Discuss Ezekiel 33

  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi Jesse,

    I understand in delays in replies many work and have family responsibilities. This subject is being discussed by several people and I just wanted to share a few points of my understanding on it. The questions were not directed towards you, you can reply to them if you want but they were some of the questions I wrote down when I was studying this subject because some Scriptures seem to support both understandings if not deeply studied, not saying you have not.

    Scripture tells us God is love, 1 John 4:8,16 and we have been told God does not have pleasure in the death of the wicked, Ezekiel 33:11 caries us to John 3:16 God does not want us to perish. The Bible tells us the soul that sinneth will die, Ezekiel 18:4 God preserves the souls of the saints Psalms 97:10 the faith and belief in Jesus by the grace of God can save our soul Hebrews 10:39.

    Scripture tells us of various degrees of punishment like in Luke 12:46-48 Revelation 21:8. In Genesis 2:7 man became a living soul/being, my understanding is the breath of God is the spirit of life which goes back to God when we die whether lost or saved and this body becomes a dead soul that sleeps in the dust until resurrection then the judgment Revelation 20.

    To repeat, eternal life is our promise it is something we do not have, only by faith and belief in Jesus Christ by the grace of God we will receive this gift when we are resurrected not before. If we say our souls are immortal, we are saying we already have eternal life, and it is just where are we going to spend it?

    My understanding is the lost and wicked punishment is eternal forever, not the punishing, Satan and the fallen angels the beast and false profit will be tormented day and night for ever and ever as we see in Revelation 20:10, but they are not mortal beings like we are, and we see in Matthew 25:41 it was originally prepared for them.

    Just my understanding of Scripture thanks again.

    God bless,

  • T Levis - In Reply on Romans 4 - 2 years ago
    1John 1:9, Ezekiel 33:11-20

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • T Levis - In Reply on Romans 12 - 2 years ago
    King David was called a man after GOD's heart, GOD loved & honored King David even after his adultery & muderous cover-up, attempt. 2Samuel 11, 1Kings 11:4, Acts 13:22,

    Psalms 38, Psalms 40, Psalms 51, David sought after GOD

    However, David didn't get away with anything, without consequences: 2Samuel 12, because of the severity of his sin as stated by Nathan in 2Samuel 12, the "sword did not depart" from his house._._

    The punishment for adultery Old Testament was death 2Samuel 12:13, but GOD spared David's life

    GOD doesn't take delight in death but that everyone should turn from unrighteousness! Ezekiel 33:11, Ezekiel 18:32, 1John 1:9,

    Malachi 2:13-16, Proverbs 5,

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • T Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Romans 7:8-25, Revelation 3:17, Ezekiel 33:11-20,

    2Chronicles 7:14, Romans 6,

    1John 1:9, Matthew 6:14,

    Hopefully these are also helpful
  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    Predestination: A proper perspective

    This brief forum is clearly insufficient to cover any comprehensive study on this subject--at least without hogging this space with an inordinate amount of comments on my part. I will briefly list a couple points of caution as well as the general assurance which a proper dividing of the Word on this subject should give to those of us in the faith.

    I will begin with the positive first. There are numerous voluminous studies on the subject which was originally postulated by Calvin and Luther and probably many other Reformers around the same time period. My focus has always been on the Word itself so I would recommend reading the book of John specifically for the words of Christ Himself on those who the Father chooses to be revealed through the Son; for example. God's choosing is by no means isolated to there; or in fact to the New Testament. He chose Jeremiah; for instance before he was born to be a Prophet; and much could be said the same in regard to John the Baptist and of course Christ Himself.

    As believers; we can be assured that if we sow the seed of preaching the Word; there will be a harvest. (See Isaiah 55:11 in particular). He who "sows in tears shall reap in joy" ( Psalm 126:5-6). This should keep us from frustration when those who we share with for many years ultimately never respond. We can't perform what is known as "decisional regeneration". (James Adams a Reformer was said to come up with that term). In other words; we are responsible for sounding the trumpet and warning as the Watchman is supposed to do lest blood be on our hands. ( Ezekiel 33:1-5). That is a good segway to the cautionary part of the Doctrine of Election.

