Discuss Exodus 21 Page 2

  • Andres Donet on Exodus 21 - 4 years ago
    Was it God who provide those detailed rules? Looks like more as if was some law enforcing people .
  • Jesse - In Reply on Matthew 24:21 - 4 years ago
    Matthew 5:38-42 is the correct understanding of revenge and this is important. Jesus said in Matthew 5:38 you have heard about eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth?

    That's found in Exodus 21:24. This law was actually given for restraint. In other words you are only allowed by law that if the man injures your eye, you can only injure his eye, because the desire was that if you injure my eye, you die!

    So it was actually restrictive. And Jesus said, and He is actually bringing in a correction. He says, but I say to you, to resist not evil, and whosoever should smite you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. If he takes your coat, let him have your cloak too.

    They were only allowed to take your inner coat. They couldn't take your outer coat. Jesus said if they take you to court and they want you inner coat, give them the outer one too.
  • Maran - In Reply on Exodus 21:10 - 4 years ago
    Hebrews did not have Hebrew slaves. Hebrew Maidservants and Menservants were PAID occupations. A girl's father was paid for her service to her boss's family. In turn, they provided her room & board and meals for free. It's not much different than if I hired a live-in maid. Except of course, a live-in maid would get her wages paid to her directly, but Hebrew girls back then didn't have much to spend money on, so their wages typically went to help provide for their family who they lived with until marriage.
  • Ann Anglin on Exodus 21 - 5 years ago
    Gods Law...No matter what we do or say an eggs an egg evils evil WeAll need Gods Laws,We need His guidance we cannot do or change evil on our own Simple put We need God, so stop complaining n start applying His Laws to our life daily. Ask Gods help.....we should thrust All Gods Word not some as it suit our purposes May God BlessUsAll
  • TheBibleisaLie - In Reply on Exodus 21 - 5 years ago
    Well I think its pretty clear based on what it says in 21-21, which clearly states "he IS his money" that this is not a willing relationship dynamic. not to mention the fact that physical harm to this "servant" is permitted as long as the person lives on for just another day or two. anyone who seeks to justify or defend this is simply lying to themselves and its shameful.
  • Stanjett - In Reply on Exodus 21 - 5 years ago
    Servants was not slaves. They got room and board and maybe even some pay. Some were maids, cooks, housekeepers etc. I was born in a sharecroppers cabin. Dad planted and took care of the owners farm. We payed no rent and was given a share of the profits of the crops. I guess we were servants in that way.
  • Sarah, Child of God on Exodus 21 - 5 years ago
    Matthew 5:38 repeats verse 24. I just looked up the word "tooth" and found this.
  • JP on Exodus 21 - 5 years ago
    The word slavery is not in the Bible.
  • J on Exodus 21 - 5 years ago
    @Sed B where in the bible does it give this explanation or definition of "Servant"
  • Sed. B. on Exodus 21 - 5 years ago
    The Judgments are explained in Deuteronomy. Sold servants were poor people who had borrowed money and could not repay it. They'd work 6 years to repay the debt, owners could sell them to another owner. Finally, the poor would be set free even if debt was not repaid fully and with lavishly gifts from the former "employer". This was done to avoid usury and eliminate poverty from Israel altogether.
  • James L. Ryals on Exodus 21 - 5 years ago
    I have to admit I am extremely disappointed in this passage in The Bible, it sounds as if slavery is confirmed to be God's will. I'm fully aware that this is not only speaking to people of color , find it disturbing to read
  • George Waters on Deuteronomy 1 - 6 years ago
    @Connie Elam Exodus 21:22- I hope that helps.
  • Maria Pelaez on Exodus 21 - 6 years ago

