Discuss Genesis 1 Page 130

  • Ron DeLeo on Genesis 1:22 - 10 years ago
    The fowl being of the sea made land their home or nesting place doesnt this sound like evolution if you have ever seen flying fish you could make the connection
  • Matt on Genesis 1 - 10 years ago
    I think this is the beginning our time - mankind. God is speaking among his other essences - the Trinity. Verse 2 - manifests the Spirit of God. The Gospel of John tells us - in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. The Word being God the Son. Let "us " make man in our image is to give man three parts - body, soul, and spirit.
  • Pd on Genesis 1 - 10 years ago
    I believe he is talking to the 24 Elders, that sit around Gods throne. or another thought the Angels, but they have no soul. or thoughts.so have no opinion.Jesus hasn 't been born yet. Unless you have read Revelations, you probably don 't know about them.Revelations.4:4
  • Benedict Holomah on Genesis 1:7 - 10 years ago
    I believe in God and His words and the words are life unto my soul,that is what is making me who I am. The word of life is what every soul needed to sustain on this earth. Please let try as much as possible to bring back the lost. God Bless You as you win today.
  • Rick on Genesis 1 - 10 years ago
    Verse 26 Who is God referring to when He states "...Let 's us make man in our image... "? Who is us and our? I never made this connection in prior readings of Genesis.
  • Lebo on Genesis 1 - 10 years ago
    If God can make the World out of nothing,He can take empty places in our lives and creat beauty.
  • RNM 1-23 GEN on Genesis 1 - 10 years ago
    GEN 1-23...Using language like theophany in my humble opinion is humanistic slander to the Almighty God and to His Word, first off the word theophany 's origin is from the Greek philosophers way of explaining the Pagan mythical gods which made contact with humans. Secular Humanist eventually included the GOD of Creation under their profane umbrella 's definition. And even if the word was sound and pure, your including it in your comment was totally MISPLACED! And last their is not a human living, that has, had, or ever will have the slightest inkling of what transpired in the beginning with God and those that were with Him when He created the Earth and Man. Maybe one day we will. Those blessed, that are called up out of this World. UNTIL THEN, PRAISE THE ALMIGHTY CREATOR GOD AND HIS HOLY ALMIGHTY SON AMEN!!
  • Rev 10:7 on Genesis 1:26 - 10 years ago
    John 1:1-2 "in the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God " This word "Logos " that was with God at the beginning was the Theophany before manifested in a Physical body. So God is talking to his Theophany. For example: there 's a body that 's waiting for us as soon as we leave this one, so in there we enter into that body and that 's the kind of body that God was when He said "Let us make man in our own image and in our likeness ". Lastly: According to John 1:1-2,,,that Theophany came down and was made flesh and dwelt among us, to redeem the man.He 's not talking to the Angels nor Trinity, He 's talking to his Theophany.
  • Lisa on Genesis 1:8 - 10 years ago
    I 'm important to God named jesus he did crate us he loves us if u email me I will tell u about God
  • RNM 1-22 GEN on Genesis 1 - 10 years ago
    GEN 1-22...Maybe E.B. you have answered your own question, maybe the only thing that has stood the test of time is the word, or scriptures. And the way man views them or understands them is the part that 's wrong, all you half to do is examine the scriptures yourself, and you can see the church world has it wrong. They believe that Jesus done away with the law, nailing it to his cross. But that 's NOT what the scripture says: MATT 5:17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets I AM NOT COME TO DESTROY, BUT TO FULFILL... MATT 5:18 For verily I say unto you, till Heaven and Earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled....Why then is this not preached in the churches today, this is what our Messiah said, isn 't it. PRAISE THE LORD AMEN!!
  • Knightglc7 on Genesis 1:26 - 10 years ago
    The Word Heavenly Father 's Son is the One to create the man in an image of God according to his likeness.... READ on Hebrews ' verses of Chapter First from 8th to 10th.... REMMY: Father gave everything to his Son and no one have taken anything not one out of a hand.... Matthew 11:27
  • Earl Bradley on Genesis 1 - 10 years ago
    Greetings, I am confused because we claim that we believe God is the author and the Holy Spirit inspired man to write the 66 scriptures. Then why do we spend all our time trying to tear down the scriptures. I now question whether man believes there is a God. To get to Jesus we must believe in God the Creator and if we don 't how can we proclaim we believe in the Creator. We have spent all our time trying to get tithes from a people that do not believe. The example is in the scriptures. When Moses brought the people out of Egypt and showed himself night and day, fed the people and yet they turned their backs on all of his Love. If, the world believed in God and all the mega churches are praying for this world reveals that prayer without action is just that prayer.