    Based on the knowledge that we possess we are responsible for decisions made in our personal lives and for being faithful to fulfilling the Great Commission. In my experience normally this isn't the biggest weakness with those who are "Calvinist" in their doctrinal views.
  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    Apparently; that means no ransom monies to be paid. This would be neither acceptable from the perpetrator himself; or for someone else to satisfy judgment.

    As to your comment; scripturally it is interesting to look at David. Or alternatively; the woman caught in adultery in the N.T. God chose mercy over judgment; however it would have been perfectly just in either case for the death penalty to ensue. In the first case; David surreptitiously had Uriah the Hittite killed by deliberately placing him at the front of the battlefield; in order to cover up his adultery with Bathsheba. If he had two or more witnesses for the adultery; and if those who had planned Uriah's demise had been more discerning; they may have seen what was going down; albeit an indirect killing by putting him at risk. Probably the first case with a Hittite wife would not have been pursued by anyone as the Hittites were to remain apart from the congregation because of laws in the O.T. as to those up to the 10th generation of certain peoples based on what they had done. Uriah's own actions of self sacrifice; and not returning home to his wife showed he was indeed a man of valor-hence when the Prophet spoke to David about the situation of taking a man's only possession it was used to indite David who was repentant. There were still repercussions; with the death of the resulting child.

    The case of the woman caught in adultery was similar; it was a stoning to death offense; but since the man was not present it couldn't really satisfactorily be prosecuted.

    True justice demands the proper penalty; if indeed a murder was not for self defense or accidental but intentional. However; even the likes of Jeffery Dahmer show some hope; as it appeared he repented. Evidence for that is a willingness to suffer death; as he apparently wished knowing what he was capable of. Nonetheless; we should certainly offer the Gospel and not gloat as you say over the death of anyone see Ezekiel 33:11
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Job had many complaints about God; but we must realize that he was unaware of Satan's part in the calamities in particular in Job 1 and 2; and the eventual physical toil allowed by God with death being the only limit Satan couldn't reach. That caused the suffering found until the last chapter of the book. God used it to test Job; to see if he remained faithful and not curse His name (as apparently his wife did). Only in that sense did God use this as He does all things for the good for those who love Him ( Romans 8:28).- The frightening apparitions or dreams that Job saw; the painful sores; the accusations of his friends etc were unjustified.

    The important event which I tended to overlook was God's command for Job to pray for his 3 friends (with the youngest one for some reason left out). If he hadn't done this not only their own state would be in peril; but perhaps Job himself would never have gotten over his bitterness and could have ended up much like Jonah. His own restoration was tied into forgiveness toward his friends; a lesson we cannot afford to ignore. Also; of course Job's fortunes were restored even more than before; in both beautiful offspring; and riches. It is interesting that only daughters were mentioned; it would be supposed that something good came from his wife (who knows if she ever repented of her own callous words).

    So as to your original question; what was being blamed toward God was really Satan's "machinations". God has predestined all things; even Job and Satan in the time and place these events occurred; for our own edification (as all scripture is God breathed and worthy for instruction; etc. ( 1 Tim. 3:16-17). God tests all His servants to prove that they are overcomers; and to produce fruit. God doesn't willingly afflict man ( Lamentations 3:31-33). He has no pleasure even in the death of the wicked Ezekiel 33:11. He chastises all those He loves ( Heb. 12:6). Let us rejoice in this and trust Satan is a defeated fo
  • I Got Similar Names Switched - In Reply on Ezekiel 33:12 - 2 years ago
    To Ronnette

    I think you got Rinnetts reply. Some days my eyesight is challenged. I'm way over-due to get my vision checked. I apologize. This won't happen again I hope.

    I'll go back in the history pages and find the comment I wrote to you. Thanks for letting me know.

    Street preacher
  • Ronnette - In Reply on Ezekiel 33:12 - 2 years ago

    Why did you respond to memorized Joel 2? Do you know something I did not know from my inquiry?

    I am very curious.
  • Be Encouraged Today and Trust in the Lord - In Reply on Ezekiel 33:12 - 2 years ago
    I truly believe if we seek the Lord with all of our hearts and strength, we will have favor with the King of Kings. I saw that in the Book of Esther.

    It was her destiny to save her people from execution.

