Hello Kstott. When the Bible speaks of blood, whether of animals or man, it denotes the miracle of life given us by God; "for the life of the flesh is in the blood" ( Leviticus 17:11). As all mankind are born with sinful flesh, with a propensity to sin & violate the holy requirements of God ( Romans 3:23), God being both loving & just, is compelled to either condemn us or forgive us. To condemn would be simple, as we fully deserve the penalty of our sins ( Romans 6:23), but God reached out to us in our miserable hopeless state & provided a way of hope, healing & restoration.
To His people Israel of old, God instituted the sacrificial system where the high priest would offer the blood of animals to atone for their sins & reconcile them to God ( Leviticus 8:15; Exodus 30:10). It was a case of the people either dying in their sins or that a substitute was provided on their behalf so their lives were spared. At this time, animals were sacrificed & their blood shed (i.e. their life given), & this was accepted by God to forgive them. But this was done yearly, because the blood offering of animals could never be permanent as this was man's offering to God, to stay God's Hand from them. But God had planned a future day, when He Himself would offer His Sacrifice to fully atone & redeem His people - & this Sacrifice would be made available to both Jew & Gentile. And this Sacrifice was God Himself, in sending His Word to become man ( John 1:1-14) & giving His Life as the only Pure & Perfect Sacrifice that would be fully acceptable to Him.
Exodus 30:7-10, these are specified rules Moses had been given for the Priests to follow. Best to keep the whole of these scriptures together. Deuteronomy 4:2, the offering & relevant starts in previous chapters, Exodus 25, Exodus 26, Exodus 27, Exodus 28, Exodus 29, continuing to Exodus 30, Exodus 31, Exodus 40, also in Deuteronomy, Leviticus,
In Exodus 30:22-33 you will find the mixture of myrrh, cinnamon, calamus, cassia, and olive oil, it was to be considered sacred. The act of anointing with sacred oil emphasized that it was God who had ordained them with the authority to act as his representative. It was also symbolic of the one to come the Anointed One, the Messiah Jesus, who was anointed not with oil but the Holy Spirit/Ghost without measure, Luke 4:1John 3:34.
You can buy it online, not cheap about 20-25 dollars an ounce or you can buy the ingredients and make it yourself the quantities are in Exodus 30, you just cut down the recipe, I don't think one would need that much, ha ha.
In John 19:17 it says that Jesus bore His own cross on the way to Golgotha. Simon, at some point along the way, was pressed into helping to carry the cross.
Perhaps the cross was carried in two pieces, the post and the cross bar and two people were needed to carry both pieces. But in any instance, This passage in Scripture says that Jesus bore His own cross on the way to Golgotha.
As to Jesus being unable to carry it due to being too weak, if Jesus was only human, this could be true. But, since Jesus was also God, He had all the strength He needed to carry His cross all the way to Golgotha despite how weak He was physically in His humanness from the scourging and the beating.
Jesus was most likely pretty outwardly a mess after His beatings, carrying the cross along the dusty road, and being bloodied from the crucifixion, crown of thorns, as well as the flogging.
I think of how Jesus washed the feet of the disciples to make them "clean". It took a work of Jesus to cleanse them. they needed to allow Him to do so and not object. We, too, should be willing and ready for the cleansing work of Jesus through the Holy Spirit in us.
Next, the recipe for the anointing oil is given. The ingredients are to be compounded, ground or beaten to pulverize them to release the perfume. Jesus was severely beaten before his crucifixion.
The priests are to use the oil to anoint the tabernacle, the ark, the table of shewbread, the utensils, the altar of incense, the altar of sacrifice and its utensils, and the laver. Jesus blood sprinkled upon us is what anoints us and makes us holy before the Father.
The priests are to be anointed with the oil also, to consecrate them for service.
YHWH speaks very straight forwardly, warning the Israelites that this oil is holy and is for Him. It shall not be poured on the flesh of men, nor shall the people make any oil like it in composition. This is a stern warning. The oil appointed by God is for specific purposes and shall not be misused by anyone.
