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  • Emanuel Nso on Ezekiel 1 - 3 years ago
    What is the main focal point on Ezekiel chapter one. Also study outline on Ezekiel chapter one
  • Paul Hai on Ezekiel 1 - 3 years ago
    For the direct interpretation of meaning, the peshat, (Hebrew: lit. "simple") search "haitheory".
  • Earl Bowman - In Reply on Revelation 4 - 3 years ago
    Patricia, may the Spirit grace us with HIS wisdom and HIS understanding.

    Revelation 4:6

    The four living creatures before the throne is ALL OF CREATION.

    God made a covenant with NOAH AND ALL CREATION that God would never again destroy CREATION.

    Genesis 9:9-12

    The covenant was with man, fowl, cattle and beast.

    Revelation 4:7 And the first beast (living creature) was like a lion (BEAST), and the second beast (living creature) like a calf (CATTLE), and the third beast had the face of A MAN ( Revelation 13:18), and the fourth beast (living creature) was the face of an eagle (FOWL).

    Ezekiel 1:10 As for the likeness of their faces, they four had the face of A MAN, and the face of a lion (BEAST), on the right side: and they four had a face of an ox (CATTLE) on the left side, they four had also the face of an eagle (FOWL).

    ALL CREATION WILL WORSHIP GOD ( Revelation 4:8) ( Revelation 5:13) ( Revelation 15:4)
  • Earl Bowman - In Reply on Revelation 14 - 3 years ago
    Rev robert, may the Spirit grace you with HIS wisdom and HIS understanding.

    Revelation 14

    Revelation 15

    Revelation 16

    This is the work of CHRIST DEATH on the cross and the work of HIS RESURRECTION and the battle ( Revelation 16:14) we are caused to fight to come to this TRUTH IN CHRIST. Being fulfilled for the last 2000 years as the Fathers draws us to CHRIST and CHRIST gives us HIS UNDERSTANDING to overcome. ASK HIM he will cause you to understand; but it HIS time frame. We have been in the day of the Lord now for 2000 years. He is harvesting HIS FRUITS as they become first ripe (firstfruits) ( Revelation 14:14-20) ( Matthew 20:1-16)

    When the sixth seal was opened ( Revelation 6:12) Christ was crucified; prophecy of ( Joel 2:31). The old testament saints and the children of the resurrection were raised with him ( Isaiah 26:19),( Revelation 20:5-6) and ( Matthew 27:52-53). The old testament saints were sealed with the Holy Spirit and the body of Christ ( 1 Timothy 6:16)( Revelation 7:3-8). There was silence in heaven for one half hour ( Revelation 8:1) between the sixth and seventh seal. This is the 45 days between Christ resurrection and pentecost ( Daniel 12:11-12) 1335 days minus 1290 days. No one could enter into the temple (into Christ) until the seven plagues were pour out on Christ (he took God's wrath for us). now we can be ONE IN CHRIST ( Revelation 15:6-8). The four living creatures before the throne ( Revelation 4:6-8) is all creation. God made a covenant with Noah that they would never be destroyed again ( Genesis 9:9-12) man, cattle, beast and fowl. ( Ezekiel 1:10) ( Revelation 4:7). ALL CREATION will worship God. The lake of fire is how Christ cleanses and purifies us.

    Hebrews 12:29

    Luke 12:49-50

    Matthew 3:11-12

    Isaiah 9:5

    Isaiah 4:3-4

    Malachai 3:2-3

    Ezekiel 20:46-49

    1 Corinthians 3:15
  • Micyest on Ezekiel 1 - 4 years ago
    what is the meaning of rings in Ezekial 1:18?
  • Jeffrey - In Reply on Ezekiel 1:10 - 4 years ago
    Hello, .02 here. Not every single story here is a vision from God. I really hope one day that people see that we are not here alone, that is also said in Genesis. People make this issue complicated, while being the beginning it is stated that not just the Earth was created but everything we see and will find that in the universe it was not subject, it was just Good =D

    by closing off your mind to everything possible with thoughts through ( YOURE ) diligence not someone's opinion. people are wrong all the time, everyone is wrong. Like God said don't worries about it here, just look up and go there and see everything God has created alive or not.
  • Jon on Ezekiel 1:10 - 4 years ago
    "The lion, the symbol of courage; the ox symbol of strength; the man the emblem of love; the eagle with her soaring vision is the type of wisdom." [A B Simpson]
  • Carl - In Reply on Ezekiel 1 - 4 years ago
    Hi Luci,

