Discuss Ezekiel 28

  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    God's attributes: Beauty

    The beauty of the cross is perhaps no better described than in Isaiah 52:14. His appearance or "visage" was so marred from the beatings and other injuries before the crucifixion that Jesus was hardly recognizable as a man. But by His stripes; we are healed ( Isaiah 53:5 just a few verses later). He has brought us beauty from ashes ( Isaiah 61:3) which in context means Israel will have restitution after suffering judgment. But God in the flesh resulted not in admiration but in a man of sorrows acquainted with grief ( Isaiah 53:3).

    God's awe inspiring attributes are seen in the visions of the Lord as seen by Isaiah 6; Ezekiel 1:22 and associated verses in Revelation 15:2; etal; and Daniel 10:6; etal). The true beauty of God; of course ties in with His selflessness; agape love and other characteristics that are above storge; Philleo and eros type of human love. Satan himself was a most beautiful creation as Lucifer ( Ezekiel 28:12) UNTIL he fell. Now the beauty is vanity as it is with any fallen creature who pride has allowed to contaminate. God Himself deserves worship and is not being arrogant in stating this desire but there are no verses I am aware of that state God is PROUD of being the God of all creation; He is supreme and in that sense better than anyone else; but He calls His followers by name and "friends" ( John 15:15). This makes Him the perfect Father.

    God created all things for His good pleasure including man ( Revelation 4:11). No doubt Adam and Eve in a sinless state were beautiful; and perhaps still externally appeared that way after the fall. All things were fearfully and wonderfully made ( Psalm 139:14) but man has sought out many inventions (see Ecclesiastes 7:29). 1 Chronicles 16:27 talks of the majesty of God which no doubt incorporates beauty as seen in the creation. This makes man without excuse; as Romans 1 and Psalm 19 make clear.

    God's beauty is more than skin deep and indescribable as all other traits.
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    End of introduction to OSAS

    Once saved always saved is kind of like the word "Rapture"; the verses about being sealed with the Spirit until the Day of Redemption ( Eph. 4:30) basically indicate that once HIS work is completed we cannot "undo" it. We have passed from "death to life" ( John 5:24) if we truly believe; and 1 John 3:14 shows the same author indicating EVIDENCE through loving one another (specifically the brethren) that we are saved; as well as showing that if WE DON'T we are liars and the truth is not in us ( 1 John 4:20).

    My first point is that there is always evidence of the Hope that is within us if it truly exists ( 1 Peter 3:15). The second point goes with it that we preach the truth; any other Gospel is "anathema" ( Gal. 1:8-9). Interestingly; 1 Corinthians 16:22 2 verses before the end of the book state that if any man does NOT love the Lord Jesus Christ let him be "anathema". These two verses domenstate we need truth and love; one doesn't work independently of the other.

    I will make a general statement for my third point. The more knowledge we have; the more responsibility we have. Hence; there is greater punishment for those who walk away from the truth and go back to the world than those who never knew it in the first place ( 1 Peter 2:20-21). We only need to look at Lucifer himself to see how pride brought his judgment without mercy; since he was a Cheribum that led worship of music in heaven itself for an unknown time; created perfect in all his ways before that time ( Ezekiel 28:15).

    The fourth point is related to the third; that much head knowledge apart from the inner man being renewed daily ( 2 Cor. 4:16) is at best a fruitless venture; at worst again leads to greater damnation without accompanying faith. Such a man often obsesses on one doctrine and ignores the integrity of all scripture; or worse can justify a sin by not being a Berean and "rightly dividing the Word" ( 2 Tim. 2:15) despite what all their church friends may say.
  • Chris - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi Jeff. Yes, in Revelation 12:10 we read, "And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren IS CAST DOWN, which accused them before our God day and night." However, in trying to piece together Satan's former position in Heaven or on Earth now & all that transpired in-between, is not always easy as I would relegate teaching on this doctrine (of Satan) amongst the many that the Bible gives sparse information & therefore cannot be fully understood. Therefore, in reading about Satan & his angels (the ones that followed him after he was booted out of God's Presence), often brings conflicts in our understanding & agreement.

