Discuss Ezekiel 38

  • Richard H Priday - 10 months ago
    Ezekiel 38: Weaponry.

    The previous post seems to show horses; and old time warfare involving shields and bucklers. There has been some attempt here as with other verses in Revelation to say modern warfare is implicit here. The destruction by fire and hail that seems to relate to the sixth bowl event or perhaps some of the earlier trumpet events still emphasizes God's judgment SPECIFICALLY. It seems more likely these events are from God Himself particularly in light of this passage and others like it.

    And so I will show my greatness and my holiness, and I will make myself known in the sight of many nations. Then they will know that I am the LORD.' (Verse 23 at end of Ezekiel 38). There is evidence in verse 21 of people fighting each other; again making an actual sword as a weapon more likely. There are also 1/6 that survive and I believe are submissive and bring captives back to Israel again and are part of the Millennial period. Hence they would NOT take the mark; and that would take away the validity of those who say Antichrist is King of the North. It would appear his part comes after this event when the nations from the North and East invade; although the beginning of that invasion could be with the northern army as to getting his attention.


    Before I continue; I should point out that Revelation 16:12 mentions the drying of the Euphrates NOT the sixth trumpet judgment. I erred in the last post. This would be the sixth angel; the SEVENTH would be the final hailstone and earthquake (may have said sixth in last posts also).

    In any event; we see at this point actual armies being drawn to fight Christ; and it parallels Psalm 2 and doubtless other scriptures. As with Zechariah we see God supernaturally defeating these armies after judging the Beast and False Prophet while still alive with final judgment in the lake of fire. God shortens these days or no man would be saved ( Matt. 24:22).
  • Mary Jay - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Lee the Follower:

    Isaiah 45:9 Woe unto him that striveth with his maker! Let the potsherds strive with the potsherds of the earth ....

    Ezekiel 38:21 And I will call for a sword (the word of God) against him (the WORD) throughout all my mountains (peoples): saith the LORD: every man's sword (word) shall be against his brother(s) (word).

    Ephesians 4:13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a PERFECT MAN, unto the measure and the stature and FULLNESS of Christ:

    God's plan is for us to strive against each other, Joseph's brother DID NOT like the word their brother Joseph spoken, and sold him into slavery.

    But look what Joseph said, by the spirit of Christ:

    Genesis 50:20 But as for you, ye thought EVIL against me, but God meant it unto GOOD, to SAVE much people alive.

    Just walk in the truth of the WORD, his ways are not our ways.

    God Bless YOU!
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi Jeff Mooneyhan,

    I will give you my understanding, If we look at the end of Rev. 12 after Satan is cast down to earth, in the original text Satan is standing on the sand of the sea when the Beast in Rev. 13 arises, in Rev. 11:7 and Rev. 17:8 this is the bottomless pit. He is given only 42 months, Rev. 13:4-8, that is 1260 days or 3 1/2 years, this is all the time this beast has been given. If we look at Rev. 19:11-16 we see the second coming of Jesus, the first resurrection and the vials of wrath start Rev.16.

    This is before the battle and In Rev. 19:17-19 an angel cries out for all the fowls to gather themselves unto the supper of the great God, to eat the flesh of the men who will be destroyed at Armageddon, this matches with Ezekiel 39:17-21. The beast and false prophet call the ten kingdoms to gather after the 6th vial is poured out Rev. 16:13-16 then the last vial is poured out in the air Rev. 16:17-21.

    Also, we see the beast and the false prophet, and the 10 kingdoms or countries are who will make war with the Lamb, Rev. 17:12-14.

    In Ezekiel 39:9-15 this is them cleaning up after this battle, and the beginning of the 1000-year reign of Jesus and setting up the kingdom.

    Ezekiel 38:22 may be Rev. 16:21 and Ezekiel 39:6 may be Rev. 20:9.

    This is a short view of my understanding may it help, and others may give a different understanding, prophecy is hard, and some things are yet to be revealed, we just need to watch and be ready and stand firm in our faith.

    God bless,

  • Jordyn - In Reply - 1 year ago

    There are different places in the prophecies that say Christ will pour out the same plagues that were poured out on the Egyptians.

    But, they want be LITERAL as they were in Egypt.

    Hail mingled with fire was one of the plagues in Egypt, as was frogs.

