Discuss Genesis 1 Page 13

  • Adam - 2 years ago
    John 1:1

    "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."

    Who is the Word?

    John 1:14-15 says the Word is Jesus. Does anyone deny that the Word is Jesus?

    If someone believes John 1:14, then do they believe John 1:1

    "...the Word was God."

    "...[Jesus] was God."




    John 1:1

    This is God's Word.

    Some here are saying "Jesus was NOT God" despite John 1:1 clearly saying Jesus WAS God. I'd like to know exactly how someone can believe in all other verses of the Bible except this one? If something WAS something, that seems to offer little room for interpretation. It means it's the same, does it not? So, if something WAS something, how does someone twist this into believing it says something WAS NOT something?

    It then must be asked: since it takes so much effort to take a sentence something WAS something to turn it into: something WAS NOT something, what is the true underlying motive here? Does God's Word carry the most weight and influence or does something else?

    This is eerily similar to Gen 3:4 where satan denied what God said and claimed that they shall NOT surely die. Satan loves opposites and this seems to have his signature, does it not?

    I welcome any perspective I'm missing, but do not consider anything other Bible verses as valid evidence. God's Word is all that matters and because there's already numerous verses supporting that Jesus is God like John 1:1 then that is what is true. Lastly, why not just pray and ask God directly to know the truth? Genuinely ask!

    1 John 5:7-8

    John 10:30

    John 8:19

    Genesis 1:26

    Genesis 11:6-7

    (plural "us")

    Philippians 2:5-8

    2 Corinthians 5:19

    John 1:3

    Matthew 28:19

    1 Peter 1:2

    2 Corinthians 13:14

    Deuteronomy 6:4

    John 14:10

    John 20:28

    1 John 2:22-24

    Matthew 1:23-25

    Colossians 2:9

    Acts 17:29

    Romans 1:20

    Isaiah 7:14

    Hebrews 1:8

    Isaiah 44:6

    Isaiah 43:11
  • Adam - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Doug,

    This is an interesting logical argument. I find that in 1 Peter 3:22. Let's assume for argument's sake that your conclusion is correct and you get 1 point for this.

    But for every verse you cite, there are even more that say that Jesus IS God, like John 1:1 saying the "Word was God" and verse 14 that Jesus is the Word.

    This could continue to play out and you can cite any number of verses to support your position, but again we don't run out of very compelling verses saying that Jesus is God.

    Let's say that it's a dead even race. 30 verses suggesting Jesus isn't vs 30 verses suggesting He is.

    Then what? Which do you choose to believe?

    I don't know if you've gone through this exercise or not, but I now have a spoiler: someone will run out of verses supporting that Jesus "isn't" God long before the verses supporting He IS God. Not only that, but each of the verses commonly cited to claim that Jesus "isn't" God require some extra creative interpretation and human logic whereas the verses supporting the other side can be read and interpreted more literally. Not only that, but there's logical explanations for why Jesus called His Father God. The main reason is that He temporarily became a human being and limited His power. Phil 2:6-7. So, yes, as a man, He prayed to His Father and called Him God. So, all verses must be considered as a whole, not cherry picked in order to have understanding about the Godhead and I admit it is hard to comprehend as we don't have anything like it in on earth. But perhaps like an orange with seeds, pulp, skin. Someone calls pulp an orange, and it is.

    1 John 5:7-8

    John 10:30

    John 8:19

    Genesis 1:26

    , Genesis 11:6-7 (plural "us")

    Philippians 2:5-8

    2 Corinthians 5:19

    John 1:3

    Matthew 28:19

    1 Peter 1:2

    2 Corinthians 13:14

    Deuteronomy 6:4

    John 14:10

    John 20:28

    1 John 2:22-24

    Matthew 1:23-25

    Colossians 2:9

    Acts 17:29

    Romans 1:20

    Isaiah 7:14

    Hebrews 1:8

    Isaiah 44:6

    Isaiah 43:11
  • T. Levis - In Reply on 1 John 1 - 2 years ago
    Genesis 1:26,27,28, Genesis 4:16,

    Genesis 4,

    Interestingly the Garden was in GOD's presence, Genesis 3:8,

    Cain fleed GOD's presence, couldn't it be the Garden representative of the "vinedressers" "stewards" of the Church? Genesis 2:8,9,15, Matthew 20:1-16, Seth is the lineage of Jesus CHRIST, Luke 3:21-38,

    There are many people mentioned in Genesis 4, & different trades,jobs, skills to spread throughout the Earth as commanded by GOD in Genesis 1:28

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • INHABITANTS ON EARTH - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    We know Satan and 1/3 of fallen angels were hurled to earth. No bodies. They take human bodies with permission.

