Discuss Genesis 1 Page 162

  • Greg on Genesis 1:26 - 12 years ago
    And the very next verse it states that God made man in HIS image. Which image was it? If that was a "trinity" and we are made in His image, when we looked in the mirror, wouldn't we see three of ourselves? He would have said "images". God does not have a conference table, He has ONE throne!
  • Andrew on Genesis 1 - 12 years ago
    How could the first man understand death as judgment. Adam would have seen animals die! He would know what death was.
  • Juliet on Genesis 1 - 12 years ago
    My mind went to the extreme in reading this chapter I think that the earth was perhaps an asteroid in dark space, and that God the Greatest, - artist ever!- was so delighted that he ensured everything was put in the right place, perfectly, not temporarily, but continuously with purpose.
  • Widmark Santana on Genesis 1 - 12 years ago
    It's always good to read the word of GOD.
  • Charito Cambarihan on Genesis 1 - 12 years ago
    It's a blessing.
  • Oluwatosin ogunjinrin on Genesis 1:13 - 12 years ago
    In every undertaking of our life we have the good and the bad part, so as we have the day and night, and without daylight, there is no way for work.
  • JUNYKA on Genesis 1 - 12 years ago
    Please, publish more bible verses and submit to my email.
  • Iesus on Genesis 1:15 - 12 years ago
    Magnificent translation, although we miss the power to translate it ourselves. It seems to be better as if we do not. Luckily, there it is one.
  • Dipu on Genesis 1 - 12 years ago
    I like this, I am studying this full times. May Jesus bless me.
  • A.Mike V. on Genesis 1 - 12 years ago
    Beyond my mind, beautiful, we enjoy awakening daylight as such God's creation made the choice in envy to be alike the Creator and was actually not in loving relationship by disobedience (choice). How could the first man understand death as judgment. I think the living in paradise was like Heaven without sin, closeness with God as Friend/Helper + restored by Jesus. By His coming out of death the serpent's head was destroyed? Why does Satan still have that power over lives?
  • Tballard on Genesis 1 - 12 years ago
    The devil had sex with Eve. That’s why the lord said we are born out of fornication and told the heads of church in New Testament they were just like their father a lair from the beginning.
  • David Boyce on John 21 - 12 years ago
    John 21:11 says 153 Fishes was derived from Genesis 1:26 where fish first appears in the bible and was the sign of the first follower's of Christ when the New Testament was written. The triangular number 153 has 17 on three sides. 17x9=153, 17 in ancient languages is 7 and 10. Jesus was born in 7 BC on October 9th.17+9=26. The Government of the US uses this date of October 9th for Leif Erickson Day.17+17+17=51,117x9=1053. King David was born in 1053BC and his final testament is found in 1 Kings 53 to 1 Kings 2:11 and this is why 21:11 was used by the writers of the Book of John. 51 Latitude and 105.3 Longitude matches Susan Dalton's remark of Holdfast on a modern day map of Holdfast Sask. Near 51 Latitude and 105.3 Longitude Ancient church clergy for centuries came to this part of North America knowing the Second Christ would be born in this area and many were buried around Last Mountain Lake. 217x9 = 1953{2 7 10 1953} In Genesis 1:26, cattle appears as this word was derived from the ancient Greek word 'Boys'. The miracle of John 6:9 Boy who gives Jesus 2 fishes and 5 loaves of bread is part of the ancient Templar Code, 69 is the ancient sign of cancer. The birth of the boy is found in Revelation 12:5, 7 heads and 10 horns are Roman emperors and kings, one of them being Julius Caesar which July was named from.
  • André on Genesis 6 - 12 years ago
    Yes, there are evidences of fossils dated millions of years, and those might not be the oldest ones, because time is endless. And the Bible happily does not ignore such evidences, neither does it deny them. Yes such evidences are true, and the Bible acknowledges them.
    Genesis 1:1, In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
    Genesis 1:2, And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
    God created the heavens and earth in Genesis 1:1, and in Genesis 1:2, the earth was without form. God could not create it without form, but it became without form (upside down).
    So what caused that? It is the fall of Satan along with his army that brought all such disturbance and quenched all life on earth.
    And in Genesis 1:3, God starts bringing things back to order.
    So those fossils discovered every now and then belong to the period between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2.
    So God is not in contradiction with such discoveries. In fact they confirm the turmoil consecutive to Satan’s fall.
    God bless you.
  • André on Genesis 1 - 12 years ago
    Depending on the version or simply print, if it is the ‘’¶’’, it just shows the beginning of a new paragraph, as estimated by translators. That’s why it appears in some versions and not in others.
    God bless you.
  • Arthur on Genesis 1 - 12 years ago
    In the 1611 version what is that symbol at the start of some of the verses? Verses 6, 9, 14 etc.
  • Amanda on Genesis 1 - 12 years ago
    I think that this was a good introduction to Genesis and God's word! Thank you, God!!
  • Kingsley on Genesis 1 - 12 years ago
    GOD bless you for your wonderful work.
  • Tommy on Genesis 1 - 12 years ago
    As we know GOD either Made or Created all things, When Adam and Eve broke the rules of God and eat of the fruit which they were told not to eat, they caused us all to have to die. Remember God had never said that any of his creation would ever die, but Adam and Eve changed that after being told that they would surely die they did eat of the fruit and for that we must all DIE.
