Discuss Genesis 1 Page 145

  • Eric on Genesis 1:27 - 11 years ago
    I think that when we try to come up with a human explanation for everything written in the Bible we remove the element of faith in our lives There is much that can be explained There is some that cannot Have faith and God will reveal to your heart His truth and you will experience His freedom
  • Blessed on Genesis 1 - 11 years ago
  • MockingBird on Genesis 1:27 - 11 years ago
    God formed man from the dust of the earth God took a rib from Adam and made he a woman and brought her to Adam We women were taken out of man What a miracle in itself that God did We both are created in the image of God in His likeness Without him we cannot exist Let God teach you
  • Shaka on Genesis 1 - 11 years ago
    i love this chapter
  • Sister of christ on Genesis 1 - 11 years ago
    I believe that God want us to converse with Him as he is after all our provider But as we lean more to our on understanding we can t help but sin We are weak without Him But His love for us is everlasting and we still have a chance to return to Him if we shake off the desires of this world and put Him first Innocence is beautiful and God meek and humble and God love this side of us I believe that we can go back there when we allow ourselves to let go and let God
  • James on Genesis 1 - 11 years ago
    what does 1 Genesis verse 29 mean explain in depth as to todays use of Gods supplies for us
  • Pastor Anthony David on Genesis 1 - 11 years ago
  • Anthony on Genesis 1 - 11 years ago
  • Mapula on Genesis 1 - 11 years ago
    Genesis chapter 1 tells us that in everything you to always put GOD first because the first verse say s in the beginning GOD created the heavens and the earth Ask yourself why does it not read like in the beginning the heavens and the earth was created by GOD So I ve learn that GOd comes first in every little thing you do
  • Anonymous on Genesis 1 - 11 years ago
    I am thankful that we are part of the creation and it give me comfort to know that we have a living purpose in this life to care for each other with love just like God cared when he created such a lovely earth and such beautiful birds and animals
  • Anonymous on Genesis 1 - 11 years ago
    Well from what little knowledge I ve learned from the Bible my only guess is God the father the son and the holy spirit are all in one place I think that s why he use the words let us make man in our own image To God be the Glory Amen
  • Adam on Genesis 1:25 - 11 years ago
    Interesting grouping of animals Beats cattle and things that creep around like reptiles amphibians mammals
  • Adam on Genesis 1 - 11 years ago
    Genesis 1 is a fast moving book beautifully describing the origin of the earth
  • K eswar syam on Genesis 1 - 11 years ago
    praise the Lord
  • PATRICIA ROBERSON on Genesis 1 - 11 years ago
    The words were a lot different then I am use to but it will be quite interesting to read it I would love to be able to print it out to read in my own time I thank you for letting me see this
  • Jennifer on Genesis 1 - 11 years ago
    Praise the lord Jesus
  • Ritakurrey on Genesis 1 - 11 years ago
    I lv that word bcz the earth was formless nd empty nd the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters
  • Thembeka on Genesis 1 - 11 years ago
    i love verse 26 when God the Almighty said let us make a man in our image and in verse 27 God created man in his own image you know in all of the above work he done none of things were created by his own image except you and me what that tells you
  • Ar on Genesis 1 - 11 years ago
    God the Son And the Holy Spirit were together from the beginning The Holy Trinity Gen 1 2 says And the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep And THE SPIRIT OF GOD moved upon the face of the waters Also remember John 1 John Chapter 1 The Baptism of Jesus The Baptism of Jesus John 1 32 1 In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God 2 The same was in the beginning with God 3 All things were made by him and without him was not any thing made that was made Of course we know the Word is Jesus as it says in verse 14 And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory the glory as of the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth
  • Elizabeth on Genesis 1 - 11 years ago
    Who was with God when he said Let us make man in our own image In our own likeness
  • Goaba on Genesis 1:1 - 11 years ago
