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Saint Paul’s writing to the Romans present us with another challenging theology to deal with. The whole concept which is conveyed throughout this passage can be classified under REMNANT THEOLOGY. Yes, I strongly believe that God is a God of dispensation who works in TIME and SEASON. See Galatians 4:4, Ephesians 1:10. The time line of the history of divine providence from the day of the fall of the First Adam has been that of restoration and the preservation of the remnant of the children of Israel. Despite the providential struggle for restoration and preservation of the remnant of Israel, God has been working through CONVENANT THEOLOGY. In each historical age of the dispensation of restoration, God had always made himself manifest to his children through what I called COVENANT. That is why we cannot really disassociate DISPENSATIONAL THEOLOGY, CONVENANT THEOLOGY, and REMNANT THEOLOGY:
Saint Paul in Romans 11:5 is trying to convey a transcendent Truth about God which is through the GRACE of God, a remnant will always be preserved in all generations, irrespective of the circumstances. The word remnant itself should not only be understood within the light of all those who are being saved or the kept aside by the LORD, but the word remnant should be understood with the mindset of those whom God has chosen as an instrument to save the lost. The word remnant does not necessarily mean that they are those whom has chosen through his Unconditional Election to go to heaven. For example, in the days of Joseph, he was chosen as a remnant to preserve his brothers from the great famine which was to later befall the land. See Genesis 42. In the case of Joseph, we can see that he was unconditionally chosen by God’s election of Grace, and by means of this divine election of grace, his salvation was assured by God himself but his being chosen was for the preservation for the remnant that was to go through moments of hardship.
This again takes us to another argument in the book of Revelation 7:4-8 where in every twelve tribe in Israel God had or God has preserved at least twelve thousand people to be saved. If we have to make a multiplication of the twelve thousand people by the twelve tribes of Israel, that God had or has preserved in history, then we will come to the conclusion of having 144,000 remnant preserved as it is described in the book of Revelation 14:1- Does it mean that only 144,000 people are going to heaven? I say no. why? This is how I explicate myself. This 144,000 people stands for the remnant which God has kept for himself which he will use to work out the salvation of those who have not yet been saved so that through them others will be saved and come to the complete knowledge of the saving grace of God. If we can logically agree with Genesis 42 that Joseph was sent into Egypt because God in his master plan wanted to use him to preserve the remnant that was going to survive the famine, then it is obvious that the 144,000 people have the same providential role to play like Joseph.
In conclusion, the theology of Unconditional Election has never really meant to mean God has chosen others to be saved while he has predestined others for perdition. It does not suffice quoting the story of Esau and Jacob, but one thing remains certain that anybody who has been uncondionally set apart by God’s Unconditional Grace is only a bridge through whom the unsaved are saved. E.g, Esther.
WAY AND WHY BECAUSE HE IS THE WAY EVEN IN EPHESIANS he is not anonymous he very well knowen Aman.
what the Lord has done and what we do for Him
it contains the Armor of God that is important
because it explains that our weapons are not
carnal but Spiritual. It tells us that He has
chosen our place in the Body his Church and
that our faith is the gift of God which also
brings into perspective the things he has done
for us all the weapons to put these fiery darts.
out of the way so we can serve the Lord better.
Did you know that: Born again( John 3:1-7)is the only way to enter into the Kingdom of God,Jesus requires born in water and born in spirit( John 3:5)born in water means baptism,baptism in Jesus name,born in spirit means Holy Spirit baptism.two baptism needed in order to enter into the Kingdom of God.
Seems that those in supposed rule of theological dogma like to short-change the power that The Lord has given the Church and each individual believer. They preach the gospel without the power thereof...the spirit of the pharisees is alive and in business even today.
Jesus is the name that is above every other name in this world and world to come, meaning that with Him, NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE to me as long as i believe. I love you Jesus!
The Catholic Church has elevated Peter and all who succeed him as Pope. This non-biblical or Latin term means "father or Papa." Jesus specifically taught his disciples which included Peter not to call anyone on earth "father" in a religious reverencial way. ( Matthew 23:9, 10) The Jewish religious leaders desried titles of sorts. Jesus instead said that all you are brothers. Since the Catholic Church says that it is perfectly scriptural to call these men Popes they are in effect saying that Peter an all who succeed him are fathers of the church. If they are fathers then this makes them head. However, if Paul said that Jesus is head and if the Catholic Church says Peter and the rest are heads then the Church has two heads. They go against the headship arrangement for the Christian Congregation and they go agaisnt s direct order from Christ not to be called father.
People can call Peter a rock all they want and as mentioned by the comments above he was rock like in his faith and in his confession of Jesus being the Christ, Son of the living God. He certainly was outspoken and often times did speak for the other apostles during Jssus time and after. But this did not make him Pope or father of the Church.
Thank you for allowing my comment.