Discuss Ezekiel 21

  • Oseas - 4 months ago
    Comment on Daniel 9:26-27 for meditation:

    26 And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off (crucified), but not for Himself: and the people of the prince that shall come (the esoteric and kabbalistic false messiah- John 5:43-47 combined with Revelation 13:11) shall DESTROY the CITY (Jerusalem) and the SANCTUARY-> Revelation 13:2->the dragon, the esoteric false messiah of Judaism- Revelation 13:11 gave(will give) him (will give to the Beast of sea-ruler of Catholicism) his Power, and his Throne, and great Authority.; and the END thereof shall be with a flood( Luke 21:24; Revelation 11:2; Revelation 12:15?), and unto the END of the WAR ( Revelation 16:13-15) desolations are determined.

    27 And he (the profane prince of Israel that shall come- Ezekiel 21:25, John 5:43-47; 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4; Revelation 13:11) shall confirm the covenant with many for one week(covenant with the whole religious structures of the RCC-Judaism and Catholicism- Revelation 13:2): and in the midst of the week( Revelation 13:5) he- the profane wicked prince of Israel, the false messiah- shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease ( 2Thessalonians 2:6-9), and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation ( Revelation 16:13-15), and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.

    GOD bless and get ready
  • Oseas - In Reply - 5 months ago
    Hello Rainwalker - and Ronald Whittemore

    Greetings in Christ JESUS

    I could not see in your reply what is your interpretation on Dan.9:27, you just limited yourself to informing other interpretations are erroneous, your answer did not bring your interpretation.I did not understand what you meant: 'one issue with Dan 9:27 is that it's all about the Messiah'.

    But what does Daniel 9:27 reveal?

    27 - And HE shall confirm the covenant with many for one week(of years):and in the MIDST of the week(after 42 months)HE shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease,and for the overspreading of abominations HE shall make it desolate, even until the consummation,and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate. Just curious.Who is HE in your understanding? (Remember:In Matthew 24:15 our Lord JESUS LITERALLY referred to this desolation spoken of by Daniel as a signal of His coming imediately after the period of sorrows- Matthew 24:3-8).

    Then,according to the above,'HE shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease',but verse 26 says:And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off (crucified),but NOT for Himself: and the people (WHAT PEOPLE?)of the PRINCE (WHAT PRINCE?)that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary(for me Ezekiel 21:25 reveals who is this profane Prince); and the end thereof shall be with a flood,and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.

    You said 'the Ministry of JESUS' was 3,5 years, but the current and universal record of the period of JESUS's Ministry is only 3 years, not 3,5 years. What is your source? Just curious,it's unknown to me.

    Sorry, our posts are read by many brothers and sisters, so my concern is to FIND the true interpretation of Scriptures in the current perilous times, and also overspreading of apostasies, beyond manifestation of the son of perdition very soon( John 5:43-47 combined with 2Thessalonians 2:1-4 and Revelation 13:11).

    May our Lord GOD bless us,and give us His pretection

  • Roman - In Reply - 1 year ago

    I didn't intend to put that on the main thread, a thousand apologies. I've got you on my mind.

    You need a sign. You will wonder when the US/Israel put a "scroll" over Tehran, Revelation 6:14. That's the sixth seal, moving the world closer to the day of the Lord, which dismayed the prophet to tears, Ezekiel 21:7. You won't be able to deny it now that I've made you aware.
  • Anonymous - In Reply - 1 year ago

    Where are the 25 billion believers that ever lived going to fit on earth? What about God's other people who are true lovers of God, will they not suffer a mortal death, too? Wouldn't you need a new earth and new heaven to accommodate such a large number of people? Also, if Christians are raptured, that puts the doctrine in direct conflict with Hebrews 9:27.

    Ezekiel 21:1-4 describes Israels visitation; both good and bad people are taken (killed). No rapture.

    Luke 17:34-37 The disciples ask Jesus where the "taken" people go? Jesus says the bodies will be where vultures circle. They are not raptured, they are dead.