    Ezekiel 13:11 ....oh great hailstones shall fall, and a stormy wind shall rend it....

    Ezekiel 38:22 And I will plead with him with pestilence and blood; and I will rain upon him, and upon his bands, and upon many people that are with him, and overflowing rain, and great hailstone, fire and brimstone.

    Isaiah 30:30 And the Lord SHALL CAUSE his glorious voice (his word) to be heard, and shall show the lighting down his arm, with the indignation of his anger, and with the FLAME of a devouring FIRE, with scattering, and tempest and hailstones.

    So all these are SYMBOLIC of something that is going to judge God's people, as did the plagues judge the Egyptians.

    John 5:22 ... God hath committed all judgement to the Son ...

    So these symbols of judgement are symbols of Christ, and Christ is the Word, and the WORD(S) of God JUDGES US.

    John 12:48 ... the words that I have spoken, the same words will judge you .....

    Isaiah 28:2 Behold the Lord has a mighty and strong one (the WORD), which as a tempest of HAIL and a destroying storm, as a flood of mighty waters, shall cast down to earth with the hand

    Isaiah 28:3 The crown of PRIDE .....

    Isaiah 28:5 In that day (of judgement when one believes God's word) the Lord (the WORD) shall be for a crown of glory, and for a diadem of beauty,unto the residue his people.

    Isaiah 28:8 But they (the residue of his people) have also ERRED THROUGH WINE (explained in other scriptures, but is not alcoholic wine), and through strong drink (not alcohol) are OUT OF THE WAY (Christ is the way) .... they err in VISION and stumble in JUDGEMENT.

    I will continue in a second comment on the frogs.

    God BLESS YOU!
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    Rapture discussion (continued).

    Continuing my last post; there are other reasons such as what appears to be a war of Psalm 83 which has surrounding nations not in the Ezekiel 38 war. The land of unwalled villages of Ezekiel 38:11 shows what MAY come from the confirming of a peace agreement such as planned in the Abrahamic accords. Clearly Israel is well protected with walls and not in a position where it is secure in the land; such would have to be the case AFTER there is relief from the Palestinian and other nearby threats.

    In any event; I have warned people many times about falling away after predicted dates don't come to pass. There are always people obsessed with theorizing such things who aren't making a concerted effort to fulfill the Great Commission and support those with all sorts of conspiracy theories that aren't factually based; dreams and visions that aren't rebuked when they are proven false; etc. Then there are those who seem to be unaware of the nearness of the hour who are in positions of leadership who are also not being discerning.

    If He tarries say even another 5 or 6 years we can safely throw out ALL the theories as to who the Antichrist is; as well as ALL the plans these geriatric powers that be who are running things in the world today; many are so old they won't be around by then. That will mean an entirely new plan for world domination will have to come; albeit the same things such as peace with Israel and all the other goals of the powers that be will still be gaining a stranglehold on the world with religious unity; economic ontrol and military threats. I would say that Antichrist will gain his popularity as appearing to be a revolutionary and stand up with oratorical skills we simply don't see with the current establishment today. Those who have patiently been waiting can and will endure if they are truly God's chilren; we of course will see increasing tragedies or birth pains; at least precursors to the ones to come.
  • Richard H Priday on Zechariah 2 - 1 year ago
    Zechariah 2:1-2 state:

    I lifted up mine eyes again, and looked, and behold a man with a measuring line in his hand. Then said I, Whither goest thou? And he said unto me, To measure Jerusalem, to see what is the breadth thereof, and what is the length thereof.

    These verses seem similar to Revelation 11:1-2 but in this case the city itself is being measured; not just the Temple.

    Verses 3-5 state: And, behold, the angel that talked with me went forth, and another angel went out to meet him,

    And said unto him, Run, speak to this young man, saying, Jerusalem shall be inhabited as towns without walls for the multitude of men and cattle therein: For I, saith the Lord, will be unto her a wall of fire round about, and will be the glory in the midst of her.

    This wall of fire seems to indicate conditions during the Millennium; but there are also some parallels to the conditions before the battle of Gog and Magog as Ezekiel 38:11 states "And thou shalt say, I will go up to the land of unwalled villages; I will go to them that are at rest, that dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates..." Some question if this is one event or also is indicative of the event at the END of the Millennium in Revelation 20 (or perhaps both).

