The explanation to this only need the Holy Spirit to reveal. Normally do not want to rush to talk what I don't know in case I might mislead people. Apart from this issue of 'replenish' there is another question on Ezekiel 28:13 which obviously talks about satan. It says, "You were in Eden the garden of God...". Is this the same garden on earth or it is in heaven?
If i understand this right, the stones of fire are related to all the other angeles, all nine orders. his holy mountain refers, i believe is God;s throne you were blameless in your ways,God created him to be perfect above all angeles. the covering might refer to the ark of the covenant?.
Lucifer is one of three archangels mentioned in Scripture. He was created by God just as all angels were, but his role was different from the other angelic hosts. Lucifer was referred to as the 'covering angel.' Just as the cherubim covered the mercy seat of the Ark of the Covenant, Lucifer was established by God to be the angel of worship, one whose ministry surrounded the heart of heaven. Lucifer was created to dwell eternally in the throne room of heaven, in the very presence of God ( Ezekiel 28:14). John 1:12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name. God is a spirit! God did not have sex to reproduce...
Christ is coming after the war in Syria or a bit later when the arab dogs will try to start a campaign against Israel. It's clear esp. when reading Ezekiel 28:7 Behold, therefore I will bring strangers against thee...and they shall draw their sword against the beauty of thy wisdom and shall defile thy brightness.
This is absolute proof that can be chiseled in granite that Satan will be totally destroyed forever. Yet you have those who will tell you that God in his great mercy will save every soul including Satan...which is off the chart insanity!
Timothy Wayne George on Revelation 22 - 11 years ago
Dear Jim, read Ezekiel 28:13,14 and that will give you the light on this subject matter. Jesus is the Bright and Morning Star. We must be careful not to add or subtract from the Word of God. Accept it by faith. Faith comes by hearing the Word of God. ( Romans 10:17)
May the Lord bless you richly.
Dear Fellow Laborers, Ephesians 6 is connected with 2 Corinthians 10:3-5, and they have given us the full account of what had happened in the Books of Genesis 3, Isaiah 14:12-17 and Ezekiel 28:1-19. It is very important that every believer should have the full knowledge of what the spiritual warfare is all about. It`s very unfortunate that most Christians may not believe that Satan and his demonic forces/spirits are real. But the truth is that they are real, and if they were not real why would the gospels of Mathew 4 and Luke 4 speak about the temptation of our Lord Jesus Christ. The fact is that it is the desire of Satan to defeat us from serving the Lord. But thanks be to God that Ephesians 6 has given us the full details, and stated that we need to wear righteousness as a garment, use the Word of God which is the Sword of Spirit, and talks more about faith and staying in prayers always. With this knowledge, I do think that everyone who loves Christ Jesus with a sincere heart (verse 24), will surely stand against every of satanic tricks. We thank God that the Holy Spirit did not withhold this information from us. And every Christian must accept the fact that this is a true definition of the spiritual warfare.
When I see evil that exists on this earth in what I observe men doing to other men, I can more clearly see what good is. How is it that I can distinguish what is good or evil? "In the beginning God, (Good) created." And everything God created, He said it was good. What went wrong with creation? Free Choice! We were created with free choice, to choose good or evil. Ezekiel 28:13-19, very quickly describes an angel, that was created perfect, better than good, and he chooses to worship me, myself, and I, setting up his own trinity. When you look away from God, (good), to serve yourself only, you turn into a devil. When you think your ideas are more perfect then your creators ideas, then you make yourself a God in your own mind. Yes it’s a mystery how something created so perfect, could come up with the idea that he could go his own way, and sustain his own existence. When you turn evil, you cause war, and that is what happened in heaven according to Revelation 12:7, and he drew 1/3 of the angelic host with him in Revelation 12:4. They were cast down to earth, where our home was, while it was perfect. God, through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit created us, Genesis 1:26, and we were created perfect. We choose to not trust the ideas of our creator, and listen to the lies of the evil one, and we were then told to leave the Garden of Eden, which used to be heaven on earth, our first home. We now choose sides by our behavior, and how we love one another, which is good, which is Godly, which is what Christ came to do, by coming to earth at some point in time, living a life each day filled with the spirit and power of our creator to overcome evil with Good. I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me, Philippians 4:13.
I feel that Matthew Henry's comment should have been split into four separate prophecies:
1) Against the PRINCE of Tyrus/Tyre - verses 1-10. (He is a mortal - verse 2 - "...yet thou art a man..") 2) Against the KING of Tyrus/Tyre - Satan - verses 11-19
3) Against Zidon - verses 20-24
4) The restoration of Israel - verses 25-26.
