Did not Jesus allow for divorce based upon "fornication" ( Matthew 5:32, 19:9). All those people that divorced based upon that reason are NOT committing adultery..according to the words of Jesus.
God is a divorcee ( Jeremiah 3:8).
God will re-marry Israel again ( Ezekiel 37:15-28).
That is true, many Churches tend to bypass, & some even rejecting, the Old Testament as history applying to the Jewish people & of no consequence to us in the Church age. What are some of these erroneous 'modern doctrines' you speak of?
Why do some churches interpret the New Testament without the Old Testament and create modern doctrines that are in error? They put Paul and Jesus against God and the prophets. That is division.
So many years ago my birth took place and I was circumcised in the heart. I read some history about when the Romans came in in 70 AD destroy their Temple as the Messiah prophesize. Shutting off all sacrifice and works as the high priest build up on the hill saddle on a donkey with his companion and he said to the rabbi what shall we do now in the rain by explain to him our good works well then, My Sacrifice good works without the spirit and the nature of the Messiah working through you because you're a one with him and he's one with you is simply commendable that's for sure but it's dead works that made me understand the Veil set became over the Jewish people for centuries they been taught .
I find your commentary interesting interpretation ninety-nine point I can understand that stick together. Saint Paul cases one new man in the New Testament he speaking about this prophecy circumcised in the heart said accepted the Messiah and the universal law. I am at you 40 years old in my new birth
When your saved as a Gentile your adopted into the Jewish family...The Jews are and always will be God's ppl but anyone can be saved and become another of Gods children...Paul brought the Gospel to the Gentile...I'll know how to speak Hebrew the minute I die
We read how at the Great White Throne all shall stand before the KING for judgment, and it says that the books will be opened, and the book of Life. We read about how in the world to come the Saints will be in charge of the government of the world under Christ. Who are the Nations of the saved? Ezekiel 16:53-63 suggests that all Nations shall be restored to their former estate; minus the wicked.
"...Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel?" The Day of the LORD shall be the commencement of the Regeneration, when the Lord Jesus Christ shall sit on the throne of His glory. In that day Israel shall say, Blessed is He that comes in the Name of the LORD; and in that day shall they repent and be converted with weeping and crying all over the Country and for ever changed!
In this text, is God saying what he would do for Israel and Judah? Where is it in the bible where this actually came to past? I know after years had passed the children was restore there rightly place.
these are children of israel that turned to false idoles when moses went to the moutain, they parished because they broke gods laws,they were told god would have no other gods before him! so they pairished in the desert
it's really amazing how God alone can bring back very dry dead bones to life. it's truly a devine miracle. just trust Him, He will do the same for you.
Glory, blessings and honour be unto him who sits on the throne in heaven.
Jehovah states clearly here that He will convert dry bones into mighty men.
The dry bones are life's disasters that have literally grounded you. Diseases. Wars. Persecution. Famine. Rejection. Despair. Injustice. Poverty.
God shall lift us up from all these but not before all hope is lost and only death is staring at us.
That all seems pretty clear to me, David is a type of Jesus Christ. This chapter has nothing to do with you or anyone, unless they are Jews. You all need about one hundred pages a day Bible study. That is just it.
As God revived the dry bones of Israel and united the kingdoms decades after Ezekiel's prophecy so shall God restore all the dead elements in our lives as we obey His commandments and trust His Healing power.
PARADOX ! GLORY TO GOD ALMIGHTY YAHWEH IN AND THROUGH HIS SON OUR BLESSED LORD AND SAVIOR CHRIST YESHUA AMEN ! Israel Zion shall be Baptised with the everliving Fire of the Holy Ghost and fully restored into our Blessed Lords sheepfold in the Kingdom of God {GRACE} which is drawing to its close. God will send His Minister of Fire ELIJAH through Christ our Lord of Glory. The Sons of God will rise !
When you say the title, Christ, you are saying, from the Greek word 'Christos', The Anointed One.
When you say the title, Messiah, you are saying, from the Hebrew word 'Mashiyach', The Anointed One.
When you say Christ, you Are saying Messiah. You Are saying Jesus, Yahshua, The Anointed One.
The Lord Jesus Christ is the Christ, the Messiah, the Anointed One, the Son of God.
David/Jacob - could not "David" refer symbolically to a more reverential and obedient people and "Jacob" the rebellious and disobedient people that went into captivity.
Will Jesus Christ walk again on earth? the bible says yes, but Christ Jesus, not Jesus the messiah? How's that sound?
What do you think about David my servant shall be Prince over us? Do you think Christ will walk on Earth again , or shall not be David my servant will rise and reign again?
Let me give you some revelation: There are 10,396 verses of prophecy in the Bible, everyone of them depends on Israel being a nation and Jerusalem being the capital, and the Jews being back in their land. There are 613 laws in which you know only ten. 262 of them depend on Israel rebuilding the temple. But that s the law. 27 of the Bible is bible prophesy. Every time the first coming is mention the second coming is mentioned 7 times. If you can take Israel and wipe them out, if you can take Jerusalem and divide it like President Obama wants to do, if you can take the Jewish people and push them into the Red Sea, then you have made God a liar and the Word of God a lie. Why do you think Israel is under attack by so many nations of the world? She has no Gold, she has no silver, she has no brass, she has no Iron, she has no oil, she is not on a major trade route or a sea route. She has no natural resource. Yet she is the most covenant piece of property of the world. You see the enemy wants Jerusalem, because if he can take Jerusalem the Bible is a lie, but I got news for him, let God be true and every man a liar
the church of God is dead like the dry bones due to the fact that the gospel commission is neither in progress nor alive. The church God shall revive when He will pour out his Holy Spirit represented by the wind just as the disciple received His God Spirit
I think each and every situation that is dead in one's life will come back to life it might be dead for years but the power of God can make that come to life.
Proof that there are two houses, The Houses of Judah and also the House of Joseph Ephraim, Zachariah 11:7-14.There are the Jews Judah, Benjamin and Levi and also the Israelites, the rest of the ten tribes. Many in error call them "the lost tribes ".
Did not Jesus allow for divorce based upon "fornication" ( Matthew 5:32, 19:9). All those people that divorced based upon that reason are NOT committing adultery..according to the words of Jesus.
God is a divorcee ( Jeremiah 3:8).
God will re-marry Israel again ( Ezekiel 37:15-28).
Jehovah states clearly here that He will convert dry bones into mighty men.
The dry bones are life's disasters that have literally grounded you. Diseases. Wars. Persecution. Famine. Rejection. Despair. Injustice. Poverty.
God shall lift us up from all these but not before all hope is lost and only death is staring at us.
When you say the title, Christ, you are saying, from the Greek word 'Christos', The Anointed One.
When you say the title, Messiah, you are saying, from the Hebrew word 'Mashiyach', The Anointed One.
When you say Christ, you Are saying Messiah. You Are saying Jesus, Yahshua, The Anointed One.
The Lord Jesus Christ is the Christ, the Messiah, the Anointed One, the Son of God.
Will Jesus Christ walk again on earth? the bible says yes, but Christ Jesus, not Jesus the messiah? How's that sound?