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God is in the Spirit...
Jesus Christ was made in the flesh but he is the only one that has the fulness of Gods spirit.
when we die our flesh is not going to heaven but our spirit He gave us His image which is His Spirit and covered it with flesh...Adam was made from the ground and when none of the animals were found to be of use to him God made woman....after the first sin...Adam gave us death but Jesus Christ gave us Life. There is no three different Gods there is only ONE God and His name is Christ Jesus.
If we are to believe this creation account, why do they differ? Don’t you and I deserve the truth?
Genesis 1 says that BOTH Man and Woman were created simultaneously.
Genesis 2 says that Woman was "created" by God from Adams rib because "but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him".
All I am asking is why? Why is this a contradiction? We have 2 different accounts. If one is true then the other must be false. Since one must be false, then we have a issue with any claim of inerrancy.
And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.
Now, I don't think a contradiction of this magnitude somehow just slipped by the countless revisions, clarifications, translations etc. It's clear that a distinction exists between the male and female versions of Man in chapter 1 and Man & Woman, Husband & Wife in chapter 2.
Also, the first appearance of the names "Adam" and "Eve" aren't consistent across translations, some chapter 1, others chapter two, but their usage is peculiar regardless of translation.
I think these discrepancies indicate a period of time, an age or procession maybe, or possibly an entire cycle of man, evolving from the primitive to the impressive, to the over-inflated ego having, vile pollution emitting, truth impaired, soul-less, thieving drones that God takes pleasure in obliterating. Y uh-know... that kind of cycle.
It's a theory that is consistent with Genesis already, just adding a couple more periods that Topper didn't feel like going into, so he just left a couple hints. I think Adam may refer to a genetic distinction or new breed of man, hence the reason he had no Eve at first. Another theory is that there are two different entities (different in depth of consciousness, abilities, potential etc.) both occupying the Earth, both assigned fleshy vehicles that are the body of man, constructed in the likeness of the gods or in the image of God if you prefer.
What do you think? Or do you....
This is why you have land and land ownership. The bible clearly states that land ownership and property ownership is good in the eyes of God
Why is there another creation story in Gen 2:4-25. These accounts are not in the same order.
Honestly answer these questions. Why are there two different accounts of the same event? Why two accounts in the first place?
Even if you believe, that makes one of these accounts wrong. Therefore the Bible in not inerrant.
So, what else could be in error?
Our comprehension is too limited to even consider we understand (what we define as) 'God', and to say otherwise is like asking a caveman what and how a computer works (as an analogy of understanding). Even sci-fi of today has a concept of 'advanced beings' visiting less advanced beings, and to a cave man, could be considered 'Gods', however this is a limited view that has its origins of what God may be. Ultimate awareness, consciousness, infinite in all aspects perhaps. How can God be classed as a single identity? Its a rhetorical question that needs no answer, but leading to a limited conception of a fundamental aspect that we cannot possibly comprehend. Thus faith is born. Faith could be considered a belief in something we cannot possibly understand or comprehend. Science seeks to understand the universe through detectable/replicated fact, and as such is a never ending search for knowledge. If God is infinite in all aspects, not just knowledge, then one could say that science is an attempt to understand God with a never-ending search of infinite truth by using a finite knowledge system.
Line 16 and 17:
"And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also."
"And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth,"
Clearly show that the writer did not know anything about the universe, the stars and the planets :-)
To start with "the greater light", our sun is a star itself ... a very small one even.
Also wondering why it took God a day to divide the waters like it is said in line 6 and 7. But (it feels like) it took him only a fraction of that time to create all other galaxies.
But true Genesis has been written in a time when people thought the earth was flat and the center of the universe.
Ok, let’s go…
1st ….remember one thing: E=MC^2 (Einstein’s famous equation). This simply means: Energy (can’t see or touch – but like the wind, you can feel) is equal to Mass x the Speed-of-light (photon) squared – in a vacuum (void of Matter – which induces resistance) . And Vice Versa.
So if you take any object with Mass, that is ANY object in the Universe (Uni: single Verse: sentence), accelerate it to the Speed-of-Light (186,242.0 Mile per 2nd (( wraps around earth 7.5x in one 2nd)) , it becomes pure energy. This is the reverse of what we see today. That is, we can’t see pure energy.
