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"trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding".
in Chapter 1:17 it says ( And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth)
it means the sun and the moon is just to give the light to earth so in heaven god have other provision for light
There is a mistranslation (I think deliberate, but meh) in Genesis 1:2. Where it says the world was without form and void in English Bibles, the original Hebrew is different. The word used for the "was" word is H1961 in the Concordance - hayah. It means became or to become. So God made the heavens and the earth, and the earth BECAME without form and void. Meaning it wasn't that way when He originally made it, and that this earth from the Garden until now is the 2nd making of the planet.
We also know from Isaiah 14:17 that the devil destroyed the whole world once before. The Hebrew word for "wilderness" is H4057 - midbar, which means uninhabitable. This is not the flood event, since God did that and not the devil.
We also know that the devil waged a war in heaven during his rebellion before the Garden of Eden, since he was already the devil at that time. Look around the solar system and see all the destruction, what looks like potential running water, etc. on some of the planets and now there is nothing. The Kuiper belt is believed by many to have been either a planet or a failed planet at one point in time due to the size and location (located where another planet should be). It looks like a giant galactic battlefield basically. It is possible that all the destruction is basically collateral damage from that war. Then God remade the earth for one last attempt, since He said to let everything be established by 2 witnesses.
This is our 2nd try to establish our choice. You don't have to make the same decision, but you will make 2.
1- He is the best at guessing about creation.
2- Moses was the greatest researcher of all time.
3- Or Moses was a prophet and was given a short history of the world.
In the original Hebrew Day is "yom" which like day can mean
A- A twenty four hour time period
B- A unspecified time period
C- A event not tied to a time period. Such as many references which say "and in that day" these are not time specific, they are events which often times overlap other event.
Such is the case for the events mentioned in Genesis.
Day 5 is one of the strongest points in favor of the conclusion that Moses was a prophet.
Again referring to the original Hebrew the word Whales was a replacement for the word "Tannanm" (Sp)which means (Long or stretched ones, or sea monster). Again science backs up Genesis.
Genesis 1:21
And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that [it was] good.
Science indicates that life came from the waters, Fouls were some of the first land animals and "Whales or Tanninm, or what we would refer to as dinosaurs) were upon the land.
Conclusion Moses was either the greatest scientist and researcher of all time or he was a prophet of God. To me it takes far less faith to believe in the bible as the word of god than all the fantastic theories of the Godless.
Now since the content of 'firmament the resolve' neither appears in any peer reviewed scientific journal nor claims to be the word of God. I fail to see with what authority it speaks!
Finally since Genesis is a Jewish creation 'myth'. I also fail to see what Jesus has got to do with it.
and the earth was waste and void,and darkness was upon the face of the deep.
the earth was dark
nothing exit
in His service
Apparently, according to this information we have fallen away from the ‘source’ of the entire dispute regarding the question of evolution or creation of the universe and/or man.
It is not a question of the origin of the universe, rather, according to the SOURCE, it is a question of a FIRMAMENT, that divided the waters from the waters (a mystery this info clearly resolved as well)… Regardless of ‘how’ the origin of the universe; Either way, It only evolved to a huge mass of formless and void rock, suspended in space, covered entirely with water, and UNTIL or UNLESS a firmament was made in the midst of the waters, this huge mass of rock would STILL, be formless and void, suspended in space, covered in water and furthermore, in a state or condition that could not sustain life as we know it ‘here’ to date…
Of course this is just a brief vision of what this reason of truth has to reveal but with just a little time at your leisure, you will find as I, this resolve will not only clearly show the firmament in truth but can restore the validity and authority of the ‘source’ itself…
This short but concise information was stumbled across at firmament-theresolvedotcom …
We are meant to clearly see His testament.
Thank you for your time.
even "one iota." We can know all there is to know about the Bible; we can quote it verbatim; we can know the Bible upside down and inside out, but if you don't know Jesus it is of no eternal value.