Discuss Galatians 4 Page 8

  • Yaw O. Danso on Galatians 4:10 - 10 years ago
    Gal. 4 10 when thought of in occurrences in modern times, is very sad. These days we have Mothers ' and fathers ' day,valentine day, etc. We are all witnesses to how passionately these days are observed in almost all countries and communities all over the world. Let us ask ourselves and be very honest with our answer do we observe religious days with such passion? The answer is no. Paul 's comment in Gal 4 10 is as relevant to us in these end times as it was to the Galatians in Paul 's era. We have to stop and think.
  • OLIVIER on Galatians 4 - 10 years ago
    Now I say, That the heir, as long as he is a child, differeth nothing from a servant, though he be lord of all
  • Vee on Galatians 4:23 - 10 years ago
    This verse alone is what should give the Islamics an understanding of where they stand as regards to the birth right of Ishmael. The bondwoman was Haggar the mother of Ishmael therefore he was born of the flesh. But, Issac who was born of the freewoman Sarah was by promise. Issac is the rightful heir therefore, the Muslims need to stop fighting the Jews over that land God gave to Issac 's heirs. The promise was made to the son of Sarah and not the son of Haggar. The son of Haggar falls under the Abrahamic Covenant in the same order as of the Gentiles.
  • Al on Galatians 4:30 - 11 years ago
    I agree with your comments. Our Religious attempts
    at self control. I think you hit it on the head. The word religion means " back to bondage " or to
    " re-bind " Paul talks about it much concerning the " law " and when it says to cast out the bond-
    woman, I think it could be saying; get rid of trying to keep the law to be lead, but be lead by
    the Spirit. The law might say, " Don't commit adultery," but only the Spirit can say, " Buy her
    some roses and some chocolates for valentines day. "
  • Tom on Galatians 4:4 - 11 years ago
    The fulness of time came when the 700 years had expired, as scripture said. God had divorced The Nation Israel around 722 BC he could not remarry Israel for 10 generations. A generation, according to Psalm 90:10 3 score plus 10, masking it 70 years. Jesus came to Israel when the 700 years had expired.
  • James Mahmudul Miah on Galatians 4 - 11 years ago
    Jesus Christ is my rock and my strong tower. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Yeshua/Jesus is my power and my shield. Praise the lord.
  • James Mahmudul Miah on Galatians 4 - 11 years ago
    Jesus Christ/Yeshua Hamashisch is the promised Messiah.
  • Rosalinasaysonkotapay on John 5 - 11 years ago
    To: Mark Hudson: ...to the SECOND argument regarding to the missing the flames of hell... ...whosoever was "not found written in the book of life" was cast into the lake of fire ( Revelation 20:15) any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie ( Revelation 21:27) the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars ( Revelation 21:8) and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the "books", according to their "works" ( Revelation 20:12)... ...and this includes THEM WHO "DRAW BACK" UNTO PERDITION (Hebrew 10:36-39) who are called "LOST" ( John 17:12) For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them like the dog that turned to his own vomit again (2-Peter 2:21-22) whereunto they desire again to be in bondage ( Galatians 4:9)...THEREFORE...we must NOT BELIEVE the LIARS telling us that we shall not be judged when we TURNED BACK AND WERE LOST after we received the remission of our sins by the grace of God through the blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ...
  • Elias francis on Galatians 4:23 - 11 years ago
    Always we need to have more bible verses to be forwarded in ur email
  • Malla on Galatians 4:25 - 11 years ago
    I think this scripture is emphasizing the power struggle Agar's descendents (Palestinian Muslims),through her seed, Ismael, would have with the Israelites, and, therefore, in essence,this scripture was more both historic and prophetic than current-- i.e in Paul's time!
  • Gift Eliwanse on Galatians 4:24 - 11 years ago
    Abraham is the Bible Word sent into the world; Sarah and Agar are by revelation not people but figuratively are the TWO COVENANTS in the Bible.

    Therefore, which of the two covenants are you born of? Gal.4:19-31.

    Are you born of old carnally taught handwritten Bible Covenant/ordinances, writtenin black and white from the Book of Genesis to the Book of Revelation, called the Letter OR are you born of the New Covenant Bible ordinances taught by the Spirit of God?

