God was angry with the prophets who were lying to the king of Judah and prophesying lies saying there would be peace for Jerusalem when God had spoken by his prophets captivity, famine and pestilence if they didn't surrender to the king of Babylon. The daughters here are witches doing witchcraft which is against the law of Yah.
To God almighty be all the glory,for the power in his word.The truth. Ezekiel 13,is very liberating,because God is exposing lot of secrets,and also warning us of the concisqence of malipulating people to suit,what agenda they are planning .
Evil controll,malipulation is the spirit of witchcraft.Depend on the culture or nations you come from,they are practised,even here
Thank YAH for JESUS and good teachers. The LORD is coming here where will we be able to fly to. Image- Jesus did not even leave by flying but was taken up.
To Janet and Ken, and whoever else it may apply to; The rapture is not theory, or man's idea; the Holy Spirit spoke of it many times throughout the Bible. I will be happy to give you some of those scriptures, when there's a genuine interest to know if these things are so. The fallacy however, as I see it, is in the belief that it will be before the actual Day of the Lord, and the coming of Christ.
I agree rapture is not in the bible thank GOD for teachers that teach us truth but it is difficult to get the truth across to someone who believes in the rapture theory
I am so glad that I am not the only one who sees the rapture as only a theory. And the comments on this page cause me to view most television preachers with big bank accounts in a truthful light. What if these televangelists were to tell their followers the truth? Answer: these televangelists with jets, Rolls Royce and multi-thousand acre ranches would have to get a job to get money. I am not a judge nor am I talking about ALL televangelists. Some are truthful about the rapture. I know that my church teaches the rapture and I get uneasy at the ease and comfort my friends at this church soak up every word of the fly-away doctrine. I would believe this lie IF it were not for Ezekiel 13. Thank God for this passage. And secondly, why would the Apostle Paul teach about us putting on the whole armor of God to fend off the fiery darts of the devil? Thanks to all of you for standing for and posting The Truth about the rapture.
Ezekiel 13 is a warning for ALL of us. Read what the Angels had to say to the seven (7) churches, Revelation, chapter 2. The Book of Ezekiel reads like Revelation. Today, we need the Holy Spirit in our lives to see the truth, and to see this world through God's wisdom. Jesus is coming back! Study, study, study
Murray teaches the truth and when you teach the truth many religionists that have listened to traditions of men and false teaching just don't see and can not hear and I think that they should get a Strong's Concordance and seek the truth and they will prove to themselves if Arnold Murray is wrong or right. When some one tells you a certain preacher is bad Check it out for yourself.
Look at what Paul said "I show you a mystery" I-Thessalonians chapter 4 tell of of what trumpet . Its the Trump of God, not an angels trumpt as in Revelations. Paul is the only ones that speaks of this translation, because it was a secret , from the begining of the world. Study the mystery there are about 7 of them. thats not taught in the rest of the bible except by Paul.
I fail to see what on earth Ezekiel 13:20, the denouncement of false female prophets has anything to do with the Rapture. I believe Isaiah 40:31 would be much more meaningful in that regard. Arnold Murray says the word Rapture is not in the bible. Neither are many other words, i.e. homosexual. Words are sometimes developed over time to describe an actual event. Murray also does not preach or teach, he 'lectures'. Oops, not in the bible either.
At the moment of death, the spirit returns to God who gave it. The soul ceases to exist soul sleep until the resurrection time when Jesus calls it forth and gives it a new body. The body which died turns back to the earth worm dirt, dust to dust, ashes to ashes . Study the Word of God, this is what it says! Study and Learn the Truth of God, NOT MAN! God says we perish for lack of knowledge!
I know there is so much conversations about the rapture and it is true that God is not the God of confusion but he is the God of love and peace. Jesus tells us that those who worship his father must worship him in spirit and in truth. There is no truth written in the bible about the rapture. People confuse the scripture that says and we will be caught up to be forever with the Lord.
THe thing that I have come to realize is this...The dead have already risen...God said to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord...He also said that he is the God of the living not the dead, and the thief hanging on the cross who accepted Christ was told that THIS day you would be with HIM in paradise. Therefore the dead are already raised and will not come from the grave. There will be no need for this body, they have already discarded it. I too have come to believe that there is no Rapture...those who can not see it must be those who have not ear to hear nor eye to see. The False Christ comes at the 6th trump and Christ at the 7th. We will be here and will not fly away. One question to possibly help those with trouble seeing this I have always had a problem with the scripture that talks about doing things orderly. That God is not the author of confusion...why then when He returns would He create Chaos? It is not His Nature. so if not His Nature what is...to tell His loved ones what to expect.