  • Sandra on Genesis 1:1 - 10 years ago
    Before Day 1 there was zero or initial beginning . Time was non-relevant. God in his infinite wisdom is one and only one. The dimension of God is expressed as the Spirit of God versus the wisdom of God. The beginning of all things represents the initialization of the Heaven and earth as in initializing a variable by setting it to zero. So many times we start with Day 1 in relating to God 's creation when we should be starting at zero since that signifies the beginning
  • Roger Sadek on Genesis 1 - 10 years ago
    A- This is what I observe in reading: 1 The Creator of that universe that I can recognize within my 5 since and the Creator of Spiritual world in this life and after or beyond is one and the same known by God. 2 God creates people persons of all gender with full potential to be perfect like God. B- People Persons are Responsible to take good care of themselves and all other creation down here and beyond other demission that God may revel it for us. C- This is how , what, when, why and where I apply that understanding on my daily life. 1 .....to be continued personalized.individually....
  • Sandra on Genesis 1:1 - 10 years ago
    Before Day 1 there was zero or initial beginning . Time was non-relevant. God in his infinite wisdom is one and only one. The dimension of God is expressed as the Spirit of God versus the wisdom of God. The beginning of all things represents the initialization of the Heaven and earth as in initializing a variable by setting it to zero. So many times we start with Day 1 in relating to God 's creation when we should be starting at zero since that signifies the beginning
  • RNM 1-19 GEN on Genesis 1 - 10 years ago
    GEN1-19...To answer your question Mr. Davis, I think we half to go back and look at the nature of mankind, They will take a word or verse and build a whole doctrine or belief around it, I have seen it over and over, take for instance in the book of Acts Chapter 20, verse 7, its written, And upon the first day of the week, when the disciples came together to break bread, Paul preached unto them, ready to depart on the morrow, and continued his speech until midnight. This is one scripture that Protestants use to declare that the LORD had changed the Sabbath to the first day of the week, which anybody with half a wit can see, their is no such command given in this scripture. But whole religions are created over these erroneous scriptures. The whole business of the GAP or 1st age was started much the same way, with the word replenish in the first chapter of Genesis, 28th verse, believed to mean repopulate the Earth, which is not true at all, a little research will prove that, the original meaning in the 1600 's meant only to fill or in this case populate the Earth, but anyway you can check for your self like anyone else, but its instances like this the some people like to jump to conclusions, combining Acts, with other scriptures in Jerimiah, then come up these wild tales of the Earth being re-created with man and beast. People just need to investigate more before going off on a tangent, 10 4. PRAISE GOD, AND PRAISE HIS HOLY SON, AMEN!!
  • Kalume kombe on Genesis 1:1 - 10 years ago
    we believe that Gods name appears in plural form: that is God the father and the Son and the Holy. Its a contradiction to again came out and say before heaven and earth were made God created Jesus who later used him to create heavens and earth.
  • ROSEMARY on Genesis 1:5 - 10 years ago
    I love the word of god genesis 1.5
  • RNM 1-17 GEN on Genesis 1 - 10 years ago
    GEN 1-17...I did some research into this word replenish, Mr. Wilson: This word comes from an ancient word molae " which means fill. It wasn 't until 1650 a character by the name of Francis Bacon had come on the scene, and decided to add a second definition to the word replenish, that being re-fill , after 1852, Darwinism was becoming notorious and widespread, some thirty years later, people of influence began meddling as their way was, to use the power of language to enforce the theories of Darwin and Evolution, by 1892 the dictionaries in print were changed to read REFILL as the first definition of replenish, and fill was a secondary definition, where as of now, the original meaning FILL is now completely omitted, giving the word replenish and entirely new meaning! Which Satan has used to cast new shadows on the truth, using his powers of deception. And further enticing people to come up with false theories about God, using demeaning and suggestive ideas, that God can make mistakes and is not perfect, which His Children know Him to be Perfect in every way, without blemish, without fault. But in the mean time, simple deceptions like this opens the way for people such as yourself to fall into the trap, and conjure these fantastic tales, of a 1st age, 2nd age, whatever, when the Bible clearly tells us in I COR 15:45-- The FIRST MAN ADAM. Their were no other man before Adam, no other Earth, this is the only one. I hope this has helped you. Praise Our God, Praise Our King AMEN!!