Next, Moses is given the ingredients for incense: stacte, onycha, galbanum, and frankincense and given to a perfumer to compounded. It is to be beaten into a fine powder. Some of it was to be placed before the Testimony in the tabernacle of meeting. Again, YHWH warns against making this recipe of incense and use it for any other purpose. It is holy incense to the LORD. We should be sure that we bring our prayers to God in a proper way, with reverence, faith, and trust, through the blood and in the name of Jesus. Our prayers arise to the Father as incense. What a beautiful word picture this is as well as an actuality.
In this chapter is described the making of the altar of incense, the recipe and use of the incense, and the brazen laver where the priests are to wash their hands and feet morning and evening when they minister in the tabernacle.
The altar of incense was made of acacia wood overlaid with pure gold. (This may signify the humanity (wood) and divinity (pure gold) of Jesus who mediates for us continually before the Father in heaven. This altar is placed just before the veil that separate the Holy Place from the Holy of Holies where the ark was placed and God's presence appeared upon the mercy seat. How fitting that the intercession of Jesus (incense) allows the Father to look upon us with mercy.
Incense is to be burned morning and evening when the priest tends to the lamps of the 7 branched menorah (lampstand). There is a warning for the priests to not burn any other combination of spices for incense. Only what was proscribed in this chapter, int he proper proportions. Most of the ingredients I am familiar with, but I did need to look up calamus. It is a type of reed that emits a sweet aroma when beaten.
The chapter also speaks of Moses taking a tax from the Israelites for the expenses of the sanctuary. This was done through a census of each male over the age of 19. Everyone paid the same amount. It was called atonement money. But we know that money cannot buy forgiveness of sins so this must mean that it is for the services of the tabernacle by the priests. Since the lamps, incense, and animals for sacrifice are needed twice each day, these needed to be steadily supplied to the priest for their services before YHWH.
The bronze laver used for the priest to clean their hands and feet each time before serving in the tabernacle. The purity of the priests was emphasized here. Jesus is the purest priest for us, having never sinned. He did not need to wash his body to be clean before the Father.
Yes, it is best to take every matter to the Lord Jesus and call on Him to help people in their times of trouble, knowing that it is His blood shed on Calvary that defeats all that comes against us.
I try to make it a habit to pray when I see an accident or when an aid unit or fire truck goes by asking the Lord to help those needing these people to come and care for them. i try to pray when I see a police car speed by with sirens that they will arrive in time to help any victim. We can pray for Jesus to go before all of these rescuers to be with the injured or victimized. WE can call on the blood of Jesus to deliver these people from further harm.
Kaleene i don't say its wrong if you can help someone in the name of Jesus plz have at it....But i always plead the blood on folks that are in jeopardy or in some kind of trouble or have been in an accident....I always plead the blood of JESUS on everybody and anybody simply b/c we are in a New Covenant of his Blood....This is the cup of the New Covenant in my Blood drink ye all of it....And as off as you do this remember me....Everytime i see someone with Covid i plead the blood on that person in Jesus name and i teach my children to do the same.
......Behold the lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world....The Blood of the lamb...God so loved the world that gave his only begotten son...etc
......I neva plead water i always plead the Blood...Without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins...
My opinion dear Kaleene is that is something that the elders or a pastor or a minister is allowed to do. A common member of a church can pray for healing ( James 5:16), but is not allowed to lay hands on or annoint with oil. ( James 5:14-15). There is an order in the church, everybody has to take his/her own place.
One of the most important things to know about anointing oil is that there is no power in the oil itself, but that the power is bestowed by GOD, and its intent is for HIS plans and purposes.
The oil is merely a natural substance that goes through a process of transformation into a Spiritual tool, using prayer to sanctify, consecrate, set it apart and make it holy unto GOD.
The Bible teaches us that the SPIRIT steps in during the act of anointing with oil, establishing GOD's objectives in a powerful way. Straight after Samuel anoints David as future king, 1 Samuel 16:13 tells us that "the SPIRIT of the LORD came mightily upon David from that day."JESUS himself describes it as such in Luke 4 verse 18: "The SPIRIT of the LORD is upon ME, because HE has anointed ME to preach the gospel to the poor.
