Praise God for his word. I appreciatted the commentary from Godwin where he said not by smartness neither by strength...But by God's grace man become successful.This verse is not discouraging us from going for knowledge or skills, go after them but acknowledge that is the sovereign judge. God bless us.
WendallBriggs: A person goes to neither Heaven or hell when they die, the Bible clearly tells what death is in Ecclesiastes 9:5, Psalms 6:5, Luke 8:52-56, John 5:28-29, there are more just look. In Genesis 3:4 Satan told the woman Eve Ye shall not surly die, Satan started the lie that a person lives when they die and is the father of all lies. The 2nd coming of Jesus there will be a resurrection
I Am that Michael Isaac Dale on Ecclesiastes 9 - 5 years ago
He that planted the ear, shall he not hear? he that formed the eye, shall he not see? He mocks the sufferings of a child of GOD in the sight of my Holy Father. He speaks evil of this woman (my own blood,) not seeing that a pit is digged not for her, but him: her blood is on his hands. Nevertheless through envy of the devil came death into the world: and they that do hold of his side do find it.
One that Looked Good and now babbling about no oxygen from smoking all them cigarettes hoping to find The Fountain of Youth: There's no Such fountain / There is a Fountain at The Cross, Where All Can be Made New( 2 Corinthians 5:17) Works of The Flesh( Galatians 5:19-21) Thou Shall Not Suffer a Witch to Live( Exodus 22:18)
Eccl. 9 instructs me how to go about running and completing the race I've been assigned to by Almighty God. From the beginning of time he has equipped me with "the measure of faith" in which to be victorious. Each race is different for each of us. Know, we are equipped by his power and might and to lean/depend not to our own understanding, but to look to him, the author/finisher of our faith
"For man also knows not his time.." Thus the things that are highly esteemed of men are abomination in the sight of God. We were created and made in the image of God; so we should act like God, think like God, have the same kind of character and behavior and natural disposition as God. We ARE to know our times and prepare our ways after what is good and pleasing to God. Repentance, faith in Jesus!
As a believer in One God, and his son Jesus, a risen savior, to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord, the body dies goes back to dust, and the spirit goes back to The God Who Gave It.....this is my belief.
It does not look like "a little city" is the "world" because in V. 14; there is nothing here that describes the world. "few men" "a king came against it", "and built great bulwarks against it". And the "Poor man" cannot be Jesus because in V.15 it says"yet, no man remembered that same poor man."Would like to see scripture that calls Satan a "king". He is referred to as the "Prince of darkness"
My comment did not have the verse; Ecclesiastes 9:3 " : yea also the heart of the sons of men is full of evil, and madness is in their heart while they live, and after that they go to the dead."
GOD is so grteat he has created a man and women for his glory so we should always honor the commendements of the lord jesus christ our lord we should be an example before god and people thanku all glory to god
Psalm 6:5 For in death there is no remembrance of You In the grave who will give You thanks? Ecclesiastes 9:10 Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might for there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going. Isaiah 38:18 For Sheol the grave cannot thank You, Death cannot praise You Those who go down to the pit cannot hope for Your truth. Psalm 115:17 The dead do not praise the LORD, Nor any who go down into silence. Why do Christians not believe these clear scriptures, which categorically disprove the doctrine of the immortal soul? Notice, the Bible says that when a person dies his memory ceases, he cannot praise God and he has no knowledge or wisdom. In other words, the soul of a person without a body is not conscious. The concept of the immortal soul was the result of pagan beliefs developed by Greek poets and philosophers. The Greek philosopher Plato fully developed the concept of the immortal soul, and this belief infiltrated the Roman Catholic Church and subsequently the Protestant churches. The Bible teaches resurrection, which is a rising from the dead. This is in direct opposition to the pagan belief in an immortal soul. Resurrection is the glorious central truth of the Bible. The Bible says that Jesus Christ earned resurrection immortal life for each and every person through His death on the cross and His resurrection from the dead.
Ecclesiates 9:15 If one should look at the characteristic of WISDOM and also the end-product of WISDOM, one will come to understand the fact that one of the products of WISDOM is UPLIFTMENT or PROMOTION.But in this case the writer shouldn 't have ascribed the word WISDOM to the poor man in question. The man was not a man of WISDOM from biblical perspectives.For instance, JUDGES 11:1-11 but was knowledgeabl in that regard. I therefore, do not try to oppos or contradict that biblical illustrations of this story,but rather giving a clearer differentiation between, 1, being KNOWLEDGEABLE, 2, and being fill or full of WISDOM.I do not equally subscribe to or mean that one should try to get his or her rewards through mental or diplomatic manipulation but in most cases we should learn to lean on GOD just as in the case of Mordecai in the book of ESTHER 2:21-23.
As a Christian, we should knowledgeable of the fact that God is just,He is not like man that is not stable in his promise.God alone has the power to change any condition of life that is not suitable,but the point is we should be patient and wait on Him.God does not choose a person base on what he had acquired or how smart you are.the final phase of the verse makes God clear in fulfilling His promises to His children that wait on Him.But TIME and CHANCE happen to them all.
Ecclesiastes 9:11 The last statement "time chance fall or happen to them all " meaning, not by smartness,not by strenght,not even by human wisdom or understanding,but by GOD 'S grace. It takes grace to be a winner in any race of life,to be victorious in any battle of life, successful in every other aspect or department of life. This is exactly what the writer was trying to picture-out in Ecclesiastes 9:11.
I believe as the bible says the dead know nothing . If our love ones that have passed away are watching over us here on earth don 't you think they would be grieved at the way the world is today. And the bible tells us there would be no sorrow or tears in heaven
I read Ecclesiastes 9:11 before I found this website. Since I have read this information I have a better understand of the meaning. One particular comment made a difference and I believe that God lead me to read this website and that one long comment.
Exactly what it says, the living are consciences they will die! But as for the dead, they are conscience of NOTHING! We are asleep in our Graves awaiting the resurrection, where we can give an account as to our life before judgment. No where does it say we are all floating around with our loved ones.
The wages of sin is death.Death is the oppisite of life.When Lazarus died, Jesus wept.When he was in the tomb for parts of 3 days and was resurrected by Jesus, why didnt Lazarus say "Hey Jesus, why did you bring me back? I was on my way to heaven man! No, he was dead, and the bible says he new nothing.
Those without a hope for the future believe that death is all there is and act with madness through out their life time. It is critical that people learn about the Bible, and it 's hope for the resurrection on a Paradise earth.