    For example, we know that Satan was already with sin & banished from God's Presence right at the time of the creation of man & woman ( Genesis 3:14,15, where Satan had used an animal to tempt man to also become like him & his quest to be like God). And Ezekiel 28:12-15, of Satan who infected the King of Tyrus to also usurp the Throne of God (see also Isaiah 14:12-15, where Satan also used the Babylonian king). Yet, we read that Satan still had access to Heaven, whereas Revelation 12:7-9 tells us that only after the "war in Heaven", Satan & his angels lost the battle, & was cast down to the Earth for all time.

    So, in my cautious understanding, Satan no longer has access into Heaven, though in some way he still manages to bring accusation before God against those who belong to Jesus. But Satan & his work were judged at the Cross ( John 12:31), and though his work continues to tempt & blind the hearts of men since then, he knows his time is short ( Revelation 12:12), that in a future day he will be confined in the abyss ( Revelation 20:2,3), & at the end of the Millennium period, be locked away forever in the Lake of Fire ( Revelation 20:10). This is how I try to piece it all together - though not without conjecture or error.
  • Giannis - In Reply - 1 year ago
    hello Jimbob

    The devil was once a bright Herub, probably the most powerful angel among all of them. second in place after God. But he revolted against God and tried to take His place in Heaven. And so God made him a devil. The scripture in Ezekiel 28:11-19 gives an account of what had happened. The scripture is refered to the King of Tyrus but it is widely accepted that it refers to satan. GBU
  • Giannis - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hello GiGi

    Just for information.

    You are right "Lucifer" comes from Latin. The greek is "Eosphoros", also "Phoshoros". The Engl. word "Phosphorus" which is a chemical element which shines comes from this word. ts precise meaning is something or someone that brings light, although the former is used nowadays in grk only for the devil and the latter only for that chemical element. In ancient times that name was given to a star that was very bright during the first few hours at down. Today we know that that star is planet Venus which is the brightest star in the sky after the sun.

    That name also appears in the Septuagint as "Eosphoros who you rise in the morning" instead of "Lucifer son of the morning" in the Masoretic ( Isaiah 14:12).

    Another time that that name appears in the Bible, as Phosphoros, is in Peter 2:19, (KJB) "We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts:". In the grk text the phrase "day star" is written as "Phosphoros". Hence it is reffered to Jesus Christ.

    Also in Rev 22:16 the KJB has translated the grk precisely.. It also is refered to Jesus Christ.

    I believe in the Book of Isaiah Lucifer is called the morning star because before becoming satan he was a bright Herub, see also Ezekiel 28:11-19. That scripture was for the King of Tyrus but it is widely accepted that it is attributed to devi.

    Also Spencer says something right, that all angels are called "morning stars', J( ob 38:7), so satan was one of them probably the most powerful before revolting against God as that scripture in Ezekiel 28:14 indicates. But enough with devil, I think...

  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    Assurance of salvation: Corulers with Christ or coconspirators with the Devil.

    It is helpful to go back to the Creation story to see God's original plan and design for man; and the results of the fall. In this segment I will look at the enemy of our souls ( 1 Peter 5:8). Lucifer's fall is covered in Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28. When we see that narrative play out we see where sin actually originated and the cause was mainly pride. That blossomed of course to violence and other things ( Ezekiel 28:16) which I would briefly propose was an angelic society which may have started in heaven and perhaps led to a judgment between Genesis 1:1 and 1;2 sometimes called the "gap theory". For our purposes we will summarize that there had to be some time for the angels to be drawn to follow Lucifer; as well as to some time after all the angels sang to God's glory at creation before he fell ( Job 38:7-9).

