I'm not able to follow your thought process on all your points, but some. I think most of your points fall within the same logic/belief that Jesus prayed and referred to the Father as "God" and even prayed to "God" therefore how can Jesus be God and pray to Himself? Am I understanding your position accurately? If so, I think most of your "If Jesus is God..." arguments seem to fall within this one overall assumption.
The thing missing from this assumption is that Jesus is not in His normal state. He became a man to go to earth to live as us and to die for our sins. John 1. Yes, Jesus prayed to God the Father. I believe He limited His power to a degree to live on Earth like us. I think He could have exercised His power, but chose not to. Example: Matthew 26:53.
Philippians 2:6 - this says Jesus is equal to God. Verse 7-8 says he humbled Himself as a servant as a man. v9-11 then Jesus was exalted, that every knee will bow and confess Jesus is Lord, name above all other names.
If you believe the Bible when it says that says Jesus created all things ( John 1:3 ), is equal to God ( phil 2:6), is one with God ( John 10:30), is God ( John 1:1), has a name above all other names ( Phil 2:9-11), should be baptized in His name ( Matthew 28:19) then is it such a stretch to believe that's true?
Simply believing what the Bible says is not a 'doctrine' as some claim, but those believing things the Bible doesn't say is definitely a human doctrine.
I get that people have a hard time comprehending that God is plural and how exactly that words out. We will find out in the end. But just because people don't understand 1 John 5:7 doesn't mean it's not true. Truth is true regardless of whether people choose to believe it or not.
John 8:58 - What do you think Jesus meant when he said "I am"?
Exodus 3:14 - What do you think of God saying "I am"?
John 5:23 - strong warning to anyone who dishonors Jesus.
David calls upon his soul and all that is in him to bless the Lord. The Lord blesses us, but how can we "bless" Him? In this context, the term "bless" means "to praise with strong affection." By calling upon his soul and all that is within him to praise the Lord, David summons his soul, mind, strength, and heart to praise Him ( Deuteronomy 6:4; Matthew 22:36-40).
David also gives a reason to praise the Lord: He is holy. He is completely separate from sin. When the Lord appeared to Moses in a burning bush and commissioned him to demand that Pharaoh release the Hebrews from captivity, He told Moses to remove his sandals because he was standing on holy ground ( Exodus 3:5). The ground was holy only because God was present there. Isaiah received a revelation of the Lord's holiness in the temple. He heard the seraphim pronounce, "Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts" ( Isaiah 6:3). Praising the Lord for His gracious gifts to us is appropriate, but it is also appropriate to praise Him because He is holy.
Psalm 103:1-5 records David commanding his entire inner being to praise the Lord and to remember all the Lord's benefits. He credits the Lord with forgiveness of sin and healing of diseases. He says the Lord redeems the believer's life from the realm of the dead and bestows on him steadfast love, mercy, satisfaction, and renewal.
Psalm 103 praises God for what He has done. This includes celebration of His personal influence, as well as the way God has blessed the nation of Israel. David encourages praises from himself, from the people in general, and even from the angels and hosts of heaven.
Hi Phoenix. There are several Scriptures, where both God & Jesus use the phrase "I Am". But it's special reference is given in Exodus 3:13-15, when Moses asks God what name should he use when he speaks to the Israelites caught in Egyptian bondage. By this time, the Israelites had long forgotten the LORD or may have some recollection of Him from stories handed down. So Moses realizes that this question will likely come up, asking, "Who is this God that has sent you to us?" Could this God be some Egyptian god?
God then tells Moses that He is the "I AM THAT I AM", or loosely translated, "I Am (what I have always been & always will be), the One who is Self-Existent, Self-Sufficient, Self-Enduring.
God then tells Moses to tell the Israelites that "The LORD God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath sent me unto you: this is my name for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations." So now they will also know that this Eternal God was also the One Who was with their fathers, Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob. Hopefully, now they begin to piece it all together & know that God is no local deity, but the LORD (YHWH), the God who was not only with their fathers, but also to be with them now, to deliver them with a mighty Hand & an outstretched Arm ( Deuteronomy 26:8).
In the past I've used that analogy of the puzzle pieces. The Gospel paints a picture starting from Genesis.
The problem often comes when one have a picture in mind and try to fit pieces of the puzzles together that don't belong so they have to reshape the surrounding pieces to there liking, usually by spritualizing all the pieces/scripture, or they take one piece of a puzzle/scripture that represents their picture and try to fit it in a 1000 piece puzzle that it doesn't belong to, so they reshape the 1000 pieces by spritualizing.
Here's an example.
Who's the writer referring to here?
"Therefore my people" are gone into captivity, because they have no knowledge: and their honourable men are famished, and their multitude dried up with thirst.
Isaiah 5:13.
I've heard it taught that this was all of creation. ( A piece of puzzle that don't even fit the chapter or anywhere else in the 66 books. )
But if they would let the scripture say what it is saying you would find the answer throughout the chapter, especially verse 7.
"For the vineyard of the LORD of hosts is the house of Israel, and the men of Judah his pleasant plant: and he looked for judgment, but behold oppression; for righteousness, but behold a cry"
Isaiah 5:7.
Here's just a few of many other puzzle pieces.
Exodus 3:10.
Exodus 5:1.
Exodus 8:23.
Leviticus 26:12.
1 Samuel 2:28-29.
1 Kings 6:12-13.
Isaiah 1:3.
Isaiah 10:24.
Isaiah 14:25.
Jeremiah 1:16.
Jeremiah 2:11.
Ezekiel 11:20.
There's hundreds that reference Isaiah 5:13. to Israel!!
And Hosea 2:23 suggests God's not done with them. Also Romans 11:1.
God is in the generation of the righteous. Psalms 14:5.
We become his people by seeking him, not everyone will do this.
Zachariah gives a distinction between between the heathen nations and God's people. Zachariah 8:7.
Another distinction.
Mathew 7:21-23. You can't be his people and he not know you.
The appearance of Deity in the Old Testament brought humbling responses. When the Lord appeared to Moses from a burning bush, Moses hid his face because he was afraid to look at God ( Exodus 3:1-6). When Isaiah saw the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, he cried out, "Woe is me! For I am lostfor my eyes have seen the King, the LORD of hosts" ( Isaiah 6:5). When the prophet Daniel received a vision of the glorious Christ, his strength left him. He fell into deep sleep with his face to the ground. However, an angel touched him and told him not to fear ( Daniel 10:8-12).