    Verse 6 through 8 state: Ho, ho, come forth, and flee from the land of the north, saith the Lord: for I have spread you abroad as the four winds of the heaven, saith the Lord. Deliver thyself, O Zion, that dwellest with the daughter of Babylon. For thus saith the Lord of hosts; After the glory hath he sent me unto the nations which spoiled you: for he that toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eye.

    This parallels verses such as Isaiah 49:12 "Behold, these shall come from far: and, lo, these from the north and from the west; and these from the land of Sinim." Starting in verse 9 of that chapter we see captives being released; again likely an event after the Tribulation.
  • Richard H Priday on Psalms 83 - 2 years ago
    Psalm 83

    Psalm 83 is referred to by some as a prophetic war among 10 nations that may occur at the very start of the Tribulation. Careful analysis doesn't indicate any of the outer nations which are in the Ezekiel 38 war from Israel as a center. Technically; there is no mention of an offensive battle strategy either. We certainly can see the attitude of many of the nations who have attempted to wipe out Israel since its inception in 1948; specifically as verse 4 indicates removing them as a nation. This would also differentiate the economic incentives in Ezekiel 38 for the move which signifies a plunder; and also we note at that time Israel is said to have unwalled villages ( Ezekiel 38:11). Verse 12 is perhaps the clearest indication for these nations who have the Dome of the Rock as a focal point of contention to get ownership.

    The names that are listed are surrounding areas; of which I will not elaborate on here. It does seem that the end of the Psalm shows that the Lord will be known after the event as is the same concept with the Ezekiel 38 destruction. Overall; the whole thing may be different campaigns in the whole scope of world war that leads to Armageddon. We need to keep in mind that there will be certain things which Antichrist uses to galvanize nations; and initially he will form alliances that will start to fight each other; and in the end of course will turn to fight against Christ himself; as well as turning on themselves. This is all of course in God's hands and he will accomplish His purposes.

    The crafty counsel in verse 3 reminds us of Daniel 8:25 as to the policy of "craft" that the Antichrist uses; and indeed it is likely that these confederate of nations (v. 5) will be involved in that with both "dividing the land for gain" with economic incentives ( Daniel 11:39) as well as the involvement in the occult whith Antichrist practices ( Dan. 8:23) which could perhaps be one of the mystical forms of Islam or New Age religion.
  • Anonymous - 2 years ago
    Revelation 6:12-17 describes two separate events, out of order as written.

    The sixth seal flows into the sixth trumpet.

    The verse 12 earthquake ( Revelation 11:13) triggers the sixth trumpet, Joel 2:2, sun becomes black, moon as blood, day of the Lord attack on both modern day houses of Israel: Ezekiel 38:9, Ezekiel 38:16, Ezekiel 21:19-20.

    Verse 13: stars falling signifies God suspending His binding covenant that David would never lack a man on his throne, the protection of grace lifted for captivity. Jeremiah 33:20-26, ( 1 Kings 9:52).

    Much of Revelation is hidden in allegory, and in this case, written backwards. Revelation 6:14-17 attack MUST occur before Revelation 6:12-13 (classic sixth trumpet day of the Lord language).
  • Richard H Priday on Psalms 18 - 2 years ago
    Psalm 18: An overview

    This Psalm relates as usual to David's own situation either in regard to victory over Saul's forces but could just as well relate to any enemies or with his own sin; or both. Once again; we go into the theme of David's justification and righteousness resulting in vindication for himself with ultimate destruction of his enemies.

    The final verse gives a promise for not only David but to "his seed for evermore". This would indicate the spiritual descendants ultimately; which was procured because of Christ (the anointed One) dying in our place.

    We see David lifted in a similar manner to Jonah in verses 3 through 7. (see Jonah 2:6). The dramatic presence of God is also similar to the way with Elijah before the "still small voice" in 1 Kings chapter 19.

    Verses 8 through 10 also have similar cross references (see Rev. 19 and Rev. 11:5 in regard to 2 Prophets; 1 Kings 8:12 and Ezekiel 38:22 for verses 12 through 13 and/or 14.

    Verses 16 through 32 show how God can preserve the righteous from wrath ( 2 Peter 2:9) or through it. Even death brings ultimate victory for God's people. In this case; however it becomes apparent that David is saved alive; and then is able to take on his enemies in battle.

