I know that the book of Galatians is enlightening. It has liberated me from salvation under the law of Moses. I think God for the Blood of Jesus that has saved me and set me free from the law of sin and death.
Amen. Paul was now preaching the gospel and some of the saints was still afraid of him because they remembered when he was persecuting the saints. Still today, people tend to forget that if the Lord saved them He can save anybody
The scripture we are reading, along with ll Corinthians 11:4, will put to rest false religions and false gospels that have sprung up among us. Read the Bible and talk to Jesus. We can't go wrong!
Please also see Romans 10:16 ...but they have not all "obeyed the gospel" John 3:3-5Acts 2:38-39Matthew 16:16-19 Peter preached the gospel to devout Jews who obeyed the gospel. Please also see II Thessalonians 1:8I Peter 4:17Galatians 1:8-9 Acts 22:16 how to call on the Name of the Lord Devout Jews obeyed the gospel, setting the example for us! One LORD, One Faith, One Baptism
The book of Galatians gives a clear view of God working salvation and accptance in one who have turned from the worldly life to accepting Jesus Christ as his personal savior the changing of paul on the Damascus road demonstrates how God can change our hell bound direction and show us the heaven bound direction if we allow him...praise his wonderful name.
The Law of the OT, show us that we are in bondage because of our sins. Jesus Spirit free us from the law. Jesus said he came to fulfill the law so that we would be recognized by His Spirit, even if we did not know all the laws. We are free from sin and under no condemnation. If we abide in His spirit we can be fruitful and multiply, and bring joy, honor, and praise to God Kingdom through others
Once we give our lives totally to Christ and vow to turn away from sin and mean it, then comes Salvation which is Gods gift to mankind. It's not ourselves that can save us from sinning but Jesus living in our hearts as we gave him control. We obey and he gives us His POWER to be obedient. People think or live as the Devil is stronger and you can't help but sin, but the truth is God is stronger.
We are NOT without Law to Christ. The LAW OF THE SPIRIT OF LIFE IN CHRIST JESUS HAS MADE US FREE FROM THE LAW OF SIN AND DEATH. We have the Law written in the fleshly tables of our heart by the Spirit which He has given to us; to teach us and guide us into all truth, and through which He convicts the world of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment. According to the Law of Freedom we walk in truth.
One only comes under the law when he breaks it, we being naturally born sinners we need God's grace and by believing in Jesus we become born again not in flesh but in spirit then we are not under the law or under the condemnation of it, since law has no power over Christ we too being in Him law will have no power over us so you are not under the law then but under grace
Kieran88; No, we are not still under the Law in the sense that, by the fact that the Spirit of grace has wrought in us through faith to make us a new creation; having broken that which held us in bondage to sin and darkness before, and our sins forgiven and cleansed away; we are then no longer under its condemnation. But the Spirit of the Law works by walking in love and true holiness in Christ.
Kieran: Knowing that a man is not justified by The Works of The Law but by The Faith of Jesus Christ, even we have Believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be Justified by The Faith of Christ, and not by the works of The Law: for by the works of The Law shall no Flesh be Justified. Galatians 2:16
Lu2677; Hi! I haven't seen you posting for a while; I hope you are well! I was just reading over our discussion from back in June: the way this format is set up sometimes leaves you in a bit of a time warp, and the discussion can get thrown off the rails. I am very grateful however that we have this; and hope that it is a blessing to many. The Lord bless you and keep you, and let His face shine!
If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book. And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life... Rev. 22:18,19
Know the trueful.for the trueful will make you free.
Our mothers womb we must get separated from are the false concepts, fables, all religious traditions that emphasizes man instead of Jesus the Christ.
Cleanliness is next to godliness this is a lie. God will save a person covered in filthy!!!