Discuss Ecclesiastes 3 Page 5

  • Rjgil - In Reply on Ecclesiastes 3 - 5 years ago
    This discussion has moved from being angry for what God says about our works, to what man is doing. Ecclesiastes is written to show the vanity in our lost estate. Before we are born again, everything we do is vanity. We have NO spiritual interest, purpose, or desire to honor God ,(nor can we - that is wrought by the Holy spirit). If we don't have the Holy Spirit, we are none of His. Rom 8:9.
    We honor ourselves, and want no part with God.
    Not in sports only, but in business, schools, government (at all levels), and everything. God is speaking about the lost man...
    As I stated, when we are in Christ, God will bless our works if done to honor Him.
  • Adam - In Reply on Revelation 20 - 5 years ago
    Ecclesiastes 3:1 The song by the Byrds, Turn Turn Turn is based on this- there's a season for everything. I think the length of the season varies in each person's life, but this idea is not based on scripture.
  • Brianna vs 1213 on Ecclesiastes 3 - 5 years ago
    Several times in the the book of Ecc. God encourages his servants to work hard and reap the rewards from our hard work. This teaches me more about the personality of our creator. He expects us to work hard, whether at spiritual things or secular things. He doesn't like us to be lazy. Hard work brings results. So it is his will that we can rejoice in the fruits of our labor. This encourages me to work hard in my spirituality, my quest to draw close to God, and in my everyday tasks. Then I can have the confidence that I will have God's blessing and enjoy what my hard work produces as long as it is according to God's will. Jehovah God wants the best for his creation and he is very loving!!!
  • Js - In Reply on Ecclesiastes 3 - 5 years ago
    Only what we've done for Christ will matter in the end anyway so don't get caught up in what this world has to offer. Store up all of your treasures in heaven not on earth where they can rot and decay and where thieves can break in and steal. People are busy preparing for this life but they're not preparing for the life to come. Be encouraged and get your house in order. Jesus is coming soon!!!
  • Rachel - In Reply - 5 years ago
    This is to answer the question whether there are animals in heaven. I believe there will be. Read Ecclesiastes 3:19-21. Both animals and humans go to the same place. And in many of the visions of heaven throughout the Bible the prophets always see animals. Jesus himself says that even the sparrows are important to God. So it seems to me that a just and loving God would remember all his creations.
  • Jason Stillman - In Reply on Ecclesiastes 3 - 5 years ago
    Our sports alone is a clear sign this country encourages idolizing to the furthest degree otherwise we would just watch the game and no one would ever be paid to play or watch bc that is how you treat ideas and actions that never progress anyone forward nothing but entertainment comes out of sports. No one is saved, no one receives wisdom, everyone gets rich or is overly excited over what???
  • Rjgil - In Reply on Ecclesiastes 3 - 5 years ago
    Grace Au on Ecclesiasties 3 - Why would you be angry? Remember that this book is showing the vanity of life. Our works after salvation by Grace Ephesians 2:8 9 , are for the Lord and we are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works which God hath before ordained that we would walk in them Ephesians 2:10 . These are not vanity if we do them for the Lord with the right motive.
  • Grace Au on Ecclesiastes 3 - 5 years ago
    I'm angry. Why would God say our works are vanity! Grace Au
  • Paul J Mitchell on Ecclesiastes 3 - 5 years ago
    The Unbelievers live under the sun as the Believers live under the heavens.
  • Vanessa on Ecclesiastes 3 - 5 years ago
    people do not understand all things are done through God and those that brag, have no clue that everything they have done, has been done before. Put God first in all things and be thankful to him always, I do nothing, but with him we do all things. Such wisdom to the soul
  • Kevin Kettell on Ecclesiastes 3 - 5 years ago
    you guys just quoted this for the quote on the opening page. By the way this is the definitive. KJB. king james bible. So anyway thanks for reminding me of this book. Its been a long time since I opened up my bible to this page. Im sure you all know the Byrds song Turn Turn Turn. a direct steal of the bible.
  • Michael on Ecclesiastes 3 - 6 years ago
    I think this a the pivotal chapter of Ecc that turns the mood of the wise teacher from the futility of work, toil and life without God in the first 2 chapters, to the realization that there IS a time for every purpose under heaven but ONLY with God's direction, purpose and love. The Wise One then gives more examples of the difference between mans life works without God and the Beasts.
  • Agnes Kane on Ecclesiastes 3 - 6 years ago
    I know that, whatsoever God doeth, it shall be for ever: nothing can be put to it, nor any thing taken from it: and God doeth it, that men should fear before him.