    She prepared to intercede by preparation for the Kings presence. That tells me it's not a matter of "works". It's about love for what the Lord loves. She didn't ask for anything for herself. She asked on behalf of.

    Women are not lesser than a man. God formed Eve from one of Adams ribs. [in Texas we get excited about ribs]

    She wasn't over Adams head, nor from his feet. She came from his side; near his heart. Just remember that, because it gets tested frequently. Women are more likely to praise and worship; and pray for favor over everyone in the house, community, and church.

    If they don't do that; as it says in the Book of Acts: the ship breaks up and everyone grabs broken pieces of ship, to get to the shore alive on.

    One of my favorite Paul stories: he's burning the wood to dry out and a deadly snake comes out of the fire and bites Paul. The other sailors eyes bug out waiting for Paul to fall over dead. He throws more wood on the fire.

    God broke apart the ship, provided broken pieces (of our lives) to get to shore with. He made the wet wood to burn. And thena miracle!

    It reminds me, of me. My life was a pile of lumber until the Lord put it back together. Not the same, but better.

    Be encouraged because we are in the Will of God.
  • Ronnette - In Reply on Ezekiel 33:12 - 2 years ago
    The Obedience of Prayers:

    Thank you my fellow believer. I have looked them up. My prayers include Israel visit in the near future. I may attend one of his concert.

    Enjoy the kingdom of God.

    Romans 14:17

    For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.
  • The Obedience of Prayers - In Reply on Ezekiel 33:12 - 2 years ago
    I am grateful that you are chosen to pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

    I heard this man's testimony: Joshua Aaron, who is a Messianic Jew. He was living in the USA, but moved to Israel. He learned to speak Hebrew. Has wife and children. His joy as a Jewish Christian is pure excitement. I hope you'll listen to his praise songs on YouTube.

    Keep on praying. Blessings and Joy

    You might find Nelson Walters programs thought provoking, as I do. Can't wait to search it out for myself.

    Our prayers can absolutely help other Jews be freed from rituals, to turn to their Messiah and be forgiven.
  • Ronnette - In Reply on Ezekiel 33:12 - 2 years ago
    Reading the entire Bible, I just can't imagine the magnitude of the righteousness of men over God where we have given superfluous examples of how the victory belongs to Israel if and when they trust, believe and have faith with the true King Jesus Christ. No matter how many time I read the Bible the true wisdom, knowledge and understanding only comes to men when you accept the most gracious gift God has given to the entire world-The precious blood of Jesus Christ, the only begotten of God.

    The POWER is in CHRIST JESUS BLOOD. I cannot express that enough.

    Now the power of men surely have not been successful for 2,000 years. They may think they were successful but we know that life on earth is too short for what they may say an earthly success and richness; but it is an awful long time to be dead burning in Hell.

    I pray for Israel to be saved, but it is written until the fullness of the Gentiles be come in. I always think about this mystery:

    Romans 11:25

    For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in.

    Just recently more focus on praying for all living saints. Hoping we all fast at a certain time to pray for the fullness of the Gentiles and safety of Israel.

    Peace to all from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
  • Rinnette - In Reply on Ezekiel 33:12 - 2 years ago

    I had the most amazing experience while reading your response. Actually after I have posted the question, God gave me an answer. I was studying the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Heaven.

    What an amazing revelation to feel our King Jesus Christ's powerful WORD.

    I have been in the Kingdom of God for quite sometime now. During my studies, I know I still need to know more.

    My background with the help of God Almighty gave me more insights to enhance the God given gift of discernment.

    Your response somehow unexplainable God given timing. I am a bit unsure about what God is telling me, but I will do as you suggested, for I felt the presence of God with your response.

    We do have a living God; and walking in His Spirit I truly wanted to serve The Almighty God for the rest of my life.

    Thank you and my prayers are for all saints. I love them all.

    Grace and peace from God our Father in Heaven and our Lord Jesus Christ.
  • Streetpreacher - In Reply on Ezekiel 33:12 - 2 years ago
    Memorize Joel 2 also.

    Counsel: if you discern Gods call on your life, you must get into scripture like life depends upon it.

    Now, God ANOINTED a shepherd boy (David). Read that. David heard the Philistines taunt against Saul and the men of Israel.