When the apostle John saw the glorified Christ, he fell at His feet as though dead ( Revelation 1:17). However, the Lord responded by telling Him not to fear. He identified himself as He did in verse 8 as the first and the last. Because believers are united by faith to Him, who is eternal, they too have nothing to fear.
Lots of people have seen Jesus in visions. I have. He is seated at the right Hand of God, making intercession for all believers who will come to Him.
I can tell jaw dropping testimonies of Jesus's intervention but it is by the Holy Spirits unction that I do. We are His disciples and it is Jesus who deserves the praise and thanks.
We don't wait TO FEEL like praising and worshipping and honoring Jesus. He is worthy to receive it always.
This is a fascinating thing. I heard a sermon one time saying the words spoken about "if someone sees the face of GOD they cannot live" he said "they cannot live, the same" Is this the question you're looking deeper into? Genesis 32:20,30, Exodus 33:11, Exodus 34:28-30,35,
It would be very interesting to do a study on the words. Exodus 3:6, Exodus 33:20,23, Numbers 6:25, Deuteronomy 5:1-5, Deuteronomy 31:17,18, Deuteronomy 32:20, Deuteronomy 34:10, Judges 6:22, 1Kings 13:6, 1Chronicles 16:11, 2Chronicles 7:14, 2Chronicles 30:9, Psalms 13:1, Psalms 17:5, Psalms 22:24, Psalms 105:4, Isaiah 54:8, Isaiah 59:2, Jeremiah 21:10, Ezekiel 20:35,
Perhaps it's the word "man" that the emphasise is. Romans 8:14, Galatians 4:6, Hebrews 12:7, John 1:12, Philippians 2:15, 1John 3:1,2 , 1John 4:15, How sad it is when a living father says "see his face no more" or turns his face.
Genesis 3:8-10, interestingly, in this translation it says they heard "the voice of the LORD" they "hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God"
What's amazing is: Genesis 4:16, it appears even though they were cast out of the garden GOD's presence was still with them.
Dear Marie, The name Jehovah or Yahweh are two pronunciations of the name YHWH that God gave to Moses in Exodus 3:14 which means I AM THAT I AM or ever-living, self-existent One. It is not certain how to exactly say the name God spoke to Moses. In Hebrew there (and Greek and Latin) "J" was not a letter in their alphabet. This does not mean that the "j" sound was absent from their language, but the sound was not spelled with a letter "J". I prefer to use the word Yahweh as a pronunciation because of this, but I do think that the first sound in the either word may have been a sound that was a combined JY type of sound (think J-Y-A-Y as the first sound, squishing all these sound together in a breathy way.) But I may be totally wrong on this. Hebrew became a dead language by the time of the birth of Jesus and few really knew how to read or speak it. I think this was so because as a result of the captivities in Babylon of the Judah and Assyria of Israel hundreds of years before Christ's birth. Also, the name YHWH was considered to holy to say or write by the Jews, so they substituted LORD (Adonai) or God (G-d) in place of YHWH in the Tanakh (Hebrew Old Testament).
Yashua or Yeshua are both Hebrew names for the name Jesus (which is Anglicized, I believe). You will find Jesu in used in Spanish speaking people.
God owns all of His revealed names, not any sect or language group. So, we should be happy to use any of these for our Triune God.
Thanks for replying! sorry for my delay in responding, I also have been mostly only checking in from time to time and picked up on some unfinished projects at the house.
Concerning the notion that we all will become Gods and birth the Holyspirit is a dangerous heresy in my opinion.
I agree with you 100 percent on everything you said!
That doctrine is a dangerous doctrine to hold.
And the hermeneutics he uses is also dangerous, He spiritualize everything to bend scripture to his views.
What's so dangerous is some things are allegory and types, but when you spiritualize EVERYTHING those treasures get lost and so do the truth, you're left without out Gods devine word and left with speculation and perspectives!
I debated with him about a year and a half ago. This is what I've learned.
His base doctrine derives an flawed interpretation of Exodus 3:13-15.
"Here's his interpretation;
He says this text says God's "name" is Abraham, Issac, and Jacob.
He disregard the I AM THAT I AM in vs 14.
He says this is a picture of the Trinity. ( Israel ) and he says the seed shall come though them. Christ.
But he says the church is spiritual Israel and that seed "Christ" is planted in us and we birth the Holyspirit.
This is another example of someone shaping their theology around a viewpoint and bending scripture to support it.
A year and a half ago he was presenting this but cautiously.
After the debate focusing on Exodus 3:14. he left the site for about 4 months and just returned about 2 weeks ahead of you. He would post sparingly but we paid him not much attention and the newbies ignored his strange doctrine.
Now he's the boldest he has ever been!!
I was saddened when he left the first time and asked about him.
When he came back I was happy to hear from him but later understood he held that same doctrine.
Numbers 20:7-12, is a portion of the whole story & reason.
Let's look at the bigger picture:
Numbers 20:12, please note it says "Because you believed me not, to sanctify me in the eyes of the children of Israel, therefore._._" , Please read Exodus, Moses' doubts: Exodus 3:11,13, Exodus 4:1,3,10,14, Exodus 4:24-26, Exodus 5:22, Exodus 6:12, Exodus 6:30, Exodus 14:11-15, Exodus 16:2-28, Exodus 17:2-7, Exodus 32:11-19,30,31,32,33, Exodus 33:1-3, Numbers 11:1-15, mercy ( Numbers 11:16-20,) Numbers 11:21-23, * Numbers 13, Numbers 13:30,31,32, * Numbers 14, very significant I believe, when they were supposed to take the promised land please read Numbers chapters 13 & 14, & notice: Numbers 13:30, Numbers 14:24, Numbers 14:22-23,
Thanks GiGi. I could only learn this from referring to the Hebrew text (& translation), where in Genesis 2:4 the Hebrew clearly shows "in the day that the LORD (YHWH) God (Elohim) made the earth and the heavens". And not being a Hebrew reader, I can only read it as given, that it is 'God Who is YHWH', Who has done all these things & now communing with man & woman.
Given that the Genesis writer is generally accepted as being Moses (written between 1450 & 1410 BC), where he would have been given special grace to relate these events that he personally had not experienced, it could be that God was already showing him that 'special' connection to His people Israel, yet future, was already set in Adam & Eve.
