Discuss Ezekiel 5 Page 2

  • Pamela on Ezekiel 5 - 7 years ago
    Many places and people have changed names throughout the scriptures, what is the USA referred to, if at all. And I know the Israelites do die as punishment in the times of Judgement. If the worthy ones might escape the tribulation, how is their death to come. Or will they just be spiritually brought into the times of the promiseland.
  • Egbayelo on Ezekiel 5 - 9 years ago
    The proposed punishment for the children of Israel by God was as the result of their sins. Because of the love he had for them, He had to warn them through his prophet maybe they will listen and turn from their evil ways. He was giving prophet Ezekiel an insight to what will befell Isreal if the do not repent. I know if they sat and think about the punishment that will come thereafter and cry to God in prayer,He would have lifted the burden and forgive them and He wouldn 't have brought such calamity against his beloved people.
  • Garythompson1 on Ezekiel 5:1 - 10 years ago
    barbering has a history that goes back many years
  • Enyinnaya Cosmos on Ezekiel 5 - 10 years ago
    Actually,yes.i concur to what Matthew Henry wrote concerning this chapter.But at the same time,i also want to remind us that we are in the position of Israelites,now. "How ? " Someone may ask.Because Israelites were people God loves.They Israelites also knew that.They knew how God has led,fed,protected,etc. them in the wilderness of suffery.God also gave them His Law and promised to make them His Treasured Possession Exod.19 4 6 yet that was nothing to them.God was helping them through the law so that they might not sin,according to Moses Exod.20 20 God Is holy,His people whom He called by His name 2 chr.7 14 must also be holy Lev.20 26 .in everything they were rebellious and that was why The wants to teach them a lesson.Therefore today we must be careful.most of us call themselves "christians ",but our lives do not reflect to godliness.This is our time to repent and accept Christ into our hearts today.So that when God "sees the blood,He will passover us " Exod.12 23.May God help us,Amen.
  • PhillipF on Ezekiel 14:21 - 11 years ago
    The 4 sore judgments in Ezekiel 14 will be fulfilled in the 4 seals of Revelation 6; announcing the beginning of the great tribulation upon the nation of Israel. The 4 seals/judgments are also seen in Ezekiel 5:16, 17. Doesn't the great tribulation affect the whole world? Yes! Read the last half of Jeremiah 25: all the nations of the world will suffer because of the sword of the Lord pursuing the Jewish remnant that will be scattered into the four winds of the earth ( Ezekiel 5); wherever they go while fleeing from the Lord's wrath.

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