    He strode out to the battlefield (a teen-aged boy) with only a sling and 5 stones. Goliath (a giant) died of his brain being caved-in by one stone. David took his head, as was the manner of challenges.

    We cannot confirm this or that. If God calls you to Ministry, he will anoint His Word and the messenger. You, must ask the HOLY SPIRIT to teach you.

    People in a Bible Comment room cannot do that or replace the Holy Spirits ministry as Teacher. It's your job to faithfully get alone with HIM, and ask Him, to teach you.

    Interestingly, after killing Goliath, David went to be Sauls music minister at court. David's life is a study in advances to being Gods anointed King; falling into sin, and repenting of it, and living out the rest of his life.

    Isaiah 61 and Luke 4:18. It is the anointing that sets people free.
  • Ronnette on Ezekiel 33:12 - 2 years ago
    Who is the Son of man who was made the "watchman"? Have you noticed that Ezekiel 3:17-19 is repeated in Ezekiel 33:7-9?

    The Son of man is Jesus Christ based on Matthew 26:24, Mark 14:21, and John 12:34.

    Just what to confirm my understanding on these verses.

    Thank you.
  • T. Levis - In Reply on Matthew 22 - 2 years ago

    I'm responding to your reply without reading any of the responses, so my thoughts will stay focused. Just incase there's repeating._..

    Being you're still alive, it's not final judgement: Matthew 4:17, Acts 17:30, 2Peter 3:9, in context read whole chapter. Psalms 48:14, Proverbs 10:12, Proverbs 13:14, Ezekiel 33:11, Ezekiel 18:32,

    it could be warning from GOD: Psalms 118:18,

    or attack not from GOD,: Ephesians 6:12,

    Psalms 90,

    Jeremiah 18:8,

    Psalms 37,

    You are angry because of injustice it seems: Exodus 21, Exodus 22, Leviticus 20, Numbers 35, Proverbs 8:36, Genesis 18:19, Proverbs 21:3,

    Psalms 73, Jeremiah 27:7-18, Isaiah 58, Isaiah 59, Matthew 25:31-46, James 2,

    Ephesians 6:10-18, Ephesian 4:26, Psalms 82:3, Ecclesiastes 5:8,

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • T. Levis - In Reply on Matthew 1 - 2 years ago
    Greek translation of Biblical in the Gospels= (Internet research ) Greek = "Metaonia" - "meta" = "after", bears the concept of "shift", or "change",

    Repent= the act of leaving what GOD prohibited & returning to what HE commanded.

    Revelation 2:5, Matthew 3:2, Luke 13:3-9, Exodus 20:14,

    Where does it say to be sorry, because of our trespass?

    Remember the woman: John 8:1-12, Psalms 130:4,

    James 2, Matthew 25:31-46, Ezekiel 33:11,

    Luke 9:23, Matthew 16:24, Mark 8:34, Romans 8:13, Matthew 10:28, Colossians 1:10-23, Ephesians 5:1-20, Jude 1:24-25,

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Deloys Sutherland,

    Hello, welcome to the Discussion & Questions section of this website.

    Many of us here volunteer here because we love GOD & love HIS people, whom HE created.

    Like Adam said be careful about listening to opinion. This is such a difficult topic, emotionally, spiritually, morally etc. This issue effects society, families, individuals.

    1st let's address the effects = Loss to their family, loved ones, friends, community & even the World. Loss of what that person would have accomplished, & what that would have attributed to each mentioned. 1Corinthians 12, Psalms 139,

    2nd, What that leaves behind = confusion, sadness, undue feelings of guilt, grief, helpless feelings to those dear & close to the person & then effecting all around them, even extended to people that looked at that person as an example, children nearby, jobs, everyone & everything left, all effected 2Corinthians 3:2, 1Timothy 4:12,

    3rd root causes = pain, abuse, sometimes just selfishness, etc. But we are not without hope, Romans 8, (whole chapter)

    Hope = Hebrews 4:8-16, Romans 5:1-21, Romans 15:4,13, Galatians 5:5, Colossians 1:23,

    Strength to endure = James 5:10, Romans 12:12,

    Comfort = 2Corinthians 1:2-4,

    Purpose = Ephesians 1:17-19,

    People that went through feelings of that but made it through = 2Corinthians 1, Job 7:15, Jonah 4:9, Matthew 26:38,