Yet, would all those living pre-Moses (i.e. pre- Exodus 3:13,14), even know that 'special' Name? Exodus 6:3, says that the 'Name YHWH was not known to the patriarchs'. And yet we know that they were aware of it, like Abraham ( Genesis 15:7; Genesis 22:14), Jacob ( Genesis 27:20) & others knew that Name. But did they only know OF that Name but did not know Him fully, the full depth of understanding of the Name, YHWH? This debate probably still goes on. But when the children of Israel were in slavery in Egypt for over 400 years, that Name which should have been remembered & faithfully passed on, was forgotten, hence their need for an urgent reminder by Moses.
And "why should the Israelites listen to Moses & trust God?" There were four tokens of identification of this 'forgotten' God: the one of His Name ( Exodus 3:14, I AM: I've read that it is the inner meaning of YHWH - I Am the One Who Is); the one of the rod/serpent ( Exodus 4:1-5); the one of the leprous hand ( Exodus 4:6-8); & the one of the river of blood ( Exodus 4:9). I guess that any one or all of these signs should have confirmed Moses' call without any dispute & revealed to the Israelites unequivocally Who the One was Who had heard their cries & come to save them.
Hello Gitai. That's a good question, as these differences in the use of God (as a Name), can be found right through the Scriptures.
In the references you gave, we can understand & know the meaning of the various names given. In Genesis chapter 1, the author refers to God as 'God' (or, Elohim). Elohim, is a general name for the True God, as it can also be used to depict other gods (e.g. Genesis 31:30; Exodus 12:12), of angels ( Psalm 8:5), of men ( Psalm 82:6), of judges/rulers ( Exodus 21:6)). So, in relation to God's creative Work, the Name Elohim was given here. And of course, Elohim is also used of the True God elsewhere in the Bible, where creating is not signified (e.g. Genesis 35:7).
But in Genesis chapter 2 we see the use of the word, LORD (or, Yahweh), & this signifies a special revelation & a special relationship to Israel: 'Yahweh' means the active, self-existent One (as in Exodus 3:14, where the word is connected to the verb, 'to be') & also being Israel's Redeemer ( Exodus 6:6). So the use of the word, LORD, signifies this True God (Elohim) is not distant (as seen by His other Works), but is now revealed in a most personal way to Israel as LORD (Yahweh); hence combining the two words to read, LORD God. And from Genesis 2:2 onwards, this Name is used to signify the commencement of a personal interaction with His creation.
And when we read the word, 'Lord', this means 'master, lord, sovereign' (as in Genesis 15:2). Hence we can have a variety of combinations: God, LORD God, Lord God, each one depicting what the author has received from God that has to be revealed to the reader (chiefly, Israel in the OT references). And of interest, this God Who is a personal God, is also experienced in many ways in that relationship. Hence, we get compound Names of Yahweh, such Yahweh-Jireh (the God Who will see to it; or provides); Yahweh-Shalom (the God Who gives peace); & many other compound Names.
Jehovah or Yahweh are variants on the Hebrew name for God: YHWH This name was given by God as HIs name for the Israelites in Egypt to know him by when He called Moses from the burning bush in the backside of the desert near Mt. Sinai (Horeb). When Moses asked God by what name shall He tell the Israelites He is. God said YHWH; which means I AM THAT I AM or I AM WHO I AM or I WILL BE WHOM I WILL BE. All of these names speak to His eternal existence and self-existence, meaning that God never had a beginning and no one (or nothing) else gave Him existence. That is why Jesus says that He is the Life and that He and the Father have life within themselves. They are the source of life because they are Life of Existence Itself.
In Exodus 3:6 where God gives this name, He also identifies Himself as the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob so that Moses knows that He is the same God that related to these forefathers that he and the Israelites knew about. God also identifies Himself as God Almighty or The Most High, as He was known to Abraham and others before revealing this name to Moses.
These names reveal something about God's nature to us, but these are all names of the One True God. So, most likely Moses relayed to the Israelites this new name (YHWH) and informed them that the God of their forefathers is this same God YHWH.
It's like this Genesis: GOD gave dominion to man over the Earth, including sea. Gen. 1:28, It's a ' stewardship ' that all men will give an account for. Matthew 25:31-46, yet the Earth still belongs to GOD : 1Corinthains 10:26,
GOD gave Moses a set of "Best Laws" That if people obeyed, would cut down on suffering. Instead many have rebelliously rejected, mocked & ignored & refusal to enforce. Whose then to blame for suffering in consequence? Proverbs 3:27,
I think it amazing that GOD intervenes on our behalf so many times. Exodus 3:9, Psalms 12:5,
& ultimately gave us Salvation John 3:16-18, Ecclesiastes 5:8,
With respect and affection . Dear Sam , please read carefully Genesis Ch 2 V 1 . It says "A daughter of Levi " not "the" . He married a woman of the tribe of Levi .
Here in Ch. 4 God continues to speak with Moses and Moses continues to give reasons why he cannot fulfill what God is asking him to do. He doesn't yet realize that God is able to go beyond our strengths and weaknesses to accomplish His will. It says that God became angry with Moses. Let us remember that God never sins in His anger Moses needed to know to fear God as well as learn about God's miraculous power. This expression of anger will keep Moses reverent and humble when He leads the Israelites with miracles and is separated out to be wit God on Mt, Sinai.
God had already called Aaron to go to Moses. Had they seen one another in 40 years? Aaron was eloquent and respected by the Israelites. The Israelites did not know Moses well. So, God ad it all planned out that Moses AND Aaron would be the leaders of the Israelites, speaking with and for God, performing miracles with the "staff of God" and by other means. First, they had to be convincing to the Israelites who had not heard from God in a long time and who had defaulted to the idolatry learned in Egypt. But they still knew something about their special status with God through Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. They had just mixed true worship of the True God with idolatry and grew further and further from the truth of God and from Him personally. Surely, there were some among them that kept the faith, but as a whole, the Israelites had backslid from Him.
God speaks to Moses about what pharaoh will do in response to the requests he and Aaron will make of him on God's behalf. So, knowing ahead of time will help Aaron and Moses to trust in God more than if God did not foretell them these things. Moses and Aaron needed some time to build their faith and to have their faith be tried so they would be rightly prepared to lead the Israelites through many hardships, grumblings, uprisings, and setbacks.
God foretold to Abraham in Hebron before He destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah and one month before Sarah conceived Isaac that Abraham's people (descendants) would be 400 years out of the promised land. Since He is God, what He foretells always happens.