    The rapture isn't Biblical doctrine, you adopted it along the way. It's popular when there's a shortage of sound solutions, and chances are you wouldn't have settled on that doctrine on your own. The "rapture" was made popular by a 15 year old girl, Margaret McDonald. Study the topic before answering, I can wait a few days. I really want you to focus in on the subject, take notes. We're going to use scripture and logic to iron this out.

    Thank you.
  • Anonymous - In Reply - 1 year ago

    I let the Bible define itself, simple, or risk compounding errors.

    The last week (7 years) of 70 weeks is a 2,000 year old power prophesy between Christ and the man of sin (anti-christ).

    Daniel 9:26-27 Jesus had the first 3.5 years of absolute power, and was cut off (crucified). At the sixth trumpet, when anti-christ strikes, he too will have 3.5 years of absolute power, between the sixth and seventh trumpets. In the "midst of the week" he will deliver the abomination of desolation to US NATO & Israel, 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4, falling away.

    "the last half of the Tribulation lasting 1260 days is" = The GREAT tribulation, Matthew 24:15, the sixth trumpet strike on Israel (whole house).

    There is no rapture, it's a lie. We are all appointed one death, Hebrews 9:27. Look what Ezekiel said about the day of the Lord deaths: Ezekiel 21:1-5. Verse 4: Both the righteous and the wicked die!!! What did Jesus say about it? Luke 17:34-37, He's asked where do the people go? He answers, 'wherever the body is, so will the vultures be'. They are part of the 2.6 billion dead, Revelation 9:18, from the GREAT tribulation. The 1st resurrection is at the seventh trumpet, NOT before.

    Revelation 13. Who are the two beasts?
  • Anonymous - In Reply - 1 year ago

    Prophesy is unfolding rapidly, it never stopped and can be identified. Acquaint yourself with the prophets, what Jesus says in Matthew 24 and Luke 17. The prophets were shown our future, and this coming sixth trumpet, day of the Lord, scared them deeply, Ezekiel 21:7, Isaiah 13:8-9.

    Christian's aren't scared because they weren't taught the proper tenants of the Bible, they think God will unconditionally protect them, no matter how badly their elected leaders behave. Will America will always sit a queen? Isaiah 47:7-11

    The Bible is limited in its 1-4 trumpet descriptions. It is the last 3 end-time trumpets, 5, 6 & 7, that matter for this "last generation" (according to the signs). Half of Revelation 9 is dedicated to the fifth trumpet, the other half to the sixth trumpet. The sixth trumpet army smashes the fifth trumpet army to dust!!! Esau smashes Jacob, Obadiah 1. The king of the north smashes the king of the south, Daniel 11:40. The sixth trumpet is about one third of end-time prophesy; there's much written about it, enough for you to see prophesy unfolding in our time. Not many see what they read, let alone admit God is against backsliding America, Ezekiel 21:12.

    Here's a big prophesy come to light in our time, but I don't expect it to fit in someone else's narrative:

    Revelation 9:1-11 was 9-11-01, America is the fifth trumpet army, running a 20 year war on terror.

    Revelation 9:4 America killed those men who did not have the seal of God in their foreheads (Muslims), and were told not to harm any green tree, and nothing green grows in the desert.

    Revelation 9:6 The Muslims who were tortured at Abu Ghraib prison were seeking death, and couldn't find it.
  • Anonymous - 1 year ago
    Revelation 6:12-17 describes two separate events, out of order as written.

    The sixth seal flows into the sixth trumpet.

    The verse 12 earthquake ( Revelation 11:13) triggers the sixth trumpet, Joel 2:2, sun becomes black, moon as blood, day of the Lord attack on both modern day houses of Israel: Ezekiel 38:9, Ezekiel 38:16, Ezekiel 21:19-20.

    Verse 13: stars falling signifies God suspending His binding covenant that David would never lack a man on his throne, the protection of grace lifted for captivity. Jeremiah 33:20-26, ( 1 Kings 9:52).