Anointing with oil is an act of consecration, a setting apart of people, places and things for God's special purposes, making them Holy unto the Lord."Is any one of you sick? He should call the elders of the church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord. ( James 5:14)
Healing in conjunction with the application of anointing oil was also a directive from JESUS to HIS disciples in Mark 6 and a Spiritual weapon handed down to members of the early churches. While this custom was absent from the church for centuries, we are witnessing its comeback in modern times, with many testimonies of miraculous healing confirming that anointing oil, applied in faith, is symbolic of GOD's ability to deliver us from the claws of sin and disease.
Anointing as a sign of GOD's blessing was a regular occurrence in Biblical times, and as believers today, we don't need to limit ourselves in terms of when we may or should use anointing oil. When JESUS died for our sins the temple veil tore, granting anyone who does so in HIS NAME unlimited, unrestrained access to GOD. Being in the presence of the ALMIGHTY is what HE longs for and what we need most in this world.
Tabernacle also as per Old Testament: Exodus 25:8,9, Exodus 26, there is much detail in the Tabernacle GOD had Moses build in several more chapters following Exodus 25, 26, 27, 30
GRACE_ambassador {ChrisE} water baptism today? - In Reply - 3 years ago
Precious Jesse, I concur with "what you have seen" about the 'baptismos' washing of Israel for the 'priesthood' - I believe it is "washing hands and feet" in Exodus 30:19-21 my 'study'
about "Prophecy For Israel":
Israel's 'water' for the priesthood = various washings
Rightly Divided ( 2 Timothy 2:15 ) From "Things That DIFFER!":
Thus, in "The Revelation Of The Mystery," for us, The Body Of Christ, I "see TWO requirements" (NO 'blemish' and 'anointing for power') 'missing' for the 'priesthood,' and Furthermore, Only ONE Baptism, for 'spiritual identification' With The Body Of Christ:
And, a further note, cannot find 'anything' about the 'priesthood' in any of our 'apostle of the Gentiles,' Paul letters in Romans - Philemon, in "The Revelation Of The Mystery." my 'study'
Anointing oil was used for several different things in scripture. If you are wanting to know what the oil consisted of, you might want to read Exodus 30:23-24. That will tell you what you need. However, there is nothing in the bible that suggests to us that we need to put oil on our door post. But also, there is nothing that says it is wrong for us to do so. Personally, I think that if a believer finds comfort in anointing the doorpost of their home with oil, if that makes them feel better, there is nothing in the bible that forbids them to do so.
But as far as what the oil consisted of, it was not regular olive oil or extra virgin olive oil that we have today. So if you are wanting the ingredients, I would look at Exodus 30:23-24. If it were me wanting to anoint my doorpost with oil, I would not care if it were regular olive oil, extra virgin olive oil, or 10W-30, because I'm not sure where I would be able to find those other ingredients mentioned in Exodus.
If you go on Google: search: how to make anointing oil (From a Jewish website)
It's made with spices and perfumes.
If you use this website SEARCH BOX, type in: holy anointing oil, you'll see what's in it.
I spent a Passover with a Jewish family. They washed my feet with everybody else. Then used anointing oil. My feet never felt so good. All the Bible recorded hospitality rituals are beautiful.
So, what is the difference of the oil created in exodus and, the olive oil used today to anoint Is it unlawful to make it today for anointing people for healing?
ChrisE, thank you for responding! My friend I'm a little confused about your summary. You mentioned law/prophets lets begin there. I think it's safe to say that Moses was a prophet to be reckon with(according to old test. and new) that's what drove the Pharisees crazy about Jesus. According to "law" Jesus was behaving like a "mavrick" skirting around it but never breaking it always leaving them arguing among themselves about it. Well Jesus did say Matt. 5;17 I came not to destroy the law but fulfil it. Having said that lets take a look at what the law said about washing or baptizing. God told Moses the prophet in Exodus 30:15-17 that if the priest did NOT wash they were dead men. That was law. But fulfilling that law Jesus ( THE HIGH PRIEST) Hebrews 3:1-5 told John I need you to baptize me...(I'm going to the Altar{Calvary} eventually) and I need to be washed. If we are to be is followers, ambassadors, disciples, Christians or whatever and he(JESUS) was baptized shouldn't we then follow His example? In Christ, Gerald.