And so, Jacob and is family went into Egypt during a severe famine after discovering Joseph was in charge of all of Egypt under Pharaoh. They were they for a long time under blessing, and then at some time, with another Pharaoh who did not want the Israelites to continue to greatly multiply and prosper, he enslaved them and made their time of slavery miserable. Many generations had passed between Levi and Moses, but descendants were identified with the tribe of Jaconb they descended from, thus Moses' and his parents were spoke of as from Levi.
I am a bit confused as to the time span here in Exodus. It says the daughter of Levi, gave birth to Moses. Even if it has been 80 years since this birth, how do we get 400 years of suppression of the people of Israel, and time spent amongst the people. Joseph brought Israel and his brothers, including Levi to Egypt. The math seems off here. How do we get 400 years from Levi to Moses if it is just 2 generations?
.... "Why me, I am just an old shepherd here in Midian, a place of no significance. But God promises to be with Moses and says the sign to Moses that God had sent him would come after he brings the Israelites out of Egypt-God will lead them to this very mountain and Moses will serve God there. So, Moses does not have a sign up front. So Moses asks God for His name to tell to the Israelites. I do not know if the Israelites had this name for God before this time or if it is a new revelation. We have not been told this. This name YHWH- Eyeheh asher Eyeheh I AM WHO I AM-The ever Present One-He Who Is-speaks to God's eternity and ever present nature as well as having life within Himself , totally self-sufficient and unchangeable, in need of nothing outside of Himself, the Sovereign All powerful One. Would the Israelites know God by this name? God tells Moses to gather the elders and say , "The LORD God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob has appeared to me." Tell them that I will bring you up out of the affliction of Egypt" to the land of Canaan. God assures Moses that the elders will believe him. God continues to tell Moses of his task to go to the Pharaoh and how that will go, from Pharaoh's refusal to the eventual release and the favor the Israelites will have with the people of Egypt. The Egyptians will load them up with supplies and treasures. God calls it a plunder of Egypt, but the people will give it willingly. Perhaps this "plunder" is the wages they earned for all of their toil, as God determined it.
God's instruction show a shrewdness, a guise to go for three days, when the real plan is to leave permanently. God promises to do wonders that He describes as a strike against Egypt. So His wonders will be devastating for Egypt, but the Israelites will be spared any harm.
Here in Chapter 3 we read that Moses was a shepherd for is father in law, Jethro (also known as Reuel). Moses was now 80 years old. He had been in Midian for 40 years. He was pasturing the flock near Mt. Horeb (also known as Sinai) Some scholars think that this mountain is in southern Sinai peninsula (the traditional mountain) and others say it is a mountain in northern Midian on the east side of the gulf of Aqaba. I recommend reading up on this. In either case it is said that tis was the mountain of God. Whether this identification was known then or added later, I don't know.
While there he noticed a bush burning with fire but not being consumed. Moses noticed and drew near to examine this unusual phenomenon. God was present in the flames. Now that is a sovereign God! The one who creates the fire can be within it and not perish! God calls to Moses twice, like he did to Abraham and others. "Moses, Moses!" Moses answers, "Here I am." Did Moses know that it was God calling him?
The text says that the Angel of the Lord appeared as a flame of fire in the midst of the bush. Is this really an angel or is it the pre-incarnate Son of God? The voice tells Moses to take off his shoes and not to come any nearer. God said he was standing on holy ground because God was present in this place. Do we notice the holiness of God's presence when we worship and He draws near to us?
God identifies Himself as the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. This is how the Israelites would have known God.
Moses hid is face as he was afraid to look upon God. Was tis Moses' first encounter with God? God explains that He has heard the Israelites' cry and seen their oppression. God waited until just the right time to deliver them and bring them back to the promised land of Canaan.
But God says he is going to send Moses to deliver them. How surprised Moses must have been to find this out.. Moses is humble, not thinking that he could possibly be the right person for such a task. He must have thought,
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
"Word was God"
It flat out says the Word is Jesus in John 1:14 and onward. It also calls Jesus God in other scripture too, so one has to deny much of the Bible in order to deny Jesus's divinity. Why are people so motivated to deny Jesus, one might ask? Matthew 10:32-33
The Word was God literally means the Word was God. It doesn't say the Word wasn't God. It doesn't say the Word was a different God. It doesn't say the Word was God the father. It doesn't say was kind of a God, but not really. People seem to really enjoy twisting this and trying hard to make it mean something else, but it doesn't mean something else. The Word was God still means the "Word was God." It cannot be denied what it so clearly says.
I heard someone who seemed motivated to not want Jesus to be his Lord or God go on to say that the Word didn't mean Jesus and wanted it to mean the Bible. But that person forgot that the Bible already says the Word is Jesus in John 1:14. It again calls Jesus the Word in Revelation 19:13.
So, all the other speculation doesn't really matter. People's devised human arguments in order to rationalize or distort to fit what one wants to believe is all irrelevant. The fact is John 1:1 says Jesus is God and the real question is does someone believe in the Bible as God's word or not? I choose to believe it. I hope others do too. Satan loves deceiving and tricking people into rationalizing away and cherry picking certain things over others.
1 Corinthians 8:6 (Jesus made all things), John 1:1 (Jesus was there in the beginning), John 5:18, (equal with His father), Jesus is the John 8:58, "I AM", Exodus 3:14, Revelation 1:8. John 20:28.
There are spiritual forces at work trying to deceive and twist and misinterpret. Beware of false teachers. The Bible already says what it means. Do we choose to believe and trust?
I don't believe we can just replace the word God for Jesus. I believe that uses of God in the Bible sometimes implies the trinity, but other times is used solely for God the father. I believe this is one of the common sources of confusion. Also, Jesus is Lord, and the use of the word Lord of the Old Testament sometimes seems to include God the father. I'm interested in anyone else's opinions on this. So, the three are one, the same, but also different. While this is hard for us simple humans to understand how much the same they are and how much different they are, it says it in the Bible and we must choose whether we want to trust and believe what it says.
About the word begotten in John 3:16:
I'd like to borrow from a Got Questions answer on this as I find them scripturally based most of the time. They say the original Greek word 'begotten' or (monogenes) has 2 meanings:
1. The first definition is "pertaining to being the only one of its kind within a specific relationship." Hebrews 11:17 like Abraham's son.
2. The second definition is "pertaining to being the only one of its kind or class, unique in kind." See John 3:16, John 1:14, 18; 3:18; 1 John 4:9.
