Discuss Genesis 1 Page 132

  • Word on Genesis 1 - 10 years ago
  • RNM 1----9 on Genesis 1 - 10 years ago
    Do you see what I am talking about, the deception comes in many types, forms, self-made philosophies There is no end to them, whatever the mind can conjure, you 'll be better off to read, pray and let the anointing of the Holy Spirit open your mind to understanding, and not MAN! AMEN
  • Odion. Theophilus on Genesis 1 - 10 years ago
    Gen 1:1-2, 3-5 . Before the Beginning he was el ela elohi self existing one But in his thoughts he was a creator. saviour healer e t c. And he become a logos and God said let there be Light and there was Light The greater Light is the sun who is the king of all Light. A type of the SON Christ . The Lesser Light is the moon a type of the church. In the absence of the SUN the moon gives Light and in absence of the SON Christ the moon the Church . Gives Light. God separate the Light From the darkness The church has to separate From the world. Gods. word always calls for a total separation.
  • Don sweet on Genesis 1 - 10 years ago
    With God every and any thing is possible !
  • RNM GEN 1--8 on Genesis 1 - 10 years ago
    You need to be careful, who you take advice from, imposters take many forms, or others that read enough of the bible to make themselves dangerous, to others who read after them. And also because of our being close to the end of this age, demonic activity is on the rise, satan is taking it right to the very end and then some, and sorry to say most of Earth population is following after him in deception, and because they refuse to see God 's truth, and be Obedient. Mankind only has this one chance at Salvation, but still they follow after the commandments of man instead of the Commandments of GOD, which will be this false church worlds undoing. I know this sounds like a grim scenario, but this world truly is in a very Grim state. AMEN!!
  • ISEMEDE SUNDAY on Genesis 1:1 - 10 years ago
    Dear, there is no one like HIM. GOD is GOD, that never change. HE is the same YESTERDAY,TODAY,and FOREVER MORE. YOU WILL BE MY GOD.
  • Linda Templet on Genesis 1 - 10 years ago
    Daemon this is for you. You, being an Atheist, see things in the Bible that you are educated enough to know that some of these things are not possible to do. You are absolutely right. These thing can not be done in the FLESH, but what you are not recognizing is that those things can be done in the SPIRIT. Here is an example--The Lord God formed man from the DUST. Dust is anything useless, worthless or no good for nothing. So is this statement referring to a fleshly body being formed out of DUST or is it referring to a Spirited person who was useless, worthless and no good for nothing? God is a SPIRIT so one must stay Spiritually Focused as you read. The Bible is the Greatest Book ever written by man. Your views about the Bible will change if you follow the Spiritual Pattern of Understanding. One must RIGHTLY divide the Word of God. God Bless You--Keep reading and questioning. Let no man deceive you.
  • Paul on Genesis 1 - 10 years ago
    Truly, and atheist is nothing more than someone who has decided that he doesn 't believe in God. Romans 1 says that God has made Himself known to all creatures. No one has an excuse. If you consider yourself an atheist, and will read the Bible because it seems interesting, then you will learn nothing. God is sovereign and He commands your very heart-beat. Romans 9 says He endures 'vessels of wrath ' in order to show His glory in the lives of His 'vessels of life '. Are you a vessel of wrath or life? Only God knows. But one thing is for sure, you are not getting any younger, and one day he will call you home to stand in judgment to answer for your life. Because He is the potter and you are the pottery, your only hope is to submit and humble your pride and ego and beg for mercy until He responds. Otherwise you are nothing more than kindling for the fires of hell. This is truth and you can either accept it or deny it and plug your ears. Perhaps you have come across this site for a reason?
  • Daemon on Genesis 1 - 10 years ago
    I 'm an Athiest, but the Bible is truly an interesting read. Maybe it will change my point of view...?
  • Abey on Genesis 1:27 - 10 years ago
    "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness " So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him: male and female created he them" God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
  • RNM GEN CHP -----5 on Genesis 1 - 10 years ago
    You are right the word says to let no man teach you but let the anointing of the Holy Spirit be your teacher, but going on about unanswerable questions at least in this present age is really senseless. The same Faith that brought you to the Lord will give you the answers in time if it 's Gods will, there are some things that may not be meant for us to know in this life and we half to accept it by faith, just like our moms and dads kept things from us as children. GOD our FATHER is working out HIS Will in the Earth for His One sole purpose and that is to bring about the birth of His chosen Offspring, the children of GOD, GOD is producing a multitude of Children that He can Love like in a small an similar way, how a human mother and father loves their child, we don 't have the imagination or thoughts of how GOD is wanting to SHOWER his children with unimaginable gifts of Love. But the Word of God gives a Brief glimpse in Corinthians. PRAISE OUR HEAVENLY FATHER, PRAISE THE SON OF GOD, AND PRAISE THE HOLY SPIRIT AMEN!!!