    We see throughout the remainder of the Psalm David's victory over enemies. Basically this is total destruction. Verse 41 can also find cross reference in Micah 3:4 and apparently is in a dozen other verses. There are many more passages including in Psalms where people do cry out and God answers. This shows the state of their hearts; and if they are one of God's children is paramount as to receiving an answer to that petition. We can see a similar story in Psalm 40 with verbage also being similar in regard to the miry clay and being lifted up. We are led here to ponder that a complete view of God as one who we are utterly dependent on yet we can confidently assert that will totally destroy the wicked shows both grace and wrath.
  • Midian - In Reply - 2 years ago
    This doesn't make sense seeing how Ezekiel 38 is the invasion and the purpose of the invasion the battle of Gog and Magog which is the war that still wages on between the two brothers Jacob and Esau and is settled by God just before the millennium begins yet after The Gathering Ezekiel 39:25

    Its the End of Days according to Ezekiel 38:16 where it states it will be the latter Days which means end of days, the millennium is for The Restoration between the them since the two sticks of Judah and Israel were already rejoined back in chapter 37.

    The use of Gog and Magog in Revelation 20:8 is apparently an inclusive term for all the Gentile nations; East (Gog) and West (Magog) all over the world and is being referenced here as to how many there is that will still go against the Lord during the millennium; the number of whom is as the sand of the sea: And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea. (To gather them together to do battle against the Lord God)
  • T Levis - In Reply on Ezekiel 38 - 2 years ago
    Matthew 27, Mark 15, Luke 23, is where you can find the reference. Luke 23: Matthew 27:38,44, Mark 15:27,28, Luke 23:32-43, one became a believer, & received into Paradise

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello Ragini. The KJV has taken Ezekiel 38:2 directly from the original language, Hebrew. And in Hebrew, 'Rosh' refers to a 'chief or clan head'. Therefore, it has been understood that Ezekiel was referring to the chiefs of Meshech & Tubal (as also in verse 3) & not to a tribe called Rosh. However, the NKJV has adopted the understanding that Rosh speaks of a people, thereby making those verses to read, "prince of Rosh, Meshech & Tubal". So, neither interpretation is strictly right or wrong - it's how the translators have chosen to interpret the Hebrew for those verses.
  • Sam e jeffers on Ezekiel 38 - 2 years ago
    which thief was on the left side of Jesus while on the cross?
  • Richard H Priday on Revelation 19 - 2 years ago

    The literal aspect of horses as stated here and in other passages allows us to consider whether many advanced weapons are either destroyed (as part of Antichrist's original peace deal); or rendered useless with the fires and possible geomagnetic disturbances and/or God's judgments (such as the beast's kingdom being plunged into darkness at the 5th vial). The descriptions in Ezekiel 38 have been described by some as a certain type of wood that may be used as a sort of composite in advanced weaponry.

    It should be noted that the mobility of Asiatic troops and those in Muslim campaigns in mountainous terrain (such as those coming from areas around Turkey such as Ararat and into the mountains of the north from Syria) could certainly be something to consider here. Remember that Israel is said at that time to be a land of "unwalled villages" in Ezekiel 38:11. This verse describes people not suspecting such an invasion; which may be due to their continued retention of advanced weapons; or not searching out those who would attempt to invade with such a primitive method. These animals may not be detected going through narrow mountain passes; or deep gorges and not be taken seriously in a multi pronged campaign especially by multiple nations as indicated. The unwalled villages at the very least probably show the immediately surrounding nations conspicuously absent here; are taken care of in the prophetic Psalm 83. In any event; Israel is captured and has their walls of protection removed (interestly such a proposal occurred recently with the ongoing Middle East peace proposals). It would seem the endless rockets of the Palestinians and their backers would have to be eliminated completely for such a scenario to come to fruition; thus indicating the Gulf nations would have procured a successful and prosperous trade with the nation for some time; again as indicated by the final "Babylon" city that surely would affect Israel.
  • Richard H Priday on Revelation 16 - 2 years ago
    Concluding thoughts on seventh vial in Revelation 16

    We see here; in the seventh vial judgment a great hail coming down on the earth which fits into the scenario of the Ezekiel 38 war. This is tied in with the greatest earthquake ever in verse 18; and Babylon the Great to be judged; the "great city" whatever that is-possibly Jerusalem being split in three pieces and all the cities of the nations falling.