    EARTH WAS CREATED FOR HUMANS. Creatures, etc created to be food for the Humans.

    This may trip you up: Jesus is God. Roman's 1:20. In the process of time and Jesus's ordained ancestors: by the Holy Spirit, He endured Mary's pregnancy and childbirth,

    In order to be born into Earth as a Human. He was both God and Human. Scripture says He laid aside His Powers to be born human. He lived on earth just as we do. Then as we see Jesus was baptized by John. "All righteousness must be observed." He was Anointed by the Holy Spirit, Luke 4:18 ( Isa. 61). He had all of His Power he had to lay aside for 30 years.

    Satan wasn't really sure this was HE of Genesis 3:15. If he had known the plan of God, he would've tried to kill Jesus.

    Satan is a CREATED ANGEL. He's not human. He only had what he stole from Adam: dominion and authority. Jesus came to Get It Back, LEGALLY. Satan and evil angels do not have human bodies. They have to steal one.

    Satan still thought He had won after Jesus died on the Cross for the sins of all mankind. Jesus was in the tomb, right? Things started going bad for Satan real quick. Jesus went to hell, took the Keys to death, grave and hell from Satan. Jesus opened the prison and took the prisoners through the streets of Jerusalem. People saw the long dead saints.

    ON THE CROSS AS A HUMAN, Jesus legally won back Power, Authority and Dominion over Earth, FOREVER. He shares it with His True Born Again Believers. Us.

    After everything that is written is fulfilled, ALL prophesy;

    Jesus will send Satan to the Lake of Fire. No more to be seen ever.

    Knowing what's written in the Bible will make it easier for us; or something to be feared.

    2 Peter 3, is the THE REST OF THE PLAN. You must be born again to see the Kingdom of God; to live with Jesus every day of eternity.

  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Hey John,

    The word replenish has a different meaning today than long ago. Today the meaning to us is to make full or complete again, as by providing what is lacking that was before. To fill again or anew.

    The biblical meaning goes back at least to the 14 th century the English-speaking people borrowed it from the French verb "replenir" which meant to fil. Scottish speaking used plenish for the same meaning. The English language has transformed over the years.

    The new meaning today is influenced by Latin the verb today with "re" meaning again and "plenum" meaning full. I guess you could say the language of academia won out.

    Replenish in Genesis means to fill, not to refill again the earth was not here until God created it in the beginning. Some may try to theorize to explain the age of the earth according to science.

    Hope this helps.

    God bless,

  • David - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    John Because there was a life like adam and eves in the beginning notice like not identical that why God said replenish.
  • John roberts on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    whittemore just read your comment, it gave me a better understanding. thank you
  • John roberts on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    i was just wandering why the words "replenish the earth" was used in that context being this was a new creation of GOD. v 28
  • T. Levis - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Great decision, to read throughout the Bible!!

    Please start with : James 1:5,

    It's amazing over many years of reading, rereading & studying, GOD can teach us something new every time. Hopefully you'll continue to read it several times.

    Son's of GOD = Genesis 6:2, notice: Genesis 4:26, = John 1:12, Romans 8:14, Philippians 2:15, 1John 3:1, 2

    Job 1:6, Job 2:1, = notice the vrs. right before, Job 1:5, & right before, Job 2, Job 1:20-22, Revelation 12:10,

    Hopefully these are helpful in your study
  • T. Levis - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago

    A Christian since 1968, very encouraging! Especially that you're reading throughout the Bible again into study! I hope you'll keep us in your study as you go. Many of us enjoy deep study & thought in the WORD of GOD.

    There seems to be several scriptures to verify your thought, of multiple people: Genesis 1:27, let them have dominion over ._... fish, of the sea, fowl of the air, over every living thing, that moveth upon the earth.

    Genesis 4:1,2,8,13,14, Notice Genesis 4:13-17, Genesis 4:25,

    also notice by now to continue for some people to try to say "only Adam & Eve" would be to ignore all the facts of other people listed.

    Genesis 4:19,23,24,

    Genesis 5:1-2, interestingly they both male & female named "Adam"

    If you look in the Concordance by clicking on Genesis 1:27, man = mankind, human spelled English translated = the Hebrew name Adam sounds (aw-dawm)

    Please also notice Genesis 6:5,7,12,17, why would GOD destroy the whole earth if only Adam & Eve, 1 lineage which is listed in the records of Genesis were only on Earth?