In reality why we are not to condemn others who may be against us today or living in deep sin/evil etc. Obviously we are to judge righteously in what is right and wrong. Make known these things though to try and save that person from their sin in where it may lead them. Not to condemn them as only God knows the exact time for every person, that is His, and there is a reason for it that we may not be able to understand. God knows everyone better than we know ourselves.
As said we are only able to plant or water though it is God that gives the growth. 1 Corinthians 3:7-8.
In this life it is truly not easy to see other people, even in your own family, that don't seem to listen to our words even though we are only spreading God's Word for their good. Though as two of the fruits of the Holy Spirit are patience and longsuffering as in the end of Galatians.
Even looking at Paul who condemned and murdered followers of Christ though he turned out to be the one who wrote most of the epistles in the NT. As you stated that some may be with the Lord from their childhood and some may accept the Lord when they are at the end of their life. Connecting to Matthew 20:16.
As there are some who never accept the Lord and, even more saddening is, people who were with the Lord then reject Him and go back to the world.
Stay close to the Lord, put all your trust in Him, and pray fervently without ceasing.
We read of the prescribed ingredients of the holy anointing oil in Exodus 30:22-25, that which God instructed Moses about for the anointing (dedicating & sanctifying) the Tabernacle & its implements.
I don't recall Jesus ever used anointing oil in His Ministry, though His disciples did use it ( Mark 6:13) to anoint & heal the sick. As the Messiah, the Son of God, His spoken Word was all that was necessary for the Power of God to be seen & felt.
I found my answer to the use of Gods anointing oil. Jesus is the new covenant that took the place of the old covenant and to accept the new covenant would make us one with him becoming one with Jesus allows us to become priests for him and to spread the good news in his name which we become anointed thru him and to anoint others in him for the glorification of God the Father and to be baptized with fire rejecting all that is worldly and sinful and accepting Jesus who is holy and pure. So, we do have the right to use Gods recipe for the anointing oil and to use it for the glorification of Gods will as Jesus requires us to. To accept Jesus and reject sin makes us like Sons of God as he is and heirs to the kingdom of the Father as he is.
Why cant the holy anointing oil recipe be used for public healing and anointing just as Jesus did during his ministries on earth to heal many dieses and elements. Does God forbid us to use this oil on human flesh? Jesus did...Of course he is God the holy Father. I believe I'm reading the Exodus in the spirit and understand it properly and I do not want to be cut off from him however, this anointing oil can cure many elements and dieses if mixed properly and prayerfully, lifting it up to the holy father himself. I have also found thru Strong's concordance that a lot of the Hebrew words of that age were mistranslated in our modern Bibles and actually have a different meaning.
I found tithes and offering are always confused in manner in which God intended. You can review several chapters in the book starting with Exodus 30: 13 through 16. God indicates to give half of shekel of sanctuary 20 gerah =1 shekel. You also can read Leviticus chapter 27 it tells you how much each of us are supposed to submit for tithes and offering in a single vow.
In numbers chapter 18 verse 19-32, it talks about tithing and what supposed to be given as well. The Levites we're giving a tenth part of the inheritance from the children of Israel. The inheritance was the land. The Bible is specific when it indicates did the Levites are not to receive any more inheritance. They are given the tithes of the sanctuary and the heave offering. If it is to be given in monetary value you would need to refer to that chapter to understand it's estimation value. Hope this helps. Most Ministries skip around the book. Leaving their congregation confused.
Acts 16:13, Acts 17:2 Acts 18:4
"Protestants do not realize that by observing Sunday they accept the authority of the Spokesperson, the Pope." ( Our Sunday Visitor February 5, 1950.)
Hello Kstott. When the Bible speaks of blood, whether of animals or man, it denotes the miracle of life given us by God; "for the life of the flesh is in the blood" ( Leviticus 17:11). As all mankind are born with sinful flesh, with a propensity to sin & violate the holy requirements of God ( Romans 3:23), God being both loving & just, is compelled to either condemn us or forgive us. To condemn would be simple, as we fully deserve the penalty of our sins ( Romans 6:23), but God reached out to us in our miserable hopeless state & provided a way of hope, healing & restoration.