    See Ezekiel 6:6; ; Isaiah 30:25; Ezekiel 38:22; Zechariah 14:2; Isaiah 13:9.
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 2 years ago
    The eighth king will through his mortal head wound will appear to die and appear to be Resurrected. This can be seen in Rev. 13:3 and Zech 11:17. The power of this appears to be from the entity Apollyon shown in the 5th Trumpet ( Rev. 9:11). Thus; he will have the power of the Devil which ultimately is because of God's authority allowing that short space of rulership; but Antichrist is indwelled with the King of the Abyss.

    Remember that there are 10 Kings that rule; and 3 are subdued. ( Daniel 7:24). Thus; we see the "little horn" coming out from what was part of the Grecian empire; broken up into 4 parts earlier. Somehow; he is associated with the other kings; likely from the same region. That appears to be a conlomorate beast; with the lion (Babylon); bear (Media/Persian); leopard (Greece) and the 4th one (Rome). Some would argue the more modern designation of England and the USA (as the "young lions of Tarshish) in Ezekiel 38:13; then Russia being the bear. Nonetheless; the last kingdom has characteristics and likely geographical intersections of the approximate boundaries of these ancient kingdoms; and many say it is likely a Mediterranean mainly Muslim confederacy that would help to fulful such prophecies as Psalm 83; Ezekiel 38 and others.

    Any theory that the Son of Perdition is Judas Iscariot is fairly well knocked out by Hebrews 9:27. He will undoubtably be worshipped and the mark brought about in its finality after this event ( Rev. 13:4). Since the little horn is associated with Greece; and Apollo is named in the Greek language it is possible this entity that energized Alexander the Great will be the force indwelling Antichrist. No doubt it is being held back today until he who holds it back is taken out of the way.
  • Joe McFarland - In Reply - 2 years ago

    It is Jesus who comes with the beast army to deliver the abomination of desolation, to lay the land of ISRAEL desolate (BOTH HOUSES). The whole house of Israel will be baptized by fire. God says "the attack is against MY PEOPLE", Ezekiel 21:7

    I'm afraid you sinners have no idea what's coming, no idea that Jesus is coming for your souls. Christians only talk a good surface game, never knowing their identity, and are groomed to never expect the hell on earth that's coming, because that's what we dish out to our weak enemies.

    Ezekiel 38:1-17 describes the destruction of modern day ISRAEL, and Revelation 18 describes the destruction of Babylon. They both describe the same end-time event as they are one in the same!!! It doesn't take a scholar to figure out who will be attacking who, who is the hammer of the earth, and who gives up the ghost. It is the sons of Joseph who are in serious trouble.
  • Reddzone1 - In Reply on Ezekiel 38 - 2 years ago
    Israel was established as a nation in 1948! No pun but your timeline is a bit off! At least 74 years off! There's a few missing links that has to connect that we're embarking upon before the "Second Coming" ie soon rise of the Antichrist taking his platform world center stage bringing his false peacehis mark the RFIDCHIP IN the hand and forehead Rev13:15-18 globally mandated but already here and many have already been deceived into taking it Rev.19:20global martyrdom of true followers of Jesus Yashua that missed the marriage supper of the Lamb! Not all Saints are invited Rev.19:6 the ready remnant raptured 1 Thes.4:13-18 Matt.24:40-42 will be there while the great tribulation is transpiring that the ready Remnant will be spared from! Rev.3:10 Luke 21:36 Not to mention the one world religion ran by the false prophet aka Pope F who already established his headquarters in Dubai to get the ball rolling and already has laws and consequences in place ready for those who violate their "Chrislam" Religion! You see many folk especially tragically the "Saints" don't realize we're a lot further along in Bible prophecy than many folk believe! Luke 12:56 Repent from sin Acts 3:19 after receiving Jesus in your heart and His Holy Spirit (imperative) asking His forgiveness for all your sins loving Him with everything within you and each other as we love ourselves forgiving everyone! He only gives the Holy Ghost to those who OBEY Him! Acts 5:32 Ecc.12:13 1 John 2:4 James 2:10 Let go of the cares of this life ie ungodly people places and things fast pray read His Word daily and spread His Gospel to those who will hear! Don't hold nothing back or there will be eternal consequences and will be held accountable when it's all said and done! Ez.3:18-21 We must be holy and strive for perfection DAILY! If it wasn't attainable or possible He wouldn't have written it! Our brother Job 1:1 proved that! Heb.12:14 1Pet.1:16 Matt.5:48 2 Cor.5:10 1John 3:6-11 Eph.5:27 Offic'ly warndYah bless!
  • WP Randall on Ezekiel 38 - 2 years ago
    The subject of Ezekiel 38 is undoubtedly the Battle of Armageddon. Many people are puzzled over this amazing prophecy,