Beware of anyone distorting the word to assume it means Jesus was 'created' later. This is not what it means. Scripture already debunks that in John 1:3, 1 Corinthians 8:6 (Jesus made all things), John 1:1 (Jesus was there in the beginning), John 5:18 (equal with His father), Jesus is the John 8:58, "I AM", Exodus 3:14, Revelation 1:8
Hi Rick. I was citing the following Scriptures: Isaiah 66:5 and Jeremiah 5:22. In both verses, the narrative around them was to warn His people that God is a God Who cannot be taken lightly, ignored or despised. Israel & Judah were in every sense, God's chosen & beloved ( Jeremiah 31:1-3) - no matter whatever they did to displease Him, they remained his precious possession ( Ezekiel 44:28), but they would suffer under His Hand if they disobeyed. Yet, they continued to do so even to despising the Messiah of God & crucifying Him.
While the natural branches of the olive tree were cut off so that those who call upon the Name of Jesus, might be engrafted in ( Romans 11:16-20), the engrafted ones (the adopted children of God), are in no more favourable position than what Israel enjoyed as being the 'natural branches of the tree'. We can indeed call Him 'Abba', come to Him anywhere, anytime, anyhow, & enjoy His Gracious Presence through His Spirit, but if we hold Him in awe & wonder, we also demonstrate that through our treatment of His Glory & Holiness & with the Word which He has given us.
My reference to all this was to how we ought to read, understand & share God's Word. This is not a history book or novel that we can gloss over & give our impressions based on personal beliefs & sentiments, but the Word of God that requires careful, prayerful, & spiritual handling, both for our own exercises & for others. Given we have such a Book & such an Holy God, can we give them any less reverence & fear than those to whom God gave a sampling of His Glory ( Exodus 3:4-6; Isaiah 6:1-5; Ezekiel 1:28; Revelation 15:4-8). Israel could only approach God through the ministry of God's High priest & they enjoyed His blessings. We approach the same God through our High Priest, the Lord Jesus Christ, providing us such an access. Yet, the God of Israel has never changed - His love is the same - our stance before Him & His Word must be the same: one of great seriousness & carefulness.
Anyway He attempt to build his Case that God's name is Abraham, Issac and Jacob from these verses.
Of course you have to leave out verse 13 and 14, Then use your imagination for verse 15.
Exodus 3:13-15. And Moses said unto God, Behold, when I come unto the children of Israel, and shall say unto them, The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say to me, What is his name? what shall I say unto them?
And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.
And God said moreover unto Moses, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, The LORD God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath sent me unto you: this is my name for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations.
I'm not able to follow your thought process on all your points, but some. I think most of your points fall within the same logic/belief that Jesus prayed and referred to the Father as "God" and even prayed to "God" therefore how can Jesus be God and pray to Himself? Am I understanding your position accurately? If so, I think most of your "If Jesus is God..." arguments seem to fall within this one overall assumption.
The thing missing from this assumption is that Jesus is not in His normal state. He became a man to go to earth to live as us and to die for our sins. John 1. Yes, Jesus prayed to God the Father. I believe He limited His power to a degree to live on Earth like us. I think He could have exercised His power, but chose not to. Example: Matthew 26:53.
Philippians 2:6 - this says Jesus is equal to God. Verse 7-8 says he humbled Himself as a servant as a man. v9-11 then Jesus was exalted, that every knee will bow and confess Jesus is Lord, name above all other names.
If you believe the Bible when it says that says Jesus created all things ( John 1:3 ), is equal to God ( phil 2:6), is one with God ( John 10:30), is God ( John 1:1), has a name above all other names ( Phil 2:9-11), should be baptized in His name ( Matthew 28:19) then is it such a stretch to believe that's true?
Simply believing what the Bible says is not a 'doctrine' as some claim, but those believing things the Bible doesn't say is definitely a human doctrine.
I get that people have a hard time comprehending that God is plural and how exactly that words out. We will find out in the end. But just because people don't understand 1 John 5:7 doesn't mean it's not true. Truth is true regardless of whether people choose to believe it or not.
John 8:58 - What do you think Jesus meant when he said "I am"?
Exodus 3:14 - What do you think of God saying "I am"?
John 5:23 - strong warning to anyone who dishonors Jesus.
God bless.
David also gives a reason to praise the Lord: He is holy. He is completely separate from sin. When the Lord appeared to Moses in a burning bush and commissioned him to demand that Pharaoh release the Hebrews from captivity, He told Moses to remove his sandals because he was standing on holy ground ( Exodus 3:5). The ground was holy only because God was present there. Isaiah received a revelation of the Lord's holiness in the temple. He heard the seraphim pronounce, "Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts" ( Isaiah 6:3). Praising the Lord for His gracious gifts to us is appropriate, but it is also appropriate to praise Him because He is holy.
Psalm 103:1-5 records David commanding his entire inner being to praise the Lord and to remember all the Lord's benefits. He credits the Lord with forgiveness of sin and healing of diseases. He says the Lord redeems the believer's life from the realm of the dead and bestows on him steadfast love, mercy, satisfaction, and renewal.
Psalm 103 praises God for what He has done. This includes celebration of His personal influence, as well as the way God has blessed the nation of Israel. David encourages praises from himself, from the people in general, and even from the angels and hosts of heaven.
God then tells Moses that He is the "I AM THAT I AM", or loosely translated, "I Am (what I have always been & always will be), the One who is Self-Existent, Self-Sufficient, Self-Enduring.
God then tells Moses to tell the Israelites that "The LORD God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath sent me unto you: this is my name for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations." So now they will also know that this Eternal God was also the One Who was with their fathers, Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob. Hopefully, now they begin to piece it all together & know that God is no local deity, but the LORD (YHWH), the God who was not only with their fathers, but also to be with them now, to deliver them with a mighty Hand & an outstretched Arm ( Deuteronomy 26:8).
Hopefully these are helpful
In the past I've used that analogy of the puzzle pieces. The Gospel paints a picture starting from Genesis.
The problem often comes when one have a picture in mind and try to fit pieces of the puzzles together that don't belong so they have to reshape the surrounding pieces to there liking, usually by spritualizing all the pieces/scripture, or they take one piece of a puzzle/scripture that represents their picture and try to fit it in a 1000 piece puzzle that it doesn't belong to, so they reshape the 1000 pieces by spritualizing.
Here's an example.
Who's the writer referring to here?
