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Evenings and mornings were days demarcations, just as they are today. They open and close days. God bless you.
In fact those problems are the ones Jesus Christ came to solve, in telling the thruth about everything, including life, showing the way to life in God. Those that follow Jesus Christ in thruth will keep themselves away from such things. God bless you.
Yes, before the creation of the Sun, Moon and stars, God used another lightner which the Bible does not mention. However, days were still periods of 24 hours, because we don’t see the Bible showing change in day’s length after the creation of the Sun, Moon and others stars which took place on the 4th day. And since the 4th day, days have been the same to this day, so were they before.
The earth was without form, and void; is the consequence of Satan’s fall and all disturbance it brought on earth which became shapeless. GOD did not create the earth shapeless in Genesis 1:1. Because so many years are believed to separate Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2. It is in that space of time that we place the existence dinosaurs and the life of all fossils that existed some million of years ago. So the heaven and earth of Genesis 1:1 made a world with life, but different from ours. And after the fall of Satan, that life was completely destroyed, and the earth lost its shape, ... it’s only in Genesis 1:3 that GOD started bringing it back to order. Otherwise, the earth was not shapeless at the beginning, it became shapeless with the fall of Satan.
GOD bless you.
Darkness was upon the face of the deep. If there is depth, there is form.
Please explain, I am confused, thank you.
The writer have analogy meaning god created light and darkness. This meant the sun and moon, the fire flames to used in the dark. Jesus created as a lightbearer on earth.
It was a law in an ancient tribe to be fruitful
and multiply if happenned the tribe fell off in enemy's hand and become slaves. It was a customary law that chief wifes and chief husband can had many concubines as many as they could for the purpose of federation of kingships and join the federations for wars.
Men as a servants of god do not know how to killed even for food. Men created in the image of god in the likeness of god, and eat only fruits, herbs and vegetables.
God created him, and from him god created male and female.
The Genesis is a beginning of why there were wars of god in the bible and how the religion and wars begin. It's all begin in the evolution of life in water. Then the air and the land. The planting in the garden of eve where fruits were signifies event. And apple was the most sacred and forbidden fruits and holy. In the garden what god refers to Adam and Eve, that the apple who was centered in the middle was sacred, this apple tree and fruit, the slave people were not allowed to touch or eat it, only the gods and godesses. Eve accepted the apple as a symbol as a signed accepting the proposal of the serpent tribe. A tribe that god appointed and created as his own domain. Then Adam that was Eve, the chief or captain of all her husband also encouraged to accept and choose the apple offered by the godesses and the aple that Adam choose created wars and disturbance, created, pestilence, drought, famine and havoc, cursed to Adam and Eve's wives, husbands and childrens that their descendants suffered.