    My heart goes out to you. I don't have any answers for you, but I feel with you. Relationships can be so difficult, especially within family, and when you have no idea why. It sounds like you only meant well, so I'm sorry it went the way it did. 1 Peter 2:20 is a real comfort: "For what glory is it, if, when ye be buffeted for your faults, ye shall take it patiently? but if, when ye do well, and suffer for it, ye take it patiently, this is acceptable with God." When you suffer after doing well, and take it patiently, God notices and will give you His grace and power to carry on! I will pray for you and your family. He only wants the best for you!
  • Chris - In Reply on Ezekiel 1 - 4 years ago
    Helena, Jesse has written correctly that these signs (vv 17,18), would be a necessary part for establishing the new Church & witness to the heathen around them. So even though the purpose of signs has generally ended, we cannot quench the work of the Spirit (the One Who gave Power & fulfilment to those signs). I say this guardedly, as I have evidence of mighty works of the Spirit when the situation required it. In the West, we don't see much evidence of demonic possession, maybe demonic oppression - there is a difference. In lands where there is idolatry & evil practices, we have seen demonic powers at work. In one instance, at a Bible Study in Pakistan, as I shared, a woman began to shake violently. It wasn't about anything I was speaking about, but, because the Holy Word of God was being read, that which possessed her was being agitated. A Pakistani brother then proceeded to cast out that foul spirit & she was released & was joyful again. How powerful is God's Word: our Sword.
  • Jesse - In Reply on Ezekiel 1 - 4 years ago
    Jesus is not talking about all believers. In Verse 14 to Verse 18, you can see that Jesus is commissioning the 11 before sending them out. They are the ones that will do these things, not just casting out demons, but all the things listed in Verses 17 and 18. It was for the 11 that Jesus was sending out.

    We see the confirmation in Verse 20 where the 11 went forth, confirming the word with signs following.

    Hebrews 2:2 tells us that when the apostles went out and preached that there were signs that followed in order to establish the apostles preaching as the gospel of God. And that is what he is saying here.

    There were various signs that were worked by Jesus through the disciples in order to confirm the message they were hearing is the gospel. It doesn't say every person that believes down through history is going to manifest all these various things, but rather, for the confirmation of the establishment of the Word of God, which we have with us today. Therefore, we don't need signs!
  • Helena on Ezekiel 1 - 4 years ago
    Why don't Christians cast out demons? Jesus said too do this Mark 16:17
  • Wolfen244 - In Reply on Ezekiel 1 - 4 years ago
    Tricia Browne, yoga is definitely a four-letter word to mainstream Christianity however it is because mainstream Christianity has an extreme bias because they are deathly afraid of letting the Devil into your head because they are afraid of the other four-letter word meditation. Meditation and yoga make Christianity crazy. So, when John the Revelator was "in the spirit", precisely what does that actually mean? Being "in the spirit" IS meditation!!!!!! If so then - and it is - why wasn't John afraid that the Devil was actually in his mind controlling him? Not one word of fear from John since John was INTENTIONALLY being in the spirit or he was INTENTIONALLY meditating and was unafraid of the Devil getting into his mind. YOU Tricia shouldn't be afraid either. Relax and close your eyes and realize that ONLY The Lord will enter your Temple of God - your body - not the Devil. Read Revelation 3:20 as the Lord wants to come into your Temple and "sup" with you - and you with Him.
  • Wolfen244 - In Reply on Ezekiel 1 - 4 years ago
    Julee, essentially the 4 living beings of this chapter are identical - in many ways - to Isaiah's meeting with the 4 Seraphs, Daniel's dream of 4 beasts and of course as you mentioned the four beasts of John the Revelator from chapter 4 through chapter 6 as John the Revelator was "in the spirit". But what do they all mean?

    4 faces - calf man lion eagle - just like the four faces of Brahma that the yogis used in conjunction with earth wind fire and water mentioned in Ecclesiastes and Genesis to begin "being in the spirit" as John the Revelator did. God merely wants you to practice "being in the spirit" with your temple of the Living God as in Rev. 11:1 as he asks you to take stock or yourself
  • Tricia Browne - In Reply on Ezekiel 1 - 4 years ago
    Thank you. I am sure to read up on those chapters some more. I always heard YOGA is no good.
  • Wolfen244 - In Reply on Ezekiel 1 - 4 years ago
    Paul, No. The "wheels as it were in the middle of a wheel" are chakras. That is precisely what chakra means - wheels as it were in the middle of a wheel. God is telling you to teach yourself to meditate using the seven chakras or spiritual centers or seven churches or seven seals - however you think about it. It's that simple. The spirits in the wheels are the mind cells of each of the seven seals. The four living beings only represent the 4 chakras in your torso as they are your animal or mindless chakras or earthly chakras as opposed to your heavenly chakras - on earth as it is in heaven.
  • Wolfen244 - In Reply on Ezekiel 1 - 4 years ago
    Tricia, Take it by the numbers. ))) This vision was similar to Isaiah's visitation of 4 seraphs and Daniel's dream of 4 beasts and John the Revelator's Revelation when he was "in the spirit". They all had very similar "beasts with 6 wings". Ezekiel had the most attributes - 6 wings, 4 faces, rings so high they were dreadful, eyes all around and "wheels as it were in the middle of a wheel". 4 faces - calf, man, lion & eagle - are similar to earth, wind, fire and water as in the cryptogram in Ecclesiastes 1 and Genesis 1. Although yoga is a 4-letter word to Christians, those attributes point directly toward both yoga and another 4-letter word - meditation. Now it's up to you. Good luck Tricia
  • Luci lienhart on Ezekiel 1 - 4 years ago
    I am going on my 4th year of my daughter not speaking to me . I have prayed , begged for forgiveness and anything else on the earth . It started by me wishing her daughter happy first birthday and how the lord has blessed us so . She had a little girl born too soon that only lived for 7 days , and a miscarriage a couple of years later then little gracey came and was a miracle . The reason we dont speak is beyond me . I got a text from her that morning say thanks a lot for taking upon myself to wish gracey a happy birthday before she did and all her friends were messaging her why didnt she wish her own child happy birthday before me , and it all went downward from there . I miss my baby girl and I have a 2 year old grandson I've never met . I'm getting old and tired and just want peace in my family so I keep praying she will realize I just love her
  • Bob Hilt - In Reply on Ezekiel 1 - 4 years ago
    Karen oh yes the Spirit realm is real and they do communicate with them. This practice is forbidden of the Lord as it is essentially consorting with the enemies of the Lord. Familiar means they are well acquainted with them.