  • Mallen on Galatians 4:25 - 11 years ago
    the law seem not changed for people whom the spirit has not been revealed,the law remain with them. until the spirit is reveal, people remain the same
  • One on Galatians 4 - 11 years ago
    Young Children, Understand that, the Law is not our obligation, to receive, or keep our salvation:

    But it is are lamp to see God's will.... And when we desire a close relationship with God; we will start to pray, more than what we already do; We'll start to Scarface more of our time, and even our bodies: denying ourselves food for days; replacing our indulgence of food, with praise and worship to God, for the hole time that we fast. .... For through observation we see that God requires a sacrifice; one out of many, and most important examples is Jesus Christ, but the Bible says in 1 Samuel 15:22,that, "Hath the LORD as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold,TO OBEY IS BETTER THAN SACRIFICE, and to hearken than the fat of rams". .....

    So the law is like a mirror; showing us, how close or how far we are from God, cause the closer we are to God: the more in-line we will be with the Law. ... And to back up that quote is the scripture 1 John 5:13, and it says, "For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments". .... So the more we Love God, the more righteous we will become through his ***istance; not by our works of the Law; but through are level of relationship with him.
  • R. D. Mattock on Philippians 1 - 11 years ago
    For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.
    John the Baptist said John 3:30 He must increase, but I must decrease. Galatians 4:19 tells us until Christ be formed in you. We are becoming more like Jesus Christ everyday.
  • R. D. Mattock on Galatians 4 - 11 years ago
    To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons. I AM REDEEMED, I’ve been REDEEMED by the BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST THE RIGHTEOUS. Redemption: Purchasing the slave; Christ purchased the sinner in the market place. The original Greek means that HE CAME OUT OF HIS WAY, WALKED INTO THE MARKET PLACE WHERE SLAVES WERE BEING SOLD AND WENT IN A BOUGHT THAT SLAVE FOR HIMSELF. I mean that Jesus said Father, I am going down on earth, let me disrobe myself, let me remove all the Glory, I am going to lay down my life for them, I am going to pay the price for them. I am going to redeemed them. I am going to go to the market place and I am going to pay the price for the slave. “Thou shalt call His Name Jesus, for He shall save His people from their sins.” The Greek word there comes from the word SATARIEA. Which means Salvation. In other words I just didn’t come to wipe your sins out, but I came to heal your body, to deliver you and to set you free.
  • Biodun Williams on Proverbs 4 - 12 years ago
    God's wisdom has Fatherly instructions, corrections, admonitions, information and guidance in them. As a matter of divine fact, His Wisdom originates from a heart of love, mercy, and compassion that are beyond human comprehension. Therefore, they are meant to stir you and I, as it were, into the favours and strength of God. And because God is God, and there is none compared to Him, it means that He can't lie. Hence, it is worthwhile and wise to give concentrated attention to His Word. God's Word is His Wisdom and His wisdom are His dictates, and they are meant for the good of whoever believes ( 2 Corinthians 12:9; Hebrews 4:16). Truthfully speaking, the fact that God does not do evil, but that He only does what is good and right, should encourage whoever cares to listen, to plunge into His truths, and also into His wisdom- and that must be through Jesus Christ, and also through the Holy Spirit, the Eternal Spirit ( 1 Corinthians 5:10; 2 Corinthians 3:5). The nuggets of truths, in this Proverbs 4, like others, are godlike precepts and instructions that are incomparable, good and right for the human soul, and for the spirit man, the hidden man of the heart, - and that mainly refers to the recreated human spirit. They are facets of biblical truths that are encouraging and also excellent for the godly type of life that many are craving and thirsting for ( Psalms 1:1-3, Psalms 37:4; Ephesians 1:17). Interestingly, depending perhaps on what background, a Christian comes from, the fact is that for the really genuine and committed type of Christian, a time will or must come that he will come into the knowledge that this God of Israel, the Father of our LORD Jesus Christ deserves to be magnified, glorified and worshipped; for