To His people Israel of old, God instituted the sacrificial system where the high priest would offer the blood of animals to atone for their sins & reconcile them to God ( Leviticus 8:15; Exodus 30:10). It was a case of the people either dying in their sins or that a substitute was provided on their behalf so their lives were spared. At this time, animals were sacrificed & their blood shed (i.e. their life given), & this was accepted by God to forgive them. But this was done yearly, because the blood offering of animals could never be permanent as this was man's offering to God, to stay God's Hand from them. But God had planned a future day, when He Himself would offer His Sacrifice to fully atone & redeem His people - & this Sacrifice would be made available to both Jew & Gentile. And this Sacrifice was God Himself, in sending His Word to become man ( John 1:1-14) & giving His Life as the only Pure & Perfect Sacrifice that would be fully acceptable to Him.
Leviticus 8:33-36, Exodus 30:1-10, 2Chronicles 2:4, Revelation 8:4,
Numbers 16:46,47, 1Chronicles 6:49, Exodus 29:36,37,
Isaiah 1:11-20, Romans 5, Hebrews 10,
Hopefully these are helpful in your study
Exodus 25:9,
1Corinthians 5:1,
Hebrews 8, Hebrews 9, James 1:5,
Hopefully these are helpful
In Exodus 30:22-33 you will find the mixture of myrrh, cinnamon, calamus, cassia, and olive oil, it was to be considered sacred. The act of anointing with sacred oil emphasized that it was God who had ordained them with the authority to act as his representative. It was also symbolic of the one to come the Anointed One, the Messiah Jesus, who was anointed not with oil but the Holy Spirit/Ghost without measure, Luke 4:1 John 3:34.
You can buy it online, not cheap about 20-25 dollars an ounce or you can buy the ingredients and make it yourself the quantities are in Exodus 30, you just cut down the recipe, I don't think one would need that much, ha ha.
God bless,
In John 19:17 it says that Jesus bore His own cross on the way to Golgotha. Simon, at some point along the way, was pressed into helping to carry the cross.
Perhaps the cross was carried in two pieces, the post and the cross bar and two people were needed to carry both pieces. But in any instance, This passage in Scripture says that Jesus bore His own cross on the way to Golgotha.
As to Jesus being unable to carry it due to being too weak, if Jesus was only human, this could be true. But, since Jesus was also God, He had all the strength He needed to carry His cross all the way to Golgotha despite how weak He was physically in His humanness from the scourging and the beating.
Beaten beyond human recognition which is why no one wanted to look at
Him and when you work the gospels he never carried the wooden cross
Because he physically could not. Someone of Cyrene was made to carry
The cross for him.
Jesus was most likely pretty outwardly a mess after His beatings, carrying the cross along the dusty road, and being bloodied from the crucifixion, crown of thorns, as well as the flogging.
I think of how Jesus washed the feet of the disciples to make them "clean". It took a work of Jesus to cleanse them. they needed to allow Him to do so and not object. We, too, should be willing and ready for the cleansing work of Jesus through the Holy Spirit in us.
Next, the recipe for the anointing oil is given. The ingredients are to be compounded, ground or beaten to pulverize them to release the perfume. Jesus was severely beaten before his crucifixion.
The priests are to use the oil to anoint the tabernacle, the ark, the table of shewbread, the utensils, the altar of incense, the altar of sacrifice and its utensils, and the laver. Jesus blood sprinkled upon us is what anoints us and makes us holy before the Father.
The priests are to be anointed with the oil also, to consecrate them for service.
YHWH speaks very straight forwardly, warning the Israelites that this oil is holy and is for Him. It shall not be poured on the flesh of men, nor shall the people make any oil like it in composition. This is a stern warning. The oil appointed by God is for specific purposes and shall not be misused by anyone.
