Ephesians 5:25-33, 32 Not so much a great mystery, if they read the whole Bible or find this part... Also Science is not the problem, it’s the scientists because it is written in Proverbs 1:4 "Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all your getting get understanding." To me, scientists are just trying to attack the Bible for an excuse for sinning, to not follow God, for what someone else did; Breaking Exodus 20:7 or grieving over death. Scientist should also do a little more "RE SEARCH" because I don’t like them making things, your just looking at what's is ALREADY there. You almost/sometimes describe what God does...but you can't do what God does Ecclesiastes 11:5, John 8:28 and 5:19...you will never know unless God tells you or gives you the power to do so. The so called "NEW PLANETS" and "GALAXIES" “we haven't discovered"... Genesis 1:16 "Evolution Theory"... Genesis 1:24-25...Monkeys breed Monkeys Putting aside or saying who lit the match? God, Yahweh, Genesis 11:9, for scientist's "Big Bang Theory"... Genesis 1:1-18, 1.
I belive that Genesis 11:6 is explaining the 3 powers that God gave all mankind. The Power of Unity, The power of submission and the power of speaking one language. Then God came down and changed one of these three powers and it all fell apart. UNITY - They were all United working for one goal. SUBMISSION - They were all submitting theyselves one to the other. SAME LANGUAGE - They could understand each other. The good new is that Good people can make this happen today. The bad news is that the bad people can make this happen today. Look around the world and see if you don't see these powers at work. That's just my opion.
Thomas's Genesis Chapter 11 comment on 1/14/2012, 6:57am...
I'm curious, if God knows the end from the beginning why did he see fit to destroy all flesh except that of Noah and his clan. Wouldn't he have seen the corruption coming when he made Adam and all that came after? Why didn't he just destroy them then and there?
GOd knows the end but he has given free will and hopes many of his children will choose the right thing and he also knew he would send his Son Jesus (Yeshua) to save the creation he so dearly loves else why would he have created them in his own image. His ways are not yours or my ways that's why he thinks different.
IT IS the hour of God’s judgment! Listen, then, to the divine message: “And another, a second angel, followed, saying: ‘She has fallen! Babylon the Great has fallen, she who made all the nations drink of the wine of the anger of her fornication!’” ( Revelation 14:8) For the first time, but not the last, Revelation focuses attention on Babylon the Great. Later, chapter 17 will describe her as a voluptuous harlot. Who is she? As we shall see, she is a global empire, she is religious, and she is Satan’s counterfeit system that he uses in fighting against the seed of God’s woman. ( Revelation 12:17) Babylon the Great is the entire world empire of false religion. She includes all religions that preserve the religious teachings and practices of ancient Babylon and that manifest her spirit.
It was at Babylon, more than 4,000 years ago, that Jehovah confused the tongues of the would-be builders of the Tower of Babel. The different language groups were scattered to the ends of the earth, taking with them the apostate beliefs and practices that are the basis of most religions to this day. ( Genesis 11:1-9) Babylon the Great is the religious part of Satan’s organization. (Compare John 8:43-47.) Her most prominent segment today is apostate Christendom, which emerged as a powerful, lawless organization in the fourth century after Christ, with creeds and formalisms derived, not from the Bible, but largely from Babylonish religion.—2 Thessalonians 2:3-12.
. John is struck with wonderment at what he next hears and sees: “And one of the seven angels that had the seven bowls came and spoke with me, saying: ‘Come, I will show you the judgment upon the great harlot who sits on many waters, with whom the kings of the earth committed fornication, whereas those who inhabit the earth were made drunk with the wine of her fornication.’”— Revelation 17:1, 2.
2 “The great harlot”! Why so shocking a designation? Who is she? Some have identified this symbolic harlot with ancient Rome. But Rome was a political power. This harlot commits fornication with the kings of the earth, and this evidently includes the kings of Rome. Besides, after her destruction, “the kings of the earth” are said to mourn her passing. Therefore, she cannot be a political power. ( Revelation 18:9, 10) Additionally, since she is mourned also by the world’s merchants, she could not picture big business. ( Revelation 18:15, 16) We read, however, that ‘by her spiritistic practice all the nations were misled.’ ( Revelation 18:23) This makes it clear that the great harlot must be a worldwide religious entity.