  • Linda Templet on Genesis 1 - 10 years ago
    Chatauna sorry. I will believe the Word of God not the word of man. Gods word says, God IS a Spirit. Man tries to twist and turn everything that they read. There is no twisting or turning this. If God is a Spirit than I must think spiritually in order to understand what the Spirit is trying to tell me. One can not mix fleshly things with spiritual things. God bless.
  • Priscilla on Genesis 1 - 10 years ago
    Genesis reveals that God is God of all creation and without him nothng would have been formed! In every situation return to the creator.
  • Jerry on Genesis 1:5 - 10 years ago
    What has been created by God it is unquotionable
  • Adaku f ugochukwu on Genesis 1 - 10 years ago
    God is everything and everything is God
  • Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Genesis 1 - 10 years ago
    Hello Linda Templet: I think you have misunderstood me. I have never stated that there was two gods. There is one God and he is the Father of us all. Ephesians 4: 5 "One Lord, one faith, one baptism. There is only one God, 1 John 5:7 "For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. Also you will find that 1 Timothy 3: 16 states that God was manifested in the flesh, this person is Jesus Christ. I do not have to prove Jesus Christ exist. God is Omnipotent, Omnipresent, and Omniscient. I do not have to prove Gods existence. You explain miracles. A presence has to fulfill these things that many people have experienced in their lives. This Omnipotent, Omnipresent, and Omniscient presence is God. Jesus Christ states in Revelation 1: 8 I am Alpha and Omega the beginning and the ending. There is only one God of both heaven and earth.
  • Linda Templet on Genesis 1 - 10 years ago
    Hello Chatauna: I read your comments. It seems to me that you seem to see what I see. The Bible speaks of the god of the earth and the God of the heaven in the Book of Revelations. Now what I see and totally understand is that I am reading a Spiritual Book not a book concerning the making of a human body. Let me stand on this. Is there a God? The Atheist would say "No " and the Christian would say "Yes ". Now I am going to say to both of you PROVE IT. This is a constant fight that cannot be proven. There will never be any peace, love, or togetherness in this world until we stop trying to prove each other wrong. Could the Atheist and the Christian peaceably come together in unity if the Image of a Body was taken away as we study this Spiritual Book? This Spiritual Book of wisdom and knowledge is to change a persons Life and a persons Ways. We must rightly divide the Word of God. When you see the word "God " in the Bible its not always referring to the Spiritual God most of the time it is referring to the god of the earth--MANKIND. We need to understand and rightly divide what we are reading. Amen?
  • Archana.gowe on Genesis 1 - 10 years ago
    God creat beautiful things.
  • Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Genesis 1 - 10 years ago
    Hello Linda Templet: In addition to my other comment, which addressed when God said "let us " I also addressed the questions about "let us make man in our image AFTER our likeness ". Anonymous asked this same question on page 6 of the Chapter date 10-10-14 it is in 3 parts times 1:18pm 1:19pm 1:20pm. Please read my comment.
  • Wayfarer on Matthew 4 - 10 years ago
    Answer to ECR comments dated 11-09-2014 2:36 am. I don 't agree with you that Jesus Christ holds all three offices, making him the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, thus it will immediately follows that they are equal in power and authority. The bible tells us plainly that they are distinct to one another. The Father is Greater than the Son - John 15:28-. In the book of Genesis 1:26 When God said "Let US make man in OUR image " he is talking to someone who has the power to create just like himself, so beside the Father who else has the power to create? of course its the Son. Its impossible to think that God talk to his angels about creation of men, since angels has no power to create, and its impossible that the Father talking to himself, remember our God is not the author of confusion 1Cor 14:33.
  • Bro. Earle White on Genesis 1 - 10 years ago
    I think that its kind of self-explainatory. We were suppose to eat from the trees. And b in charge of, and rule over the animals.
  • Word on Genesis 1 - 10 years ago
    Linda John 1 in the beginning was the Word and the Word was God. Jesus Christ is Immanuel meaning God with us. Isaiah 45 vs 21 No other God and no other Saviour and there is none besides Him. Now millions of years ago God created the earth beautiful and inhabited Isaiah 45 vs 18. In proverbs 8 wisdom was with God when creating earth and then in vs 31 rejoicing with the sons of men. Then in Job 38 vs 7 speaking of creation God has the whole family and every soul that was created added to the subject of creation. So, When God our Christ was speaking who do you think He was speaking to?
