Discuss Ezekiel 13 Page 4

  • Mabel Stanley on Ezekiel 13:20 - 11 years ago
    I totally agree, no Rapture.. False, Deceive'n.. Our own churches today, Will not teach what is written.Of the true live'n "WORD" of OUR GREAT TEACHER."JESUS CHRIST". There is Hide treasure, in OUR BIBLE. And nobody wants to teach the FACTS..
  • Concern Sister on Ezekiel 13 - 11 years ago
    In reference to Ezekiel 13:18-22; Now this just my conjecture I'm not a Bible scholar, but I sincerely believe that these verses may be referring to witchcraft & familiar spirits. It also reminds me of ( Jeremiah 5:31)( Jeremiah 23:23-32) ( Micah 3:6-8)( I John 4:1)(II Peter2:1-3)
    Also search the scriptures so that you are aware of what the Word of God truly says, not even these words read those scriptures for yourself. Remember we are living in the days of great deception so it's vitally important for you to know God's word. Amen? Love you with the Love of Christ!!
  • Pastor Emma on Ezekiel 13 - 11 years ago
    it doesn't matter if you don't believe in 'rapture' what matters is you should accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal Saviour, live righteously while waiting for His gloriously second coming. so when He arrives, since you have phobia for flying, you can tell Him to take you home (heaven) by road or sea.
  • Charles on Ezekiel 13:17 - 11 years ago
    i believe because mark 13 matthew 24 luke 21 rev 6 2nd thes daniel and on and on says satan is coming first
  • Jose on Ezekiel 13 - 11 years ago
    We will meet Christ in the air and be changed from these bodies to celestial ones, but people add slot of things that are not biblically supported to the "rapture".
  • Ace on Ezekiel 13:20 - 11 years ago
    To "make them fly" in this sense, means to lie to the unrepentant sinners to them believe all is well. A real prophet would warn them that God's wrath is to come, but these false prophetesses are using God's name for payment.

    While it's true that the word "rapture" is never mentioned in the bible, this is what happens:

    1 Thessalonians 4:16-17

    16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:

    17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
  • David Eubanks on Ezekiel 13:20 - 11 years ago
    I agree that this verse and the New Testament does not support the rapture theory
  • Tamra on Revelation 19 - 12 years ago
    Rapture Theory is NOT biblical. It was not known to mankind until the early 1800's, a century that introduced much evil, such as Marx's writings. There will be no sneak peak of Christ to whisk anyone away. What a perfect hoax to be perpetrated by Anti-Christ, who will come looking so holy and good, because he wants the real Christ's position and throne. Who would follow Anti-Christ if he looked obviously scary and bad? Read a good translation of Ezekiel 13:18-22, God is against those folks who would teach His children to fly away to save their souls. God's Elect are instructed to endure until Christ's return and will be rewarded with crowns of gold so they may reign and teach with Him during the Millennium ( Revelation 20:6). If you are standing in a flesh body, looking at someone proclaiming to be Christ, it will be a lie. Matthew 24 says When the true Christ returns THEN we will instantly be transfigured. 777 (Jesus Christ) comes after 666 (Anti-Christ). Blessed be the Lord.
  • Billy Howard on Ezekiel 13:20 - 12 years ago
    I agree, God clearly said he is against the people who teach his children to fly to save their souls...Rapture is NEVER mentioned in the Bible anywhere....In order to clearly read/understand what this says, you need to research in Dr Strongs Con..and also see what each words means in Hebru.
  • Susan cordova on Ezekiel 13 - 12 years ago
    I am happy to hear the real word of Our Lord, I am happy and proud to know I will stand until the 7th trump for Our LORD and savior JESUS CHRIST, I am happy to be a warrior for the LORD
  • Itsme Thistime on Mark 13 - 13 years ago
    Mark 13:28, see Jeremiah 24. It's unfortunate that it would seem this is overlooked, considering it's a direct order from Chist to learn this parable. And concerning the comments prior to this one, "2 in the field, one is taken and the other stays working, blessed is he who stays working in the field" to those who are waiting on a rapture I bid you to dig a little deeper, for that is satan's message when he comes as anti-christ. Ezekiel 13:18 describes how "you have sewn kerchiefs over ever digit of my outstreched saving arms" and "I am against those who teach my childrn to fly to save their souls" of course I'm paraphrasing but check out the manuscripts, you may find it interesting especially when you compare them to so-called "new translations"
  • Garyloyd on Ezekiel 13 - 13 years ago
    Child of God you posted 1Thessalonians 4 where Paul starts the subject of people are not in graves who have died. Or where are the dead and we know their with the Father and they will return with Him, the LORD. At the 7th trump. You should of added some notes for the children reading it that clouds is Pauls street greek as he used in Romans that is a pack or crowed of people and if you look up the word air in this verse it is a higher level of thinking or a spirit body and not in the stratosphere or flying away. Anyway, the subject is not anyone being changedd but of where are the dead and Paul is saying they will return with the Lord. He made it clear in his 2nd letter as far as Christ return not to listen to that letter from him and goes on to explain the way it will be that no one will go any where until that falling away first the apostasy and that man of sin is revealed.
  • Glenn on Ezekiel 13:20 - 13 years ago
    What? The verse is talking about false Prophetesses who are trying to control souls.Look in the bible were Saul had a Prophetesses bring Samuel back from the grave.. He was not happy.They are powerful spirits. God is not happy with there antcs either
  • Cheryl on Ezekiel 13 - 13 years ago
    I was also taught not to be deceived into believing the rapture. I believe that we need to study the word and that will be our armour to stand and fight against the antichrist. Most people are to blind to see the truth and they want to think that God will just fly them out of here before things get bad. The best thing we can do is pray for them because they will be easy pickings for the antichrist.
  • Sharon on Ezekiel 13:20 - 14 years ago
    Pillows on arms: Paratroopers with parachutes.
  • KAREN MASON on Ezekiel 13 - 14 years ago
  • Child of God on Ezekiel 13 - 14 years ago
    i Thessalonians 4

