Discuss Ephesians 5 Page 10

  • Gennie Gennie Gennie on Ephesians 5 - 4 years ago
    We are not to sin as becoming believers Christians Walker's of light. We are to please God and please him only walking in the will of God and not in our own will that causes us to sin. There is consequences and continually doing wrong. Husband's should love their wife as Christ loved them. Wife's should love their husbands and submit, to the right things that he tells her to do not just anything he want her to do that it's a sin or anyting that displease God. If people will obey this scripture a lot of marriages will be saved in this chapter.
  • Seeking Gods Truth on Matthew 5 - 5 years ago
    Very True Seeking Revenge and Holding onto Bitterness and Resentment destroys all the Goodness in us. God does not agree with evil and deception and we dont accept what He calls evil as good or let it continue including allowing people to teach their own Carnal and Worldly interpretation of Scripture which leads to others being Deceived Confused and Hurt. We Share God's Truth with them showing they are in error and so giving True Hope and Peace to others. Jesus said in Matthew12:30 He that is not with Me is against Me and he that gathereth not with Me Scattereth Abroad This is also confirmed in Ephesians 5:8-17 which will be shown in our Words and Actions Rom8:1 Lets Shine in the Darkness.
  • T - In Reply - 5 years ago
    Adultery is a/the action that breaks the covenant of marriage, and doesn't necessarily require lust. In this case ( Matthew 5:28) Jesus points out that simply looking at someone in lust brings a charge of adultery.
    As for if one can lust after their wife, the short answer is yes, to lust after someone is to neglect/degrade someone's humanity for own desires. In the world there are evident relationships where this is taking place.
    Here are some extra verses.
    Ephesians 5:28
    1 Corinthians 7:2-4
    I hope this is helpful.
  • Seventh day is sabbath - In Reply on Ephesians 5 - 5 years ago
    BSP- Commandment 3, Exodus 20:7 Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain. Commandment 9 Exodus 20:16 Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. The 10 commandments are still in effect today, God does not change. Commandment 4 Exodus 20:8-11 Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.
  • QueenElona - In Reply - 5 years ago
    1 Corinthians 11:3 - But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ and the head of the woman is the man and the head of Christ is God. Ephesians 5:22 - Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. 1 Peter 3:7 - Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honor unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs t
  • QueenElona - In Reply - 5 years ago
    Ephesians 5:23 View whole chapter See verse in context For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the Savior of the body. Read the whole chapter because Paul is addressing the Israelites who needed this same info
  • Ann - In Reply - 5 years ago
    Tina, here are some scriptures to help, there are many in Proverbs. Proverbs 3:1-5 - 5:18-19 - 12:4 - 18:22 - 19:14 - 20:6-7 - 31-10 - Ephesians 5:32-33 - Song of Solomon 2:10-13 - Matthew 19:4-6 - Luke 10:27 - John 15:9-12 - 1 Corinthians 7:1-5 - Colossians 3:18-19 - Hebrews 13:4-7. I pray these scriptures will help the young married couple.
  • Dave shultz - In Reply - 5 years ago
    Ephesians 5:22-33 These scriptures are great for both husband and wife. A wife is subject to her husband, not as a door mat but as a vessel. Think of it this way, Jesus loved the world so much that he died for it, so a husband should should die out to worldly wants to care for his wife. Also a wife is no longer her own, meaning that he wants and desire should be to please her husband.
  • Adam - In Reply - 5 years ago
    1 Peter 3 is a good one to start with. Proverbs 31:10-31, Ephesians 5:22-25.
  • Wayne Geralds on Ephesians 5 - 5 years ago
    Ephesians is one of my favorite books, i love chapter 6 with the armor of God.
  • Brianna vs. 4-6 - In Reply on Ephesians 5 - 5 years ago
    I appreciate how the Bible is a reminder of how we should be striving to keep our moral standards high. The Bible is very clear on what it says. In these verses it states that if we practice obscene talking, dirty jokes, fornication, etc. we will not inherit Gods Kingdom. Honestly, if we practice these things willingly, and know what the Bible says, what will we say to our heavenly Father!?!?!?!?
  • Richard Handran - In Reply on Ephesians 5 - 5 years ago
    Vain without real significance, value, or importance baseless or worthless: vain pageantry vain display. Vanity is placing value on something that does not contain value. similar to a painting sold as a Van Gogh when it is a fake. It is advertised as a million dollar work of art. In reality the painting is worthless, baseless. Vain living is living as a baseless life has worth.
  • William on Psalms 121 - 5 years ago
    ( Ephesians 5:30 : For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones.) As we accepted Christ Jesus as our Lord and our Savior, we can face any (thing now, at once), because He lives in and through me/us. Praise King Jesus!