    Lucifer was much like man; in the sense that he was created to worship and adore the Lord; made flawless and beautiful and in innocence there was nothing wrong about that. He was a Cherub ( Ezekiel 28:14); therefore at an elevated status much like Adam and Eve were given authority to rule and reign over the rest of Creation in a unique role and status.

    The serpent was used by the enemy to deceive through appealing to man's hidden knowledge that could somehow elevate his status and bring them something more than God intended as the real thrust of the temptation. A lack of TRUST in God is where the real issue is; and that of the heart of man which Jeremiah 17:9 makes it clear is desperately wicked. Therefore; what God made had the potential to become corrupted and wicked; in the same token one who is saved is made to glorify God and destined to become as Paul stated a "celestial body" ( 1 Corinthians 15:40). There is a resurrection for all men; but one to eternal soul damnation for the wicked ( John 5:29). The wicked cannot enter the Kingdom of God ( Rev. 21:27).
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 2 years ago
    The rebellion led to the "anointed cherub" ( Ezekiel 28:14) and his musical gifting in heaven to be removed from his place of authority as we also see in Isaiah 14. He would have been out of the heavenly worship crew at that point pisitionally. Ezekiel 28:16 then talks about rade and violence resulting from what could be a period of time when spiritual beings roamed the earth beteeen the time of Genesis 1:1 and 1:2. This is a controversial topic; what we can say is that there were further punishments when the Nephilim before and after the flood had relations and offspring with women they chose ( Gen. 6:4). They certainly also caused "men of renown" to cause violence and God had to wipe all out except for Noah and his family.

    Satan's world although confined to controling the earth apparently also still involved and perhaps still does heavenly meetings with other demons (see Job 1 and 2). These were also involved with David's sin ( 1 Chron. 21:1) as well as lying words in the false prophets (in that case an unknown demonic entity caused this) ( 1 Kings 22:21-23). The last giant recorded was Goliath; and the Nephilim are said to be under the earth in Tartarus or the bottomless pit ( 2 Peter 2:4). The next thing taken froom Satan was the power of death in that all men were in a part of Sheol; but the "good" or pleasant part (Abraham's bosom) Luke 16:22 was removed when Christ went down into the earth after the Crucifixion and captivity was made captive ( Eph. 4:8). Now those absent from the body are present with the Lord; i.e. they go straight to the heavenly throne room. ( 2 Cor. 5:6). Finally; at the midpoint of the Trib. Satan is permanently taken from any access to heaven and cast to earth. It seems all those "powers of the air" or other demons are cast down from space ( Eph 2:2) also see Rev. 12:4. After the Trib he is confined himself to the bottomless pit (see Rev. 20); then in the end of Revelation to the lake of fire joining Antichrist/False Prophet.
  • Penny Mahlyn - In Reply on Ezekiel 28 - 2 years ago
    Yes, thanks for the Amos 8 reference. Also spoken of in Amos 2.

    The Matthew, Mark, and Luke verses show how God loves us and stands up for us. He is our protector. PTL
  • T Levis - In Reply on Ezekiel 28 - 2 years ago
    Yes, & Amos 8:4-7, ; other places also

    Luke 17:2, Matthew 18:6,10, Mark 9:42,
  • Penny Mahlyn on Ezekiel 28 - 2 years ago
    Can human trafficking be applied to Ezekiel 28?
  • Just asking - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Are Named and Identified one in the same bcause Many of us see how The anti-christ Is named Identified in the Bible

    Ezekiel 25:18 God has named, judged and sentenced to death when He say's He will bring forth a fire from the midst of thee, it shall devour thee, and I will bring thee to ashes upon the earth in the sight of all them that behold thee.

