Discuss Exodus 22 Page 3

  • Nogme on Exodus 22 - 8 years ago
    Circumcision and sacrifices are not allowed anymore. Since Jesus died for our sins there's no reason to be sacrificing anymore; therefore, God was not talking about this.
  • I love you god on Exodus 22 - 8 years ago
    Firstborn of thy sons shalt thou give unto me? Meaning sacrifice or circumcision? Does anyone know. Thank you
  • Dewey J on Exodus 22 - 9 years ago
    Snow, the law is very hard for us who are sinners but it is perfect because it is the essence of almighty God, Gat. 3:24 says, "Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us to Christ, that we might be justified by faith. Rom. 3:20 says, "therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin ". John 1:17 says, "For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ ". Thank God for our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. God bless us all and in the understanding of his Word. Glory be to Jehovah in the highest through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen!
  • Maggie Mokwena on Exodus 22 - 9 years ago
    from 22-24,when i read these verses,they give me assurance that even though my biological father passed on yrs ago, I have a father in heaven who is watching over me all the time. I just have to call out his JESUS name,then everything bows...JESUS, JESUS, ALL WE HAVE TO DO IS CALL HIS NAME singing
  • Tyree Waldrep on Exodus 22:18 - 9 years ago
    Jesus said I bring you a new covenant the old testament said eye for an eye but when they came to take Jesus he healed the severed ear. Jesus said he who is without sin cast the first stone and again as he was naild to the cross forgive them for they know not what they do. Men who seek evil will find a justification for all men are justified in there own eyes. We as humans weigh a persons actions but God ponders the soul. If you find yourself reading this you should ask yourself why you looked it up in the first place was it to do God 's will or your own. Peace be with you
  • Nicholas Okuanyono on Exodus 22:18 - 10 years ago
    The old testament represented the era of the law that must be kept. The New Testament represents the era of grace. This means by the law, though a witch deserves to be put to death but because of the grace of God through the death of Christ on the cross made available for the witch by the blood of Jesus, she has an opportunity to repent from her evil ways and accept God 's forgiveness through Jesus Christ. If she rather continues in her evil practices because God 's abounds the she deserves to perish. This can come to her in many ways. Read 2 Kings 9:30-37 , Prov. 11:21 , Gal 5:19-21
  • Pastor Andrew on Exodus 22:18 - 10 years ago
    I know that God 's love is beyond human understanding. Interpretation of this scripture needs wisdom. Pray for it.
  • Nchangang Eugene Ndi on Exodus 22:18 - 10 years ago
    Jesus, our Model and Master did not kill those who wanted to kill Him. He had all the powers to do that even in the spirit but he did not kill. Stephen learned from Him and pronounced the same words as the Master. Now Matth 5:44,45 declares that a child of God should pray for the enemies and it is a condition to be the child of God.
  • Charlotte on Exodus 22 - 10 years ago
    The ten commandments says thou shalt not kill, and to love your neighbor as your self. They used to stone people in the old testament, we don 't stone people today. It goes with the way society is today in some countries if they catch you practicing witch craft you will be put to death. But that is the law in that country just like in the old testament this was there law.
  • Oshidashi on Exodus 22:18 - 10 years ago
    Dear fellow Christians, have you read about Jesus killing anyone? Did Jesus order his disciples to travel the world, read Exodus, and kill all witches? After asking Jesus truly in my heart and reading the Bible, I try to live with Him everyday and I do my best to always follow His words. This hasn 't brought me to the conclusion we should kill all witches around us or to even have the confidence to judge over someone 's life as if I we 're wiser than Him. And Jesus teaches us to love our enemy. Is love killing someone? Through thousands of years of civilization we have become capable enough of dealing with this in other ways, which truly show love to our enemies, like the Lord said we should act.
  • Delano Young on Exodus 22:18 - 10 years ago
    I believe that any one that would cause hurt and one shell suffer that same fate, this like game let say the dark side is playing i dont believe so it dont apply to me but there is law to life and one i believe with all my hold heart is treat each other the way you want to be! or just picture a world like the one TV show us about A witch the way she look, the way she acts! it evil an wick all less then in a hour you are show the life of a wich. but what do god show us that if we would turn from those evil and wick way he will heal our land est. i how that if any one is allowing them self to hear the voice of the devil in there life please look up the LORD prayer matthew 6 9 13
  • Abena Kumi on Exodus 22:18 - 10 years ago
    I think it is not the question of stoning wiches to death or burning them alive, because witchcraft is a spirit and you cannot kill a spirit. So pray to God who is the master of the spirits to deal with them as he finds fit. For all we know, the people that we may think are witches may not be witches but rather under the spell of witches, so we may end up killing innocent people. We should try to pray for God to deal with them as they deserve. If they die because of our prayers then we have not suffered them to live. It doesn 't mean we should take a gun and shoot them.
  • Happy on Exodus 22:18 - 10 years ago
    Please to avoid mistake, PRAY AND SAY GOD LET YOUR WILL BE DONE ON EARTH ACCORDANCE TO THIS EXODUS 22 18 in Jesus name Amen.
  • Polk Salad on Exodus 22 - 10 years ago
    Once you have suffered from sorcerers and sorceress ' your whole life....God has spoken exodus 22 to me! Thou shalt not allow a sorceress to live! That does mean to kill the beast.
