Discuss Esther 1 Page 3

  • Marcia on Esther 1:3 - 10 years ago
    It ' s similar to Daniel 5:1.
  • Celestine okey madu on Esther 1 - 10 years ago
    Esther is a wonderful woman of God and role model at this time who believed on the efficacy of fasting and praying to God almighty to get result in trail times.With the boldness arising from seeking God 's face she was able to confront the king despite the dangers of that odd time with this conviction 'if I perish I perish in order to save a people of God
  • Mrs epuna on Esther 1 - 10 years ago
    it is very good for woman to honor and obey her husband,leaders around her, it very very important in life. Esther is a great woman that obey her leaders and fear God so that is why God favored her in the eyes of the king.
  • Debbielloyd on Esther 1 - 10 years ago
    Esther has taught us to always reverence and respect our men.
  • Leelee on Esther 1 - 10 years ago
    i think that this story is very interresting .
  • Sabina on Esther 1 - 10 years ago
    ESTHER is a tale of tales, it reveals the worldly grandeur V s Core values. Esther an Orphan, an empty vessel is used through God 's providence to preserve a WHOLE nation. Where do we place ourselves in this story? Our positions can be located using God 's Positioning System in this story.
  • Jenelle on Esther 1 - 10 years ago
    i respectfully disagree with the comment made that women should not honor their husbands. Ephesians 5 22 and Colossians 3 18 state that wives submit to their husbands. To submit to a person in authority over you, you must respect and honor that individual or submit in fear of punishment. My interpretation of "honor " is one of respect for that perrson 's position and inspiring them to be even greater men of God.
  • Karen on Esther 1:20 - 10 years ago
    Women should not honor their small husbands as this only rewards their smallness and does not inspire them to be great men of God.
  • Mrs Nkonye Maryjane on Esther 1 - 10 years ago
    Esther is a roll model for all women she was a prayerful woman and was why she found favour in the sight of the king and the jewish people were set free from the distruction planned by Haman
  • Comfort agyekum on Esther 1:3 - 11 years ago
    To throw a party for such high-profiled personalities and rule over a large province suggested that King Ahassareus was a great and blessed man.
  • Keith on Esther 1 - 11 years ago
    Esther was a chosen vessel and God does as He pleases, what God does He does in love and brings about great victories, No questions asked. off course the human mind can't comprehend the ways of the lord.
  • Kagiso on Esther 1 - 11 years ago
    A true and interesting book that teaches nothing but the truth
  • Jenelle on Esther 1 - 11 years ago
    I'd like to know where Jeff, whose comment was on 7/29/13, determined that Queen Vashti had to parade in front of the King's court naked. There is nothing that I can find in history that states the queen had to expose herself in such a depraved manner. If she was beautiful to behold, then her royal attire would have enhanced her beauty. The Bible was never meant to be read as porn. It's God's word. We read it, learn from God's teachings, draw from it to grow in God's purpose for our life, comforted in times of need and sustained spiritually by feasting on His word. I don't agree with Jeff AT ALL about how the queen was to present herself.
  • Jeff on Esther 1 - 11 years ago
    Queen Va****i was a victim of a selfish indulgent king who lost his dignity when he requested her to be viewed upon naked. However God allowed this cir***stance to bring a blessing of deliverance to Esthers tribe. God allows bad things to turn into good.
  • Henry on Esther 1 - 11 years ago
  • Janice on Esther 1 - 11 years ago
    The King who was in power and ruled many did not realized the responsibilities that comes with it. So when in over indulging orders Vashti to come before them in their drunkeness, she didn't give honor to her King. The King was not ruling with honor. God knew him and was going to use Esther who loved and honored God.
  • Mercy on Esther 1 - 11 years ago
    I love esther because she was real. God sent to her people at the right time.
  • Ellen on Esther 1 - 11 years ago
    Esther's bravery, obedience, and morals are commendable. As for king Ahasuerus, a spineless, immoral, drunk, swayed by drunken princes to divorce his wife, Vashti, without just cause, --she refused to strut her body before drunken, lustful men without morals; --he signs a decree into law that affects the entire nation without thinking matters through. Let us be cautious for it will be repeated in our time, by unscrupulous leaders/politicians.
  • Esther mj on Esther 1 - 11 years ago
    Brave n courageous queen.
  • Though on Esther 1 - 11 years ago
    I am in agreement with Margire, that God has a reason for everything that happens. Esther was truly chosen for such a time as that, Mary was chosen at the right time to bring our savior into the world!
  • Caleb Kailash Chhetri on Esther 1 - 12 years ago
    It is a brief history of Queen Ester.
  • Miriam on Esther 1 - 12 years ago
    Esther was a God fearing woman that’s why she was honored and was obedient.
  • Beulah adams on Esther 1 - 12 years ago
    A woman of wisdom confident and courageous. Honorable and loyal to her people, understand the power of seeking God’s face with confident expectation that he would deliver a female. Daniel
  • John Ocheme on Esther 1 - 12 years ago
    If the king had submitted himself to God his subject, queen Vashti, would have done same. So husband, master, and all occupying leadership position should learn. Esther prepared herself for God's plan, so Christians learn!
  • Emily on Esther 1 - 12 years ago
    Queen Vashti has a problem with King Ahasuerus athority and as God has things planned for each of us, he has plans for Esther to fulfill Gods will because she was faithful. God has a purpose for all of His children.
  • Magira chacha on Esther 1 - 12 years ago
    God can see those things are not yet to come an prepare the escaping rout for his people, god needed to replce vashti from the king dom for ester to come to save the people of israel when the trouble come.
  • Clyde Julio Martin on Esther 1 - 12 years ago
    She was and is a picture of God the King Of all Kings and the Church That He Gives us the right to come before Him in His Son Our Lord Jesus Christ
  • Rita O on Esther 1 - 12 years ago
    Esther Chapter 1 is a divine arrangement God made for Esther to come in and save her people. Also Queen Vashti not obeying her husband the king who is under the influence of wine (alcohol) is heroic.
  • Donelle Bledsoe on Esther 1:12 - 12 years ago
    Queen Vashti should have had the king beheaded in front of his entire family while unguarded!
  • Sunday o.komolafe on Esther 1 - 12 years ago
    proverb says pride come before destruction,because of pride in vashti she thought because of her beauty anything she do nobody can query her including king,because he can't get another beautiful lady like her,she had forgotten that it is only God that has no replacement.lesson for everybody.

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