    and I think I can straighten it out. Armageddon actually occurs AFTER the Second Coming. It is after Israel has been

    restored as a nation, gone through the Tribulation, recovered from war and is at peace, and incidentally, have no army.

    They have no need for an army, because Christ is in the camp, to use Bible lingo.

    The forces that comprise the armies of the Beast are undoubtedly Russia and China, with other communist countries from north Africa helping them. Magog was the son of Japheth, I believe, and they went out after the Flood to the East. The Beast of Revelation is of course right out of Israel; but is a Muslim. The young lions mentioned are the European Union and America because they are the new nations or nation-states.

    I believe the time required for the Beast to recruit the 10 armies is 2 years, with the battle itself lasting 5 years. The forces that defeat the Beast are the angels led by Christ and may comprise a number of different origins of angels.

    I believe this to be true to the point that I mention it in by book entitled 'Veritas Theologicus', which means "true theological reasoning."
  • AndreaDona - 2 years ago
    " Ezekiel 38:7-23 cont'd

    "'This is what the Sovereign Lord says: You are the one I spoke of in former days by my servants the prophets of Israel. At that time they prophesied for years that I would bring you against them. This is what will happen in that day: When Gog attacks the land of Israel, my hot anger will be aroused, declares the Sovereign Lord.

    In my zeal and fiery wrath I declare that at that time there shall be a great earthquake in the land of Israel. The fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, the beasts of the field, every creature that moves along the ground, and all the people on the face of the earth will tremble at my presence. The mountains will be overturned, the cliffs will crumble and every wall will fall to the ground.

    I will summon a sword against Gog on all my mountains, declares the Sovereign Lord. Every man's sword will be against his brother. I will execute judgment on him with plague and bloodshed; I will pour down torrents of rain, hailstones and burning sulfur on him and on his troops and on the many nations with him.

    And so I will show my greatness and my holiness, and I will make myself known in the sight of many nations. Then they will know that I am the Lord.'"
  • AndreaDona - 2 years ago
    Ezekiel 38:7-23

    "Get ready; be prepared, you and all the hordes gathered about you, and take command of them. After many days you will be called to arms. In future years you will invade a land that has recovered from war, whose people were gathered from many nations to the mountains of Israel, which had long been desolate. They had been brought out from the nations, and now all of them live in safety. You and all your troops and the many nations with you will go up, advancing like a storm; you will be like a cloud covering the land.

    "'This is what the Sovereign Lord says: On that day thoughts will come into your mind and you will devise an evil scheme. You will say, "I will invade a land of unwalled villages; I will attack a peaceful and unsuspecting people-all of them living without walls and without gates and bars. I will plunder and loot and turn my hand against the resettled ruins and the people gathered from the nations, rich in livestock and goods, living at the center of the land." Sheba (Ethiopia) and Dedan (Al-'Ula, Saudi Arabia) and the merchants of Tarshish (Lebanon) and all her villages will say to you, "Have you come to plunder? Have you gathered your hordes to loot, to carry off silver and gold, to take away livestock and goods and to seize much plunder?"'

    "Therefore, son of man, prophesy and say to Gog (Russia): 'This is what the Sovereign Lord says: In that day, when my people Israel are living in safety, will you not take notice of it? You will come from your place in the far north, you and many nations with you, all of them riding on horses, a great horde, a mighty army.

    You will advance against my people Israel like a cloud that covers the land. In days to come, Gog, I will bring you against my land, so that the nations may know me when I am proved holy through you before their eyes.
  • Marke - In Reply on Ezekiel 38 - 2 years ago
    I believe Eze 38:8 refers to the land of Judah that God has rescued from a long history of wars and strife and restored to Israel.
  • Jim - In Reply on Ezekiel 38 - 2 years ago
    "Who was it, that was brought back by the sword ?"