"Therefore my people" are gone into captivity, because they have no knowledge: and their honourable men are famished, and their multitude dried up with thirst.
Isaiah 5:13.
I've heard it taught that this was all of creation. ( A piece of puzzle that don't even fit the chapter or anywhere else in the 66 books. )
But if they would let the scripture say what it is saying you would find the answer throughout the chapter, especially verse 7.
"For the vineyard of the LORD of hosts is the house of Israel, and the men of Judah his pleasant plant: and he looked for judgment, but behold oppression; for righteousness, but behold a cry"
Isaiah 5:7.
Here's just a few of many other puzzle pieces.
Exodus 3:10.
Exodus 5:1.
Exodus 8:23.
Leviticus 26:12.
1 Samuel 2:28-29.
1 Kings 6:12-13.
Isaiah 1:3.
Isaiah 10:24.
Isaiah 14:25.
Jeremiah 1:16.
Jeremiah 2:11.
Ezekiel 11:20.
There's hundreds that reference Isaiah 5:13. to Israel!!
And Hosea 2:23 suggests God's not done with them. Also Romans 11:1.
God is in the generation of the righteous. Psalms 14:5.
We become his people by seeking him, not everyone will do this.
Zachariah gives a distinction between between the heathen nations and God's people. Zachariah 8:7.
Another distinction.
Mathew 7:21-23. You can't be his people and he not know you.
Heresies are built this way.
God bless.
When the apostle John saw the glorified Christ, he fell at His feet as though dead ( Revelation 1:17). However, the Lord responded by telling Him not to fear. He identified himself as He did in verse 8 as the first and the last. Because believers are united by faith to Him, who is eternal, they too have nothing to fear.
Lots of people have seen Jesus in visions. I have. He is seated at the right Hand of God, making intercession for all believers who will come to Him.
I can tell jaw dropping testimonies of Jesus's intervention but it is by the Holy Spirits unction that I do. We are His disciples and it is Jesus who deserves the praise and thanks.
We don't wait TO FEEL like praising and worshipping and honoring Jesus. He is worthy to receive it always.
It would be very interesting to do a study on the words. Exodus 3:6, Exodus 33:20,23, Numbers 6:25, Deuteronomy 5:1-5, Deuteronomy 31:17,18, Deuteronomy 32:20, Deuteronomy 34:10, Judges 6:22, 1Kings 13:6, 1Chronicles 16:11, 2Chronicles 7:14, 2Chronicles 30:9, Psalms 13:1, Psalms 17:5, Psalms 22:24, Psalms 105:4, Isaiah 54:8, Isaiah 59:2, Jeremiah 21:10, Ezekiel 20:35,
Perhaps it's the word "man" that the emphasise is. Romans 8:14, Galatians 4:6, Hebrews 12:7, John 1:12, Philippians 2:15, 1John 3:1,2 , 1John 4:15, How sad it is when a living father says "see his face no more" or turns his face.
Genesis 3:8-10, interestingly, in this translation it says they heard "the voice of the LORD" they "hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God"
What's amazing is: Genesis 4:16, it appears even though they were cast out of the garden GOD's presence was still with them.
Psalms 139, Job 4:15,
Hopefully this is helpful
GOD is = GOD ALMIGHTY, Genesis 17:1, Genesis 28:3, Genesis 35:11, Genesis 48:3,
JEHOVAH, Exodus 6:3, FATHER : Matthew 23:9, Matthew 6:6-10, GOD of thy father, GOD of Abraham, GOD of Isaac, GOD of Jacob, Exodus 3:6,
Many times GOD is referred to by what HE has done: GOD that sees; Genesis 16:13, GOD that provides,
Hopefully this is helpful
Yashua or Yeshua are both Hebrew names for the name Jesus (which is Anglicized, I believe). You will find Jesu in used in Spanish speaking people.
God owns all of His revealed names, not any sect or language group. So, we should be happy to use any of these for our Triune God.
Hope this helps.
Thanks for replying! sorry for my delay in responding, I also have been mostly only checking in from time to time and picked up on some unfinished projects at the house.
Concerning the notion that we all will become Gods and birth the Holyspirit is a dangerous heresy in my opinion.
I agree with you 100 percent on everything you said!
That doctrine is a dangerous doctrine to hold.
And the hermeneutics he uses is also dangerous, He spiritualize everything to bend scripture to his views.
What's so dangerous is some things are allegory and types, but when you spiritualize EVERYTHING those treasures get lost and so do the truth, you're left without out Gods devine word and left with speculation and perspectives!
I debated with him about a year and a half ago. This is what I've learned.
His base doctrine derives an flawed interpretation of Exodus 3:13-15.
"Here's his interpretation;
He says this text says God's "name" is Abraham, Issac, and Jacob.
He disregard the I AM THAT I AM in vs 14.
He says this is a picture of the Trinity. ( Israel ) and he says the seed shall come though them. Christ.
But he says the church is spiritual Israel and that seed "Christ" is planted in us and we birth the Holyspirit.
This is another example of someone shaping their theology around a viewpoint and bending scripture to support it.
A year and a half ago he was presenting this but cautiously.
After the debate focusing on Exodus 3:14. he left the site for about 4 months and just returned about 2 weeks ahead of you. He would post sparingly but we paid him not much attention and the newbies ignored his strange doctrine.
Now he's the boldest he has ever been!!
I was saddened when he left the first time and asked about him.
When he came back I was happy to hear from him but later understood he held that same doctrine.
I decided not to give him Godspeed.
God bless you sister Gigi.
Numbers 20:7-12, is a portion of the whole story & reason.
Let's look at the bigger picture:
Numbers 20:12, please note it says "Because you believed me not, to sanctify me in the eyes of the children of Israel, therefore._._" , Please read Exodus, Moses' doubts: Exodus 3:11,13, Exodus 4:1,3,10,14, Exodus 4:24-26, Exodus 5:22, Exodus 6:12, Exodus 6:30, Exodus 14:11-15, Exodus 16:2-28, Exodus 17:2-7, Exodus 32:11-19,30,31,32,33, Exodus 33:1-3, Numbers 11:1-15, mercy ( Numbers 11:16-20,) Numbers 11:21-23, * Numbers 13, Numbers 13:30,31,32, * Numbers 14, very significant I believe, when they were supposed to take the promised land please read Numbers chapters 13 & 14, & notice: Numbers 13:30, Numbers 14:24, Numbers 14:22-23,
Psalms 95:6-11, note Psalms 95:10-11,
Hebrews 3:5-19, Luke 13:24, Mark 10:15,
Hopefully this is helpful
Given that the Genesis writer is generally accepted as being Moses (written between 1450 & 1410 BC), where he would have been given special grace to relate these events that he personally had not experienced, it could be that God was already showing him that 'special' connection to His people Israel, yet future, was already set in Adam & Eve.