Furthermore, potentially, somewhere in the conversion of energy to mass, energy ‘might’ use the vehicle called the ‘Higgs Boson’ ( can’t see or touch) to convert pure energy into mass – as the scientific community is hoping, that is… their hoping so they have the starting point (Higgs Boson) in their ‘Standard-Model’ of Particle Physics.
Sadly, most quantum scientist believed energy popped into existence for no reason; we know otherwise!
So….take a deep breath….
Genesis 1:1
The supernatural eternal God who we can’t completely see describes thru a Narrative (Genesis), how He created the time based natural we can see.
Also, Genesis 1:1 is God’s Index or ‘Categories’ for natural science. Sadly the scientific community didn’t understand what Moses wrote 3500 years earlier until atheist Herbert Spencer, famous for coining the phrase: “Survival of the Fittest,” wrote the book “The Knowable.” Sadly, Spencer left tout the main Variable: God. Or as Aristotle said, “The Primum Movens (Latin for: Prime Mover or Unmoved Mover).
*** side note: in Aramaic Genesis 1:1 is written in 7 Words - completion.
In the Beginning (time)
… God (source & force or cause & effect)
… Created (action)
… the Heaven (space)
… and the Earth (matter)
here is 1
26 ¶ And God said, Let vs make man in our Image, after our likenesse: and let them haue dominion ouer the fish of the sea, and ouer the foule of the aire, and ouer the cattell, and ouer all the earth, and ouer euery creeping thing that creepeth vpon the earth.
27 So God created man in his owne Image, in the Image of God created hee him; male and female created hee them.
28 And God blessed them, and God said vnto them, Be fruitfull, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it, and haue dominion ouer the fish of the sea, and ouer the foule of the aire, and ouer euery liuing thing that mooueth vpon the earth.
29 ¶ And God said, Behold, I haue giuen you euery herbe bearing seede, which is vpon the face of all the earth, and euery tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yeelding seed, to you it shall be for meat:
30 And to euery beast of the earth, and to euery foule of the aire, and to euery thing that creepeth vpon the earth, wherein there is life, I haue giuen euery greene herbe for meat: and it was so.
31 And God saw euery thing that hee had made: and behold, it was very good. And the euening and the morning were the sixth day.
View original 1611 Bible scan for Genesis chapter 2
(this is a scan from the exact, authentic, original 1611 'HE' King James Bible)
1 Thus the heauens and the earth were finished, and all the hoste of them.
2 And on the seuenth day God ended his worke, which hee had made: And he rested on the seuenth day from all his worke, which he had made.
3 And God blessed the seuenth day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his worke, which God created and made.
4 ¶ These are the generations of the heauens, & of the earth, when they were created; in the day that the LORD God made the earth, and the heauens,
In Chapter 2 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, & breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a liuing soule.
21 And the LORD God caused a deepe sleepe to fall vpon Adam, and hee slept; and he tooke one of his ribs, and closed vp the flesh in stead thereof.
22 And the rib which the LORD God had taken from man, made hee a woman, & brought her vnto the man.
23 And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shalbe called woman, because shee was taken out of man.
24 Therefore shall a man leaue his father and his mother, and shall cleaue vnto his wife: and they shalbe one flesh.
25 And they were both naked, the man & his wife, and were not ashamed.
then came the fall after adam and eve...
my pondering is who is the hosts?
and later it says when God is explaining nephelim ...and dinah is defiled...he talks about the children of God being fair and the men of the earth going into them...I have not gotten a good anwer on all of this....any comments would be appreciated.
Note called moved across the FACE of the waters. This implies a surface different from something else.
Note that Nothing is a Something and vice versa. Creation can from the Waters, which were a soup of potential energy, mass.
Note there was Light before the Sun.
Note that the word is Heaven and not Heavens. Note the Third Heaven that John speaks of. God created a new something called a different Heaven.
Note that a firmament was between the Waters. This may be the first reference to Mass or Waters could be the first reference to Mass.
Man seeks for the origin of all Mass and Energy. It can not be found. It is infinite. It is the Power of God.