Next, Moses is given the ingredients for incense: stacte, onycha, galbanum, and frankincense and given to a perfumer to compounded. It is to be beaten into a fine powder. Some of it was to be placed before the Testimony in the tabernacle of meeting. Again, YHWH warns against making this recipe of incense and use it for any other purpose. It is holy incense to the LORD. We should be sure that we bring our prayers to God in a proper way, with reverence, faith, and trust, through the blood and in the name of Jesus. Our prayers arise to the Father as incense. What a beautiful word picture this is as well as an actuality.
In this chapter is described the making of the altar of incense, the recipe and use of the incense, and the brazen laver where the priests are to wash their hands and feet morning and evening when they minister in the tabernacle.
The altar of incense was made of acacia wood overlaid with pure gold. (This may signify the humanity (wood) and divinity (pure gold) of Jesus who mediates for us continually before the Father in heaven. This altar is placed just before the veil that separate the Holy Place from the Holy of Holies where the ark was placed and God's presence appeared upon the mercy seat. How fitting that the intercession of Jesus (incense) allows the Father to look upon us with mercy.
Incense is to be burned morning and evening when the priest tends to the lamps of the 7 branched menorah (lampstand). There is a warning for the priests to not burn any other combination of spices for incense. Only what was proscribed in this chapter, int he proper proportions. Most of the ingredients I am familiar with, but I did need to look up calamus. It is a type of reed that emits a sweet aroma when beaten.
The chapter also speaks of Moses taking a tax from the Israelites for the expenses of the sanctuary. This was done through a census of each male over the age of 19. Everyone paid the same amount. It was called atonement money. But we know that money cannot buy forgiveness of sins so this must mean that it is for the services of the tabernacle by the priests. Since the lamps, incense, and animals for sacrifice are needed twice each day, these needed to be steadily supplied to the priest for their services before YHWH.
The bronze laver used for the priest to clean their hands and feet each time before serving in the tabernacle. The purity of the priests was emphasized here. Jesus is the purest priest for us, having never sinned. He did not need to wash his body to be clean before the Father.
Yes, it is best to take every matter to the Lord Jesus and call on Him to help people in their times of trouble, knowing that it is His blood shed on Calvary that defeats all that comes against us.
I try to make it a habit to pray when I see an accident or when an aid unit or fire truck goes by asking the Lord to help those needing these people to come and care for them. i try to pray when I see a police car speed by with sirens that they will arrive in time to help any victim. We can pray for Jesus to go before all of these rescuers to be with the injured or victimized. WE can call on the blood of Jesus to deliver these people from further harm.
Thank you for such an uplifting post, Alex.
......Behold the lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world....The Blood of the lamb...God so loved the world that gave his only begotten son...etc
......I neva plead water i always plead the Blood...Without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins...
The oil is merely a natural substance that goes through a process of transformation into a Spiritual tool, using prayer to sanctify, consecrate, set it apart and make it holy unto GOD.
The Bible teaches us that the SPIRIT steps in during the act of anointing with oil, establishing GOD's objectives in a powerful way. Straight after Samuel anoints David as future king, 1 Samuel 16:13 tells us that "the SPIRIT of the LORD came mightily upon David from that day."JESUS himself describes it as such in Luke 4 verse 18: "The SPIRIT of the LORD is upon ME, because HE has anointed ME to preach the gospel to the poor.
Anointing with oil is an act of consecration, a setting apart of people, places and things for God's special purposes, making them Holy unto the Lord."Is any one of you sick? He should call the elders of the church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord. ( James 5:14)
Healing in conjunction with the application of anointing oil was also a directive from JESUS to HIS disciples in Mark 6 and a Spiritual weapon handed down to members of the early churches. While this custom was absent from the church for centuries, we are witnessing its comeback in modern times, with many testimonies of miraculous healing confirming that anointing oil, applied in faith, is symbolic of GOD's ability to deliver us from the claws of sin and disease.
Anointing as a sign of GOD's blessing was a regular occurrence in Biblical times, and as believers today, we don't need to limit ourselves in terms of when we may or should use anointing oil. When JESUS died for our sins the temple veil tore, granting anyone who does so in HIS NAME unlimited, unrestrained access to GOD. Being in the presence of the ALMIGHTY is what HE longs for and what we need most in this world.