Yet, would all those living pre-Moses (i.e. pre- Exodus 3:13,14), even know that 'special' Name? Exodus 6:3, says that the 'Name YHWH was not known to the patriarchs'. And yet we know that they were aware of it, like Abraham ( Genesis 15:7; Genesis 22:14), Jacob ( Genesis 27:20) & others knew that Name. But did they only know OF that Name but did not know Him fully, the full depth of understanding of the Name, YHWH? This debate probably still goes on. But when the children of Israel were in slavery in Egypt for over 400 years, that Name which should have been remembered & faithfully passed on, was forgotten, hence their need for an urgent reminder by Moses.
And "why should the Israelites listen to Moses & trust God?" There were four tokens of identification of this 'forgotten' God: the one of His Name ( Exodus 3:14, I AM: I've read that it is the inner meaning of YHWH - I Am the One Who Is); the one of the rod/serpent ( Exodus 4:1-5); the one of the leprous hand ( Exodus 4:6-8); & the one of the river of blood ( Exodus 4:9). I guess that any one or all of these signs should have confirmed Moses' call without any dispute & revealed to the Israelites unequivocally Who the One was Who had heard their cries & come to save them.
In the references you gave, we can understand & know the meaning of the various names given. In Genesis chapter 1, the author refers to God as 'God' (or, Elohim). Elohim, is a general name for the True God, as it can also be used to depict other gods (e.g. Genesis 31:30; Exodus 12:12), of angels ( Psalm 8:5), of men ( Psalm 82:6), of judges/rulers ( Exodus 21:6)). So, in relation to God's creative Work, the Name Elohim was given here. And of course, Elohim is also used of the True God elsewhere in the Bible, where creating is not signified (e.g. Genesis 35:7).
But in Genesis chapter 2 we see the use of the word, LORD (or, Yahweh), & this signifies a special revelation & a special relationship to Israel: 'Yahweh' means the active, self-existent One (as in Exodus 3:14, where the word is connected to the verb, 'to be') & also being Israel's Redeemer ( Exodus 6:6). So the use of the word, LORD, signifies this True God (Elohim) is not distant (as seen by His other Works), but is now revealed in a most personal way to Israel as LORD (Yahweh); hence combining the two words to read, LORD God. And from Genesis 2:2 onwards, this Name is used to signify the commencement of a personal interaction with His creation.
And when we read the word, 'Lord', this means 'master, lord, sovereign' (as in Genesis 15:2). Hence we can have a variety of combinations: God, LORD God, Lord God, each one depicting what the author has received from God that has to be revealed to the reader (chiefly, Israel in the OT references). And of interest, this God Who is a personal God, is also experienced in many ways in that relationship. Hence, we get compound Names of Yahweh, such Yahweh-Jireh (the God Who will see to it; or provides); Yahweh-Shalom (the God Who gives peace); & many other compound Names.
Jehovah or Yahweh are variants on the Hebrew name for God: YHWH This name was given by God as HIs name for the Israelites in Egypt to know him by when He called Moses from the burning bush in the backside of the desert near Mt. Sinai (Horeb). When Moses asked God by what name shall He tell the Israelites He is. God said YHWH; which means I AM THAT I AM or I AM WHO I AM or I WILL BE WHOM I WILL BE. All of these names speak to His eternal existence and self-existence, meaning that God never had a beginning and no one (or nothing) else gave Him existence. That is why Jesus says that He is the Life and that He and the Father have life within themselves. They are the source of life because they are Life of Existence Itself.
In Exodus 3:6 where God gives this name, He also identifies Himself as the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob so that Moses knows that He is the same God that related to these forefathers that he and the Israelites knew about. God also identifies Himself as God Almighty or The Most High, as He was known to Abraham and others before revealing this name to Moses.
These names reveal something about God's nature to us, but these are all names of the One True God. So, most likely Moses relayed to the Israelites this new name (YHWH) and informed them that the God of their forefathers is this same God YHWH.
Genesis 8:21-22, Gen. 9:9-17, therefore HE made a covenant of mercy. Yet HE also makes promises of giving an "account"
Genesis 9:5-6, Psalms 37, Isaiah 61:3, Romans 12:9, Hebrews 10:30, Jude 1:7,
It's like this Genesis: GOD gave dominion to man over the Earth, including sea. Gen. 1:28, It's a ' stewardship ' that all men will give an account for. Matthew 25:31-46, yet the Earth still belongs to GOD : 1Corinthains 10:26,
GOD gave Moses a set of "Best Laws" That if people obeyed, would cut down on suffering. Instead many have rebelliously rejected, mocked & ignored & refusal to enforce. Whose then to blame for suffering in consequence? Proverbs 3:27,
I think it amazing that GOD intervenes on our behalf so many times. Exodus 3:9, Psalms 12:5,
& ultimately gave us Salvation John 3:16-18, Ecclesiastes 5:8,
Hopefully this is helpful
God had already called Aaron to go to Moses. Had they seen one another in 40 years? Aaron was eloquent and respected by the Israelites. The Israelites did not know Moses well. So, God ad it all planned out that Moses AND Aaron would be the leaders of the Israelites, speaking with and for God, performing miracles with the "staff of God" and by other means. First, they had to be convincing to the Israelites who had not heard from God in a long time and who had defaulted to the idolatry learned in Egypt. But they still knew something about their special status with God through Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. They had just mixed true worship of the True God with idolatry and grew further and further from the truth of God and from Him personally. Surely, there were some among them that kept the faith, but as a whole, the Israelites had backslid from Him.
God speaks to Moses about what pharaoh will do in response to the requests he and Aaron will make of him on God's behalf. So, knowing ahead of time will help Aaron and Moses to trust in God more than if God did not foretell them these things. Moses and Aaron needed some time to build their faith and to have their faith be tried so they would be rightly prepared to lead the Israelites through many hardships, grumblings, uprisings, and setbacks.