    Much of Revelation is hidden in allegory, and in this case, written backwards. Revelation 6:14-17 attack MUST occur before Revelation 6:12-13 (classic sixth trumpet day of the Lord language).
  • Joe McFarland - In Reply - 2 years ago

    It is Jesus who comes with the beast army to deliver the abomination of desolation, to lay the land of ISRAEL desolate (BOTH HOUSES). The whole house of Israel will be baptized by fire. God says "the attack is against MY PEOPLE", Ezekiel 21:7

    I'm afraid you sinners have no idea what's coming, no idea that Jesus is coming for your souls. Christians only talk a good surface game, never knowing their identity, and are groomed to never expect the hell on earth that's coming, because that's what we dish out to our weak enemies.

    Ezekiel 38:1-17 describes the destruction of modern day ISRAEL, and Revelation 18 describes the destruction of Babylon. They both describe the same end-time event as they are one in the same!!! It doesn't take a scholar to figure out who will be attacking who, who is the hammer of the earth, and who gives up the ghost. It is the sons of Joseph who are in serious trouble.
  • Roman - In Reply on 1 Thessalonians 4 - 2 years ago

    Matthew 24 is directed towards the whole house of Israel. One house receives the abomination of desolation, the other, captivity Joel 3:1 It was Jesus who went after the lost sheep of Israel, why would He exclude them from Mat 24?

    Ezekiel 38 is directed towards both houses of Israel, vs 9 & 16 show 2 clouds covering each land.

    Ezekiel 21:19-20 two lands destroyed from 1 land.
  • Roman - In Reply on 1 Thessalonians 4 - 2 years ago
    Kay, you can keep better track of events within trumpets 5-6-7:

    The fifth trumpet began tribulation: Rev 9:1-11 "Immediately after" comes the day of the Lord strike. The 144,000 saints are sealed from death, prior.

    The sixth trumpet ( Mat 24:29) begins great tribulation: day of the Lord, Babylon falls; Ezekiel 21:1-5 both righteous and wicked are "taken"; Luke 17:34-37, the "taken" are dead, not raptured.

    The seventh trumpet ( Mat 24:30-31) brings Jesus Messiah and his resurrected army of 144,000 saints to Mount Olive, Revelation 14:1

    After the 1,000 years: 2nd resurrection.

    There is no free ticket out. Too many confuse the saints' narrative with their own. Humans will leave the earth hanging from a thread, and they want right back in before the saints can clean it up? The McDonald pushed rapture doctrine is an aberration to the Word of God, yet so accepted in society. It's one of the first things a beginner learns; it's a mockery.
  • Roman - In Reply on Revelation 18 - 2 years ago
    Yes. America is mystery Babylon of Revelation 17, and allies operate the Babylon system. America has become the antithesis of God's church, that sits on 7 continents. Israel has become perverted, the daughter of Babylon. Babylon is defeated by the beast, and the beast continues on 42 months.

    The battle is referred to in 4 Biblical scenarios:

    1) the king of the north vs the king of the south, Daniel 11:40

    2) Esau vs Jacob, Obadiah 1

    3) the beast vs Babylon, Revelation 17

    4) the 6th trumpet beast army defeats the 5th trumpet US army to dust, Revelation 9

    Then, there are scriptures that describe the cataclysmic attack on Babylon's two lands, two houses: Revelation 17 (set up), Joel 2:1-11 (missile description), Isaiah 13, Isaiah 21:1-9, Isaiah 47, Ezekiel 21:1-24, Ezekiel 38:1-17, Jeremiah 50, Jeremiah 51, Revelation 18, Luke 21:20-24 (Israel's fall in same hour Joel 3:1) and Isaiah 24 (aftermath).

    Ezekiel 21:12 confirms that the attack is upon God's people. It will be 539 BC all over, again.
  • Roman - In Reply - 2 years ago

    Ezekiel should have asked God to use herb. The Israelites used hallucinogens during ceremonies. Most all theologians will confirm this ritual. Perhaps mushrooms were growing in the cow dung...