    Direction = Proverbs 2, Proverbs 8, Proverbs 10:2, Proverbs 24:10-12, Hebrews 4:15-16,

    Disobedience to GOD = Psalms 68:20, Ezekiel 18:32, Ezekiel 33:11, Exodus 20:13, Deuteronomy 5:17,

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • LABAN D. NEEDHAM - In Reply on Ezekiel 33 - 2 years ago
    First of all, the HOLT SPIRST will not save a person; his job is to bring you to Christl, to provide comfort, and teach. Only Christ can save you because Christ died on the Cross as our perfect sacrifice for my sins and your sins. John 3: 16 sums it up in a nutshell. Not only did Christ die on the cross, but He arose from the grave or tomb three days later to prove that He was GOD in the flesh. Do you have Christ in you and are you in Christ? Not is the HOLY SPIRT in you and are you in the HOLY SPIRT.
  • LABAN D. NEEDHAM on Ezekiel 33 - 2 years ago
    Our great nation is in deep trouble and GOD will judge it in the not to distant future. We have accepted good for evil and evil for good. Our leaders seem to be corrupt, and that includes both political parties . The people believe a lie such as "Climate Change" is caused by man. This denies GOD as the controller of all things, but sets a few elect men as god. What can we do? We MUST do what GOD told Ezekeial to do in chapter 33 of Ezekial. Get the WORD of GOD out to the people of this land. Yes, they will sit and listen to what you say, but will they really believe. They will say, "He is singing the same old song!"
  • Richard H Priday on 2 Chronicles 33 - 2 years ago
    This chapter; as many others in scripture-demonstrate the level of depravity one may reach.

    There are two possible outcomes here; that of Manasseh who indeed humbled himself after suffering greatly and knowing that God was indeed Lord (v. 13). The resulting behaviors listed up to verse 20 show that there was a genuine conversion and that must characterize anyone who claims to have faith today. His son; Amon only had 2 years to serve and was killed by his own servants at the age of 24. (v. 24).

    Testimonies are always effective; as say someone like Niki Cruz who was profoundly affected by David Wilkerson who himself put his own life in jeopardy to witness the gospel. It is only through unconditional "agape" love that we can truly "love our enemies; and do good to those who despitefully use us." ( Luke 6:27-28). It is; of course no benefit to manifesting sins so that we can later have a more dramatic testimony. God does; of course come to us "while we are yet sinners" ( Romans 5:8). We also need to be reminded of the exhortation in Ezekiel; even one sin disqualifies a rightous man ( Ezekiel 33:13). Note the man in that verse is TRUSTING in his own righteousness! These passages help to demonstrate the unity of scripture and that the God of the O.T. is the same today. There is no room for boasting; except in Christ ( Jeremiah 9:24; 1 Cor. 1:31). These passages also are stark warnings for those who have Godly examples; we are held more accountable and perhaps judged sooner than the world itself. We see this in the case of Nebuchadnezzar's progeny at the time of the writing on the wall; for example. In short; there are those who learn from chastisement who are His chosen; and others who only harden their hearts further; such as Pharaoh.
  • Roman - In Reply on Ezekiel 33 - 2 years ago

    To be born again is to die your appointed death, then be resurrected incorruptible, like Christ.

    Christ died on the cross and was resurrected (born again) as an example for us.

    People that claim to be "born again" are mere born again sinners.
  • Cynthia on Ezekiel 33 - 2 years ago
    Therefore, thou son of man, say unto the children of thy people, The righteousness of the righteous shall not deliver him in the day of his transgression: as for the wickedness of the wicked, he shall not fall thereby in the day that he turneth from his wickedness; neither shall the righteous be able to live for his righteousness in the day that he sinneth."

    I find it very Interesting how the FATHER addresses

    "The righteousness of the righteous"

    I think today we call these people "the self rightious" these people hear the WORD but don't do what the WORD tells them.

    And what does the WORD say to us anyway?