This chapter lets us know the nature and appearance of satan, who earned his way up to being a cheribum and the protector of the mercy seat in the first earth-age, and was made in "the full pattern", in that he was extremely smart, charming, beautiful, all of which lead him to become full of pride. He then desired to sit in the mercy seat, thinking he was better than even God himself, which was the beginning of the downfall of him (the catabol) and the distruction of the first earth-age. This was when satan was sentenced to death (to be turned to ashes from within)
Watch the names of the children. Satans kenites from Cain`s naming are real close to the naming of the good children. Kind of reminds me of satan calling himself lucifer meaning morning star. We only have One Morning Star and that's Our Lord. Satans such a thief. As far as Noahs family and blood there was no blimish. In 6:9 perfect mean petagree or pure perfect blood line. Also reading about the Eden the garden of God in Ezekiel 28:13 where its talking about satan being there we see another one of his names, prince of Tyrus, means little rock. But reading it and seeing how much he had, he was the covering cherub and was the one who guarded Gods Mercy Seat. Michael holds him now until he let's go and boots him to earth so all 3 Michael, Gabriel, and lucifer must be really powerfull. God controlls the Universe, I know he set the plannets in motion so they can take cared of themselves but if He made the Ark Angels powerfull and almost to the full pattern. That's a lot of power. Satan can dsiquise himself. Its said trasform in the word but it means disquise so maybe Adam didn't know he was or satan was a man and saw a woman. Just thinking of the Ez. 28:18 it tells you satans been sentence to death and how its going to happen. A fire from with in to out. Burned up. That must be hell. The seperation from the sheep and goats is going to happen after the Great White Throne Judgment and Goe seperates and the goats burn up and then our minds are erased so there is no tears in heaven. Gone!
Ezekiel ch. 28 reveal to me how as human being our life here on earth is a reflection of what go on in the spirit world. Here was a king no doubt was loved by his pears admired by those who was subjected to his ruler-ship yet when the prophet look at him under discernment he saw Lucifer incarnated.
Ezekiel 28:13
Many scholars and theologians equate "thy pipes was prepared in thee - is a tambourine or meaning his vocal cords, the way Lucifer spoke?
U say to yourself,how could Able take part of the fruit? The devil satan is a transforming.,can disquise himself. Its in the word. God made satan, well, almost or a full. Pattern its in Ezekiel 28:12. Prince of tyrus is one of satans names, its prince of little rock. Best part he`s been judged and satans death is in vs. 18 burned from within to out. Smoked! As hell is written in psalms 37 there is an accrosstic read 7,20,34. That will tell you what the lake of fire is after the 1000 years at the Great White Throne Judgement. God is a consuming fire. His love is warm and gentle but His anger is hot and burns you up.
Lucifer is one of three archangels mentioned in Scripture. He was created by God just as all angels were, but his role was different from the other angelic hosts. Lucifer was referred to as the 'covering angel.' Just as the cherubim covered the mercy seat of the Ark of the Covenant, Lucifer was established by God to be the angel of worship, one whose ministry surrounded the heart of heaven. Lucifer was created to dwell eternally in the throne room of heaven, in the very presence of God ( Ezekiel 28:14). John 1:12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name. God is a spirit! God did not have sex to reproduce...
May the Lord bless you richly.
Ephesians 6 is connected with 2 Corinthians 10:3-5, and they have given us the full account of what had happened in the Books of Genesis 3, Isaiah 14:12-17 and Ezekiel 28:1-19. It is very important that every believer should have the full knowledge of what the spiritual warfare is all about. It`s very unfortunate that most Christians may not believe that Satan and his demonic forces/spirits are real. But the truth is that they are real, and if they were not real why would the gospels of Mathew 4 and Luke 4 speak about the temptation of our Lord Jesus Christ. The fact is that it is the desire of Satan to defeat us from serving the Lord. But thanks be to God that Ephesians 6 has given us the full details, and stated that we need to wear righteousness as a garment, use the Word of God which is the Sword of Spirit, and talks more about faith and staying in prayers always. With this knowledge, I do think that everyone who loves Christ Jesus with a sincere heart (verse 24), will surely stand against every of satanic tricks. We thank God that the Holy Spirit did not withhold this information from us. And every Christian must accept the fact that this is a true definition of the spiritual warfare.
1) Against the PRINCE of Tyrus/Tyre - verses 1-10. (He is a mortal - verse 2 - "...yet thou art a man..") 2) Against the KING of Tyrus/Tyre - Satan - verses 11-19
3) Against Zidon - verses 20-24
4) The restoration of Israel - verses 25-26.
Many scholars and theologians equate "thy pipes was prepared in thee - is a tambourine or meaning his vocal cords, the way Lucifer spoke?