  • Wayfarer on Genesis 1 - 10 years ago
    Answer to Word 's comment 01 01 2015 10:46 pm The book of Genesis is about the creation, how the earth was formed and how life begun here, its not about rejuvenating, the earth we know now will be perished it will not rejuvenate, because we Christians are waiting for the new earth that comes from God Revelation 21:1 . And you have provided wrong bible verses to support your idea: Isaiah 45: 18 take note the word TO BE INHABITED, meaning no one yet living there when it was created, Proverbs 8:22-31 - it tells about the Wisdom of God its not about the sons of men, verse 31 its not the sons of men rejoicing here, the one rejoicing here is the Wisdom of God Jesus Christ . Job 38:7- it speak about the angels of God, not of the sons of men, please refer to Job 1:6 and Genesis 6:2,4. Rev 12- the stars here relates to Israel, it does not relate to all inhabitants of the earth. Jeremiah 4: 23 to 27 - it 's about the destruction of the land of Israel, its not about creation, please read from the beginning of chapter 4. What ever we do, the earth we know now is heading to destruction 2Peter 3:10, and will be replace with a new one from God Rev 21:1 , thanks be to God who given us hope.
  • Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Genesis 1 - 10 years ago
    Hello Linda Templet: I have already addressed the question you ask. If you would please go to page 5 up under this Chapter where I gave Russel2079 a 4 part answer to this same question date 10-14-14 times 10:12 pm and 10:13pm, you will find my answer to your question.
  • Linda Templet on Genesis 1 - 10 years ago
    Can we spiritually understand what God is saying when He said, "let US make man in our image AFTER our likeness "? What sort or kind of Image is God 's Image? The Bible says that God IS A SPIRIT. Spirit is the thinking, feeling, motivating part of man. This verse is not talking about a physical body being made at all it is talking about a certain kind of Spirit being made AFTER the likeness of God. God did not make my body He made my Spirit AFTER His likeness. Understandest what you are reading? This is where we are failing. One must rightly divide the Word of God. We are reading a Spiritual Book that makes us feel certain things as we read it, this book makes us think, and this book motivates the people, who understand what they are reading, to stand up against all evil which is trying to take over our country. God is a SPIRIT. This book teaches US how to STAND UP for the good of all people. So let us Christians get out there and do like God instructs us to do. Let US make man in our image AFTER OUR GODLY LIKENESS.
  • Evangelist Jeanette A. valentine on Genesis 1 - 10 years ago
    Praise the almighty God for HIS WORD. IT IS SO POWERful. God 's word stand true. When you look out over the world we see that IT HAD TO BE A GOD THAT created the worlds, To my understanding. God was always there. I know that Geneses is just it is . the beginning of the world as we know it. I thank Almighty God for giving us our history.
  • Evangelist Jeanette A. valentine on Genesis 1 - 10 years ago
    Praise the Almighty God for His word. IT IS SO POWERFUL. God's word stand the true. When you look out over the earth, we see that it is God that created the earth, To my understanding. God was always there. I know that Genesis is about creation of the universe.
  • Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Genesis 1 - 10 years ago
    Hello RNM: There are many scriptures. Ephesians 4: 4 thru 6 There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling One Lord, one faith, one baptism, One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all ". Remember the Bible is talking to saved people. These people have followed Acts 2: 38 to become save and have the one faith. This faith is in Jesus Christ by following the Apostles Doctrine. One baptism, which is in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of sins. One Lord who is Jesus Christ, who is God manifested in the flesh. We, who hold onto the faith, have felt the true godly sorrow that pricks a person in their heart which leads to true repentance, 2 Corinthians 7: 9 and 10. This true repentance leads to salvation through which you are filled with the true Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in other tongues as the spirit of God gives utterance. AMEN
  • Word on Genesis 1 - 10 years ago
    Wayfarer if you read Isaiah 45 vs 18 you find that the earth in the beginning was created beautiful and inhabited. Proverbs 8 vs 22 to 31 will tell you wisdom was with God and at the end you see the sons of men were rejoicing as in Job 38 vs 7 on the same subject the stars sang rejoicing and the sons of God and that was every soul created. Then there was a katabole meaning cast down overthrow by Satan. Google search the Companion Bible appendix then scroll down to 146 to worlds. Stars are children and when you read Rev. 12 Satan set up a political party and then with his lies he stole a third of Gods children. Anyway in Jeremiah 4 vs 23 to 27 you see the destruction or the earth turned to wilderness without form. This Genesis here is rejuvenating the earth again and we were sent here for the earth age of salvation.
  • RNM GRN CHP 1----- on Genesis 1 - 10 years ago
    C.R. But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness unto him, neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned. You cannot pick one scripture and base an entire belief system around it, there are multiple thousands of words and scriptures we have to take into consideration. There is a path to God, and it is sound and biblical, we cannot make it up as we go, that is not acceptable to God. This prime directive as you call it, is something out of star trek lets try to stay focused on the word and truth for a change. AMEN!!!

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