Which religious entity? Is she the Roman Catholic Church, as some have maintained? Or is she all of Christendom? No, she must be even larger than these if she is to mislead all the nations. She is, in fact, the entire world empire of false religion. Her origin in the mysteries of Babylon is shown in that many Babylonish doctrines and practices are common to religions around the earth. For example, belief in the inherent immortality of the human soul, in a hell of torment, and in a trinity of gods is to be found in most Oriental religions as well as in the sects of Christendom. False religion, spawned more than 4,000 years ago in the ancient city of Babylon, has developed into the modern monstrosity that is called, appropriately, Babylon the Great. Why, though, is she described by the repugnant term “the great harlot”?
Also to these two comments at the top......God is omniscient, I am not. However I do know exactly the temperments of man, he is hubris, arrogant, and prideful, and has, even since his conception a tendecny to ignore and disdain any regulations, laws or discipline. Think to yourselves then, what would man have done or thought if they were to succeed in this building endevor? Hmm?? All things are possible with God's help, with them creating this, not relying on God, they would have forsaken him completly.
I'm curious, if God knows the end from the beginning why did he see fit to destroy all flesh except that of Noah and his clan. Wouldn't he have seen the corruption coming when he made Adam and all that came after? Why didn't he just destroy them then and there?
"And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever." ( Revelation 11:15)
Not to long ago, I was at the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel. As I stood and looked out over the bay, I saw ships upon the water. There something stately about the ships on the water, like they were on top of the world. They had a certain glory. And, yet, as I was looking, there was an even greater glory that I perceived. There were beams of sunlight that shone down from the sky; down, and upon the sea, and the ships. It was a quiet, yet, glorious sight. The ships had a glory, and the beams of golden light had a greater glory; yet, it was like the glory of the ships was one glory, and the glory of the beams of sunlight were another glory; though two glories were seen, each seeming seperate, yet, together forming a perfect glory.
I think of The Great Seal on our dollar bill. There is an unfinished pyramid that has thirteen steps. The thirteen original states united to form The United States of America. Above this unfinished pyramid is the top of the pyramid. In this top (triangle) is the eye of Providence. Beams of glory emit from this Providence. Like the ships, I see man and a glory, and God and His glory.
I think of Revelation 11:15, "And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever." When it will be finished. Only time will tell how each nation will be judged of God.
Genesis 11:1-9 comes to mind. Man built a city and a tower. They built a city and tower to the glory of man and not to the glory of God. The LORD was not pleased.
Revelation 21:11 says, "And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and showed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God, having the glory of God..."
When I think of the unfinished pyramid, and the eye of Providence above, I think of that glorious day when "the kingdoms of this world will become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever."
Wesley's notes says," ...These children of men, if thus incorporated, will swallow up the little remnant of God's children..." What is this supposed to mean? I am reading a definite undertone hear....everyone has come out of Noah, from his children. They were all set upon with Gods promise. Please someone explain what that person was trying to say. It was completly irrelevent
"And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech." Here we see "let us," we see God speaking in the plural concerning Himself.
I previously wondered how people possibly could have gone from 7 people in the time of Noah and the flood to disperse across the Earth into different races, languages, and cultures. I believe verse 8 and 9 explain exactly that: God scattered them across the Earth. Asians in SE Asia, Indians in North America, Latinos in Latin America and South America, Europeans in Europe, Africans in Africa. It makes sense.
I disagree Ralph. That whole "we all really worship the same God" thing is spoken of in Revelations as the 1 world religion headed by the false prophet. Now, they all worship the same god - the god of this world or the devil. Yet the Scriptures are very clear, there is only 1 way to worship Him. For narrow is the gate that leads to salvation, and few their are that find it.
GOD knew that people were going to start calling on HIS name in different tongues and practice different methods. HE KNEW, yet HE KNEW still they would be calling on ONE GOD, HIM.
