Discuss Ecclesiastes 5 Page 2

  • Charley on Ecclesiastes 5 - 6 years ago
    the prosperity gospel is a lie from hell foxes have holes the birds
    of the air have nests but the son of man had no place to rest
    his head. matthew 8-20. repent and believe the gospel
    not the man centered feel good gospel. jesus saves
  • BSP on Ecclesiastes 5 - 6 years ago
    Verse 12~The many material things that the rich often have can cause them worry because they are worried about maintaining them or keeping them from being damaged or stolen.
  • Clifford Cardinal on Ecclesiastes 5 - 6 years ago
    In our hard labour, comes abundance to share with the needy, turning the needy to greed of your own labour of love- to share- to Gift- and to not expect anything in return- but to be anonymous in your Sharing- and Gifting, or the applause of the Virtue you exercised as to please God in your silent deed that no one sees, is the greatest reward for the soul, and surely you will see God and Paradise
  • BSP on Ecclesiastes 5 - 6 years ago
    Verses 4-6~It is better not to vow then to take a vow and not pay it. This would make God indignant and he would pull his blessing away from us if we failed to pay our vows.
  • Anne on Ecclesiastes 5 - 6 years ago
    Vs. 19 "Every man also to whom God hath given riches and wealth and hath given him power to eat thereof and to take his portion and to rejoice in his labour; this is the gift of God". And "1Tim.6:17 "Charge them who are rich in this world that they be not high minded nor trust in uncertain riches but in the living God who giveth us richly all things to enjoy". All things belong to God our creator.
  • A disciple on Ecclesiastes 5 - 6 years ago
    Hi Jim; Merry Christmas to you and yours as well! I appreciate your friendly reply; but let me add still about what you first wrote, and why I say what I do; "God encourages us to enjoy His gifts.." This actually IS a very popular but ANTI Christ doctrine taught in many churches and especially the reason for the imagined success of the mega-churches: ANOTHER Jesus and ANOTHER gospel of prosperity!
  • Jim on Ecclesiastes 5 - 6 years ago
    A Disciple: I appreciate your comments and viewpoint. Some of the people God blessed with wealth in human history were faithful believers (Abraham, David, Solomon and many others). Its the 'love' of money that is a sin; not having it. Its unfortunate that many teach wealth is evil. Every person must be at peace with God's blessings! Merry Christmas to you and your family!
  • A disciple on Ecclesiastes 5 - 6 years ago
    Jim; You CANNOT serve God and Mammon! Take heed and beware of covetousness; for a man's life DOES NOT CONSIST IN THE ABUNDANCE OF THINGS HE POSSESSES! They that desire to be rich fall into a snare, and hurt themselves with many foolish and destructive lecheries and pollutions of idols! Where our treasure is there will also be our heart! Examine yourself; for you are about to leave your first love!
  • Jim on Ecclesiastes 5 - 6 years ago
    Verses 18-19: Unfortunately, many Christians have been taught or believe that believers should not obtain wealth and should give away as much as possible. Thankfully, these two verses confirm that it is God who grants wealth to some people and it is His gift to them. While believers are to be generous givers, God encourages us to enjoy His gifts as well! This isn't taught much in Churches today.
  • John on Ecclesiastes 5 - 7 years ago
  • Grace on Ecclesiastes 5 - 8 years ago
    I really enjoyed this scripture so much, chapter 1, keep thy feet when thou goes to the house of God, be more ready to hear than to give the sacrifice of fool, may God grant us his grace to fufil this part, because most time we become so busy that we don't even pay attention and most time we missed what we are supposed to hear, just paying attention most times answers most of our questions.
  • Zenaida on Ecclesiastes 5 - 8 years ago
    Our life is God's gift,and He wants us to enjoy it,but let us not forget that we can take nothing with us when we die, so let us be content with what we have for everything is from Him.
  • Brenda Giles on Ecclesiastes 5 - 9 years ago
    God is so good, loving, and merciful. Yes he is forgiving But...... I am soooo glad God is not like MAN when it comes to forgiveness. Love Brenda G.
  • Derek Knotek on Ecclesiastes 5:10 - 9 years ago
    It so very.very true. Amen.
  • Sajitha jayan on Ecclesiastes 5 - 9 years ago
    it helped me to clarify the doubts in my life.