    God does not have a beginning nor does He have an end Our sense of time beginning and the end will limit our grasp of who God is should we confine Him to such a minute time span He was there in eternity past and He will there in the eternal future He is This is not a riddle or a puzzle pardon my limited English to be solved by asking who created Him and who created he who created Him If you can answer some of these questions then you will have reduced God to just another guy in your class or neighborhood Even Christians do not have answers let alone the bible One thing that is going to happen is when Christ comes again then we will know everything for know we know only in part Be encouraged seek His face while it is day for night is coming where no work will be done
  • Rev.p.caleb kadogo on Genesis 1 - 11 years ago
    the genesis 1 shows great God miracle and future of the world
  • Delores Whitworth on Genesis 1:3 - 11 years ago
    God transformed Himself into Light john 1 9 Ex 3 14 I AM THAT I AM
  • Nicholas on Genesis 1 - 11 years ago
    This book reveal to us how Mighty is the sovereign God how winsome He is over all things He created In 26 about the man we are found to be much more favourable than all of the creatures He devised in us the man His likeness which means we might be half of His or next to His being as much as we can abide in His word do not eat from the tree of He crafted us by His image which means He bore us as the Father We share life together with all of His own and Him His word the glory and His Holiness love kindness etc they all are His but for us to share
  • Word on Genesis 1 - 11 years ago
    You ever read Isaiah 45 18 earth established beautiful and inhabited Also I notice in Proverbs 8 where God is teaching with his wisdom speaking of creation that in verse 31 all God s children shouted for joy as in Job 38 7 all the stars and sons of God In Rev 12 4 Satan stole a third of God s stars meaning children from God and then in Matt 13 36 42 where Christ is explaining the parable it tells of God sows his children and the wicked one sows his children In 2 Peter 3 5 6 7 The world of old was washed submerged in water perished and this one is kept in store for the judgment of the ungodly That distruction washing to wilderness happened in Jer 4 22 27 and there is no Noah or boat So what we are reading in Genesis 1 is the rejuvenation of earth and we were replenished in the flesh
  • Rev Dr Paul Wilson Kodavati on Genesis 1 - 11 years ago
    GENESIS 1 1 31 gives us God s purpose of CREATION THE FIRST CREATION A NEW CREATION II Corinthians 5 17 Out of 6 days of Creation On the FIRST DAY GOD SAID let there be LIGHT Gen 1 4 He created LIGHT ILLUMINATION On the SECOND DAY God said LET THERE BE A FIRMAMENT Gen 1 6 For SEPARATION He created FIRMAMENT On the THIRD DAY God said LET THE DRY LAND APPEAR gen 1 9 symbolises RESURRECTION ONthe FOURTH DAY God said LET THERE BE LIGHTS Gen 1 14 symbolising IMPARTATION On the FIFTH DAY God said LET THE WATERS BRING FORTH Gen 1 20 He created Great Fishes and Birds MANIFESTATION And on the SIXTH DAY GOD CREATED MAN IN HIS OWN IMAGE Gen 1 26 REPRESENTATIO RECONCILIATION AND REDEMPTION IN SALVATION This study is a nutshell presentation of CHRIST IN GENESIS Chapter 1 Rev Dr Paul Wilson Kodavati GOD BLESS YOU
  • J.W. Warner on Genesis 1 - 11 years ago
    Genesis 1 1 introduces us to an entity which will become known to us as God this entity will be defined by his deeds and actions The actions which we are directed to and for which he is credited is the creation of the known universe That may have been the point of the commentary to begin with The writer of Genesis establishes several things in verse 1 He establishes the existence of an entity that existed before time and space as we know it what we are told that this is a benevolent entity with philanthropic intent This entity could exist in an environment with non of the elements that we need But he commentary in Genesis 1 is a bit redundant as the made universe would of necessity have included the earth why mention it separately if not for the benefit of the audience to give them as sense of origin Since nothing existed only this entity would know the facts Only this entity God steps forward and takes responsibility for the beginning
  • Rose on Genesis 1:7 - 11 years ago
    praise God How awesome our heavenly Father is the same today as yesterday He never changes an as we receive his pure love his word his truth an promises in his son Jesus we yearn to change Amen
  • James M Haga on Genesis 1 - 11 years ago
    NOBODY CAN SAY WHERE GOD WAS BEFORE THE BEGINING What is it about the word FIRST that people do not understand After he created the earth and saw that it all was good he called it the fist day And God is love God is the truth
  • Tammie Harrell on Genesis 1 - 11 years ago
    God is a awesome God there is no one greater than God Look at all the wonderfull Blessings he has bless us with he love us so much he gave his only begotten Son died for us so we will have eteral life Bless it be God almighty forever

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