    The ancients did a lot of strange things. Before battle, a king would kill a calf, cut it open, and "look in the liver". If it was healthy, he would win the battle. Ezekiel 21:21

    The OT is so underrated, and under read; glad to see you're talking about it so well.
  • Roman - In Reply - 2 years ago
    We have a little ways to go before the sixth trmpet. On my map, we are at the tail end of the fifth trumpet, in the midst of Revelation 17, just before the Revelation 6:14 scroll. Entering Ezekiel 21:7
  • Aaron - In Reply - 2 years ago
    The End of Days,

    It took you longer to see the tidings, but you are coming around. Before, and for the past year, you denied what you now are saying to be truth. That goes to say that only God can show you the way, when your time comes.

    God says the day of the Lord attack is "UPON MY PEOPLE". Ezekiel 21:12 God calls the northern tribes "Israel", the lower 3 tribes, "Judah" America, from its origin, is a co-birthright tribe, son of Joseph, Genesis 48 The same attack is also portrayed against Mystery Babylon, so if you are weighing the end-time narrative out, you'll see that Mystery Babylon (and it's allies) = Israel = America. Judah is invaded, Joel 3:1, at the same time America falls.

    America was envisioned as a shining star for the nations, but its star has fallen. The woman, America, became a whore, unrighteous, fomenting modern day Sodom and Gomorrah, the antithesis of what God intended. Therefore, God brings forth Russia to destroy them, Isaiah 47 This coming attack is similar to when Assyria took "Israel" captives in 721 BC, or "Judah" being taken by Nebuchadnezzar in 604 BC.

    Noah escaped the flood in a boat, Lott was rescued from Sodom and Gomorrah, the Israelites in Egypt covered their doorways from death. It is America that the beast Russia destroys within 1 hour, and the only cure is to leave. You have been warned to not partake in her plagues, Revelation 18:4, you have choice. The next big event is Revelation 6:14, the "scroll". If you know what's coming afterwards, it's up to you to prepare an exit.
  • Roman - In Reply - 2 years ago

    You are in N. Europe, right? The day Russia destroys America and its allies roundabout, you'll be in a panic. Then thoughts will come to mind about who Babylon was, and how you could be so well read, yet miss the warnings provided.

    The day of the Lord attack is against God's people and those people are US/Israel, both houses of Israel. God's people changed from righteous, to treacherous, so they need to be destroyed. America to desolation Joel 2, Israel to captivity Luke 21:20-24

    Ezekiel 21:12 Cry and howl, son of man: for it shall be upon my people (US/Israel), it shall be upon all the princes of Israel: terrors by reason of the sword shall be upon my people: smite therefore upon thy thigh.

    Jeremiah 50, like 50 stars on the flag. 43 The king of Babylon hath heard the report of them (missiles), and his hands waxed feeble: anguish took hold of him, and pangs as of a woman in travail.
  • Roman - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Ezekiel 38:9 and Ezekiel 38:16 showcases God's attack Israel (in the latter years).

    The prophet states that 2 lands (house of Israel, and house of Judah) are covered like a cloud, coming from 1 land (Russia)

    Ezekiel 21:18-20 talks about the exact same thing: Judah and Ammonites are attacked and taken from 1 land, Babylon.

    I deduct that America and Israel will be attacked and taken by Russia, at the day of the Lord.

    Russia is making it's move. We will be at continual war until the falling away ( 2 Thessalonians 2:3).
  • Roman - In Reply - 2 years ago

    The end-times are strictly 5-6-7 seals and trumpets that unfold within a generation. We're staring down the sixth seal/sixth trumpet, our demise, not past seals that don't apply. The context is off.

    There are resurrections, but no man made "rapture", Ezekiel 21:1-4 "both the righteous and the wicked die". Luke 17:34-37 "Wheresoever the body is, thither will the eagles be gathered together"; they are dead.

    Revelation 6:9-11 The fifth seal saints were told when their brethren, the 144,000 Revelation 11:7 who died like they did; that judgment of those on the earth will be done at the seventh trumpet when time is up. They OT saints were told to rest "a little season", which lasts from the fifth seal through the seventh trumpet. At the end of the thousand years, the devil is loosed "a little season" as well, Revelation 20:3 God and satan have balance because the devil is a counterfeiter.

    Daniel 9:27 is about the last week of the 70 week prophesy.