  • Alija on Ecclesiastes 5 - 9 years ago
    Try not to make a promise that you won 't do it again! Rather ask GOD to help you to overcome your sin and when you are weak and tempted by the flesh go to our LORD and pray for strength and guidance! Remember GOD knows your heart and he will give you strength when you feel week! And encourage you to listen to the Holy Spirit within! If you sin unintentionally and ask GOD for forgiveness he will not hold back his mercy! He is after all your loving FATHER and wants to give you a free conscience!! The flesh is weak but the Holy Spirit it strong! Listen to the small voice in your gut before you do something that may lead you to sin, if it doesn 't feel right then it 's the Holy Spirit talking to you! You just have to learn to hear that voice, most of us forget to listen to that voice and follow our head, that 's what can sometimes lead to sin, the Holy Spirit will never lie or mislead you, if it doesn 't feel right, "it " isn 't right GOD bless you
  • Rev. Tim George on Ecclesiastes 5:19 - 9 years ago
    GOD gives riches, and wealth, and this is a gift from GOD. We must thank Him, and give GOD all the Glory for what He is doing in our Iives.
  • Andrew on Ecclesiastes 5 - 9 years ago
    Troubled, do not fear. God understands. God is willing to forgive whenever we are truly sorry for something, no matter how many times we fall and rise and fall again, even if it 's a vow. God will NOT say that He "forgave you once, but two times is too much ". Do your very best, but when you fall, ask and trust Christ. Christ forgives infinite number of times. Of course that doesn 't mean go do whatever you want, but it means Christ will never shut you out and doom you so long as you live. The only unforgivable sin is self-murder. So be at peace, friend.Perhaps talk to your pastor about this, if you want. He should be able to put your worries to rest.
  • Geraldine cole on Ecclesiastes 5 - 9 years ago
    I want to speak on this making a vow to God if we made a vow in all honest in mind to do it and found that u could not do it u repented of that and u no longer make vows and don 't do them God has forgiven U see when u do something and u did not know it was wrong God cannot punish us for what we did not know but the word of God tells us to no to do right and we do wrong is sin.God is a Just God he knows our hart he is willing to forgive us but we must stop the wrong doing once we find out it is wrong be bless sister and brother and remember Judge not that U be judge the same judgement u give to others will come back to U praise God.
  • Troubled on Ecclesiastes 5:4 - 9 years ago
    If you do make a vow and break it more than once do you think God will forgive you? Please, someone please help me understand!! I 'm afraid that maybe I have doomed myself! I have promised the LORD that it will never happen again and I mean to honor this vow until my last breath. Could someone please help me understand??
  • George calvin on Ecclesiastes 5 - 9 years ago
    I get the impression from Solomon that it is good for me to eat, drink and be merry because by doing so I will be enjoying the fruit of my labor. After all, he said, this fruit will not go with me to my grave. Hence, the best way to make use of it is to enjoy it while I 'm still alive.
  • Benson Wafukho on Ecclesiastes 5 - 10 years ago
    Christians today pray conditional prayers like father if you bless me l will built your church,l will do this and that only to get blessed and forget about the vows they made to God. Christians are too fast and never ways the impact of the words that comes from their mouths,such words will bless or will curse one 's life. Rich people no longer values the work of God other than increasing their wealth and becoming the masters.
  • Katie on Ecclesiastes 5:7 - 10 years ago
    most of our dreams, and certainly most of what we say, is based in vanity. we want this, we desire that. we dream of riches, we dream of fame, beauty and what are these things but vanity? remember above all to fear God.
  • Beth Wicker on Ecclesiastes 5:3 - 10 years ago
    The more businesses one has the easier it is to support a ministry, rather then to depend on people to provide the funds through giving.
  • Vivian on Ecclesiastes 5:7 - 10 years ago
    I think it teaches us to be care of the way we make use of vows inorder to prevent the wrath of God upon us
  • Richard Glyn on Ecclesiastes 5:1 - 10 years ago
    'Watch your step when you enter the temple of God, meaning any and everywhere. Be more ready to LISTEN than to make the token sham of the thoughtless, for they have not yet realised their sham and thoughtlessness is more akin to wickedness than to holiness. '
  • BSP on Ecclesiastes 5:1 - 10 years ago
    This verse shows that it is important to watch our conduct when we are in the house of God. We want to show the utmost respect when we meet together in our places of worship. It is not enough just to go to church, but also to act in a proper way when we are there.
  • ANTHONY S on Ecclesiastes 5:7 - 10 years ago
  • Concern Sister on Ecclesiastes 5 - 11 years ago
    This comment is in response to Lois 9/19/2012; hope this will also help you understand about verse 3 of this chapter. I would like for you to read also ( Job 33:14-18). I think this scripture will help you to understand also that sometimes God is wanting to get our attention about things we may be doing or into that we should not; but we're not paying attention to those gentle nudges that comes; so He sometimes gets our attention through our dreams where there is less distractions so you can hear his voice. Now that what I got as I read ( Job 33:14-18). I pray that you will write down your dreams and then pray and ask God for the meaning of those dreams. Amen? Love you with the Love of Christ!!

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