    Genesis 5:3, Genesis 2:7,8,15,22, Romans 5:14, 1Corinthians 15:45, 1Chronicles 1:1, Luke 3:21-38,

    Sometimes we have to ask questions

    1st does an interpretation represent GOD's Laws, standards, examples? Leviticus 20:17, 1Corinthians 10:13, James 1:13-15, Proverbs 11:1,

    2nd What is the main points GOD is pointing us to? Romans 5:17-21,

    3rd, does it feel right, truthful, honest in our spirit? John 14:26,27, James 1:5, 1John 2:27-29,

    I believe the reason anyone has questioned outside what is written, is because false teaching: Note: 1John 2:26-29, 2Peter 2:1, 2Timothy 3:1-5,

    1John 4:1, 1Timothy 6:3-6,

    Hopefully these are all helpful in your study
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Hey Jason, good deal, it would be nice if our brain had a delete button, when things pop up in our mind, we could just click and put it in the trash bin. Our subconscious mind paints a picture in our mind, it does not analyze or judge it just records and it is millions of times faster than our conscious mind. It is the big part of our flesh; it is a big driver of our choices.

    In other words, we've already come up with a decision or an answer, before we realize we have. When we read and study, what we have programed in our mind by what we have been taught, answers we have come up with on our own will block what we are reading with what we have in our subconscious mind.

    There is a phrase in the bible I think speaks to it; "he who has ears to hear let him hear".

    When we read or study, if we can start as we do not know anything about what we are about to read and prayer.

    If you have questions, there are many on this site would love to help.

    God bless,

  • David - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Rdavis2014 The answer is none like adam and eve but you do read where God tells them to replenish the earth so

    by shear logic something was here before mankind as we know it today.
  • David - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Jason Since only God knows whats in a mans heart in genesis he knew cains , and look at cains actions and responses

    he became extremely angry because of jealousy to the point of murder. Then look at his response when God ask wheres your

    brother am I my brothers keeper like who cares no heart. Cain was the first absolutely what the bible calls in other places

    a son of belial he became absolutely worthless for the true God and all his lineage over the ages same thing. Jude verse 11

    and in context discribes these men who always defy and endeavor to interrupt the ways of the true God. Most of the

    pharisees and other leaders at the time of christ were these men. In 1 KINGS 18:18-22 when elijah ordered the prophets

    of baal another name for satan worship these men were all wicked men same deal worshipping the devil. They exist in our

    day and time only they operate behind the scenes controlling world conditions backed up by satan. This is a brief overview

    in answer to gen4:5 and 15, in John 8:38-44 Jesus Christ confronted some of these men directly and called them sons of the

    devil spiritually.
  • JASON ZAHN - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Good morning to you and thank you for your thoughts on my questions. I definitely agree that we are all descendants of Adam (From his son Seth's line of descendants. You are correct in that some of the translations from the original language to English may be slightly off in some wording, like the example that you provided. We of course will not know for sure until we get to heaven and as I stated in another post the most important thing is to believe in God and that he sent his son to die for our sins.

    After rereading the first six chapters of Genesis I do agree with you that the reason God accepted Abel's sacrifice and not Cain's was because Cain's did not come fully from his heart. It wasn't the sacrifice that was important it was the motive behind it.

    I am doing my best not to use preconceived notions and as you stated to let the holy spirit be my guide. As for the "sons of God" and "daughters of men" I have some thoughts on that also but will continue my reading and note taking before I state an opinion.

    May God bless you also and I am going to continue on now.
  • JASON ZAHN - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    I suppose that could be true (about mankind being created on the 6th day, getting wiped out, and then Adam and Eve being created later...much later. We simply do not know because of course the bible does not tell us that, and in the end when we get to heaven then I am sure we will have answers to all these sorts of questions. The main thing is that we believe in God and that he sent his son to die for our sins. Amen.