    We must all experience the new birth , that of the HOLY GHOST coming to dwell within us only then can we rest in HIS righeiousness and live , otherwise we are fools if we believe we can be saved by simply believing,

    What I'm trying to say is many people are fooling themselves thinking they are saved when they aren't. If I were one of these people and I knew what I know now, I'd be on my face before the LORD and I wouldn't get up until I saw HIM face to face and heard HIM call me by my name and I received the gift of the HOLY GHOST .
  • Roman - In Reply - 2 years ago
    The "watchers" are those who observe the tidings and know the times they live in, most notably in the end-times. Likewise, they'll tell others of the impending doom soon to befall their camp. Ezekiel 33:1-6 Then in the next verse, Ezekiel 33:7, how can it be that Ezekiel was made watchman over the house of Israel when the house of Israel was in Assyrian captivity for 117 years?

    7 So thou, O son of man, I have set thee a watchman unto the house of Israel; therefore thou shalt hear the word at my mouth, and warn them from me.
  • Aaron - In Reply - 2 years ago

    We envision 2 different end-time scenes for society. You are truly an optimist.

    The day of the Lord is cruel and for America, there will be nothing left, not one brick left upon another.

    The boaters will wear Covid 19 masks when passing by for the stank.

    Who am I to tell, that will have depth to believe what I'm saying?

    Everyone I know spiritually dances to their own tune. A spell.

    No one I know says they are worried about my warning Ezekiel 33:1-7

    Should I stay to tell everyone that didn't believe me, that I was right?

    I don't mind dying, but not that way, in 2,000 degree flames.

    I have choice. Revelation 18:4
  • T Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    GOD is Amazing & doesn't cease from amazing me, again & again!! Recently over the past month, I noticed the signs of the "trumpet" blasts, within the WORD. I was researching a question about the gathering. Then I noticed it's significance with the "last trumpet blasts" 1Corinthains 15:52, Revelation 10, starting with the mighty angel clothed in the cloud:" after Revelation 9, explaining the "sixth trumpet blast", Revelation 10:7, Matthew 24:31, Matthew 24:4-39, 1Thessalonians 4:16,17,18

    I knew there was more for me to study in the Trumpet blasts. I had also noticed them in Old Testament.

    Thank you for your response, it in the least, is directing me back to look & see what GOD is trying to show me. I had also wondered what events had already taken place & working out the other ones.

    Thanks I'm looking deeper into it. Thank you also for the comforting words of protection as with also, Zechariah 9:14-16,

    Do you feel the burden of Ezekiel 33:6?
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    This also has come to my thoughts. Proverbs 24:24-25,


    Ezekiel 33:8, Ezekiel 3:18,19,
  • T. Levis - In Reply on Ezekiel 24 - 2 years ago
    Ezekiel 24:6 Ezekiel is a Prophet of GOD ALMIGHTY as proclaimed Ezekiel 1:1-3, & verified because his prophecies happened. Seething means boiling.

    Ezekiel 24:2 Jeremiah, Isaiah & other Prophets warned Israel & Judah that if they didn't do away with oppression, holding back wages of hired, justice, judgement for widows & fatherless children then they would be captured by Babylon.

    Exodus 22:22, Deuteronomy 24:17, Isaiah 1:11-25, Jeremiah 7:3-7, Jeremiah 22:3-22, Ezekiel 22:7, Zechariah 7:8-11, Malachi 3:5-

    & to stop worship of other false gods: Jeremiah 7:18, Isaiah 58,

    Jeremiah 34:7-22,

    During this GOD talking with Ezekiel, Ezekiel 24:1-14,

    Ezekiel 24:15-19, GOD tells HIS Prophets to do very difficult things at times. "tire = headress, turban ' then explains why & what that meant : Ezekiel 24:20-25

    Ezekiel 24:26-27 is amazing because from, Ezekiel 3:26-27, Jeremiah seems to be unable to speak, until chapter 6. & possibly from & apparently from Ezekiel 24:27, until Ezekiel 33:21-22, therefore fulfilling the Prophecy.

    Sometimes studying much reveals much & more difficult questions sometimes take longer for understanding.

    Hopefully this is helpful.
  • T Levis - In Reply - 3 years ago
    1 Timothy 1:19, Hebrews 10:38-39, Ezekiel 33:11, Ezekiel 18:23, Psalms 147:11, James 2, Galatians 3:23, Hebrews 11, Philippians 3:8-14, 2 Corinthians 5:7, Romans 14:1-4, Romans 10:17, hopefully these help in the matter

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