    A closer look at the words in the verse is required to answer that informatively.

    I am looking at verse 8 of chapter 38. KJV

    Strong's h6485

    - Lexical:

    - Transliteration: paqad

    - Part of Speech: Verb

    - Phonetic Spelling: paw-kad'

    - Definition: to attend to, visit, muster, appoint.

    - Origin: A primitive root; to visit (with friendly or hostile intent); by analogy, to oversee, muster, charge, care for, miss, deposit, etc..

    - Usage: appoint, X at all, avenge, bestow, (appoint to have the, give a) charge, commit, count, deliver to keep, be empty, enjoin, go see, hurt, do judgment, lack, lay up, look, make, X by any means, miss, number, officer, (make) overseer, have (the) oversight, punish, reckon, (call to) remember(-brance), set (over), sum, X surely, visit, want.

    We see that the people are not just visited, they are Mustered.

    Those 'mustered' are Those Rescued from the sword or death:

    "of those brought back" =

    Strong's h7725

    - Lexical:

    - Transliteration: shub

    - Part of Speech: Verb

    - Phonetic Spelling: shoob

    - Definition: to turn back, return.

    - Origin: A primitive root; to turn back (hence, away) transitively or intransitively, literally or figuratively (not necessarily with the idea of return to the starting point); generally to retreat; often adverbial, again.

    This is like the Red Sea rescue but for the Bride And the Body of Christ. The members of the Body are a mystery in scripture here until it was revealed ( apocalypse) to the First Century Church that basically all three branches of Noah were eligible for holy spirit upgrade for their earthen jugs, for Sonship, not just to be Servants. The mystery of unexplained sequences and actors in the old testament can be understood with the key to interpretation: The Word of God who is the living Christ, magnified above all of God's marvelous works ( Psalm 138:2b).

    Mysteries still exist until the next Apocalypse or unveiling.
  • Jim on Ezekiel 38:23 - 2 years ago
    In verse 38:3

    Rosh is correctly translated as Hebrew for head, it is not a geographical place and Homeland of Gog or Magog, descendants of Japheth's Branch.

    Neither is it identified as Ham's Branch and definitely not Shem's genetic Branch which is THE (genetic) BRANCH ( to carry Adam's genetics because the wicked like Cain and Esau are NO deal because their jugs were skankified with unholy sonship from lucifer).

    Rosh means head. No matter how much the Franks and Merovingian's defined themselves as The Branch of a Davidic King to come, Rosh is Not Russia, the object of modern literate templar dominionists.

    Rosh is Russia according to dogma in the old world and 'Western' parroted the dogma to murder the Tsar and all immediate family. They were not Merovingian royal poeseurs but Russia is a repository of First Century Christian and Hebrew Diaspora. To kill those is to attack the children of promise there, to remove them from the gene pool, to insure those who did have an inheritance were rubbed out.

    The looming war in Europe is to do one thing: to defeat the promises of God by Mutual Assured Destruction, to destroy the Living Remnant Diaspora there who are part of the Levites who will teach God's Word to the Resurrection of the just so that they too can 'brand-up' with holy spirit.

    Gog and Magod are a confederacy of nations, not isolated Russia. Are genetically and spiritually Japheth's crooked line that Masons and Freemasons worship. Russia is not in that definition, Russia is not north of JRS or the mountains there

    about. The Bride is in Diaspora to this day. It is the Body who fly to their windows like doves to rescue them, to take them where he calls.

    Then off we go to the Throne for 3 earth days. Then we return to be On earth with the King. With the the Bride, united at last under his dominion ( Dan 7:14) so we can be rewarded and We are then as before, the Chariot and the Horsemen of Israel.

    The Deliverer comes in like a fast raptor to pick up/ rescue.
  • Jim on Ezekiel 38:23 - 2 years ago
    In verse 38:3

    Rosh is correctly translated as Hebrew for head, it is not a geographical place and Homeland of Gog or Magog, descendants of Japheth's Branch.

    Neither is it identified as Ham's Branch and definitely not Shem's genetic Branch which is THE (genetic) BRANCH ( to carry Adam's genetics because the wicked like Cain and Esau are NO deal because their jugs were skankified with unholy sonship from lucifer).