there is none like Him ( John 4:23; 1 Peter 1:25). Thus, the place of wisdom, in the lives of whoever desires and dares to love and honour the Living God ( John 1:12; 3:16). He is, all that matters- and when you and I key into His love and faithfulness, He will do great wonders through us to the glory of His name. In view of these and many other things vis a vis the Word of God, wisdom dictates that we give ourselves committedly unto the LORD, and to His Word ( Matthew 6:33,34). There are challenges upon challenges that confront us, as individuals, and that is why, these truths and instructions, as contained in Proverbs, and throughout the pages of the Holy Writ, demand that we be faithfully committed to them. Remember, we have been accepted, into the family of the Beloved, and that refers to Jesus Christ ( John 17:3; Romans 8: 15; Ephesians 2:18; Galatians 4:16,1; Hebrews 9:14; 1 John 4:3; 5:13). And that is where the grace of God comes on board; His grace is more than sufficient ( 1 Corinthians 15:10; 2 Corinthians 3:5; 2 Corinthians 12:9). God has abilities no matter what task or assignment He has called you and I for. When you commit yourself to God's dictates and function in line with them, Angels will go on assignment for you ( John 15:7; James 4:16.). There are levels and degrees of encounters with God, that we can't get into except through daily obedience and practical submission to the Word of God. In fact there is nothing, as far as I know that can surpass what God has given. He has given Jesus Christ, who is referred to biblically, as the Wisdom of God, - and that is for the salvation and redemption of humanity. And when you belong to Him through the agency of the new birth, you automatically become joint heirs with Him. And with that you are sorted if you know how to walk or function in love, and then take advantage of what He has given through Christ Jesus, the Saviour of the World. The essence of these is that we should give attention to wisdom, embrace it, reflect upon it, and practice it. God's instructions and precepts demands heartfelt obedience ( Psalm 119:6; John 14:15; John 15:120; 1 Corinthians 7:19; 1 Peter 1:25; 1 John 5:3). It says whatever you do in word and deed, do it heartily as unto the LORD. Hence, in the things of the Spirit, and that refers to the Holy Spirit, high level of commitment should be the norm, and that is because God cannot lie, - and His Word is forever infallible ( John 1:1-14; Hebrews 4). Truly, God is forever trustworthy.
  • Frenz on Matthew 28 - 12 years ago
    Jesus said in these verse! Go ye therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Jesus did not mention NAMES but name (SINGULAR) (Proper Noun) Father, Son and Holy Spirit is NOT A NAME they are ALL TITLES! It is the name of God (JESUS CHRIST) that we should be baptize and not the TITLE for there is ONLY ONE GOD ( Deuteronomy 6:4; 1 John 5:20; Isaiah 43:10) Jehovah is Jehovah Saviour Jesus Christ revealed in the New Testament that is why there is NOT without this the plan will not be fulfilled, ( Gal 4:3-4) Fullness of time has come God sent forth his Son born of a woman ( Isaiah 7:14) God will give you a "SIGN" ( Isaiah 9:6) This boy will be given a name Emmanuel ( Matthew 1:20-23) That it is the Angel Gabriel who gave the name of this child and his name is Jesus for he shall save his people from their sins. That is why there is power in his name! Jesus will SET YOU FREE ( John 8:32) for Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, no man cometh unto the father except through ME (Jesus). Because BAPTISM refers to REMISSION OF SINS, without baptism our SINS are not forgiven and our soul is destined to hell, that is why He said in Romans 6:23: ‘’For the wages of Sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through our Lord Jesus Christ’’. This is God's Plan of salvation. The offering of Bulls and animals is not good in the sight of God that is why He sent his Son born of a woman to redeem those who are under the law ( Galatians 4:3-4). And God is Spirit ( John 4:24), He came into world as a sinful flesh to die on the cross for our sins. That is why that in the name of Jesus there is Remission of Sins ( Acts 2:38); In the name of Jesus there is salvation ( Acts 4:12); in the name of Jesus there is healing. In other words without this process our soul will not be saved. Our faith must have WORKS ( James 2:24) God bless you all.
  • HARRY ALLISON on Galatians 4 - 12 years ago
    I get it!now to live it.....GRACE (with GRATITUDE) is the only way.not law....LIFE is in THE "BLOOD".,of JESUS.