    The ten commandments, is the representation of God's character, No one, is free from obeying it, it is one requirement in obtaining salvation. The other is, the testimony of Jesus Christ who said, he is the son of God. The covenant between man and God our father are his ten commandments. Further, in the new testament, 1Cor. Chap. 6 verses 9-11 testifies of this. Jesus came to fulfill the law.
  • A disciple on Exodus 21 - 6 years ago
    If these would be the Laws in our Countries today, how much less crime and evil would be! It doesn't mean we have to bring everyone to judgment for every little thing; but smaller matters could be dealt with by neighborhoods and communities, there would be definite boundaries that would make people think twice. Add to that, when all Nations a made disciples and have God's Spirit, how much better!
  • M on Exodus 21 - 7 years ago
    Yes the Ten Commandments are in the New Testament as he should be today as Jesus said he did not come to destroy the law but to fulfill the law to show that no man can uphold the law and that's why we have to have him our savior it is impossible for a human being to uphold the Commandments of God and this is what he was trying to teach the people for they had Harden their hearts
  • Sanjay Jacob 919544221975 WhatsApp, on Exodus 21 - 7 years ago
    What was the manner of Jesus- it is written that Jesus according to His manner, He kept Sabbath Mark.2:27 What was the manner of Paul Acts.17:2; And Paul further says to each one of us 1.Cor.11:1- Follow me as I follow Christ? Do we follow this.... The 4th commandment ??? Simple question for Everyone.... " Whether 10 Commandments exist in new Testament ? Yes or No ? Psalms 111:7,8,
  • A disciple on Exodus 21 - 7 years ago
    To Randy. The Law was given for Israel to be a sign for guidance to the Nations, to lead them away from their heathen ways and idols, to come to know the true God, and our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. There is nowhere ANY people, in ANY time, who has a Law so holy and just! Everything written was for our instruction, to love the LORD and believe in His Son Jesus the Anointed unto eternal life.
  • Irene123 on Exodus 21 - 7 years ago
    quote " ..... this is the word law of man in the Bible, not God's actual words ..... " unquote; so Randy, where does one STOP with this 'not God' idea ..... ? There must be LOTS more of the Bible that isn't His word; just what parts are they?
  • Robin Brazil on Exodus 21 - 9 years ago
    God is the same today as he's always been even in the old testament he is the only one that can keep us covered with the blood of jesus trust in him and you will be ok.
  • John Rycraft on Exodus 21:22 - 9 years ago
    Something else to consider is that the passage clearly indicates that the husband should be compensated for damages incurred, which implies a monetary loss. A male child would be viewed as a future worker a female child could either provide future labor or be sold. If the woman is so close to her due date that she is able to deliver a live, healthy child, what loss has the husband sustained?
  • Dewey J on Exodus 21 - 9 years ago
    Randy, in some ways we worse than the people of that time because we have knowledge. Christ has come and been crucified, resurrected, and acended to heaven. But look at the way man treat each other today with more than 7 billion people on the planet. The Incredible pain from hatred, war though sometimes necessary, greed, poverty, mostly for power and worldly list. Also, those laws were not the laws of man but God. They are the laws of God given by Moses 2 Peter 1:20, 21 says, "knowing this first that no prophecy of of the Scripture is of any private interpretation. V21 "For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved-or-inspired by the Holy Ghost ". God bless us all and in the understanding of his Word. Glory be to Jehovah in the highest through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen!
  • John Rycraft on Exodus 21:22 - 9 years ago
    Those who are pro-choice argue that this passage describes a miscarriage and is, therefore, clear evidence that a fetus was not considered to be a human being. Pro-life advocates disagree, claiming that the passage relates to a premature birth where the baby is born alive. What the pro-lifers fail to acknowledge is that, in Biblical times, a baby born prematurely would have had very little chance of survival, so the distinction between a miscarriage and a premature live birth would seem to be largely academic.
  • Randy on Exodus 21 - 9 years ago
    A somewhat gruesome chapter a listing of man 's laws, at the time. Thankfully we have, for the most part, moved beyond these laws and into a somewhat kinder and understanding world. At least in the western world. Some more acient and backward do hold this as gospel truth and to follow. But killing is not an answer to much of anything. The only understandable killing is in war, and then only to defend the faith and way of life. Remember, this is the word law of man in the bible, not Gods actual words in writing, like in other areas of the text.
  • Ben on Exodus 21:17 - 9 years ago
    I believe in God. Unfortunately,our society has become extremely corrupted! The teenagers do not respect themselves, much less their elders... Our world definitely needs the help of God. He is the only power that can save our lives.
  • Geotge on Exodus 21:12 - 9 years ago
    I want to get a different verse every day can this be done?
  • Linda on Exodus 21 - 10 years ago
  • Adieykay on Exodus 21 - 10 years ago
    Amen amen to u all
  • Katie on Exodus 21 - 10 years ago
    My Goodness. All of this arguing over ridiculousness. Sometimes I wonder how some of you don 't realize just how different it was back then. EVERYTHING WAS DIFFERENT. People of different races wouldn 't even eat at the same table. Egyptians worshipped frogs and fishes and wouldn 't own sheep because it was an abomination to the Egyptians. God knew that some people were going to be crazy as crazy can be and God is trying to keep order and y 'all are trying to say that you are better than God and that your ideas and ways are much more righteous than God. I would never go there. Never debate or question almighty God. MAN has faults and FAILS. GOD DOES WONDERS. Another thing it would seem a lot of you need to get straight is that there is a difference between Gods Law and statues and Ordinances. Not all of them have been nailed to the cross with Christ. The Law is Good. Man ISN 'T.
  • Paul on Exodus 21 - 10 years ago
    People always try to make Themselves, Their opinion, Their righteousness, Their morals and principles superior to Gods. You have to remember God is dealing with evil mankind. Look around you, School shootings are almost monthly now. War all over the World. Murder, starving Children, abused Children, Corrupt Governments. Six thousand years of it. Mankind is sick and evil. Our righteousness is as filthy rags in Gods eyes. Yet we ignore all our evil acts, bow up to God and point our finger at him and say I 'm more righteous than thou. Mans gonna be and do evil that 's an absolute proven fact. So God made laws to try n curb our evil. People were gonna have slaves regardless of Gods law, so he gave laws to try n curb our evil. Man 's gonna rape regardless of God so, God made laws trying to curb mans evil. Mans Gonna murder, so God gave laws trying to curb mans evil. You have to remember Gods laws are dealing with evil mankind. God is Righteousness, Holy, Perfect. The definition of God is love. So the next time you believe your more righteous than God And think His laws are unjust. Read your newspaper, follow current events. Then go look in the mirror and you 'll find out Why God had to make some of the laws he made.
  • George Hartwell on Exodus 21 - 11 years ago
    I certainly do agree with the comment by Anonymous on 1/16/2014. In fact, this entire chapter is vile and disgusting as any moral person would agree. I do not think that the Old Testament is at all relevant in the modern world.

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