Discuss Ecclesiasticus 23

  • Adam - In Reply on Ecclesiasticus 23 - 2 years ago
    Hi Dorthy,

    The Bible says we will sleep until Jesus returns in the following verses and possibly more:

    1 Cor 15:18-20

    1 Thess 4:13-18

    Job 14:12

    Daniel 12:2

    This scripture debunks what the other people are saying about people NOT sleeping to await Jesus. I believe what God says over what man says. Don't believe what I say either, but just look at God's truth and decide. But when I read these verses and pray about it its 100% clear what it means to me.

    Those claiming immediate heaven may require ignoring these 4 verses and choosing only 2 scriptures and interpret them too broadly: (1) the one where Paul says he'd "rather" be with the Lord. Paul only states his preference. I prefer to be with the Lord too, but that doesn't automatically mean 100% of all people forever will skip judgement and be in heaven immediately. And (2) the verse about Jesus telling the criminal on this day he'll be in paradise doesn't automatically mean 100% of all people will have this, and doesn't invalidate the other 4 verses where it clearly says we'll "sleep" awaiting Jesus, and paradise is a different word than heaven and some think it might even be a place of waiting.

    Suggest just following the scriptures and praying for wisdom and understanding rather than believing any unscriptural opinions. God bless.

    The same topic is also discussed here and probably other places too:

  • Mishael - In Reply on Ecclesiasticus 23 - 2 years ago
    All souls belong to God. When we die, our souls are eternal. They go to one of two places; heaven, unto the lover of your soul. Or the other place.

    Ezekiel 18:4 View whole chapter

    Behold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine: the soul that sinneth, it shall die.

    If you read the rest of Ezekiel 18, you will see that Satan is a hunter of souls. God is at war with him.

    Jesus went to the Cross willingly, to make payment for your souls eternal home with Him.

    Why not visit the Link: BECOME A BELIEVER

    out on the red landing page you came in these chat rooms on. It is a decision that must be settled before our physical death.

    May you find peace and safety in Jesus today.
  • Jesse - In Reply on Ecclesiasticus 23 - 2 years ago

    It was not a dilemma for the apostle Paul. In Philippians 1:21, Paul's philosophy was that for him, to live is Christ, and to die is gain. I like that!

    Paul says in Philippians 1:22, but if I live in the flesh, this is the fruit of my labour: yet what I shall choose I wot not. (That is, I do not know).

    In Philippians 1:23-24, he says, "For I am in a strait between two, having a desire to depart, and to be with Christ; which is far better: Nevertheless to abide in the flesh is more necessary for you.

    Reading through Verses 25 & 26, what Paul seems to be saying is that he really would like to go be with the Lord. Paul's life was not the kind of life that you want to stick around for, you know? Unless you like being in prison and creating riots, like Paul.

    But Paul says I really would like to go be with the Lord. It has much more priority for me and desire than here.

    Some of us have trouble giving up our life here for Christ because this life means "so much" to us.

    And Paul says for me to live is Christ. If I have to stay here, then that's what my life is going to be about, Jesus Christ, and to minister to those so that they can have a furtherance, or advancement, and satisfaction of faith.

    So he says in that you would rejoice in Christ for me coming to you again.
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply on Ecclesiasticus 23 - 2 years ago
    This is interesting; I hadn't looked into that book before. There are two intersting facts; apparently the author himself stated that the Hebrew canon was complete and therefore this writing wasn't to be placed in that material. There is practical wisdom that seems ok and tied into scripture except for the lack of belief in judgment in the afterlife. Thus; they were apparently like the Sadducees not believing in the Resurrection.

    The clearest verse in scripture is "absent from the body is to be present with the Lord." ( 2 Cor. 5:6). There are other verses such as Hebrews 9:27 stating that we are destined to die once then face the judgment. The distinction needs to be made between the body "qeber" in the original language describing the BODY and it's passions sleeping in the dust of the earth and "sheol" which is the underworld where all those who died used to go to until Psalm 68:18 and other verses show that "captivity was made captive."

    Christ's sacrifice allowed the souls of the rightous to leave the pleasant side of Sheol (such as seen with the parable of Lazarus and the rich man in Luke 16:19-31) and go to heaven ( 1 Peter 3:18-20). His preaching to the wicked was a declaration or show of victory along with the righteous souls released; many of which appeared after His Resurrection. ( Matt. 27:53). This was a sort of "first" of the firstfruits of whom we will be a part after our living Head Christ went first bodily to heaven.