    Jesus received 3.5 years of power the first half of the week and was cut off in the MIDST of the week. Then, at the sixth trumpet, day of the Lord, comes a beast surprise attack on Israel (both houses), at which time anti-christ places the abomination that makes desolate (nuclear for one, invasion for the other), beginning his 3.5 year reign of terror. At the seventh trumpet, Jesus Messiah is standing on Mount Zion with His army of resurrected saints.

    Turkey, by description, is one of 3 nations in the beasts confederacy that gets plucked up by anti-christ. He takes the nations surrounding Israel, and ironically, mirroring the 'greater Israel project'.

    The fifth trumpet started tribulation

    The sixth trumpet starts the great tribulation.

    The seventh trumpet Jesus, returns to destroy the sixth trumpet army.
  • Roman - In Reply - 2 years ago

    Daniel 12:1 is talking about the day of the Lord, the 6th trumpet strike, the fall of Babylon, the abomination of desolation, the great tribulation. The world will turn into a curse.

    Ezekiel 38 talks of two clouds to cover the land. Ezekiel 21:19-20 talks about attacking 2 nations from one land. These two lands represent America and Israel, both houses of Israel, Gods people.

    Ezekiel 21 has several depictions of Israel, "my people" vs 12 as being the subject of the slaughter.

    The attack is against America, Israel and every nation allied with America. Isaiah 24:20 states the earth will be hit so hard that it will be knocked of its axis, the sun and moon will refuse to shine 1/3rd the day as a result.

    Who will stop Russia besides nobody, Rev 13:3; they have God on their side. Isaiah 13:1-6, they come from a far country, "even the Lord with them". Joel 2:11, the Lord uttered His voice before "His army". God is preparing the sixth trumpet army (Russia) to annihilate the fifth trumpet army (US) to dust, Revelation 9.

    Nothing like reading about it in real time, just as the little horn Daniel 7:8 starts to make his move.

    Day of the Lord: Isaiah 13, Isaiah 21:1-9, Isaiah 24, Isaiah 47, Ezekiel 21:1-24, Ezekiel 38:1-17, Jeremiah 50 & 51, Joel 2:1-11, Revelation 18 & Luke 21:20-24 (Israel's fall in same hour).
  • Aaron - In Reply - 2 years ago

    It's the last week of the 70th week.

    Jesus had 3.5 year ministry on earth, then

    Gog gets 3.5 years end-time power as anti-christ.

    There is no 3.5 years of peace, that's not possible. You've been getting that all along with the worldwide fanfare Putin receives. He saved civilization by defeating US backed ISIS in Syria in 2015. No one can touch Putin, he knows everything he needs to know, and never falters. He's peaceful by saving his strength for when he needs it. Gog surprises everyone at the falling away reveal 2 Thessalonians 2:3; that describes anti-christ sending nuclear missiles, while his counterpart, the US president, is left speechless Jeremiah 50:43

    The 5th trumpet army, Revelation 9:1-11: for 21 years, Mystery Babylon US invaded Iraq, destroyed Syria, Libya and killed millions of Muslims, (not Christians), because Muslims don't have the seal of God in their foreheads. It is allegory for what happened during the ended war on terror. In a prophetic time line, we are right here ( Ezekiel 21:7) with not much time left, but 2 seals.

    The 6th trumpet army vs 13-21, Gog, crushes the previous 5th trumpet army. This is how Babylon falls. It describes the day of the Lord.

    The king of the north defeats the king of the south ( Daniel 11:40) Also, like above, describing the same thing as above, and many more.

    If we are in the end-time, and fearing war the big one (6th trumpet), wouldn't we have seen the 5th trumpet by now, or did 9-11-01 pass without notice?
  • Aaron - In Reply - 2 years ago

    I live in the US, but all the signs, the tidings ( Ezekiel 21:7) tell me to get out so I don't partake in her bombings ( Revelation 18:4). Why would God instruct that if He didn't mean it? God told Noah to build an ark to escape the flood, God saw that Lott was taken out of Sodom and Gomorrah before it's destruction; there is a pattern here.

    You know the US is never going to stop pushing the king of the north ( Daniel 11:40) until ( Obadiah 1) settles in.