  • Jere on Ephesians 5 - 5 years ago
    Verse 14-20 talks about revival and it can be connected to us being like water bottles. Before we are saved we are empty but when we get saved we are full. Then we go back and do the things of the world and we are half full. Because we are doing both, the worldly things and the godly things. but they don't mix well. But, when we go to church and get back into church and read the bible we are full.
  • Vanessa on Ephesians 5 - 5 years ago
    Do not be amongst those that do unspeakable sins, the church is to preach against it not ignore it, you cant be delivered from unholiness, if your not taught all the ways of the Lord and what true repentance is, with a pure heart, love of the word and praise God, everyone is worthy of his grace and forgiveness, if they turn from the things that go against his will. I pray people get the message
  • BSP on Ephesians 5 - 5 years ago
    Verse 3~We want to make sure that our speech is clean before God. We should stay away from unclean jokes and words.
  • ALEX on Ephesians 5 - 6 years ago
  • Bruce on Genesis 5 - 6 years ago
    Sounds good But You Can't Walk that Far. Neither Did Enoch,He was Taken Verse 24. To Walk with The LORD, You have to be in Prayer, Read His WORD ONLY No Other Books, No Commentaries, No TV, No Internet, No Games, Tell Others The Way of Salvation by The Blood of The Lamb: do All 24-7. If Married Love HER as Christ Loved The Church( Ephesians 5:25) If Not Married, Don't Get Married. It's Not Hard
  • Servant of the most high God on Revelation 22 - 6 years ago
    If anyone has a chance to correct someone with love and scripture pray for Jesus to guide you we are here to reveal the truth not to deceive or sit back and watch wile others are being deceived reprove correct them. Ephesians 5:6-7 Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience. Be not ye therefore partakers with them.
  • BSP on Ephesians 5 - 6 years ago
    Verse 6- we must be careful not to put faith in everything that we hear. We want to compare what we hear with what we know for a fact is the truth.
  • Jhonny rafael henriquez on Ephesians 5 - 6 years ago
    we got to be thankful for everything God give us
  • Sherleen on Ephesians 5 - 6 years ago
    God is LOVE! His love IS unconditional. And, yes, His Love chastises us when we disobey His Laws and Conmandments. Christ, in Spirit and Soul form, shed His Blood for us before the foundations of the world. Then He came into time, took on a body and died on Calvary s Cross we have been twice bought by the Precious Blood of Jesus. God s Ways and Thoughts are much higher than man s.
  • Larry on Ephesians 5 - 6 years ago
    God does not love us unconditionally we must first believe and receive his son Jesus Christ then nothing can separate us from the love of God. Another condition is Jesus said draw nigh unto me and I will draw nigh unto you you cannot love unconditionally if your wife hits you or your husband beat you you are not going to love him like you should there needs to be loved back
  • Yilpit sunday on Ephesians 5 - 6 years ago
    Is only children of God that put that Eph 5:25 in use but those who did not know the ward of God take that as nothing they treat their wife like slave .forgotten the love Christ shown to us that he gave his life, crucified died on cross for our sins. mark 15:15-20
  • Lilian on Ephesians 5 - 6 years ago
    All good gifts comes from above it could be your husband or wife and all explosive blessings are always comes from our Abba Father thank you Lord Jesus and please help us to protect our heavenly manna by destroying every works of the defeated enemy i will praise you Jesus forever for you are worthy amen
  • BSP on Ephesians 5 - 6 years ago
    Verse 10 shows that there are things that are acceptable and things that are unacceptable to Jehovah God. We have to read the Bible and ask for discernment to help us recognize and stay away from the things that are unacceptable to him.
  • Jenny on Ephesians 5 - 6 years ago
    I love Ephesians 5 because it tells us how to live as children of God. He tells us to walk in love, the same kind of love Jesus walked in. Jesus loved others as he loved himself. He tells us things we are not to do such as sex outside of the confines of marriage, which is fornication. Uncleanness is an evil dirty person who is morally impure; a filthy person is one who has an evil nature of sin,

  • BSP on Ephesians 5 - 6 years ago
    Verse 26~God's Word is likened to water and it has cleansing properties. Just like we would use water to wash up everyday we should use the figurative water of God's Word to cleanse our minds and hearts everyday.
  • Joshua on Ephesians 5 - 6 years ago
    The term Melchizedek is Righteousness. True representation of Christ meeting us where we are. No matter what we have done accepts our offering as did from Abram ten percent. As Melchizedek is not condemning Abram neither is Christ condemning us. We are blessed instead. Thank you Jesus our high priest forever.
  • BSP on Ephesians 5 - 6 years ago
    Verse 22,23~The headship arrangement was put in place by Jehovah God and not by any man.

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