Verses 17 through 21. Talk about the rapture theory. covering God 's saving arms and teaching His children to fly to save their soul which the rapture is a false teaching. This is a prophesy written a long time ago right before 1830 when Margaret McDonald had a dream about the flying away doctrine which is false because Satan will come in the 6th seal, 6th trump, and 6th vial and will deceive just about the whole world according to Mark 13. 2 Thessalonian chapter 2 states that Satan will come first and Jesus will come in the trump farthest out which is the seventh.
I have for the past 3 4 days have been reading 12 through 14 chapters of Ezekiel, I am poised over this particular verse along with 21 23 verse. I have prayed and asked the Lord for understanding to reveal its meaning. I saw a picture of an actual garment with armpits sewn closed with a padded pillow to fit the opening by the false prophetess which results in a block to spiritual natural progress. It will seem unnatural in how it will happen. Agreement with a false and diabolical person acting as a medium is not Gods will for the child of God. It can only be a deception. Just a heart felt sincere opinion.
It took me to task, in verse 18, I couldn 't connect it to anything. So it was a mystery. And I have to find the answer.. AS I read the. Comments I think I found the correct answer. Thanks. Also A word to Americans. We have to repent Nationally or America will be gone forever. Just think of all the bloodshed to gain our freedom, only to be lost at this end time to a generation of voters that sacrifice 50 '000 ' Baby 's a yer on the abortion alter to SATAN. Not caring that they are murdering their on children. GOD Help us to wake up and repent and not be deceived by SATAN any more. YHVH BLESS AMERICA ISRAEL. LOVE
I read in believe in the second coming not a third and cannot find a partial or secret coming. Yes, we will all rise the dead first and yes, that is after the often scoffed at "dirt nap " they are asleep in Christ. They will rise first, then those that are alive. We will be changed and meet the Lord. The angels gather us from the four winds. Then almighty God 's wrath is poured out! Pre wrath not pre trib.
It 's amazing how intimate GOD is the fact he says he didnt create his people to be sad is mind blowing we were created to be happy. But the are wicked people who use witchcraft to destroy and control peoples lives. We we 're created to have Dominion not to dominate eachother thank GOD to JESUS who gives the hopeless hope who sets the captives free the shall be no enchantment against GODs people that will prosper.
verse 22 reminds me of all the churches who are accepting sin in the name of political correctness and telling the people they have nothing to worry about by living their sinful lifestyles... "you have a right to be happy...you 'll still go to heaven. " Instead of preaching the truth...that GOD should mean more to them than their lifestyles.
The written Holy Spirit inspired Word of The Living GOD is not to be mistaken as a trivia quiz. Where we question it or add to it. I beseech you brothern is what i hear the Lord say is why i came here and He spoke this book and chapter.
Respond to concern sister comments. This is what this means [18] And say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Woe to the women that sew pillows to all armholes, and make kerchiefs upon the head of every stature to hunt souls! Will ye hunt the souls of my people, and will ye save the souls alive that come unto you?
Sew pillows — A figurative speech, expressing the security, which they promised to every one that came to them.
Kerchiefs — Triumphal caps, which were made by these prophetesses, and put upon the head of every who one consulted them, and by these they were to interpret, as a promise of victory over the Babylonians.
Stature — That is, of every age, whether younger or elder, which usually is seen by their stature.
To hunt — All this is really spreading a net, as hunters do, to catch the prey.
Will ye save — Can you preserve them alive, whom you deceive by your promises?
All that believe in the so called rapture, needs to read 2 Thessalonians chapter 2. Paul made it very clear there about the next coming of Christ. The rapture lie is very dangerous to all our Christian brothers and sisters. Be very careful not to rapture right in to false Christ's hands. Please read what Paul said in 2 Thessalonians chapter 2. Also read Ezekiel 13:20 Wherefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against your pillows, wherewith ye there hunt the souls to make them fly, and I will tear them from your arms, and will let the souls go, even the souls that ye hunt to make them fly.
Evil controll,malipulation is the spirit of witchcraft.Depend on the culture or nations you come from,they are practised,even here
Sew pillows — A figurative speech, expressing the security, which they promised to every one that came to them.
Kerchiefs — Triumphal caps, which were made by these prophetesses, and put upon the head of every who one consulted them, and by these they were to interpret, as a promise of victory over the Babylonians.
Stature — That is, of every age, whether younger or elder, which usually is seen by their stature.
To hunt — All this is really spreading a net, as hunters do, to catch the prey.
Will ye save — Can you preserve them alive, whom you deceive by your promises?