Exodus 30:36, Exodus 33:7, Ezekiel 37:27,
2Corinthians 5:1,4, Hebrews 8:1-13, - Hebrews 9:1-28,
Interesting it also has been referred to as temporary, moveable, place of worship & to meet GOD.
Hopefully this is also helpful
about "Prophecy For Israel":
Israel's 'water' for the priesthood = various washings
Part 1 Link
Part 2 Link
Rightly Divided ( 2 Timothy 2:15 ) From "Things That DIFFER!":
Thus, in "The Revelation Of The Mystery," for us, The Body Of Christ, I "see TWO requirements" (NO 'blemish' and 'anointing for power') 'missing' for the 'priesthood,' and Furthermore, Only ONE Baptism, for 'spiritual identification' With The Body Of Christ:
And, a further note, cannot find 'anything' about the 'priesthood' in any of our 'apostle of the Gentiles,' Paul letters in Romans - Philemon, in "The Revelation Of The Mystery." my 'study'
Prophecy vs MYSTERY: Link
Great discussion...
Anointing oil was used for several different things in scripture. If you are wanting to know what the oil consisted of, you might want to read Exodus 30:23-24. That will tell you what you need. However, there is nothing in the bible that suggests to us that we need to put oil on our door post. But also, there is nothing that says it is wrong for us to do so. Personally, I think that if a believer finds comfort in anointing the doorpost of their home with oil, if that makes them feel better, there is nothing in the bible that forbids them to do so.
But as far as what the oil consisted of, it was not regular olive oil or extra virgin olive oil that we have today. So if you are wanting the ingredients, I would look at Exodus 30:23-24. If it were me wanting to anoint my doorpost with oil, I would not care if it were regular olive oil, extra virgin olive oil, or 10W-30, because I'm not sure where I would be able to find those other ingredients mentioned in Exodus.
It's made with spices and perfumes.
If you use this website SEARCH BOX, type in: holy anointing oil, you'll see what's in it.
I spent a Passover with a Jewish family. They washed my feet with everybody else. Then used anointing oil. My feet never felt so good. All the Bible recorded hospitality rituals are beautiful.
Even the food.
I very much like this post as I agree.
In reality why we are not to condemn others who may be against us today or living in deep sin/evil etc. Obviously we are to judge righteously in what is right and wrong. Make known these things though to try and save that person from their sin in where it may lead them. Not to condemn them as only God knows the exact time for every person, that is His, and there is a reason for it that we may not be able to understand. God knows everyone better than we know ourselves.
As said we are only able to plant or water though it is God that gives the growth. 1 Corinthians 3:7-8.
In this life it is truly not easy to see other people, even in your own family, that don't seem to listen to our words even though we are only spreading God's Word for their good. Though as two of the fruits of the Holy Spirit are patience and longsuffering as in the end of Galatians.
Even looking at Paul who condemned and murdered followers of Christ though he turned out to be the one who wrote most of the epistles in the NT. As you stated that some may be with the Lord from their childhood and some may accept the Lord when they are at the end of their life. Connecting to Matthew 20:16.
As there are some who never accept the Lord and, even more saddening is, people who were with the Lord then reject Him and go back to the world.
Stay close to the Lord, put all your trust in Him, and pray fervently without ceasing.
God Bless.
I don't recall Jesus ever used anointing oil in His Ministry, though His disciples did use it ( Mark 6:13) to anoint & heal the sick. As the Messiah, the Son of God, His spoken Word was all that was necessary for the Power of God to be seen & felt.
Thank You
Thank You
In numbers chapter 18 verse 19-32, it talks about tithing and what supposed to be given as well. The Levites we're giving a tenth part of the inheritance from the children of Israel. The inheritance was the land. The Bible is specific when it indicates did the Levites are not to receive any more inheritance. They are given the tithes of the sanctuary and the heave offering. If it is to be given in monetary value you would need to refer to that chapter to understand it's estimation value. Hope this helps. Most Ministries skip around the book. Leaving their congregation confused.