    Thank you for your interesting thoughts.
  • Rdavis2014 on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Hello my name is Randy. First let me say I love the commentary and discussion area. I have been a Christian a long time since 1978 and am reading and studying the Bible from the beginning again. I wonder about Gensis verses 26 and 27, It says "God said, let us make man in our image and let them" and in verse 27 " He created man male and Female". My question is in addition to Adam and Eve were there other men and women?
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Hey Jason,

    It is a good thing to start at the beginning and go to the end. I could tell you my understanding that will be different than many that may respond but I will say this. Regardless of the understanding you receive after the flood everyone living are descendants of Adam and Eve and the line to Jesus, the last Adam that the scriptures are all about

    Clear your mind of the preconceived ideas you have and pray the Holy Spirit guide you to the truth. Your questions on Genesis 1:26-2:22 when you read through and take notes and go back and study each day, consider words like water, earth, and field and replenish. Look up the meaning of them and take notes of what was created on each day. I will give you one, replenish is an Old English word that meant fill not to refill.

    What the water brought forth, what the earth brought forth, and what was formed out of the ground. Like beast of the earth, beast of the field, fouls from the water, fouls formed out of the ground. In the sixth days man was created last, does that line up in the second chapter?

    The reason for God not having respect for Cains offering look in the New Testament. Scripture does not tell us if God gave instructions of what and how to offer so, it not being a blood offering is opinion. Abel brought the firstlings of his flock it does not say that about Cain. I will just say most comes from the heart as we see God told Cain if he doest well he would be accepted.

    The Mark of Cain, what it was is not in scripture and any opinion will be speculation but whatever it was people would see it. Do a word search on the sons of God the book of Job is a good start. There are many opinions of a gap, but I have not found any scripture to support that.

    I hope this will give you a start let the Holy Spirit be your teacher and don't look to find scripture to fit an opinion or a preconceived idea, let the scripture and the Holy Spirit show the truth, it may be later not now.

    God bless your study,

  • GiGi - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago

    For each chapter in the Bible there are two sections at the bottom of the page: one is from a Commentary; the other is Discussion pages from those on this forum in regards to these chapters. You may wish to read both of these sections. This may help you in getting answers to your questions also.
  • Jason - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Hmm that is a very good point and I missed that part about "replenishing the earth"..replenishing giving the idea that there had to be something prior to Adam and Eve or there wouldn't be a replenishing if they were there originally. Thank you for your reply and wow it's so interesting to think about pre-adamite man this way ( Neanderthals cromagnon man etc).
  • David - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Jason I apologise after why the repopilate is supposed to read because in genesis in the beginning there was a life

    but was wiped out between genesis 1:1 and 1:2 thats why repopulate is there no their were not two adams and eves.

    thge only6 traces of the life that was on earth are fossilsof the cataclysmic event.
  • David - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Hi Jason one point in gen 2: 7 God formed man of the dust of /the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life

    and man became a living soul. now some will say spirit and soul are the same but look at 1 Thes.5:23 states and I pray your

    spirit soul and body be preserved blameless. Another point interesting is Gen. 1:28 that God says to adam and eve

    repopulate the earth why. IN GEN 1:27 God created man in his image.[In gospel of the john 4;24 GOD IS SPIRIT thats what he

    created in man then in gen 2:7 he finished it and man had body soul and spirit.
  • JASON ZAHN on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Hello, today i have decided to read through the bible starting from the beginning to the end, which I have never done before.

    Naturally I have a few questions and I would like to think about them before moving on.

    1: In Genesis 1:26 God said "let us create man in our image". Who are the "us" and "our" in this sentence? Then in Genesis 1:27 "he created male and female" I thought this was Adam and Eve, however in Genesis 2:7 it goes on to say that "on the seventh day that God rested. However it goes on to say that he created man from the dust of the ground". Further, it states in Genesis 2:22 that he then created woman. Were these different sets of people?

    2: Genesis 4:5 Why did the Lord not have any respect for Cains' offering? The bible does not offer any explanation?

    3: Genesis 4:15 What kind of mark did the lord place upon Cain after he slew his brother Abel?

    4: Genesis 6 Who are the "sons of God" who took themselves daughters of men? And who were the giants mentioned in Genesis 6:4?

    Thank you to anyone who is able to answer some or all of these questions for me. I am in no hurry to rush through all of the chapters and would just like to gain a better understanding before I proceed. Thank you and God bless.
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Also Genesis 1:27, male = Zakar, Hebrew: translated in English sound,

    Female = nqebah, both different word than, man = adam = human, mankind

    In this sites Concordance references.
  • T. Levis - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    This site has free download of KJV, under "More" tab,

    Hopefully helpful
  • Agogo kenneth on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    I don't have a Bible
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    This site has an Exhaustive Concordance included. It's a breakdown of this English translation from the documents used for original translation. It even says the words origination like "Hebrew". When you're on a scripture like Genesis 1:1, 'created' you can tap the scripture verse it'll bring you to another page. At the bottom of that page it has words broken down. Hover over or click the word "created". You'll see the word: bara', meaning (absolutely) to create, with other short definitions, click the red like into Strongs Concordance, you'll also see the meaning "to shape"

    Genesis 1:16, "made" = asah, definition; 1. to do or make, in the broadest sense and widest application, further down "to bring to come to pass"

    Also Genesis 1:26,27, "make" and "created"

    Even Genesis 2:7, "formed" =yatsar, = to mould into a form

    These are great tools, when we want to study deeper into scripture.