  • Evangelist Fabrice on Romans 11 - 12 years ago

    Saint Paul’s writing to the Romans present us with another challenging theology to deal with. The whole concept which is conveyed throughout this passage can be classified under REMNANT THEOLOGY. Yes, I strongly believe that God is a God of dispensation who works in TIME and SEASON. See Galatians 4:4, Ephesians 1:10. The time line of the history of divine providence from the day of the fall of the First Adam has been that of restoration and the preservation of the remnant of the children of Israel. Despite the providential struggle for restoration and preservation of the remnant of Israel, God has been working through CONVENANT THEOLOGY. In each historical age of the dispensation of restoration, God had always made himself manifest to his children through what I called COVENANT. That is why we cannot really disassociate DISPENSATIONAL THEOLOGY, CONVENANT THEOLOGY, and REMNANT THEOLOGY:
    Saint Paul in Romans 11:5 is trying to convey a transcendent Truth about God which is through the GRACE of God, a remnant will always be preserved in all generations, irrespective of the circumstances. The word remnant itself should not only be understood within the light of all those who are being saved or the kept aside by the LORD, but the word remnant should be understood with the mindset of those whom God has chosen as an instrument to save the lost. The word remnant does not necessarily mean that they are those whom has chosen through his Unconditional Election to go to heaven. For example, in the days of Joseph, he was chosen as a remnant to preserve his brothers from the great famine which was to later befall the land. See Genesis 42. In the case of Joseph, we can see that he was unconditionally chosen by God’s election of Grace, and by means of this divine election of grace, his salvation was assured by God himself but his being chosen was for the preservation for the remnant that was to go through moments of hardship.
    This again takes us to another argument in the book of Revelation 7:4-8 where in every twelve tribe in Israel God had or God has preserved at least twelve thousand people to be saved. If we have to make a multiplication of the twelve thousand people by the twelve tribes of Israel, that God had or has preserved in history, then we will come to the conclusion of having 144,000 remnant preserved as it is described in the book of Revelation 14:1- Does it mean that only 144,000 people are going to heaven? I say no. why? This is how I explicate myself. This 144,000 people stands for the remnant which God has kept for himself which he will use to work out the salvation of those who have not yet been saved so that through them others will be saved and come to the complete knowledge of the saving grace of God. If we can logically agree with Genesis 42 that Joseph was sent into Egypt because God in his master plan wanted to use him to preserve the remnant that was going to survive the famine, then it is obvious that the 144,000 people have the same providential role to play like Joseph.
    In conclusion, the theology of Unconditional Election has never really meant to mean God has chosen others to be saved while he has predestined others for perdition. It does not suffice quoting the story of Esau and Jacob, but one thing remains certain that anybody who has been uncondionally set apart by God’s Unconditional Grace is only a bridge through whom the unsaved are saved. E.g, Esther.
  • Samuel Bonaya Buya on Revelation 11 - 12 years ago
    Chapter 11 is a fulfilment of the last half week of Daniel 9:24-27. The Messiah was cut off in the midst of the last week. The Prince to come, Rome destroyed the city , Jerusalem, and the sanctuary, the temple. They failed to recognize the hour of their visitation. Israel fell by the edge of the sword, and were carried captive to all nations ( Luke 21:20-24; 19:41-44), Jerusalem was left desolate (Mathew 23: 37-38). Israel was cut off from its own olive tree and the Gentiles were grafted into the good olive tree ( Romans 11:17-28). Between the ending of the 69th and and 1/2 week to the last half week the gospel turned to the Gentiles. Paul's commission ( Acts 9:11-16; 13:46-47; 22: 14-21; 26:12-18) was a fulfilment of Isaiah 42:6. In Acts 13:47 Paul says: for so hath the Lord commanded us, saying I have set thee to be a light to the Gentiles, that though shouldst be salvation to the ends of the earth; in Isaiah 42:6 it says: -- and give thee for a covenant of the people, for a light of the Gentiles. Here in Revelation 11 the time of the gentiles is fulfilled ( Luke 21:24). Israel is back in there homeland when these two witnesses begin their ministry. The Gentile church is cut off from the olive tree, spewn out from his mouth for failing to recognize the hour of their visitation( Romans 11:20-22, Rev. 3:16; Malachi 4:5-6). Revelation 11 takes place between the second and third woe, for the 5th, 6th and 7th trumpets are the 1st, 2nd and third woes