    I have been looking at English speaking areas of the Caribbean Islands, but so far it all seems iffy? I also risk danger when the world is wobbling ( Isaiah 24:20) and I'm rounded up and put in a cage for being Christian.
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    As I continue to look at the Scriptures you share Cecil, I find that I don't see what you see. I'll cite two of your examples.

    In the case of Isaiah chapter 13, Babylon is denounced, with God sending out His "sanctified ones" (v3). These were the Medes (Persians) who overthrew Babylon in 539 BC (refer Daniel chapter 5, especially vv 22-31, when Belshazzar, king of the Chaldeans (Babylon) was slain & his kingdom given to the Persians). But indeed, in Isaiah chapter 13 we see both the destruction of actual Babylon as well as prophecy of the Day of the Lord & that Babylonian spirit in the nations that come against Israel in the latter days (vv6-11). To see particular countries by name here, is upto one's imagination & without scriptural support. Isaiah chapter 47 being the song of triumph over Babylon with reference once again to the spirit of Babylon within the nations.

    Ezekiel 21:19-23: Ezekiel draws on the ground a fork in the road; a fork that the King of Babylon has to decide on - one leads to Rabbath of the Ammonites & the other to Jerusalem. Not knowing which fork to take, the king when he comes to it, uses divination to ascertain the correct road. With two arrows marked accordingly & use of images & the liver of a sacrificed animal, he is prompted to take the right fork - towards Jerusalem. But to those of Israel who gave allegiance to Babylon, the divination seemed false as an attack on Jerusalem seemed impossible (v23).

    I just share the above two examples of Scriptures to show how divergent our understanding is on this prophecy & probably on most of them. If prophecy is for a particular people & for a particular time, then we can't change it to mean whatever we think is plausible or fits our jigsaw. Certain things are similar or will be replicated for the future, but to stick to the prophecy as intended is the only way to understand & accept it; for me anyway.
  • Cecil - In Reply - 2 years ago

    I study in with wonderment, no fear, but I know what you mean.

    The judgment is against Babylon, and the rest of the world, but specifically 2 lands. The world past the 6th trumpet will be a curse.

    When America receives the abomination of desolation ( Isaiah 13, Isaiah 47, Joel 2:1-11, Revelation 18), Israel is invaded at the earthquake ( Revelation 6:12) and taken.

    Ezekiel prophetically gives the blueprint that 2 lands, both houses of Israel (Israel & Judah) are to be attacked by Gog, Esau, king of the north, Russia, and soundly taken.

    ( Ezekiel 21:19-20)

    19 Also, thou son of man, appoint thee two ways, that the sword of the king of Babylon may come: both twain shall come forth out of one land: and choose thou a place, choose it at the head of the way to the city.

    20 Appoint a way, that the sword may come to Rabbath of the Ammonites, and to Judah in Jerusalem the defenced.

    Anti-christ rules everything. He rebuilds the temple in Jerusalem where he claims to be God. Jesus said, "Israel will be trodden underfoot 42 months by the Gentiles."

    ( Luke 21:24) And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.

    ( Ezekiel 21:12) Cry and howl, son of man: for it shall be upon my people, it shall be upon all the princes of Israel: terrors by reason of the sword shall be upon my people: smite therefore upon thy thigh.

    "smite upon thy thigh" is a reference to Jacob receiving a wound in the 'hollow of his thigh' after wrestling the angel for the birthright. It coincides with the end-times because the great tribulation (6th trumpet) is referred to as Jacob's time of trouble. America is co-lead for the house of Israel. The Ashkenazim (Japheth) in Israel represent Judah ( Gen 10:2-3).

    Prepare for the 6th trumpet, judgment day. God's people are in trouble.
  • Roman - In Reply on Joel 2 - 2 years ago

    This is a remarkable capture of the day of the Lord missile strike on US of Babylon. How the missiles are described so 21st century is uncanny. Advanced, Hypersonic, unstoppable. if you have seen a sub fire off 6 missiles, they all go on their own separate paths, unrestricted. They enter in the windows like a thief. Like Jesus thief, coming with His beast army to lay the land desolate. A Russian promo video shows Sarmat dropping Mach 20 warheads over Florida. That fits perfectly "from the south to the north" ( Ezekiel 21:4). The 6th trumpet attack is depicted from the "south to the north", also referred to as "whirlwinds in the south". Mystery Babylon is attacked from the south to the north.