And so, Jacob and is family went into Egypt during a severe famine after discovering Joseph was in charge of all of Egypt under Pharaoh. They were they for a long time under blessing, and then at some time, with another Pharaoh who did not want the Israelites to continue to greatly multiply and prosper, he enslaved them and made their time of slavery miserable. Many generations had passed between Levi and Moses, but descendants were identified with the tribe of Jaconb they descended from, thus Moses' and his parents were spoke of as from Levi.
God's instruction show a shrewdness, a guise to go for three days, when the real plan is to leave permanently. God promises to do wonders that He describes as a strike against Egypt. So His wonders will be devastating for Egypt, but the Israelites will be spared any harm.
While there he noticed a bush burning with fire but not being consumed. Moses noticed and drew near to examine this unusual phenomenon. God was present in the flames. Now that is a sovereign God! The one who creates the fire can be within it and not perish! God calls to Moses twice, like he did to Abraham and others. "Moses, Moses!" Moses answers, "Here I am." Did Moses know that it was God calling him?
The text says that the Angel of the Lord appeared as a flame of fire in the midst of the bush. Is this really an angel or is it the pre-incarnate Son of God? The voice tells Moses to take off his shoes and not to come any nearer. God said he was standing on holy ground because God was present in this place. Do we notice the holiness of God's presence when we worship and He draws near to us?
God identifies Himself as the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. This is how the Israelites would have known God.
Moses hid is face as he was afraid to look upon God. Was tis Moses' first encounter with God? God explains that He has heard the Israelites' cry and seen their oppression. God waited until just the right time to deliver them and bring them back to the promised land of Canaan.
But God says he is going to send Moses to deliver them. How surprised Moses must have been to find this out.. Moses is humble, not thinking that he could possibly be the right person for such a task. He must have thought,
The Bible flat out says Jesus is God in John 1:1.
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
"Word was God"
It flat out says the Word is Jesus in John 1:14 and onward. It also calls Jesus God in other scripture too, so one has to deny much of the Bible in order to deny Jesus's divinity. Why are people so motivated to deny Jesus, one might ask? Matthew 10:32-33
The Word was God literally means the Word was God. It doesn't say the Word wasn't God. It doesn't say the Word was a different God. It doesn't say the Word was God the father. It doesn't say was kind of a God, but not really. People seem to really enjoy twisting this and trying hard to make it mean something else, but it doesn't mean something else. The Word was God still means the "Word was God." It cannot be denied what it so clearly says.
I heard someone who seemed motivated to not want Jesus to be his Lord or God go on to say that the Word didn't mean Jesus and wanted it to mean the Bible. But that person forgot that the Bible already says the Word is Jesus in John 1:14. It again calls Jesus the Word in Revelation 19:13.
So, all the other speculation doesn't really matter. People's devised human arguments in order to rationalize or distort to fit what one wants to believe is all irrelevant. The fact is John 1:1 says Jesus is God and the real question is does someone believe in the Bible as God's word or not? I choose to believe it. I hope others do too. Satan loves deceiving and tricking people into rationalizing away and cherry picking certain things over others.
1 Corinthians 8:6 (Jesus made all things), John 1:1 (Jesus was there in the beginning), John 5:18, (equal with His father), Jesus is the John 8:58, "I AM", Exodus 3:14, Revelation 1:8. John 20:28.
There are spiritual forces at work trying to deceive and twist and misinterpret. Beware of false teachers. The Bible already says what it means. Do we choose to believe and trust?
I don't believe we can just replace the word God for Jesus. I believe that uses of God in the Bible sometimes implies the trinity, but other times is used solely for God the father. I believe this is one of the common sources of confusion. Also, Jesus is Lord, and the use of the word Lord of the Old Testament sometimes seems to include God the father. I'm interested in anyone else's opinions on this. So, the three are one, the same, but also different. While this is hard for us simple humans to understand how much the same they are and how much different they are, it says it in the Bible and we must choose whether we want to trust and believe what it says.
About the word begotten in John 3:16:
I'd like to borrow from a Got Questions answer on this as I find them scripturally based most of the time. They say the original Greek word 'begotten' or (monogenes) has 2 meanings:
1. The first definition is "pertaining to being the only one of its kind within a specific relationship." Hebrews 11:17 like Abraham's son.
2. The second definition is "pertaining to being the only one of its kind or class, unique in kind." See John 3:16, John 1:14, 18; 3:18; 1 John 4:9.
Beware of anyone distorting the word to assume it means Jesus was 'created' later. This is not what it means. Scripture already debunks that in John 1:3, 1 Corinthians 8:6 (Jesus made all things), John 1:1 (Jesus was there in the beginning), John 5:18 (equal with His father), Jesus is the John 8:58, "I AM", Exodus 3:14, Revelation 1:8
God bless...
While the natural branches of the olive tree were cut off so that those who call upon the Name of Jesus, might be engrafted in ( Romans 11:16-20), the engrafted ones (the adopted children of God), are in no more favourable position than what Israel enjoyed as being the 'natural branches of the tree'. We can indeed call Him 'Abba', come to Him anywhere, anytime, anyhow, & enjoy His Gracious Presence through His Spirit, but if we hold Him in awe & wonder, we also demonstrate that through our treatment of His Glory & Holiness & with the Word which He has given us.
My reference to all this was to how we ought to read, understand & share God's Word. This is not a history book or novel that we can gloss over & give our impressions based on personal beliefs & sentiments, but the Word of God that requires careful, prayerful, & spiritual handling, both for our own exercises & for others. Given we have such a Book & such an Holy God, can we give them any less reverence & fear than those to whom God gave a sampling of His Glory ( Exodus 3:4-6; Isaiah 6:1-5; Ezekiel 1:28; Revelation 15:4-8). Israel could only approach God through the ministry of God's High priest & they enjoyed His blessings. We approach the same God through our High Priest, the Lord Jesus Christ, providing us such an access. Yet, the God of Israel has never changed - His love is the same - our stance before Him & His Word must be the same: one of great seriousness & carefulness.
We've all tried with Alex.
We mostly ignore his crying out.
He's looking for an open door.
All he does is repeat himself.
Anyway He attempt to build his Case that God's name is Abraham, Issac and Jacob from these verses.
Of course you have to leave out verse 13 and 14, Then use your imagination for verse 15.
Exodus 3:13-15. And Moses said unto God, Behold, when I come unto the children of Israel, and shall say unto them, The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say to me, What is his name? what shall I say unto them?
And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.
And God said moreover unto Moses, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, The LORD God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath sent me unto you: this is my name for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations.
God bless