy beings.
  • Adam - In Reply on Ecclesiastes 3 - 4 years ago
    Jesus said to turn the other cheek Matthew 5:39, but in my opinion that means to not seek vengeance or to retaliate to participate in endless quarrels or conflicts. We are called to be an example of love and called to forgive. That doesn't mean we should forsake our personal safety or safety of our family or loved ones. We also should protect ourselves and loved ones as our bodies are valuable holy temples and we need to be good stewards of our gifts, talents, and our ability to serve others. The Bible also talks about being on our guard, prepared, with the armor of God. Ephesians 6:10-18.

    So, it's my opinion that we should take care of ourselves, including physically, like what we eat, exercise, hygiene, security, and personal safety. For safety there are lots of ways to protect oneself and ones property, like door alarms, security light sensors, cameras, pepper spray, dazzler lights, loud sirens, decoys, surprises, extra secure doors, windows, layers. I personally would do 100% of that before buying firearms, but that is my personal opinion. Even though we should protect ourselves we should not fear, but trust God. Matthew 10:28. May God bless you!
  • Stanjett - In Reply on Ecclesiastes 3 - 4 years ago
    Emma, I wish you could move in with one of your kids or a nursing home. BUT, if not I would buy protection. I would suggest a 410 shotgun. They don't kick much and will do enough damage that they will run. Nothing wrong in protecting yourself. Go to a firing range to try it out.
  • Bob Hilt - In Reply on Ecclesiastes 3 - 4 years ago
    Emma - I say you should do as Jesus said and buy a sword (modern day firearm) and protect yourself if need be from the violent animals that roam the streets of today.
  • Emma teunis on Ecclesiastes 3 - 4 years ago
    iam a woman who lives alone iam 82 yrs old In this time of great uncertainty i hear many shootings at night I came across this word from Jesus that a time would come to sell my garment to buy a sword I feel for being alone i should buy protection for defending myself now if my home is invaded Can you elaborate on what Jesus said?
  • TammieSogolon Sakidi on Ecclesiastes 3 - 4 years ago
    It's like I always say" Life is too short to waste time, energy or thought" on things that don't please God. The only way we can know Him is through His word. I love the King James version of the Holy bible and it is what I use. This chapter expresses our need to be true to the calling on our lives. I found out what God called me to do. Each day I grow stronger so when the time comes I will be ready, willing, and able to accomplish what thus saith the Lord. I hope everyone will seek and find their gift and talent from Almighty God: in Jesus' name, Amen.
  • Stephen on Ecclesiastes 3 - 4 years ago
    The world will always be full of hate, until the end of time, because of greed, hate, power and money will always be wars.

    To come out of the world, I don't believe any christian should ever go into war or military, or have anything to do with any profession, where there could be a possibility of arming someone.

    I don't see Jesus taking a gun to go kill anyone, or hate anyone that much. His mission was about Love and even to give your own life for someone,....unconditional love.
  • D.J. on Revelation 7:9 - 4 years ago
    Kim B.

    Charles Stanley may very well be a devout Christian, a good man, an excellent preacher, and know what he is talking about concerning Scripture. No preacher, however, is correct concerning everything they preach ( Ecclesiastes 3:11).

    Understanding the 7th Day, Law and Grace, are important topics in the Word of God

    Some of the best education I have received concerning the Word of God came from Pastor Arnold Murray of the Shepherds Chapel. A Bible scholar that many times stated: "Don't take my word for it, research it for yourself. From his advice, I realized that he was not always correct.

    2 Timothy 2:15

    Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
  • Dawn - In Reply on Ecclesiastes 3:3 - 4 years ago
    Makes sense.

  • Chris - In Reply on Ecclesiastes 3:3 - 4 years ago
    Dawn, you are correct that the Bible teaches that murder is sin, as is Anger akin to murder ( Mt 5:21,22). But when we come to Eccl 3:3 we see an apparent conflict in God's command against it elsewhere. We see the writer (we believe it's Solomon), of Ecclesiastes ponder over some aspects of life: its aimless cycles, paradoxes, futility, and yet, through all these, we need to recognize that life is a gift from God to us & to be enjoyed within the scope of obedience to Him & that true justice will be served by Him at the end. But he says that within the full scope of life, with its happy times & sad times, there is a time when death will occur (unnaturally). Now my understanding of verse 3, is that the "time to kill" must refer to those times of war when sadly, the soldier has to kill & be killed, also, it can refer to the outcome of justice, where the Judge pronounces the death sentence upon one convicted of wilful murder (e.g. Gen 9:6, as well as many instances where God has called upon the leaders of the Israelites to execute those who broke certain of His Laws). Now some today may find this very offensive, but that was God's requirement to maintain a Holy Standard among His people, as it is still His requirement for judges today to maintain such punishment for capital crimes. You may not agree with this, but this is what is required to maintain true justice & give real protection to the people.
  • Dawn Silva on Ecclesiastes 3:3 - 4 years ago
    Re: Ecclesiastes 3:3

    Why would there be a time time to kill if the bible teaches love one another above all things. What does this verse actually mean or what did it truly mean when it was written? Why would this be in the bible?

    One of the ten commandments states thou shalt not murder.

    While reading the bible and trying to figure out Ecc. 3:3, I find it disturbing.

    Thank you for addressing this email.

  • Mishael - In Reply on Ecclesiastes 3:8 - 4 years ago
    Clementine on ECCL.3 Your question on a time to love; a time to hate. If you will start in chapter one and highlight the word HATE to chapter 3, You'll have your answer. Hate has its own season and it teaches us patience really.

    I have a testimony about that but I'll keep silence. There's so much hate in our world these days. Your testimony is love, peace, & centeredness. Keep your eyes on Jesus.
  • Bob Hilt - In Reply on Ecclesiastes 3:8 - 4 years ago
    This is my take from King David. Psalms Chapter 139: 19 Surely thou wilt slay the wicked, O God: depart from me therefore, ye bloody men.

    20 For they speak against thee wickedly, [and] thine enemies take [thy name] in vain.

    21 Do not I hate them, O LORD, that hate thee? and am not I grieved with those that rise up against thee?

    22 I hate them with perfect hatred: I count them mine enemies.

    David hated them who hated the Lord. Has anything changed?
  • Clementine Boddie on Ecclesiastes 3:8 - 4 years ago
    what specifically is Solomon referring to when he says," a time to hate." We are studying Ecclesiastes and would like to know in what context he is using this. Are we to hate something, someone, etc!
  • Mickey - In Reply on Hebrews 1 - 4 years ago
    I am positive that babies who die are taken at once to heaven. Mark 14:16 Keep praying for them. We know WHO is taking care of them. I gather things from friends and neighbors and take them to an orphanage near me. Some people sew beanies for kids having chemo.
    Take some of that pain & shower it on another child. It eases the feelings.
    Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
    We will see those we've loved and lost, again. I learned to ask the Holy Spirit to comfort me.
  • Deborah Nickrand - In Reply on Ecclesiastes 3 - 4 years ago
    God did not say this sweetie, it's Solomon speaking here.
  • David Hummel on Ecclesiastes 3 - 4 years ago
    There is the statement in God"s word of Amos 2:1 that could be historical or prophetic or both. Edom of scripture , it seems, is represented as
    Russia. This could be a prohecy of how the Romanovs were found executed by red (Edom) Russians in 1918 or thereabouts.
  • Bayardo Guevara - In Reply on Ecclesiastes 3 - 4 years ago

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