    ( Joel 2:4-11)

    4 The appearance of them is as the appearance of horses; and as horsemen, so shall they run.

    5 Like the noise of chariots on the tops of mountains shall they leap, like the noise of a flame of fire that devoureth the stubble, as a strong people set in battle array.

    6 Before their face the people shall be much pained: all faces shall gather blackness.

    7 They shall run like mighty men; they shall climb the wall like men of war; and they shall march every one on his ways, and they shall not break their ranks:

    8 Neither shall one thrust another; they shall walk every one in his path: and when they fall upon the sword, they shall not be wounded.

    9 They shall run to and fro in the city; they shall run upon the wall, they shall climb up upon the houses; they shall enter in at the windows like a thief.

    10 The earth shall quake before them; the heavens shall tremble: the sun and the moon shall be dark, and the stars shall withdraw their shining:

    11 And the LORD shall utter his voice before his army: for his camp is very great: for he is strong that executeth his word: for the day of the LORD is great and very terrible; and who can abide it?
  • Leslie - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Behold, I come quickly; blessed is he that keepeth the sayings of the prophecy of this book. Revelation 22:7

    Jesus Christ himself placed the benchmark high according to the prophets, and not about what's convenient for man. Uncomfortable truths here are discouraged from uncovering. Did Ham's son bear the curse God dealt out or not? If you can't face the small facts, how are you gonna handle the day of the Lord when it takes you by surprise, simply because you never understood what it was. The trumpets you ignore. That's a shame, but then the Lord says when His people are attacked, Ezekiel 21:12, they will not know from where it came from, as if they're too caught up in their own Gospel to know the difference.

    Do you wonder why the USSR fell in 1991 of a deadly wound, and up popped up a new country, a new government, called The Russian Federation? Daniel 7:8 Russia is the little horn, more stout than his fellows Daniel 7:20 Russia is run by a president who refers to his nuclear arsenal as a "fiery serpent" Isaiah 14:29.

    You people literally have no idea what's about to go down while this is what I carry around every day:

    And it shall be when they say unto thee,Wherefore sighest thou? that thou shall answer for the tidings because it come as an every heart shall melt and all hands shall be civil and every spirit shall faint and all knees shall be weak as water behold it, and it shall be brought to pass saith the Lord God. Ezekiel 21:7

    Ezekiel and the rest of the prophets see what I see coming and there's no denying it. If you have the least bit inclination as to what I'm talking about you may as well get your house in order now.
  • Godwin Junior - 2 years ago
    What is Ezekiel 21:27 really talking about?
  • Frank - In Reply - 2 years ago

    I appreciate your candid honesty; my associates would've answered that question in defense of America, with glowing patriotic stories of our might. Some answer falsely because of reprisals.

    America, the counterfeiter, tried to act the beast in Daniel 7:20, when they took three of their own towers on 9/11. "His look" was more stout above his 10 kingdoms is Russia, the beast, king of the north, Esau, having 11 time zones of stout. 1991's USSR deadly wound that became the mighty Russian Federation, Revelation 13:3

    So, after the 9-11 attacks, General Wesley Clark announced this to the world: Global Warfare:"We're going to take out seven countries in five years: Iraq Syria Lebanon Libya Somalia Sudan and Iran."

    So after three NY towers were taken, the US announced it would topple seven countries (7 + 3 towers = 10) in five years, Revelation 9:10. This action occurs all within the fifth trumpet. The US is diabolical and uses the occult to make their every political move, they look in the liver, Ezekiel 21:21

    Watch for the sixth seal to start peeling off when America attacks Iran's nuclear facility ( Revelation 6:14). Then we'll be on short time for what God's chosen northern army, Joel 2:11, has in its advanced arsenal. 13 months, 25 hours of coordination and preparation for our visitation.
  • Danielle Brown on Ezekiel 21 - 3 years ago
    God is good
  • Seth Graham - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Christy Potter,

    The "rapture" requires faith outside of Faith, you have to believe in unsanctioned doctrines. Christian's forget that they are perpetual sinners, undeserving of a fictional lifeline. God has structure that we like to forge into our likeness.