  • André on Genesis 1 - 12 years ago
    Sure God made all that, but their initial nature was not that wild as they are today, just like man. All that got bewildered with man’s fall, but before that man had dominion over them. ‘’ For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected the same in hope,’’ Romans 8:20 And time is coming, and will come soon, when man will recover supremacy over all God’s creation., that’s why we are battling to obey Him in Christ. God bless you.
  • Peter on Genesis 1 - 12 years ago
    If God made everything, it must follow that he made the strep throat bacteria, designed cancer, tsunamis, volcanoes, aids virus, the common cold, etc.. We should be thankful he loves us so much. Could you imagine if he didn't?
  • Mary on Genesis 1:26 - 12 years ago
    Genesis 1:26 has the phrase "let us make man in our image." That phrase is referring to God, the Holy Spirit, and the Son Jesus Christ. They have always existed and always will. In that verse they were agreeing that they "should make man in their image."
  • Grace on Genesis 1 - 12 years ago
    I would like to ask if anyone can explain who God was speaking to when he said "LET US MAKE MAN IN "OUR" IMAGE? Also REPLENISH THE EARTH?
  • Cindy Jones on Genesis 2 - 12 years ago
    Okay in Genesis 1:27 God created man and woman, so in Genesis 2:21-22 why did Adam go into a deep sleep if woman was already made? Were there 2 women in all? What about Lilith in the torah? Is that true, findings from the Dead Sea Scrolls?
  • Rev John J Wilson on Genesis 1:27 - 12 years ago
    So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. God created the whole world of people at this time. It is called today, DNA. When God took Eve from Adam, it was a genetic construction of a reverse nature so that man could populate the world using the set up of man and woman. The entire world proceeded from these two. That's why the Bible says through Adam all have sinned. That is how we were separated from God and God promised us all, the Messiah while we were still in Adam. As for our being created in His image I will only guess but perhaps it is mind, body and soul. The body being Jesus, the mind being that we think and so does God. The soul meaning we are living beings that will live with or without God. The mind portion is such as we love our children, God loves us, we want them to prosper, God wants the same...
  • Pastor on Genesis 1:27 - 12 years ago
    We should desist from the habit of reading the Bible like a novel, newspaper or philosophy but should seek God's revelation on every verse. Genesis 1:27 is very clear and so is Genesis 2. In 1:27 God "CREATED"[make from nothing] and this man was in the image of God. Bible readers know that God is a spirit. Thus, this man was a spirit-man with both masculine and feminine spiritual nature just like God [think, El Shaddai]. Hence this man 'he-them' could not till the earth. Another interesting observation is this man, 'He-them' could not sin or fail 'cause he was the very image of God. In Genesis 2:7 God 'FORMS' Adam [not create] from the dust and breathed the He-them of Genesis 1:27 into him thus began the war within us. That's why God could not form Eve from the earth but had to take her from Adam. Now, the formed man doesn't have the nature[image] of God thus his inclination toward sin. The African, Chinese, European man etc is not the image of God. How can he be with all his evil, hate, bitterness, carnality, lust etc…
  • Godwin Ameh on Genesis 1:27 - 12 years ago
    And God say let us make man in our image and likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth. Verse 27, So God created man in his own image; male and female. This creation was the spirit-man clothed by the lively flesh. Though at this point many argued that the author of the book of Genesis only give the summery of the account of the creation of man here and then went further to explain in detail how man was created from the dust of the earth. The argument could not hold water because all animals were created male and female. From the dust of the earth God created them. Secondly, it does not just occur to God to create a woman when Adam suddenly became lonely, because He already wanted man to multiply and replenish the earth. Man cannot multiply without woman. Woman came later after when the man came to really needed a companion. He was subjected to that need by God to know the value of the woman that will soon join her in physical. And God said, 'it's not good for man to be alone.' Like every man Adam also had the experience of a bachelor. So after this creation of the spirit-man, God put him into the physical dust which has became flesh so that man can have contact with the physical things which He has created. After God have created everything, Man came later to have dominion over what He has created. And the Holy spirit allows me to understand that, in a like manner, Christ who is the ruler of all God creation was also appear to the world at the later end to rule over everything God has created. Man is a spirit, body and soul.
  • Broderick Best on Genesis 1 - 12 years ago
    Genesis contains so many revelations, but most of all is the revelation of God’s love.
  • Clement on Genesis 1 - 12 years ago
    It is true from Genesis chapter1 that the "the fear of God is indeed the basis of wisdom". Human beings and all other things are vanity; we are made from nothing and end up becoming nothing. The billionaires of this world need to recognize the fact that, "no mater your riches and wealth, failing to extend their blessings to the needy automatically qualifies them to be the most unwise irrespective of their technical know-how to success". May the Lord help us to admit the word and adopt it as our guide and law in Jesus’ name.
  • HUDSON DE JESUS SANTANA on Genesis 1 - 12 years ago
  • Lori on Genesis 1 - 12 years ago
    When God created everything within 6 days - God meant 6 days -just like the days we experience today without huge gaps of time between.

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