  • Billy Davis on Genesis 1:1 - 10 years ago
    7 words in the Hebrew. 7 stands for perfection. You can not improve on perfection. The sun the moon the stars would not be created until three days later then Adam on the sixth day. There is a pattern being set here. Exo.20:11 This pattern is that man would work six days and rest on the Sabbath. The Sabbath is a type of the Kingdom which all those who will believe ALL that the prophets have spoken will receive very soon. The reason that Satan know the time is short is because this pattern is not messed up in Satan 's mind. Adam was created just over 6018 years ago according to the generations listed in Genesis 5 11 and then in Matt.1 and Luke 3. We are running on overtime this is the mercy of our loving heavenly Father waiting on His children to come to perfection as the Messiah told us to do in Matt.5:48. So what is your excuse?
  • Billy Davis on Genesis 1:19 - 10 years ago
    Make one wonder what part of the 4th day it is that folks refuse to believe? According to this there was no sun for the earth to be revolving around those first three days. This is why we read what we do in Joshua 10:12-14.
  • Billy Davis on Genesis 1:1 - 10 years ago
    Blank, No Space, No Time, No Matter, there was nothing, then Yahweh spoke this universe into being. Here was the place He would go to work His workshop and He would create mankind into His likeness. This creation act so impressed ALL His son till they all shouted for joy as we can read in Job 38:4-7.
  • Marilyn Turner on Genesis 1:5 - 10 years ago
    Light was created first here. God named it day. Christ said, "Are there not twelve hours in a day? " So we have a day created here, what comes after day, I would say evening, then morning...day one! The rest is history!
  • David Wilson on Genesis 1 - 10 years ago
    In response to Damian: He was talking to Jesus,who when he came as the savior was referred to as "The Word made flesh ".In the beginning was the Word,and the Word was with God and the Word was God.God is a trinity and that trinity consists of God the father,God the son,and God the Holy Ghost.Jesus was up in Heaven with God before he took on the mission of becoming man 's Savior.As for repleneshing the Earth,The first Earth had the dinosaurs and cavemen.When God cast Lucifer out of Heaven and down to the Earth he wiped out that first creation and the Earth became like it is described in Genesis 1:2.In Genesis 1:3 God begins to restore the Earth and this time he makes the first man with an eternal soul,Adam.this is how the Earth was replenished.
  • Pamela Page on Genesis 1:18 - 10 years ago
    Genesis is a book that have to read to realize the thought that god put into a world of love,and beauty.and to also remember the wrong and hurt people put on one another. to treat eachother with respect and care thank you lord for your words .
  • RNM 1-15 GEN on Genesis 1 - 10 years ago
    GEN 1-15...If one believes in God, and believed He is the creator of the Universe, Earth and man, then it is safe to say He knew exactly what He was doing when at first He created them, and subsequently would not have had to tamper with anything right! Also I recall in the Biblical times they went by a 30 day per month cycle. And as God is the Creator of all things, then it is safe to say all things belong to the Lord not just the days, that is just one more excuse that don 't hold water when it comes to being Obedient to God 's Ten Commandments, Obedience is the only way to Please GOD. Think about that! Either follow the commandments of man or the Commandments of GOD that is your choice. PRAISE GOD PRAISE HIS SON. AMEN
  • Damian on Genesis 1 - 10 years ago
    Who is God talking to when he says "let us make man in OUR meaning more than one of image. Is it other gods? And then made man in his OWN image. So naturally man would take after him rather than who he is talking to. Also he says to man to REPLENISH meaning FILL AGAIN the earth. Does than mean man was here before?
  • Boyd on Genesis 1 - 10 years ago
    God created the lesser light, moon " to rule the night on the third day. There are 4 x 7 day weeks in the 28 day cycles of the moon. God created the moon during the third day of creation. God rested on the seventh day, the fifth day after the moon was cerated. The subsequent days of rest would be on the 12th, 19, 26. God tampered with the suns cycle but if He didn t tamper with the moons cycle those times would hold true today. However since it is finished ever day is the lords day.
  • RNM 1-9 GEN on Genesis 1 - 10 years ago
    GEN 1-9...This was not frozen water before God 's Throne. 6 And before the Throne there was a sea of glass like unto crystal, the writer, John wrote what he saw describes it the way the Holy Spirit led him, he could have been speaking using a figure of speech, but what ever it was, it had to be one awesome sight. AMEN!!
  • Gary sir. on Genesis 1:3 - 10 years ago
    Can someone tell me the reason for the frozen waters beyond the cosmos jut below the throne of god revelations c4 v6

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