    Hopefully you'll find these helpful
  • Theresa A' Wood - In Reply on Genesis 49 - 2 years ago
    Still take in mind:

    John 1:1

    GOD does not lie!

    GENESIS 1:5;8;13;19;23;31

    ALL Say, Evening and the Morning ; they were either; 1st day or 6th day.

    Genesis 2:2 7th Day GOD Ended his Work and Rested from ALL his Work.

    Genesis 2:3 It Says, GOD Blessed the 7th Day, and sanctified it: because he rested from all his work, in which GOD had Created and Made.

    Like I said before,

    Genesis 1:5 1 Day = Evening to Morning! So, a Day ====='s Evening to Morning! No, Matter how we look at it!

    A Day Starts in the Evening and Ends in the Morning. Don't Gloss over GOD'S WORD!

    Today, We go from Morning to Evening, as our Day! Think on this deeply! PRAY, about it! Go to GOD in PRAYER about it!

    Then you have, as you say, Evening to Evening!

    Is That what GOD's WORD actually says?????

    RE - Read: GENESIS 1:5 And the rest I listed above...

    YET, GOD says, Evening to Morning; are 1 day!

    This is repeated in Genesis, refer to above; Book Genesis, Chapter 1 and Verses 5,8,13,19,23,31,

    And Genesis Chapter 2:2; is your 7th Day!

    Remember, GOD does not LIE!

    There's only 1, who LIES and that's SATAN!

    We are even told to test the Spirits! So, be careful!

    Test your teachers, so they don't lead you in the wrong direction either!

    Read the WORD, but also, LISTEN to GOD'S WORD ALOUD; BOOKS, CHAPTERS, and VERSES everyday!

    Let NO MAN DECIEVE you!


    GOD BLESS to them who READS and HEARS GOD'S WORD now!

    Because, we are told there will come a time, when we won't have either anymore!


    Theresa A. Wood
  • The Godhead Scriptures - In Reply on John 20 - 2 years ago
    The Scriptures about the Godhead. Sometimes called "Let Us..." in some passages. These scriptures are evidence of all 3 persons of the Godhead speaking to each other.

    Genesis 1:26, 3:22, 11:7

    Isaiah 6:8

    Romans 1:20*

    Colossians 2:9

    Acts 17:27-30

    1 John 5:7

    John 10:30

    "For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and GODHEAD so that they are without excuse:"

    Genesis 1:1

    The Father purposes

    The Word (Jesus) speaks. ( John 1:1)

    The Spirit (Holy Spirit) executes the spoken word. Action.

    All working together. Jesus came to show us the Father, as Emmanuel.

    Matthew 1:23

    Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God WITH US. [Jesus]

    {Comment} Jesus came to bring to each born again believer; the baptism and the in-dwelling of the Holy Spirit.

    [ Genesis 1:2, John 3:6, Acts 2:1-3, John 16: 7-15]

    Upon being born again, Jesus gives the Holy Spirit to teach us scripture, comfort us, convict us of sin, enable us to be witnesses. Stay in the New Testament at first.

  • Theresa A. Wood on Genesis 49 - 2 years ago
    Answer to why they use Sunday as the Sabbath is because of the Roman Emperor Constanine 1; because he issued a cival decree making Sunday a day of rest from labor. I think, the Jewish way, is Friday evening to Saturday morning, I believe.

    Genesis 1:5, states evening and morning were the 1 st day.

    Sunday is the 1 st day of the week and today we count Morning to Evening, think about!

    Saturday - evening to morning - = Sunday - day 1; eve to morn , = Monday 2 day evening to morn Tuesday = day 3 eveing to morn Wednesday = 4th day, eveing to morn Thursday = 5th day, evening to morn Friday = 6 th Day, evening to morning Saturday = 7 th day; eveing to morning Sunday 1 st day again. I hope I understand this right. In GOD's Love and may HE Bless, Theresa A. Wood
  • Temeka on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Thank you for this valuable resource.

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