  • Anonymous on Exodus 22:18 - 10 years ago
    God kills in the bible. God destroyed Sodom and Gommorah . Witches enjoy calling on demons and giving the demons legal rights to attack and kill others. If you let this witch continue others will suffer. Kill the witch asap, obey Gods word or people being attacked will suffer.
  • Honest on Exodus 22:18 - 10 years ago
    other translation say allow not a witch to live. that means the witch must die. if you say "thou shall not kill " how about there is time to kill in the book of Eccle.
  • Otitoju Emmanuel on Exodus 22:18 - 10 years ago
    to understand that verse, we need to read through the chapter before and after that 's 21, 22 and 23. get the meanings of suffer and witch as well as their synonyms. wisdom is a principal thing above all get understanding. with this understanding, the passage will explain itself
  • Walter moran on Exodus 22 - 10 years ago
    were in exodus does in explain the right to bear arms.Our fathers talked about the bible and refered to Exodus 22 about this right. thank you Walter moran.
  • Andrew on Exodus 22:18 - 10 years ago
    What the ??? This is crazy. Why is everyone interpreting the bible and looking for ways to judge others. Focus on yourselves, and let god worry about everyone else.. kill the poisoner inside of you. That 's your true enemy. Other people 's paths are their business and YHWH 's and noone elses. No one can poison you unless the poison is already within you.
  • PASTOR ANTHONY on Exodus 22:18 - 10 years ago
  • Moses on Exodus 22:18 - 10 years ago
    my brethren dnt forget that its that spirit of jezebel in them that we wnt to kill, its not natural one but spiritual one...for we wrestle against flesh but against principalities and princes in high places..ephesian6 12.. nd dis is the confidence we have in God that anytin we ask according to the will of God shall be heareth...dnt forget "verily verily i say unto you whatsoever u bind in earth shall be bind heaven and whatsoever you lose in earth shall be lose in heaven...
  • Danielle on Exodus 22:18 - 10 years ago
    what about those who have gifts from god that seem 'witch like ' should we in a modern age kill them. No psalm 125 v3 Youth bible 'the wicked will not rule over those who do right. If they did, the people who do right might use their power to do evil. ' I 'm not sure about this mistranslation business but as I see it we need to help those who use the gifts we are given to show those who have done wrong the right way to live. we need to pray for them as v5 of the same psalm says 'but, lord, when you remove those who do evil, also remove those who stop following you. ' does that mean you kill all those who follow god, no you pray as we don 't harm or kill. Suffer could mean a number of things to different people, one might suffer if you tickle them to much or if they loose a close friend or relative. Think about it.
  • Nini m on Exodus 22:18 - 10 years ago
    people, God 's Word is His Will or Plan. Do not add to God 's Word, do not subtract from it. Do God 's will. Obey. Dont be like King Saul whom God rejected because he chose to do what he 'thought " God was implying and ended up disobeying God. Suffer the witch NOT to live God knows exactly what He meant with this. What about those people they hold in bondage? Jesus fought with Sadduccees and PHarasees NOT the Spirits Remember Ahab who was ordered not to spare Benhadads life and chose to do 'his will " Disobedience. Thats what it is called. Whose will are we supposed to do anyway? What we feel is right or the perfect will of Godl. Do Gods will not what you think is right. Obey
  • KK on Exodus 22:18 - 10 years ago
    take the verse at face value It means exactly what it says
  • Kebawetse Montshiwa on Exodus 22:18 - 10 years ago
    I believe Exodus 22 18 suffer not the witch to live, witchcraft is a spirit, not flesh and blood, we are not fighting against flesh and blood but against rulers and powers of darkness,it is the spirit that must die, once that spirit is dead , the person is no longer a witch , now becames a dangerous tesimony and will expose darkness to promote the kingdom of God.Remember Rev 12 11.
  • Lez on Exodus 22:18 - 10 years ago
    What does suffer really mean It loosely translates to allow right So now what does live mean It means to exist I think it means we should noty allow a witch to continure to exist in that state We should endeavour to dissuade him her from the path of unrighteousness and guide him her toward salvation
  • Rukenya on Exodus 22:18 - 10 years ago
    It is time we stopped leaning on our own understanding and take God at His Word The simplicity of the Word It simply means that I should not suffer at the expense of a witch He is caught guilty he dies in his sin period
  • Janice on Exodus 22 - 10 years ago
    Well I never seen it to be anything wrong with drinking wine after all Jesus did turn the water into wine Now if it was such a bad thing do you think Jesus would sinned just to please His mother and the Bride Groom guests Well I found this in reading Exodus 22 29 Thou shalt not delay to offer the first of thy ripe fruits and of thy liquors the firstborn of thy sons shalt thou give unto me Do you think liquors here have a diffent meaning then we used today
  • Pastor Rex Ageh on Exodus 22:18 - 11 years ago
    I believe Exodus 22 18 suffer not the witch to live is the old testament version of Matthew 18 18 whatever you prohibit on earth will be prohibited in heaven and whatever you permit on earth will be permitted in heaven Therefore if God gives an express instruction to stop something it behooves on us to act without any prejudices
  • Mprince on Exodus 22 - 11 years ago
    @"Lorral's Weaver" In response to your question...I think they are saying that even the scriptures as in Exodus 22:2 gives a man the right to defend himself.

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