Thomas's Genesis Chapter 11 comment on 1/14/2012, 6:57am...
I'm curious, if God knows the end from the beginning why did he see fit to destroy all flesh except that of Noah and his clan. Wouldn't he have seen the corruption coming when he made Adam and all that came after? Why didn't he just destroy them then and there?
GOd knows the end but he has given free will and hopes many of his children will choose the right thing and he also knew he would send his Son Jesus (Yeshua) to save the creation he so dearly loves else why would he have created them in his own image. His ways are not yours or my ways that's why he thinks different.
It was at Babylon, more than 4,000 years ago, that Jehovah confused the tongues of the would-be builders of the Tower of Babel. The different language groups were scattered to the ends of the earth, taking with them the apostate beliefs and practices that are the basis of most religions to this day. ( Genesis 11:1-9) Babylon the Great is the religious part of Satan’s organization. (Compare John 8:43-47.) Her most prominent segment today is apostate Christendom, which emerged as a powerful, lawless organization in the fourth century after Christ, with creeds and formalisms derived, not from the Bible, but largely from Babylonish religion.—2 Thessalonians 2:3-12.
. John is struck with wonderment at what he next hears and sees: “And one of the seven angels that had the seven bowls came and spoke with me, saying: ‘Come, I will show you the judgment upon the great harlot who sits on many waters, with whom the kings of the earth committed fornication, whereas those who inhabit the earth were made drunk with the wine of her fornication.’”— Revelation 17:1, 2.
2 “The great harlot”! Why so shocking a designation? Who is she? Some have identified this symbolic harlot with ancient Rome. But Rome was a political power. This harlot commits fornication with the kings of the earth, and this evidently includes the kings of Rome. Besides, after her destruction, “the kings of the earth” are said to mourn her passing. Therefore, she cannot be a political power. ( Revelation 18:9, 10) Additionally, since she is mourned also by the world’s merchants, she could not picture big business. ( Revelation 18:15, 16) We read, however, that ‘by her spiritistic practice all the nations were misled.’ ( Revelation 18:23) This makes it clear that the great harlot must be a worldwide religious entity.
Which religious entity? Is she the Roman Catholic Church, as some have maintained? Or is she all of Christendom? No, she must be even larger than these if she is to mislead all the nations. She is, in fact, the entire world empire of false religion. Her origin in the mysteries of Babylon is shown in that many Babylonish doctrines and practices are common to religions around the earth. For example, belief in the inherent immortality of the human soul, in a hell of torment, and in a trinity of gods is to be found in most Oriental religions as well as in the sects of Christendom. False religion, spawned more than 4,000 years ago in the ancient city of Babylon, has developed into the modern monstrosity that is called, appropriately, Babylon the Great. Why, though, is she described by the repugnant term “the great harlot”?
Not to long ago, I was at the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel. As I stood and looked out over the bay, I saw ships upon the water. There something stately about the ships on the water, like they were on top of the world. They had a certain glory. And, yet, as I was looking, there was an even greater glory that I perceived. There were beams of sunlight that shone down from the sky; down, and upon the sea, and the ships. It was a quiet, yet, glorious sight. The ships had a glory, and the beams of golden light had a greater glory; yet, it was like the glory of the ships was one glory, and the glory of the beams of sunlight were another glory; though two glories were seen, each seeming seperate, yet, together forming a perfect glory.
I think of The Great Seal on our dollar bill. There is an unfinished pyramid that has thirteen steps. The thirteen original states united to form The United States of America. Above this unfinished pyramid is the top of the pyramid. In this top (triangle) is the eye of Providence. Beams of glory emit from this Providence. Like the ships, I see man and a glory, and God and His glory.
I think of Revelation 11:15, "And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever." When it will be finished. Only time will tell how each nation will be judged of God.
Genesis 11:1-9 comes to mind. Man built a city and a tower. They built a city and tower to the glory of man and not to the glory of God. The LORD was not pleased.
Revelation 21:11 says, "And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and showed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God, having the glory of God..."
When I think of the unfinished pyramid, and the eye of Providence above, I think of that glorious day when "the kingdoms of this world will become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever."