Discuss Genesis 1 Page 171

  • G..Newman on Genesis 1 - 13 years ago
    You were spirit body sent to and even from earth and its you 2nnd time. In the 2nd verse "was " is became in the MMS and in the New TESTAMENT THERE ARE TWO WAYS TO TRANSLATED foundation, one of which is Katabole so we see there was an attempted over throw and the first eart age ended and now we have too chosand have a choice, be good and love God or go to satan.
  • Richard Truitt on Genesis 1:28 - 13 years ago
    Would someone please explained what was replenished?
    What had been there before?
  • Blackman on Genesis 1:26 - 13 years ago
    "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth." This is God speakin and he said let us make man in our image after our likeness. So God is inlcuding himself withh other. hence the us and our...many say that the us was Son, Holy Ghost, and Father..however Jesus didnt exist til like 2011 years ago....and all mind you when he said make man..he was talking about another people being creadted. hence he had already created male and female so there was already a race of people here. Also all races came from that original race which was the black race. its simply that we are not in the saame image of a ghost lol. That Us And Our is black people and those are His(God) people. And white people are the ones that had domminace over the earth. These are facts. Black people are God people and that our and us simply means he is apart of that ppeople!
  • Nick on Genesis 1 - 13 years ago
    "And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which [is] upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which [is] the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat." Its interesting how it says earlier that God gave mankind dominion over fowl and beast, but never once does it say for you they will be meat, instead God instructs that the fruts of the trees yielding seeds will be meat. Very interesting I think as someone who leans towards eating less meat than some. Is it possible to have dominion without exploitation is the question this brings to mind. I for one believe yes.
  • Laird on Genesis 1 - 13 years ago
    The first day there was light and darkness separated, but on the 4th day he created the lights (the greater and the lesser) but on day 3 he created the plants (which need light to even grow)...Can I say the planning seems a bit unbelievable. Any thoughts?
  • REV CANON SAMUEL KAHENE on Genesis 1:8 - 13 years ago
  • Patty on Genesis 1:28 - 13 years ago
    I asked that same question about Genesis 1:28 of the King James Version! In todays english, replenish means to replace. What was replaced?
  • Dizang on Genesis 1 - 13 years ago
    Man exist before Adam. Read carefully "REPLENISH" . This word only used twice in the Bible. The other time was after the great flood, in the passage where God was speaking to Noah.

    "28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth."
  • Hephzibah on Genesis 1 - 13 years ago
    I tend to believe that there is always more than meets the eye in the Word of God. He is a complex God with a simple message. I believe Genesis
    to be multi-dimensional and believe we have only begun to scratch the surface of what is there in. I have undertaken a personal study of Genesis for years now and with each new answer comes more new questions. It's a spiral effect of which there seems to be no end. The only conclusion I've come to so far is that God will never be figured out by human reasoning. His truth is most intimately revealed through a personal relationship with Him. My Genesis study continues as more of a challenging puzzle.
  • Gabe on Genesis 1 - 13 years ago
    Pretty cool stuff. So glad God is alive.
  • Heywood on Genesis 1 - 13 years ago
    God created the birds and fishes and then created man in his own image... and he also created man from the dust by breathing into his clay nostrils, and then created the fowl so that he wouldn't be alone?
    Doesn't it have to be one or the other?
  • Theo on Genesis 1:7 - 13 years ago
    This passage right futher illistrates the awsomeness of GOD. He seperated the waters fom the waters and it also further proves the canvas theory. The bible is true as it is the word of GOD
  • Mario S. on Genesis 1 - 13 years ago
    I used to like reading Genesis 1 because it sounded pretty deep & special. This is before I ever became a true "born-again Christian believer". Now...., I can say it is without a doubt one of the most amazing, beautiful & wonderful verses in the entire Bible. There is a wealth of information & knowledge contained within this 1 chapter. It is almost unfathomable & impossible to fully understand. What a fantastic way for God to start off his "Everlasting Word".....,
  • Frederic on Genesis 1 - 13 years ago
    it takes car factory in japan one hour to make a car, but explaining it to someone in africa he may not believe so God is far beyond our standing. or it took someone from battle a horse or best runner to convery a message but nowadays ? so explain that so someone 1000 years back?
  • RiderFarmer on Genesis 1 - 13 years ago
    "Let us make man in our image". is that like the royal "we"? or are there others like him but he's the biggest and therefore he said "it will be in my image"?
  • Nic on Genesis 1 - 13 years ago
    @mike A day to god is something of a thousand years to us. Going back to genesis 2:17
    he says, "....for in [the day] that you eat it you will surely die."

    now go to to genesis 5:5 "And all the years that Adam lived were [nine hundred and thirty years]: and he died."

    He didn't live to complete the day in God's eyes, which is thought to be one thousand years or a millennium. So fundamentally speaking, its been [two days] since Jesus died, in god's eyes that is.
  • Carol Farmer on Genesis 1:14 - 14 years ago
    This passage of scripture is deep and straight to the point it says a lot and means a lot. I contemplated on ot for a while to make sure I understood what the scripture was saying. I found it to have broken down what God expected for us to know and that it was in the Hebrew tongue and should be understood as such. Praise God for a deeper understanding of his word. Amen.
  • Gary on Genesis 1:30 - 14 years ago
    "Life" also translates to Soul`s. When I read it I think,maybe the far east. The people in Vietnam almost lived on the water and raised the fish.
  • Geordie on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    I could not understand at first what the meaning of the word firmament was ... I checked the online dictionary & it concluded it was "the vault or expanse of the heavens the sky" In other words "the space" or "a space" ... ie, let there be "a space" in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters which [were] under "the space" from the waters which [were] above "the space" ... & God called "the space" Heaven ... & God said, Let there be lights in "the space" of the heaven to divide the day from the night. Just my thought ?
  • Jeff wilson on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    @Mike: Panspermia/exogenesis can explain the existence of days and nights and plants before our sun and stars. The details are sketchy becasue Moses was shown a vision of his place in the universe, and then struggled to communicate that, perhaps years later, to Aaron who recorded it for posterity. Moses was a stutterer atop being a mere mortal trying to convey a very personal experience with the unknowable Creator in a culture far removed from ours, so it's expected to be a bit murky.
  • @jeff on Genesis 1:1 - 14 years ago
    and what evidence does evolution have? Lets see In the beginning God.... vs in the beginning big bang doesn't sound too good to me just saying It takes a lot more faith to believe that we came from a rock than we came from God
  • Mike on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    can someone please tell me where the word trinity is mentioned, also it clear that the days referred to in Genesis are 24 hour periods, how can you have night and day one day 1 and 2 when the earth is created on the 3rd day, use your logic, this is going against established science, night and day again depends upon the rotation of the earth
  • Lav on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    When God said, Let us make man in our own image, He was talking to his trinity. the same way we are made.(three parts). The Bible say's, In the beginning,the Word was with God, the Word was God. We all know, the Word is Jesus.
  • Zanelile on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    God is the ceator of all the ends of the earth . HE is the creator of of all things. HE is the great I AM, everything is in HIM. the book of Genesis says it all. Note verse 2, it reads as thus ..... And the Spirit of GOD was hovering over the face of waters. The earh was without form. Actulally it is not about Genesis 1, but what GOD, HIMSELF did when HE created the heavens and the earth and all therein. I really honor GOd, for He is my GOD, I will always honor Him for HIs greatness. I'm astonished with HIS LOVE yet I'm grateful and thankful. Chapter 1 Verse 26 surely make me to be more closer, cling and longing for God everyday, as a deer pants for the streams of waters, my soul. flesh and spirit pants for the ALMIGHTY GOD. did you know that GOD first created you and me as spirit man and blessed us. how amazing to be continued..........................
  • Zack on Genesis 1:2 - 14 years ago
    i think,in order to discibe the scintific explanation of how the earth was created in just few sentences you will get genesis 1:2. my point is that it is in the language.
  • Mimz on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    How long did it take thee creator to create the Heavens and the Earth in Genesis 1 ?
  • Gary on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    One last thing. You,we all have a spirit/soul. God has a Spirit, His is Holy, when you died you will return to Him. Only He can kill our spirit/soul. I think when a spirit/soul is burn from with in to out as Psalms 37 accrostic 7,20,34. And the example given in Ezekiel 28 speaking of satan`s sentence to die that makes him the son of perdition, anyway, I think when a spirit dies that its going to be painful and that's because of what Jesus said in the Gospel. Sounds like chewing your tongue off with your teeth. Maybe its the make up of what a spirit is made of that makes it hard to kill and when it comes apart it`s not like flesh and just dead. But I don't know just what I read makes me think.
  • Gary on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    John tells us in His Gospel chapter 1:1 thru 4. The Word is God and He created all. So, God is Christ Jesus. Yahveh came and died on the Cross and thru the name of Jesus we have credentials if we believe, ( Isaiah 45:21God is Our Saviour )He gave up His life for our sins, we ask in the name of Jesus. God said it to us! Check Proverbs 8:31 at creation. But the Book of Job where got tell of creation in chapter 38 in verse 7 includes every soul created. In Genesis the first age was destroyed, well, sunk in water and washed real good. In that flood of Jeremiah. Water gone and no Noah or family. In Noah`s flood the water receeded. It took time. As we read 2 Peter 3:5 tells us of the world of old and in 6 tells us completely flooded and we read of God getting mad in Jeremiah 4:22. Then Peter says in 7. This world I'm standing on now is for fire. God burns all the evil off it. So, when He said that He was telling us we were gona look exactly as we do, then and now. REPLENISH! 2nd time around.God wouldn't ask us to do something unless He Himself wouldn't do it.he loves us.
  • Jake on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    As for the light thing some guy mentioned genesis 1:1 God created the heavens and the earth - what it DOES NOT SAY heavens and then the earth. Some Assume the the action of creating the earth and heavens were seperate this scripture shows they were not.That goes for everything already in the heavens too (stars planets moons) Verse 3 shows that thier was light before vegetation and obviously the sun how else could light be there? Take this to note Moses was writing this from the view on the surface of the earth of course inspired by Jehovah God ( 2 timothy 3:16) ( Psalm 83:18)

    Was Life Created Brochure (WTBTS)?- Genesis acount

    A careful consideration of the Genesis account reveals that events starting during one “day” continued into one or more of the following “days.” For example, before the first creative “day” started, light from the already existing sun was somehow prevented from reaching the earth’s surface, possibly by thick clouds. ( Job 38:9) During the first “day,” this barrier began to clear, allowing diffused light to penetrate the atmosphere.
    On the second “day,” the atmosphere evidently continued to clear, creating a space between the thick clouds above and the ocean below. On the fourth “day,” the atmosphere gradually cleared to such an extent that the sun and the moon were made to appear “in the expanse of the heavens.” ( Genesis 1:14-16) In other words, from the perspective of a person on earth, the sun and moon began to be discernible. These events happened gradually.
    The Genesis account also relates that as the atmosphere continued to clear, flying creatures—including insects and membrane-winged creatures—started to appear on the fifth “day.”
    The Bible’s narrative allows for the possibility that some major events during each day, or creative period, occurred gradually rather than instantly, perhaps some of them even lasting into the following creative days.
  • Gary on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    Read the Parable of the Sower at the end Christ explains it. The devil sows his lunatic children. What children,kenites, sons of cain. The tree of good & evil, the serpent. We are all trees, some seed is broadcast by God & some from the wicked one. Ez. 28 will tell u satan. Prince little rock trrus was in the garden of God.

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