    Rosh means head. No matter how much the Franks and Merovingian's defined themselves as The Branch of a Davidic King to come, Rosh is Not Russia, the object of modern literate templar dominionists.

    Rosh is Russia according to dogma in the old world and 'Western' parroted the dogma to murder the Tsar and all immediate family. They were not Merovingian royal poeseurs but Russia is a repository of First Century Christian and Hebrew Diaspora. To kill those is to attack the children of promise there, to remove them from the gene pool, to insure those who did have an inheritance were rubbed out.

    The looming war in Europe is to do one thing: to defeat the promises of God by Mutual Assured Destruction, to destroy the Living Remnant Diaspora there who are part of the Levites who will teach God's Word to the Resurrection of the just so that they too can 'brand-up' with holy spirit.

    Gog and Magod are a confederacy of nations, not isolated Russia. Are genetically and spiritually Japheth's crooked line that Masons and Freemasons worship. Russia is not in that definition, Russia is not north of JRS or the mountains there

    about. The Bride is in Diaspora to this day. It is the Body who fly to their windows like doves to rescue them, to take them where he calls.

    Then off we go to the Throne for 3 earth days. Then we return to be On earth with the King. With the the Bride, united at last under his dominion ( Dan 7:14) so we can be rewarded and We are then as before, the Chariot and the Horsemen of Israel.

    The Deliverer comes in like a fast raptor to pick up/ rescue.
  • Robert Rogers on Ezekiel 38 - 2 years ago
    Who was it, that was brought back by the sword ?
  • Roman on Daniel 7 - 2 years ago
    Identifying the beast, the anti-christ of Daniel and Revelation as Russia:

    -In 1991 the USSR suffered a "deadly wound", which has healed into the Russian Federation, that the people will marvel at, Revelation 13:3

    -Russia is the little horn, rising up after the USSR received a deadly wound, emerging as the Russian Federation, Daniel 7:8

    -"Even he is the 8th and is of the 7". Russia was the 8th G8 member and is of the G7. & Russia, being the 8th member, leads a confederacy of 7 nations (from 10), Revelation 17:20

    -His look is "more stout than his fellows". Russia has 11 time zones, Daniel 7:20

    -He becomes strong with a small people. Russia's population has been stuck at 144 million for decades, Daniel 11:23

    -Even though God has always held back Gog (Russia), He will now bring him forth, with his northern army to destroy Israel, whole. Ezekiel 38:4
  • Roman - In Reply on Revelation 18 - 2 years ago
    Yes. America is mystery Babylon of Revelation 17, and allies operate the Babylon system. America has become the antithesis of God's church, that sits on 7 continents. Israel has become perverted, the daughter of Babylon. Babylon is defeated by the beast, and the beast continues on 42 months.

    The battle is referred to in 4 Biblical scenarios:

    1) the king of the north vs the king of the south, Daniel 11:40

    2) Esau vs Jacob, Obadiah 1

    3) the beast vs Babylon, Revelation 17

    4) the 6th trumpet beast army defeats the 5th trumpet US army to dust, Revelation 9

    Then, there are scriptures that describe the cataclysmic attack on Babylon's two lands, two houses: Revelation 17 (set up), Joel 2:1-11 (missile description), Isaiah 13, Isaiah 21:1-9, Isaiah 47, Ezekiel 21:1-24, Ezekiel 38:1-17, Jeremiah 50, Jeremiah 51, Revelation 18, Luke 21:20-24 (Israel's fall in same hour Joel 3:1) and Isaiah 24 (aftermath).

    Ezekiel 21:12 confirms that the attack is upon God's people. It will be 539 BC all over, again.
  • Marke - In Reply on Ezekiel 38 - 2 years ago
    A Christian is not directed by God to follow OT laws and ordinances but is directed by God to honor the spirit and intent of laws that reveal aspects of God's will for our lives today. The NT records the word "sabbath" in the Gospels and in Acts, but is only mentioned once after the Book of Acts, and does not give the impression God wants us to "keep the sabbath holy" as He did in the OT.

    When Jesus came He came to the Jews, and the Gospels and Acts are records of His ministry to Jews. The epistles that followed the Book of Acts are not directed to the Jews so much as they are intended for the Church.
  • Danielle Abraham - In Reply on Ezekiel 38 - 2 years ago
    what do you mean?

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