    If the first resurrection is just for the sealed elect & 24 elders, why would anyone else enter except at the second resurrection when God changes the universe to accommodate?

    For people that think they will be transported to heaven BEFORE the sixth trumpet (true rapturist), before the great tribulation, to avoid a death that's been appointed to them.

    ( Ezekiel 21:2-6) - On the day of the Lord, both the righteous and the wicked die. No "rapture".

    2 Son of man, set thy face toward Jerusalem, and drop thy word toward the holy places, and prophesy against the land of Israel,

    3 And say to the land of Israel, Thus saith the LORD; Behold, I am against thee, and will draw forth my sword out of his sheath, and will cut off from thee the righteous and the wicked.

    4 Seeing then that I will cut off from thee the righteous and the wicked, therefore shall my sword go forth out of his sheath against all flesh from the south to the north:

    5 That all flesh may know that I the LORD have drawn forth my sword out of his sheath: it shall not return any more.

    For the people that believe they are firstfruits by virtue of their Christianity, and will be taken up in the clouds to meet Jesus ( 1 Thessalonians 4:17) need to research who the elect are, and why they are so revered.
  • Johnathan Taylor - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Abomination = Absolute and utter destruction upon BOTH houses of Israel. It's Jacob's time of trouble.

    ( Ezekiel 21:19) Also, thou son of man, appoint thee TWO WAYS, that the sword of the king of Babylon may come: both twain shall come forth out of ONE land (beast): and choose thou a place, choose it at the head of the way to the city.
  • OSEAS - In Reply - 3 years ago
    TO GARY and ALL


    587 B.C. - Judah is conquered by Babylon -Jerusalem and First Temple destroyed; most Jews are exiled. Later, Babylon was conquered by Cyrus-550 -539 B.C., and Cambises 530-522 B.C. , and Darius-522-486 B.C.

    Captivity of Israel - 70 years ---> 587 B.C.- 70 = 517 B.C.

    The rebuild of the Temple started with Cyrus and ended with Darius.

    Scriptures reveal: Ezra 6:v.15-CJB-Complete Jewish Bible - 15 This house was finished on the third day of the month Adar, in the sixth year of the reign of Daryavesh(Darius) the king. (Darius reigned from year 522-486 B.C.) 522-6 = 516 B.C.

    First year of Darius 522 B.C.---> AFTER his sixth year of rule --> 516 B.C.

    522 - 6= 516 B.C. - the rebuilding of the Temple finished after 21 years IN THE YEAR 516 B.C, part was built in the time of Cyrus, and part in the time of Darius.

    Again: Captivity of Israel - 70 years ---> 587 B.C.- 70 = 517 B.C. - The END of the rebuilding of the Temple was in 516 B.C. according to Scripture quoted above.- Ezra 6:v.15

    7 weeks = 49 years ........... ---> 517 B.C. - 49 = 468 B.C.

    62 weeks = 434 years ....... ---> 468 B.C.- 434= 34 B.C.

    There is a gap of 30 years from year 34 B.C. to the birth of JESUS-->34 BC-30= -4 B.C. - recognized date for the birth of JESUS.

    Based in the description above, the Messiah was crucified (was cut off) around year 29 AD.

    We are in the year 2021 AD, the week 70th of Daniel 9:v.27 that will be RULED BY THE EVIL PRINCE- 2 Thessalonians 2- it does not fulfilled yet, i.e. until now, until the current time, but it will in NEAR FUTURE. Get ready.

    By the way, the theory that JESUS was cut off in the middle of week 70th is fake, its a lie. Also the satanic theory that the Abomination of Desolation fulfilled in the profane sacrificies of Antiochus 167 B.C is fake, it is doctrine of demons believed by many Christian people, unfortunately.

    Its it. Again: Get ready

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