    M so in awe of God, especially since i have been studying this whole book of Ecc. i believe its about our purpose in life, what was the intention of the Creator for, for us to revere him in all, worship him for who he is, he created all
  • Judy N on Ecclesiastes 3 - 6 years ago
    I haven't read all the comments yet, but there are two that speak to me... Isaac Anyolo's comment the preaching of God's Word is not eternal we need to use this time now to win souls to God and April Sims comment on 8.8.15 what already has been that which is to be already has been - God allows history to repeat itself.
  • Paul Henry on Ecclesiastes 3 - 6 years ago
    know if you read this book carefully which is Ecclesiastes 3-8 To every thing there is season,and
    a time to every purpose under the heaven.
  • Jessica on Ecclesiastes 3 - 6 years ago
    Amen! , Thankyou Jesus!
  • Judy on Ecclesiastes 3 - 6 years ago
    We are always busy in this life, and there seems to be a time for all affairs, they come and go with seasons. As surely as we will return to dust-so to the seasons with their seemingly deep ties to our lives, all affairs really held little meaning, in comparison to where we are going and where we belong.
  • Princess Hazel Medalla on Ecclesiastes 3 - 6 years ago
    This is really a wonderful verse! It really inspires me so much!
  • BSP on Ecclesiastes 3 - 6 years ago
    Verses 12,13~Recreation and the ability to enjoy life is a gift from Jehovah God.
  • BSP on Ecclesiastes 3 - 6 years ago
    There is a proper time for everything. We must wisely discern what is the proper time to do or refrain from doing something.
  • Judith on Ecclesiastes 3 - 7 years ago
    Thank you God!
  • Arielle on Ecclesiastes 3 - 7 years ago
    i like that verse
  • A disciple on Job 1 - 7 years ago
    Ren; if you read 1 Samuel 28, particularly verse 13, you might better understand what happens when we die. Compare with Ecclesiastes 3:21 "Who knows the spirit of man that goes upward, and the spirit of the beast that goes downward to the earth?" and, Ecclesiastes 12:7 "Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it." See also Ezekiel 32.
  • May on Ecclesiastes 3 - 8 years ago
    To expect justice in every situation is unrealistic. Rather than feel anxious about what is happening in the world today, we should wait on Jehovah God to set matters straight.
  • Lela Criss on Ecclesiastes 3 - 8 years ago
    Very inspirational
  • E.L.Sigh Sr. on Ecclesiastes 3 - 8 years ago
    For Everyone there are seasons, the righteousness of a Man,shall line-up with the WiLL of God's favour,Grace, Mercies! God's Best Blessings to EveryOne I JHN! Amen
  • Patricia on Ecclesiastes 3 - 8 years ago
    Man was formed from the dust of the earth and to dust will return. It's a waste of time to be caught up in our own vanity. Thank God there's a time and season for everything. My prayer is that whatever season I'm in to be thankful.
  • Lilian on Ecclesiastes 3 - 8 years ago
    For God's thought is higher than our thoughts and his ways are higher than our ways neither our ways is his. God has appointed time to heal us and bless us for he is God who knows his time. Only his time will work perfectly . Thank you Jesus for everything. I love you and will trust you forever. Help me to be born again in spirit all the days of my life amen
  • Shewit Abraham on Ecclesiastes 3 - 8 years ago
    Yea I agree and it is comforting to know God has ordained the time of every season and purpose. Helps me to look forward with the One who created me and knows me my inner most. My shepherd Jesus You lead me Along the green pastures and You restore my Soul and prepare a table in the presence of my enemies where you build me with faith and your Trust.Through your word. For faith comes by hearing your precious word as faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not yet seen.Amen Amen
  • Bryan McCloud on Psalms 103 - 8 years ago
    Psalm 103:14 reminds me of Ecclesiastes 3:20 that states, " All go unto one place; all are of the dust, and all turn into dust again."

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