respectives. These three woes are the three world wars. Between the 2nd and third woe Israel is back in there home land; at the same time the Gentiles receive their last message ( Revelation 10). The Gentiles fail to recognize the hour of their visitation. It is the hour of wrath, God recompenses tribulation to them that trouble the bride ( 1Thessalonians 1:5-8). God opens a fountain of healing for Israel. There will be a fountain fountain open to the house of David and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem ( Zechariah 13:10, 12:10) . God will pour a spirit of grace and supplication and they shall look upon him whom they have pierced. Revelation 11 opens Israel to recognize the feast of atonement. They will be turned from atonement of bulls and goats to the atonement of the lamb of God. The sixfold purpose of the visit of angel Gabriel to Daniel will be perfect realized to Israel in this chapter ( Daniel 9:24) . By the time of the two witness begin there ministry they will begin the temple worship ( Rev. 11:1-12). The two witnesses are killed in Jerusalem by the beast. The beast represents the gentile kingdom. Jerusalem here in Revelation 11:8 spiritually is called Egypt or Sodom. In Exodus 20:1-2 Egypt is referred to as the house of bondage. In Galatians 4:24-26 Paul likens the Jerusalem that is to the bondswoman Agar and mount sinai in Arabia, which is also in bondage with her children born after the flesh. Jerusalem from above representing the freewoman which gendereth children of the promise, born after the spirit. After the ministry of the two witnesses christ sets up his kingdom upon the earth. And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdnm under the whole heaven, shall be given to the saints of the most high, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him ( Daniel 7:27). The Messiah will sit on the throne of David in Jerusalem.
  • Timothy Wayne George on Galatians 4 - 12 years ago
    Paul tells the Galatians have I become your enemy because I tell you the truth. We as ministers are to speak the truth in love, and while we sometimes make enemies of the people that we speak to, it is the truth that sets men free. The Galatian Church received Paul as an angel of God,and Paul faithfully preached the word of God to them with his weakness in the flesh. How the churches need to do that to those who have disabilities. My church voted to close down in 2008 after the pastor passed away, and due to my disability I was left without church to minister to. God be praised while I am disabled, the Gospel is not disabled, and the truth that sets men free continues to go out. We are the children of the free woman, and not the bond woman. So we must glorify God is our body, and wait for the blessed hope the glorious coming of our Lord Jesus Christ who shall change our vile bodies. We shall see him as he is, and we shall be like him.
  • ELIZABETH TAYLOR on Galatians 4 - 13 years ago
    what a wonderful promise in galatians..we are no longer sons and daughters of the bond woman but of the free woman.. We should no longer be enslaved by sin, but be freed through Jesus Christ who loved us and gave himself for us. What a saccrifice .
  • Jessica on Galatians 4 - 13 years ago
    at the beginning it says that an heir is like a servant under tutors and govenors until it is time for him to rule. so i feel like it is saying we must still work for the furtherence of Gods kingdom. learning under our pastors, studying the word, fasting, and praying, and then take what we learn and teach others through our actions words and deeds always giving God the glory, until we are called up into heaven with Him. but i think it is works that the ppl had to do under the law that we are free from. like no more animal sacrifices because Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice and things like that that we are not to do any longer.
  • Ben Weaver on Galatians 4:30 - 14 years ago
    Apparently we are to cast our our human attempts to bring about God's promises, because our well-meant worldly religious endeavors will not bring about God's life in us like Jesus does. We cannot be an overcomer on our own and God usually does not automatically change us, but only we can apply to our lives that which only Jesus could have made available for us. He that has the Son has life (otherwise/otherwise) ( 1 Jn. 5:12).
  • Ben Weaver on Galatians 4:30 - 14 years ago
    As God did not himself cast out Hagar and her son but told Abraham to cast them out, I feel he is telling us to cast out our well meant religious attempts at self control. It has been said that the final effort of the flesh is to try to save itself. In order to enter God's rest, we need to cease from our own labors ( Heb. 4:10). As we surrender, invite Jesus to be Lord in every area of our life and declare our safe position in him, we will find rest for our souls as he promised in Matt.11:29. May our Lord direct.

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