To help us relate to Abraham in his times, it is important to know that we have the same calling and election from God concerning the Saviour the Anointed, who is the Son of God come in flesh. In Abraham's world, the rise of Nimrod and his murderous antichrist ideology had infected the most of the world; it was the first beast in Revelation. Shem, who put Nimrod down, outlived Abraham by 35 years.
Amb.Ifeoma Mary Ejiogu on Genesis 12 - 7 years ago
it is a dangerous thing to fall in the hands of an angry God.God fights for his own .we need not fight our battles or lean on our positions, connections ,strengths or wisdom.Lets all look unto God always He is able to keep us .
AMB.IFEOMA MARY EJIOGU on Genesis 12 - 7 years ago
Abraham exhibited a character that is rare indeed ,he believed God to the point of forfeiting cultural ties ,position,what the world will say,but believe God for all he needed in life.l personally was challenged to follow the footstool of Abraham and to claim his daughter for life.
This is a good example of obedience of believers. Obedience to God is the best thing that God can ask from us. Reading how Abram is God chosen and blessed, I'm striving to be obedient to God and deny myself before him.
Actually Irene, the only way to get to understand the scriptures, as mentioned in the Bible, is to ask God for wisdom and knowledge of the scriptures. He upbraideth not. People get in trouble trying to use their own brains. Brings confusion. More gospels that are not gospels. Leading more people astray. GB
We should must follow God that He will Direct Guide and Protect us because He Said His Plan Toward us is of Good and not of evil to Give us A Good Expected End
Isa. 1:18- The Lord is not the author of confusion - 1 Cor. 14:33. He wants us to 'reason' out His word, to use the brains He gave us. V. 3 - " ..... a great nation ..... "; that's Israel. God doesn't have to spell everything out for us.
Truly my God is AWSOME. His promise to Abram in Genesis 12:2. I will bless the and make thy name great ect. God did fullfil his promise just like he is about to fullfil his promise to me. He is truly amazing and I love my God because he is merciful toward his children. He is a promise keeper a man of his word. It's so sweet to trust in Jesus just to take him at his word so people of God trust him
I don't see the word Israel in verse 3. I see the word ( I will bless them, that bless thee.)
I believe God Was talking about Abraham and not Israel. which lead me to think that God was speaking of Jesus later on in the new testament
Re:Vizavis V.3. This is the only place where such was mentioned in the Bible. That plural must referred to those who might have enjoyed his blessings while single referred to Satan whom I think can never be pleased with such a good promise that permanently eluded him. Up till now, nobody has ever been recorded of such attempt.
God was so good not to have allowed anything to destroy the union of the couple. Sarah agreed to be the scape goat based on love, trust and loyalty. Abram lied in order to be well with him! Would it have been well with his own wife if not for God's intervention? I salute Sarah's courage. Present days christian wives to emulate her.
We must trust the lord he will open up a way for us even if we feel our backs are against the wall trust him and follow him with our hearts he will guide us on the right track
Even how we might think that it is not able to do as Abram was instructed by The LORD Just get up an go and leave everything you no but our Almighty god does take us and gives us direction and we must follow his orders for he is our guide and he has a plan for us.
Nomagugu(MaNwabi) Rozani on Genesis 12 - 9 years ago
ENQUIRY God said He will show Abram the land where he must settle, but I don 't here anything about Canaan being a place where Abram was directed by God please may I have clarity.
1:20,21 is a confirmation of God 's promise to Abram in Genesis 12:1-3 "I will bless he who blesses you.... "..therefore, God established the houses of the Egyptian midwives.
Melchizedek, who many Christian and Theologians believe He was a manifestation of Jesus Christ himsel, a Theophany. Gen 14:8 says, he was King of Salem, which mean peace, and priest of the most high. Heb. 7:3 says, concerning this man that he is "without father, without mother, without descent having no beginning of days nor end of life but made like unto the Son of God abideth a Priest continually. The Scripture also says, the lesser Abram is blessed of the greater Melchizedek. May God bless us all and in the understanding of His Word.
Jim, yes the bible is speaking of Israel because Abram grandson Jacob who name was changed to Israel by God was still in his grandfather 's loins is the person the nation is named after. The true subject is God, Jesus Christ our lord and Saviour, and the Holy Ghost. God said in Ezekiel 39:7 " So will I make my Holy name known midst of my people Israel ..... God bless us all and the understanding of His Word.
Genesis 12:7 You see one of the first alters built. This is what they set their offerings on and gathered around to pray. Don 't really think you have to be taught to pray, just do it the best you know how.
I believe God Was talking about Abraham and not Israel. which lead me to think that God was speaking of Jesus later on in the new testament