    Start @ Ezekiel 28:12 The King of Tyrus is the example, he is also the dragon, the beast who ascends out of the bottomless pit, and goes into perdition in Revelation 17:8

    John 17:12 identifies him as the one who is lost, the son of perdition.

    perdition:Loss of the soul; eternal damnation.Hell.Utter ruin

    2 Thessalonians 2:3 The Son of Perdition
  • Richard H Priday on Psalms 2 - 2 years ago
    Psalm 2 discussion

    Whatever the cause of such insanity; likely direct DNA manipulation from the mark of the beast much like the corruption when the "sons of god" had relations with women in Genesis and had offspring ( Genesis 6:2) and/or the mind control from the image of the beast somehow directed by some virtual reality it is clear that once man starts to attempt to band together to fight God it is a hopeless situation. Once again; however Satan's masterpiece of authority over the earth runs the course determined by God and no doubt there is no love lost when Satan is cast into the bottomless pit the same time the Beast and False Prophet are tossed into the fire. Satan's character won't change in the whole 1000 years imprisoned as he will attempt one more worldwide rebellion after the Millennium.

    His power; of course is in willing subjects. There are many today who may acknowledge that they are sinners; but not that Satan is their master. There no doubt are some dedicated Satanists who are determined that they will soon fight Christ and God. They probably will have some deluded concept that they succeeded in killing Christ the first time and deny His indestructible Resurrection and somehow think they can now succeed in destroying an Omnipresent; Omnipotent and Omniscient God.

    God takes no pleasure in the destruction of the wicked ( Ezek. 33:11). In this case; however the madness of their folly is laughed at. They are beyond any fear at this point; totally controlled by Satan. He who destroyed cities and made the world a wilderness ( Isaiah 14:17) is now cast out of his grave (Antichrist here; who is not given honor of a burial and verse 21 talks about the slaughter of his children (likely those at Armageddon). Satan is burned up before the earth later as well ( Ezekiel 28:18). Many other scriptures talk of Armageddon as well.

    Verses 10 to 11 may be talking about rulers that survive physically into the Millennium and or the saints of God who rule
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Karen. Yes, God could have stopped sin right from the beginning, when Adam & Eve were tempted to commit sin, God could have stepped right in & prevented that happening - indeed, God could have also destroyed Satan & saved all of us so much grief, bound for eternal agony. But you know what, if God did that then He wouldn't have allowed us to express the mental & spiritual resources He has given us. All His creation, including mankind, the angels & other beings in Heaven, would either be fully programed to not respond to evil or maybe unable to have the power of choice & the exercise of emotions of love, faith, etc. Yet, we are made in His Image - so our existence in the flesh must exude those qualities of God that He has placed in us. Sadly, sin has severely marred what God has put in us & so man in his sinful unregenerate state shows anything but godliness, serving his own lusts, lifting himself to a god-like status over others.

    In Heaven, Lucifer, the covering cherub, was created holy, serving God. Then one day, "iniquity was found" in him ( Ezekiel 28:15). We're not told how one so holy managed to sin, but having the power to choose, as we also have, Satan's heart lifted with pride, he sinned, & he led Adam & Eve into the same trap ( Genesis 3:4,5: to believe they too can elevate their hearts & minds to the level of God). If God withheld from us the ability to choose, to use our minds to consider His Words, whether to remain true to Him or to pursue our own ways, then we would not have fulfilled His design & we would not have had the ability to demonstrate true affection from our wills. It would have just been a love coded into our design & a sinlessness not based on our desire to please our Creator. To be a human as God intended meant that Adam & Eve had to reject Satan's thrusts at every point in their lives - but would we afterwards have remained pure?

    And so Jesus was sent to us - the great Plan for our spiritual restoration - from self, to God alone.
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply on Exodus 25:11 - 2 years ago
    I will state that the Egyptians were spoiled; but sadly all the gold earrings were used with the golden calf before proper worship began and the tabernacle was built. Later on; of course the whole temple was built. All of these things of course are patterned after heaven; where it will be in the "sides of the north". That could be the part of the sky where heaven is located; and/or in heaven itself where God's throne is located.

    There are some interesting concepts with Melchizedek and the fact that somehow true worship wasn't limited to those who were to be the descendants of Abraham; that is in the bloodline of the Jewish nation. This shows; when we study the origin of nations that indeed before pagan worship there was true worship at least in some places AFTER the flood. We can see something to the effect that the boundaries of the nations were divided as per the sons of Israel ( Deut 32:8).

    I am going to say some very deep thoughts here. First off; we must consider carefully the image of the beast and his worship that will come. We must remember that Satan came from where he was walking in the midst of the stones of fire ( Ezekiel 28:14-16). The whole pattern; and ornate wealth will doubtless endow the Antichrist in the beginning of the Tribulation as the woman rides the beast in all her glory. (See Habukkuk 2:9-14; Daniel 11:39; Daniel 11:43). No doubt there will be an amalgamation of religions then of course later Antichrist destroys the woman for worship of himself. This shows why we should have no graven images of God. The mind of man cannot fathom these things; and sadly will fall for the man of sin in the Temple.

    We shall indeed have things in heaven but also on earth to look forward to; restored and with Satan's influence at last restrained completely. Finally; the veil will be lifted off all nations ( Isaiah 25:7). I do believe in a Millennial Temple; although would think in eternity there will be no more death of animals.
  • Free - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear John, in peace, think of everything eval we humans can do. But when we talk about the evil one, we know that he exalted himself and wanted to be God. Ezekiel 28:12-16 Why the Lord has given us satan as an image: Will probably come from the fact that we shall not believe that we are anything other than what we are, gems refined and taught by the Holy Spirit. Who dares and questions the Lord? Then put on your humble garment, as you want the Lord to teach you. Immerse yourself in the scriptures to be Responsive. It is God who is perfect, remember that we are, like ants Isaiah 66:1. But many of David's hymns say how energetic and happy the singer is to belong to the Lord. Example: Psalms 29 There is a lot of good warrior power in the hymns. Psalms 28. Praise, prayer, and thanksgiving are a great start.

    It is a joy to belong to the Lord, He has already found a way out for us. So that All who believe in His Name will be saved.

    1 Corintihans 10:13 The Word of God is the only weapon we have against the evil one. Jesus himself had to use the word against him in Matthew 4:1-11 My Bible is not hiding in a drawer and is not hidden away.

    For me, this was a turning point. For i understood quite quickly that here it was spirit powers that would prevent / bind me into shame / bondage. Where i am, the Word of God is with, you do not know right when you meet a person who ponders something about the Lord :) It is also openly located on the kitchen table or in the living room. The Bible is my favorite, Number One, it's where we get to know the Lord, Each and every one of us Jesus believers must find out what is best for ourselves.

    1 John 2:20-27 And do all things to the glory of God with a clear conscience. But never be ashamed, you have the Living God with you and He has all power in Heaven and on Earth! All we have to do is believe in Jesus Christ.

    Then everything else comes into place as we go. Learn by heart scriptures that strike back. Romans 1:16-17 Ephesians 6:10-20 GB
  • JesusTheWayTheTruthAndTheLife - In Reply on Ezekiel 28 - 2 years ago
    Amen ELB! I couldn't agree with you more! Everything you said was pure truth.

    Years ago the Lord led me to get away from these "popular" teachings I've been hearing for years and to get deep in His Word and "test all things". Also to read scripture in context...from the beginning of the chapter to the end and further on! I find a lot of these false doctrines are "cherry picked"...they never seem to be in context. Satan also cherry picked scripture with Jesus. Anything that's false...incorrect interpretations of scripture especially...can never come from God! When it's from Him, it'll be the whole truth from beginning to end!

    I found it to be so refreshing when I discovered the real truth in His Word....He definitely led me in such a beautiful path...on this journey of so many gems that were there the whole time and I had no idea. If the Bereans in the Book of Acts could search the scriptures to see if what the Apostles taught was true....and we know for a fact they were the real deal...how much more in an age of deception that Jesus told us would be in these last days!

    Thank you for sharing! God bless you as well!!
  • ELB - In Reply on Ezekiel 28 - 2 years ago
    Jesus is the way:

    Keep letting the Holy Spirit teach you, you are correct.

    A good way to know whither you on the narrow path is by whats being taught;

    If most Christians are screaming this is the way, your probably on the wide road.

    To repent means when you think you have come to a truth and it contradicts other scriptures, be quick to repent in that belief and turn, making the scriptures agree with each other.

    Amos 3:3 Can two walk together and not be agreed?

    God Bless YOU!
  • JesusTheWayTheTruthAndTheLife on Ezekiel 28 - 2 years ago
    Something else I wanted to add that wasn't added in my previous response to this chapter is that the 1611 KJV also doesn't reference this chapter as the king of Tyrus symbolic of satan. The 1611 will always give a brief summary of each chapter in the Bible to give us as the reader an idea what the chapter is about. You can find it on the 1611 tab of this website and go to the bottom of the page and click the "scanned copy" and you will see it there preceding the chapter. It clearly says that this is an actual judgment on the king of Tyrus...the actual king. No meantion whatsoever of this king being satan. I just thought I would add that because it appears to confirm what and who this chapter is referring to.

    And actually....if you look throughout the Book of Ezekiel, the Lord references many rulers and kings even Pharoah and pronounces judgment upon them and the king of Tyrus just happens to be one of them. But they all had a common theme to have such judgment pronounced upon them....it was pride! But the descriptions God uses of their pride...their splendor and how they were lifted up in their kingdom is very poetic! Also reaffirming that this chapter is no different in its poetry.
  • Satan aka Lucifer - In Reply on Ezekiel 28 - 2 years ago
    Isaiah 14, starting at verse 9-17. He says, I WILL 5 times.

    He coveted Gods Throne as Lucifer. He's a created angel. He is not a god. His name was changed to Satan.

    Jesus defeated him at the cross, completely.
  • JesusTheWayTheTruthAndTheLife - In Reply on Ezekiel 28 - 2 years ago
    For some reason when typing my comment, it started to act a little glitchy and I wasn't able to backspace. Please excuse the typos toward the end...lol.
  • JesusTheWayTheTruthAndTheLife on Ezekiel 28 - 2 years ago
    This second part of this chapter cannot possibly be referring to satan because God tells Ezekiel to take up a "lamentation" upon the king of Tyrus. "Son of man, take up a LAMENTATION upon the king of Tyrus, and say unto him......"


    A lamentation is defined as "a passionate expression of grief or sorrow." Just why would he be "lamenting" over the supposed destruction of satan if this were the case? We lament or there has always been lamentations for humans and cities being destroyed...never satan! It's all in the Bible regarding the examples and principle of what lamentation was and scripture doesn't contradict itself...it INTERPRETS itself. I find that just one word that we find insignificant in scripture actually is the key to bringing clarity to the passage.

    I do believe God is speaking in symbolism to the king of Tyrus but to an actual person. It's poetic like most prophetic words given to the children of Israel were poetic. In Hosea, God is speaking to them and calls them a backsliding "heifer". Is He saying they are LITERALLY a heifer? No!

    The first half of the chapter still can't be referring to satan because God is saying this prince of Tyrus is saying he is God when he's but a man and we know satan is not a man! He goes on to say that when God sends men to slay him will he tell them before they do it that he is God? They will see he is just more man because he will perish like a man. Once again...this cannot be referring to satan because this is not how his ending will be according to RRRevelation.and in Isaiah .

    I ifirmly believe the Bible is a spiritual Book and spiritual language can only be understood by the Spirit of God revealing what things mean in the Word so we aren't misinterpreting things. Also context is very important!
  • James Harrell - In Reply on Genesis 2 - 2 years ago
    Isaiah 14:12-17,Revelations 12:7-9, Ezekiel 28:13-19
  • Free - In Reply on Acts 16 - 3 years ago
    Dear "Felicia phillips" The devil and his companions were cast out of heaven. God has not love for those who exalted, He has created everything after all. So a place in God must also have a picture of them, at least from the beginning. That is, hatred is probably not, but Must Endure those conditions.

    Proverbs 16:18 Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.

    Proverbs 18:12 12 Before destruction the heart of man is haughty, and before honour is humility.

    Ezekiel 28:11-19

    God Is Unique. Good luck and be glad, am sure u find word :D. Stay blessed in Jesus holy name. Love u in Christ
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Hey Love of Jesus

    Satan is a created being, what does he look like? Isaiah 14:12-15 morning star, translated Lucifer, the morning star/day star is the planet, Venus, it is brightest just before sunrise, 2 Corinthians 11:14 an angel of light, 1 Peter 5:8 a roaring lion, Revelation 12:3 great red dragon seven heads ten horns and seven crowns. There are many descriptions of Satan, but he is a master of disguise.

    The horrific almost cartoonish description of Satan comes from the Middle Ages. If the understanding it is covering Satan, Ezekiel 28:14 says Satan was a covering cherub. There are seraphim we see in Isaiah 6:1-6 and in Revelation 4:6-9 called beasts, and cherubim, is in the bible more times, seraphim six wings, cherubim four wings. The biblical descriptions, I believe if we came face to face with, we would faint from fear.

    Satan is not omnipresent; he can only be in one place at a time. There are evil spirits and evil angels he controls on this earth, we see in Daniel, battles that we cannot see, Daniel 10. The devil and his evil spirits can affect our life, and it can be vicious, Ephesians 6:12 but we far too often use that to excuse our own bad choices (the devil made me do it). Galatians 5:17

    We also have been told, James 4:7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

    God bless,

  • Chris - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Hello Edward. Not a lot is written in the Scriptures about the angelic host of Heaven, in as far as their creation & 'daily' life. But they do serve God & do His Will in a variety of ways.

    In Ezekiel 28:12-17, we read about the King of Tyrus but also note certain things mentioned there that cannot apply to him alone (e.g. having been in Eden, a cherub, etc.). Generally, we understand that Ezekiel is speaking of that spirit that filled & drove him. Satan was not only of the angelic host but also a cherub (one appointed to be around God's Throne). So their 'traits' would have been impeccable, with holiness & purity being their endowment. But with all created beings (angel, man or animals), the power of choice & decision are also given or else we would be no different than a pre-programed machine.

    To be like the Most High became Satan's desire, maybe realising some of the power & wisdom of God that he also held. And so entered sin, his downfall & those angels that were likewise deceived, so infected by this lie. And this same lie he gave to man that he too might be equal to God; which we see today amongst those who don't submit to the living God but believe they're their own god, some trying to subjugate others to their deception & folly.

    Satan was indeed perfect in every way until iniquity was found in him. He should have arrested his thoughts but his lust for power exceeded his love & worship of his Creator.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Hi GiGi.

    Excuse my corny humor! No we don't go looking for Cherubim to locate the Garden of Eve.

    I agree, we just don't know.

    However I don't believe where the scripture says he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, TO KEEP THE "WAY" OF THE TREE OF LIFE. Means God set up a road block of some sort.

    It means he set gaurd to keep the way open. My sarcasm was it don't take 2 Cherubim to keep little old me out. Angels are known to be mighty.

    And as for Adam and Eve and the garden being here on earth, I've never heard it any other way, I believe the scripture plainly states that.

    We also have no scripture on what the earth was like before Adam and Eve sinned.

    We do know Adam was "placed" in the garden to dress it. Genesis 2:15. "And the LORD God TOOK THE MAN, AND "PUT" HIM INTO THE GARDEN of Eden to dress it and to keep it". Genesis 2:15

    And we do know he drove him out to go back to where he was created to till the ground. Genesis 3:23.

    And there they populated the Earth.

    Here's another provocative view I have heard.