    There are many other verses that could be quoted as well. Soul sleep just isn't scriptural.

    Agape; Rich P.
  • DOROTHY on Ecclesiasticus 23 - 2 years ago
    Dear sir/madam,

    I'm in a dilemma as to what happens to one's soul after death?

    Thank you
  • Tanya Coach - In Reply on Ecclesiasticus 23 - 2 years ago
    you can have it reed it to you
  • Sarsie Anderson on Ecclesiasticus 23 - 2 years ago
    Need help reading the scriptures
  • Michelle on Ecclesiasticus 23 - 3 years ago
    Of course obeying God always comes first, but understand that being faithful to your spouse doesn't come "secondary". They are one and the same, because your spouse is your self, therefore your marriage is dedicated to God. If you're obeying God, you're going to be faithful to your spouse by default, as well as every other commandment. You never have to choose between one or the other. This "first, second, third" way of thinking gives Christians an excuse to say that some sins are "better" than others. No. If you're obeying God, then you're not sinning. Transgression against your own spouse is no better or worse than disobeying Him in any other way.
  • Stan L on Ecclesiasticus 23 - 4 years ago
    It said, the comments were about chapter 23 verse 18. I do not perceive a connection to the comments and the verse. I know it is easy to miss things, but I have no clue at all. True illumination would be appreciated.
  • Chris - In Reply on Ecclesiasticus 23:18 - 4 years ago
    Bob, just another example of the anti-Christ spirit at work. Deterioration of biblical values & warrants everywhere & all in preparation for the revelation of the false Christ. I always make sure to use BC or AD in my references: not much of a witness I know, but if believers stood united in confronting the onslaught by wicked governments in every area of these concerted attempts to weaken the faith & devalue the Cross, then we have stood true to the Word and to the Lord.
  • Bob Hilt on Ecclesiasticus 23:18 - 4 years ago
    what is this BCE / CE vs BC or AD nonsense?

    BC stands for Before Christ and AD means Anno Domino or year of our LORD

    BCE means Before COMMON ERA as if the birth of Christ was common or vulgar.

    CE means COMMON ERA.

    From wickedpedia: "The term "Common Era" can be found in English as early as 1708,[7] and became more widely used in the mid-19th century by Jewish religious scholars. In the later 20th century, the use of CE and BCE was popularized in academic and scientific publications as a culturally neutral term. It is also used by some authors and publishers who wish to emphasize sensitivity to non-Christians by not explicitly referencing Jesus as "Christ" and Dominus ("Lord") through use of the abbreviation[c] "AD"

    Basically using BCE and CE is a DENIAL OF JESUS.
  • Mishael on the Son of Man - In Reply on Ecclesiasticus 23:18 - 4 years ago
    When Jesus began his Ministry he called himself, THE SON OF MAN.

    His blood HAD to be pure from all sin. Mary was overshadowed by the Holy Spirit (who is Spirit and invisible). Jesus's blood was NOT connected to Mary's blood supply. The spark of life began to grow, by the power of God.

    Even tho Mary was married to Joseph, they did not have marital relations till after Jesus's birth. That's scripture.

    You can Google ancestry charts on Mary and Joseph; which is very interesting! Both were descended from King David. Jesus had "half" brothers and sisters. No connection by blood or "DNA".

    In order to be The Lamb of God, he had to be pure from sin running through bloodlines; he had to live daily without committing any sin, for 33 years.

    The Son of Man hung on the Cross as the perfect, sinless; without spot or wrinkle; Lamb of God. After he died, the HUGE Room-sized veil in the Temple was torn from top to bottom. Not bottom to top.

    That was Him saying the Old Covenant was replaced by the New Covenant.

    Who is this Son of Man who gave himself fully for mankind? He never sinned. We can trust Him with our souls. He wants to be our Lord. Through Him, anybody can be saved; born again. John chapter 3.
  • Chris - In Reply on Ecclesiasticus 23:18 - 4 years ago
    Johnson, you've started a new thread & not written your question to your ongoing thread. But anyway, I apologize for not answering your question as you wanted. When I read your question, I understand it like this: is Jesus, the Son of Mary, also God?