    13 But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope.

    14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.

    15 For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive [and] remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.

    16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:

    17 Then we which are alive [and] remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

    18 Wherefore comfort one another with these words.
  • Gary on Ezekiel 13:20 - 14 years ago
    I agree with Jessie the manuscripts clearly say ( you have sewn vails over my saving hands and teach MY childeren to fly to save there souls. The rapture wasnt even taught untill about the 1830s it is satans lieing message so people wont study the bible. People better get there strongs concordnance and really study there are a lot of false prophets today many more than most know.
  • Garyloyd newman on Ezekiel 13 - 14 years ago
    I read on about this fly away stubling block taught to God`s children and in Ez. 14:10 they get theirs bad! Not only do they pay for their sins but anyone who falls for it, the sins that they committed. So the fly away teachers pay for all the sins of them that learn it. God really mad. Its a stumblingblock at vs. 7 says cause it trully takes away from Fathers grand plan for returning to save all His Children that waited for the true LORD. Why are thes chicken flyers so afraid of instead of christ, or antichrist who is going to give them all they want and wants to help them fly away. Only it is to FLY away to HELL! See you, don't want to be you. Have a nice trip.
  • Garyloyd newman on Ezekiel 13 - 14 years ago
    When we read this chapter an look at vs. 5 a time set as in prophets meaning preachers cause they don't teach any truth now days. Fill the church with, better get saved. Salvation is great but that's what they preach and push the plate and attendance. They go on traditions of what was the church on getting big and not much for the soul. In this we mush remember the 10 scattered tribes from Syria that were taken captive and when over the carcuss mountains and settleing in the Europ, U.K. area. Also when we read james and the rest of the word. But the bible thumpers picked up that flay away doctrin in 1830 from preachers of the U,K. Probly trying to bring in the pagans on the out side. As Easter, word is not in the Bible in Acts, its Passover! And the pagans and churches mixed into the Passover the pagan worship of quick like a bunny and eggs of fertillity. So rapture is pagan. God is the one who returns as the Lion to save us and these fly away folks miss the whole point of letting God show us His love that He has for us.
  • Garyloyd newman on Ezekiel 13 - 14 years ago
    Made a misstake . This one is better.Now you know what God thinks about the rapture. He hates it. Woe to them that teach it. its not in the Word of God. If the Elect are God`s best and stand and stay how can a pew sitter that receive very little teaching in the truth gets to fly away.. and at what trump. One preacher said on t.v. that the 7th trump came before the 6th and that's how they would fly. 7 is after 6? Are they crazy! Sorry about that last statement, tired going to sleep.
  • Jesse younger on Ezekiel 13:20 - 14 years ago
    this scripture from the kjv PUTS A GIANT HOLE IN THE RAPTURE THEROY.

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