    Here in Ezekiel 28:13-14. If the Garden of God and the Garden of Eve is one of the same this is not the view of Satan we have in Genesis!

    In Ezekiel he haven't fallen yet, "If" the Garden of Eve and the Garden of God is one of the same when did Satan have his career in it?

    Also see Isaiah 14:12-14.

    Would this fit into the Gap theory?

    This is not a rhetorical question.

    You and I admit we don't know, We only have "our" Perspective. Perhaps someone can help us.

    God bless.
  • T. Levis - In Reply on 1 Corinthians 15 - 3 years ago
    Please read Genesis 5:1-2, Genesis 1:26-30, here it states plural. It also reasonably suggests multiple to subdue the entire earth. Genesis 1:26, Genesis 1:28,

    Genesis 2:15, was this a separated man? If GOD had already told mankind to subdue the entire earth? Would HE really take him then to dress & tend a special garden HE had made? Or is this symbolic of the Church._. Ezekiel 28:12-15, Ezekiel 31:8-9, Isaiah 58:11, Isaiah 61:11, Joel 2:3? Many times Jesus refers to the "vine dresser", the "stewards", seeds, etc. Luke 13:17, Luke 13:18-21, * John 15:1,5, & many times it's about unfaithfulness of that stewardship many times relating to the "Church" & those in charge. Luke 16:2, Ironic Jesus also being crucified by Garden, John 19:41, & where Jesus was betrayed, bound, taken captive, John 18:26,27, John 18:1-12,

    Genesis 4:1-16, note Genesis 4:14,

    Then you have an unreasonable fear of being killed by vengeance which was completely irrational if there was only Adam & Eve. There in that family -2 mourning the murdered child & 1 on the run. Then you have the outrageous idea that those same two parents would give a daughter to the murderer who already disregarded his brother's life to kill him. Gross, perverted imagination!! Genesis 4:16-17 then he built a city. Genesis 19:4-25, why isn't man killed mentioned? Then Seth's birth.

    The importance of the lineage of Adam & Eve was it led to the Messiah Jesus CHRIST. Luke 3:22-38. Therefore when Eve is called the mother of all living CHRIST even addressed this as "let the dead bury the dead" pointing to spiritual death. Note it doesn't say Eve was of "life" it said mother of living._Genesis 3:20..Note also the day they would surely "die"! Genesis 2:17. Genesis 3:6-8, fear of (death?) eternal judgement? What happened? If it wasn't a spiritual death? Genesis 3:10, loss of fellowship, trust, intimacy even in marriage that's sometimes referred to "death, of the marriage"

    Genesis 6:1-6, Gen 6:6, "earth" not "garden"
  • Rick Mentzer - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Jim A proverb is a[ descriptive saying] look up King of babylon in scripture notice the lord is going against the

    king of babylon because all worship or anything tied to this not good. You are reading figurative language and

    literal. Again look at Ezekiel 28:2-6 this is a description of lucifer's absolute pride so you have an example

    of who this king was like in His kingdom. Then again look at verses 13-15.
  • Rick Mentzer - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Jim This where things get interesting because look at the context of describing lucifer Isaiah 14:12-17 specifically verse 13 [I will exalt my above the stars of God also I will ascend very lofty terminology. In Ezekiel 28:11-18 esp. verse 13

    thou Hast been in Eden the garden of God look at the rest of the verses. verse 15 thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created until iniquity was found in thee. There are times also when there figures of speech used in descriptions like verse 12 King of Tyrus Same guy.
  • Mark Valesano on Ezekiel 28 - 3 years ago
    This chapter gives in allegorical method, extensive insight into the creation, behavior, and resultant outcome for Lucifer himself or Satan. Do not be confused thinking the reference to the prince of Tyrus in v. 2 is the same as the king of Tyrus in v. 12. A king and a prince are not the same. While the prince mentioned was certainly a man (v. 9), the king in v. 12 is obviously being described here as a spiritual creature.

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