    Leviticus 20:27 A man also or woman that hath a familiar spirit, or that is a wizard, shall surely be put to death: they shall stone them with stones: their blood shall be upon them.

    Do you wonder why TV and movies have so much witchcraft as the theme

    Exodus 22:18 Thou shalt not suffer (allow) a witch to live.
  • Karen on Ezekiel 1 - 4 years ago
    What does the Bible talk about with the spirit realm Are Spirit guides real and can someone communicate with them What about mediums
  • Chris - In Reply on Ezekiel 1 - 4 years ago
    Turkessa...Your question is short, but the answer is long...too long for this type of commenting. Could I direct you to an old book (and there are many good books on this subject), by J.I. Packer, "Keep in step with the Spirit". It is a good fundamental book that will help direct you in Godly living, listening out for the Spirit's inner voice in you, and obedience to His directions. If you put the Lord first in everything in your life, you can be certain that He will guide & keep you & alert you when at times you stray & not follow His Will. Psalm 32:8 is for you: "I will instruct thee & teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye".
  • Turkessa lewis on Ezekiel 1 - 4 years ago
    How do i walk in the spirit
  • Chris - In Reply on Ezekiel 1 - 4 years ago
    An interesting subject for thought. My personal impression, as part of my musings, is that spirit beings were not governed by natural physics of movement but rather like the teleporting observed in the series: Star Trek! In that show, men had to de-materialize, go through a teleporter, & re-materialize at the destination. Of course, spirit beings have no physical material to 'de-moleculize', but the manner by being in one place & in the next moment, in another, seems logical to me. The fact that even evil spirits can inhabit both man & beast serves to describe not only their substance but power to move (at an inconceivable speed) according to their will.
  • Bob Hilt - In Reply on Ezekiel 1 - 4 years ago
    I do not know about all that speed of light stuff. I do know Paul spoke of a 4th dimension that may just be where the spririts have access to. Ephesians Chapter 3: 16 That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man;
    17 That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love,
    18 May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height;
    1. breadth, and 2. length, and 3. depth, and 4. height
    Maybe the spirits exist in our 3 dimensions when they wish and exist in a spirit realm of the 4th?
    the Bible does not give a lot of insight into this.
  • Laneyboy01 on Ezekiel 1 - 4 years ago
    It's logical that spirit beings have a higher mode of transportation and communication than we do. What Ezekiel saw is closely akin to what John saw in Revelation. They travel much faster than light speed for the human eye can't see them unless they slow their physics down to less than light speed. Think about it! Their technology is much more advanced than ours. For instance, the universe is 13-14 billion years old, but it's 40 something billion light years across. Spirit physics is DIFFERENT. When God spoke the universe into being, He used His undiminished energy to expand it, that also explains dark (unseen) energy and dark matter. Give credit to Him. Satan created evil, sin and death!
  • Laneyboy01 - In Reply on Ezekiel 1 - 4 years ago
    Not necessarily demons but can be chosen of the angelic realm. Both have the technology to have certain craft available. What John saw in Revelation is closely akin to what Ezekiel saw in chapter 1. How does God travel? Extremely faster than light and so do the spirit realm, that's why we don't see them unless they slow their spirit structure down to light speed or less
  • Stanjett on Ezekiel 1 - 5 years ago
    Sounds like a helichopper to me.
  • Jc - In Reply on Ezekiel 1 - 5 years ago
    not demons thy are other being believe what you read
  • Adam - In Reply on Ezekiel 1 - 5 years ago
    There's many UFOs, which by definition are unidentified flying objects- people when seeing them didn't know what they were. Just because people didn't know what they were doesn't mean there's not a logical explanation for them. We have many unidentified, unexplained phenomenon occurring elsewhere too, like on land, ocean, and outer space that we can't explain either. What a marvelous creation.
  • Scott - In Reply on Ezekiel 1 - 5 years ago
    The ufo is only a makeshift weather Baloon they used in this time period to measure the atmospheric pressure to assist in farm crops.
  • Melkages - In Reply on Ezekiel 1 - 5 years ago
    the so-called UFOs do not exist. We live on the face of the earth which has ends and enclosed by the firmament!

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