    If that is your question, then I responded, 'Yes, Jesus is God' & I gave a lengthy description as to how we arrive at that understanding. If that is not your question, could you re-phrase it another way?
  • Alex on Ecclesiasticus 23:18 - 4 years ago
    Jesus was born that he might be multiplied as the stars of heaven, that was the great Promise i will multiply thy seed as the stars of heaven,Thats y the sower will go forth and sow his seed in humanity that it might initiate a Birth of Christ in us, a baby Christ the SON OF MAN THE GRANSON, The beginning of the ISRAEL OF GOD, A LIL ONE SHALL B/C A THOUSAND AND A SMALL ONE A STRONG NATION thats the Israel of God ya remember God almighty swore by his very self,its he that wants a Posterity,but God is spirit thus the Israel of GOD ARE SPIRITS THAT ARE GONNA BE BORN IN US,GIVING us, a new heart and a new spirit WHICH IS THE H.G. OUR NEW INNERMAN, My lil children of whom i travail in Birth till CHRIST IS FORMED IN YOU, see his seed the WORD is gonna impregnate this whole world,27 times in the O.T. the prophets saw the world in travail and birth pains , his mission was not just death but multiplcation as the Stars of Heaven,when a seed dies it multiplies thus much fruit ( THE SON S OF GOD The children of PROMISE THE GRANSONS THE Israel of God that are gonna be born in US sinners.Jesus cd not refer to the H.G as the Promise if he were not his offspring th granson th beginning of the Children of PROMISE. When JESUS breath on them that was his Seed , ,th WORD, NOT THE WRITTEN WORD but the living Words as my Words are spirit and life th very seeds of God , To whom the word ( his seed ) came it made them Gods. Smite the shephard and the sheep will be scattered THEN I WILL TURN MY HAND TO THE LITTLE ONES, HIS OFFSPRING our CHILDREN OF Promise . Thats y he he refers to himslf as the Son of Man ,man mankind is gona befruitfull unto God. They will know you by your fruits, the Manchild which is the H.G. as that which ii born of the spirit is spirit ( that good seed is the WORD which is spirit ) thus the Child is God as God is spirit.tHE. The God head is a trinity of father son and granson How else cd God tell Moses his name was abraham issac a Jacob lest his kingdom was a trinity
  • Johnson emile on Ecclesiasticus 23:18 - 4 years ago
    that still doesn't answer my question I ask is Mary's son in the flesh who is call Jesus is he God
  • Chris - In Reply on Ecclesiasticus 23:18 - 4 years ago
    Johnson, that is correct, Jesus was born of the virgin Mary for the purpose of God's entrance into Earth's realm. Mary 'knew' no man, she was a virgin, especially chosen of God ( Lk 1:26-32) to bring forth God's Word ( Jn 1:1-14) into the World for the sole purpose to preach about God's Kingdom & to lay down His Life as a Sacrifice for all of us.

    So we say that God is a Triune God, because God reveals Himself to us in His three Personages (NOT three gods): God the Father, God the Word (His Son, Jesus Christ) & God the Holy Spirit. ( 1 Jn 5:7: "For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one"). This is a difficult concept to understand, but it's like saying that you are composed of three parts: your body, soul & spirit; if one part is taken away, then you are incomplete & not the true complete YOU. The Sun has three parts: its substance/matter, heat & light; it wouldn't be the sun we know, if a part of it was removed. In like manner, God is perfectly God only in His three-fold personage & nothing else.

    Just as Jesus came to the Earth to die for our sins & in our stead, so that all who repent & believe in Him will not go to Hell, so God's Spirit is also here now in every believer to give him/her a new spiritual birth, to empower them to live this new life, & to share this wonderful news to others so that they too can be saved & become a part of God's family.

    So, Yes, Mary was especially chosen by God to bear Jesus, Whom the Prophet Isaiah spoke of in Isa 7:14: "Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel". Jesus came in fulfilment of that prophecy & also read Isaiah chapter 53 and the Messianic Psalm 22, both showing His agony at the Cross.

    I hope you can see that Jesus wasn't just a Prophet or just a good Man - He IS God's Son, being taken into Heaven after His Crucifixion & burial, showing our acceptance by God.
  • Johnson emile on Ecclesiasticus 23:18 - 4 years ago
    is Mary son that is call Jesus is he God

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