Paradox. The children of His wisdom know what is to come and why. And when they have recovered, they will understand. May our Heavenly Abba Dad and God Almighty Yahweh bring His Holy and Matchless Word too pass, in and through His Son, our Glorious Lord and Savior to come, Christ Yeshua, Glory Amen and Amen indeed. COME LORD YESHUA ! God bless you.
verse 4.. the man that is to write places a mark on a map where all the military installations are where soldiers or military commanders are located. Those are the houses that will not be attacked. The others are to follow this mans directions and attack everyone else in the city but not the marked locations where the soldiers receive intel and orders from their superiors.
No one can go beyond what they have been taught. Only our Heavenly Abba Father and God Almighty Yahweh can put us all back together once again both Jew and Gentile on the cutting edge of the Rightly Divided Word of Truth, in and through His Son our Glorious Lord and near future Majesty King to come, Christ Yeshua, Glory Amen and Amen. God Bless His chosen elect ZION, Amen and Amen indeed. COME LORD YESHUA GLORY AMEN !
1 Peter 4 17 for it is time for judgement to begin with GOD s household and if it begins with us what will the outcome be for those that do not obey the gospel of GOD. verse 6 says,utterly slay young and old both maids and children and women but come not near any man upon whom is the mark and begin at my sanctuary.we need to make sure that we have the mark,we are seeing the blood in the street and wrong thing that going on in our churches today people act as if GOD can not see or hear, we serve a GOD of mercy, everyday that we wake up HE is giving us a chance to repent and turn our hearts back to HIM and turn from our evil ways.
It is the man in linen who is chosen too spearhead the coming of the Son 's of Light God who shall once again rise up, wreak havoc and distruction upon the kingdom of darkness. They shall do exceedingly great and mighty work 's all to the everlasting Glory of God Almighty Yahweh, in and through His Son, our Glorious Mighty and Majesty King to come, Glory and Amen.
Behold, the great paradox has been revealed. The least in the Kingdom of God Church, is not a Jewish Believer Saint but, a Gentile Believer Saint. Oh Heavenly Abba Father and God Almighty Yahweh, bring your Holy and Matchless Word to pass, to which you Magnified above your Name, in these truly latter day 's of the Church and avenge and restore your choosen elect Zion, in and through your Son who is truly seated at your Right Hand in Glory now and forever more, our Mighty and Glorious Lord and near future Majesty King Supreme to come, Christ Yeshua, Glory Amen and Amen indeed. Shalom Israel Zion, Amen and Amen !
As both John the Baptist and our Holy and Blessed Lord and Savior Christ Yeshua, simultaneously closed out the Kingdom of Heaven Old Testament, so must the least in the Kingdom of God, a.k.a., the man in linen Elijah, close out the age of the Gentile 's a.k.a. the Holy Church or Holy Bride, in part unto the Gathering of the Holy Saint 's. So shall we ever be with the Lord, Glory Amen and Amen. God Bless you. Shalom Israel Zion ! All Glory, Honor and Power to our Holy and everlasting Abba Father and God Almighty Yahweh, in and through His Son who is truly seated at His Right Hand now and forever more, the one and only Alpha and Omega, the Mighty King of King 's and Lord of Lord 's, Christ Yeshua, Glory Amen and Amen indeed. Shalom.
Ruth A s Ezekiel Chapter 9 comment on 4 06 2013 12 44am Yes Ruth it is worth of tears just the thought of it yes It is sad that causes us to cry but it is sad that brings out the tears Tears that injustice in the land has caused Thank you Ruth Truly a Friend Chosen Faithfull Sword the tear collector
God's Holy and Matchless Word is of no private interpretation and alway's interperate's itself in either it's context or where it's been used before. The reason the least in the Kingdom of God, a.k.a the man in linen is greater than John the Baptist is because our Blessed Lord Christ Yeshua is truly glorfied and seated at the right hand of our abba Father and God Almighty Yahweh, Glory Amen and Amen. Neither our Blessed Lord and Savior Christ Yeshua, nor Paul or any of the Apostal's had been given the ministrey of baptisim while they where upon the earth. John the Baptist knew a greater than he would come but did not have a complete understanding and knowledge of what Christ's ministrey on earth was all about. God Bless you. Shalom !
Behold the comet of salt and light,{Hale-Bopp}, had passed through our solar system in 1997. The end of the age of the gentile's is truly near and the least of the kingdom of God,{Elijah},come's. The day of the Lord is at hand. The Apostate bride shall be cast out and put too an open and everlasting shame. The Backslididng bride shall be no more. God's chosen elect Zion shall be brought into the Lord's sheepfold, Glory too God Almighty Yahweh in and through His Son, who is Glorified and seated at His Right Hand now and forever more, Christ Yeshua, Glory Amen and Amen. Come Lord Yeshua, Glory Amen and Amen ! Shalom.
Six is the number of 'man' , i believe to be appointed by God to execute judgement against sin. The 7th would have to be the son of man, the preincarnate Christ, who is able to mark out those that are righteous with an inkhorn.
What a Chapter from the word of God ! And how God brought judgment on Israel and Jerusulem and it began at the house of God in his sanctuarty. Because first of all there was the statements the Lord hath forsaken the earth and the Lord seeth not, which are not true at all. And this angered the Lord enough to have judgment with the sword brought on them in the Lord's house and in the land also because of their shedding of blood and for their perverseness. But also God spared those who had a mark on them from the man with the inkhorn putting his mark on their heads because they sighed and weeped over the sins done in the land of Israel so they were spared by the Lord . And also the Lord God has his own reporters in I believe it was Ezekiel the prophet who wrote it down what was said and done at that time and gave God's thoughts on the matter. So we who are saved today by repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ should also speak up for the Lord wether by preaching , teaching , or even writing about him and speaking out against that which is not right and speak up for those who need help also. Sincerely ;
God is God an he owns us all...We are His creations, He must have a reason to do this, prolly the sins were so bad, but today our sins are just as bad an how do we escape his wrath? He is that patient with us to wait and give us a chance to change an Honor Him,,,
My tolerant attitude of what is sinful, of iniquities, will bring the sword upon me. I must stand and speak against what is evil. I must go against the grain, against worldly trends, and thinking that opposes Christ. Otherwise, when destruction comes, I will not be counted among the faithful. Sad!