Discuss Genesis 1 Page 172

  • TOM on Genesis 1 - 13 years ago
    who was God talking to when he said " let US make man in OUR image ?
  • Gary on Genesis 1 - 13 years ago
    Isaiah 45:18 tells u truth of creation. Genesis 1:2 forth wod " was" Hayah is became without form. Jeremiah 4:22 and down falls the cities no Noah in that flood. We were Re-plinished. 2 Peter 3:5 or 15 that world that was sunked in water this one I'm standing on is for fire. God`s gona fry evil when He returns. Not a Lamb this time. So watch out satan comes as. A wolf in sheep clothing.
  • Gary on Genesis 1 - 13 years ago
    God is Light. Light grows veggies. God seperated the children. Of the day from the children of the night. We are solar and they are lunatic`s
  • Ed on Genesis 1 - 13 years ago
    The difference is Adam filled the earth Noah refilled the earth. God told Adam to be fruitful and multify. Meaning? The bible being transilated by men may loose proper termanology but thank God we are taught by our personal instructor namely Jesus Christ Amen?
  • JASSIE VISSER on Genesis 1 - 13 years ago
  • Mike on Genesis 1 - 13 years ago
    verse 3-5 talks about light being created on the first day.

    verse 9-13 talks about the earth created on the 3rd day, how can you have a night and day with out the earth? the day depends upon the rotation of the earth
    light is created on the 1st day but
    verse 14-19 the cause of light; sun!!! moon stars created on 4th day... how can the cause of light be created on the 4th day, when light was created on the 1st day?

    how can the vegetation come into existence before sunlight and without sunlight?
  • Dennis on Genesis 1:14 - 13 years ago
    Your understanding of the word season in Gen 1:14 is WRONG. The hebrew word for season is moed and does not measn , winter summer, autumn and spring, it means appointed times, festivals, assembly, These are appointed times for God's system of worship throughtout the year for mankind to observe.
  • George on Genesis 1 - 13 years ago
    we need full detail of Genesis Chapert 2 Verse 7 (Word "nostrils)
  • Steven Wilder on Genesis 1 - 13 years ago
    Glad I was able to help. Didn't mean to come off as agruementive. But I learned that the best commentator of the Bible is the Bible - comparing spiritual things with spiritual ( 1 Cor. 2:13). Lexicons, concordances, Hebrew/Greek interlinears etc. are not spiritual. Those are man's take on God's words. For example, in Genesis 1:28, the word "replenish". A lot of fundamentalists say that word should read "filled" instead of "replenished", as the Bible says. Their reasoning for this is because they don't believe that God is telling Adam to re-populate the Earth. They appeal to the Webster's 1828 dictionary for the definition. While it is true that replenish can mean to initially "fill", it does mean to "re" fill, you still can't take that away, like in refinish, refurbish,re-do, etc. You put a "re" in front of something, that means to do something again that was done before. But when you force replenish in the AV to mean "fill", you're missing a lot of commentary the Holy Spirit is trying to show you. There's a reason the King James translators translated the Hebrew word as replenish, instead of fill. If you look at Genesis 9:1, God gave Noah the same commission as Adam.The population of the earth was destroyed during Noah's flood, and God gave Noah a commission to repopulate it. The Hebrew word for replenish in Gen. 1:28 and 9:1 is the same word back in Gen 1:22,yet the translators used fill that time instead of replenish. Now critics of the King James Bible would call this an "unfortunate translation", and insist that replenish be changed to fill in all 3 verses. If you look in a modern translation like the NIV, NASV, HCSB etc you'll see they did change replenish to fill. But the Holy Spirit makes this distinction in the KJB for a reason, because as I said above, God gave the same commission to Noah after the earth's population was destroyed through the flood.
  • Jane on Genesis 1 - 13 years ago
    Well thank you guys for your input. I do understand what ya'll are saying. I reread Gen and Gen 1:5 says "And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day." So the days in Genesis are just 24 hours.

    Good explanation Steven Wilder! Glad ya'll said something and I reviewed it.

    Sometimes I just have to try to stop myself from connecting ideas and making assumptions. So much to learn in the Bible. Everyday I learn something new. :)
  • Steve Wilder on Genesis 1 - 13 years ago
    The "days" in Genesis 1: 5-31 are 24 hr periods,("and the evening and the morning where the first day, etc) not 1000 yr periods. You can't tie in 2 Peter 3:8 into the 6 creation days in Genesis 1 to make those 6 days 1000 yr days, they are 24hr days. That interpretation is called the "Day Age" theory, all I said is 2 Peter 3:8 is where the passage comes from, and again I'll say 2 Peter 3:8 has nothing at all to do with the Genesis creation narrative, the Genesis narrative is 24 hr days, not 1000 year days.
  • Collis b.r. on Genesis 1 - 13 years ago
    genesis speaks of the beganing and the for our understanding on what was and what is to come ,knowing disobdiants have no place in Gods will
  • Steven Wilder on Genesis 1 - 13 years ago
    Jane, if you believe what the Bible is actually SAYING, you'll see that for one thing: the passage you quoted about the definition of a "day" comes from 2 Peter 3:8 - "But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day [is] with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day." It says nothing whatsoever about a thousand years being a day TO US. The seven days of creation in Genesis is a prophetic type of the seven thousand years of human history, with the last 1000 years of the reign of the Lord's Kingdom on earth ( Rev. 21)being the day of rest.
  • Jim Snyder on Genesis 1 - 13 years ago
    Genisis is the greatest book in the bible. If one does not understand the fullness of knowledge of this book, one will certainly not only be lost in his scriptural understandings of today, but he/she will be continially confused, and never understand the middle or the end of the wonderful story of our GOD,YYVH, and His Saviour,Yeshua, Jesus Christ. I too enjoy, studying with Pastor Arnald Murray. I must say that His teachings are mostly, right on the money, as he says, it's so easy to understand, that a 10 year old has no problem. I see only a few misunderstandings of the word, in his teaching, versus, all other teachers, whom seem to go into another deminsion than the one I know and live in, everytime they teach. And they seem to have a different deminsion from which to teach each subject. One of these mustakes,is the same that every teacher that I know, misses a most obvious point in interpreting, the meaning of Peter, when He said, that with God, one day is as one thousand years. One can know, for sure that He did not mean that littlerally. Here is how we know. For that phrase to litterally mean that 1 day is the same as 1,000 years with God, then one must come to the conclusion that God experiences Night. WHAT DID I SAY?!!!!!!!!!! The God that I serve has never and shall never experience night/NEVER!!!!!!!!!!. Sorry for the reality check folks. Stop doing what the people whom peter was talking to, were doing. "trying to figure out how God tells time so they could know when he's coming" Peter could have said that 1,000,000 years with God is as 1 day. Also we can remember this understanding when reffering to Genesis on the 6th day, God, thru the hand of Jesus, created man,(nationalities except the jewish one, whom Jesus came thru), and all plants. Remimber now, the words says that as he created the Jewish Adam that he had not yet a man to farm, as he had made the others on the 6th fishers and hunters. And then it said that because He, God, had not yet caused it to rain,(said by God on the 8th day), had Peter's words been literal, all people/animals and plants would have perished, if the 2 days truely meant 2000 years. Peter was truely saying stop that and understand, that God has no time clock He is the time clock. In answer to this same querry, at an earlier time, Jesus said, learn the word,and watch for the signs,(he was speaking of the signs given buy the prophets before him, accompied with the illustration of the fig tree).What say you? COOL teacher Arnold Murray If there's anyone who can tell me how I might be wrong, it will be you. Go at it, friend. I love and bless every person who loves to study, not argue, this wonderful word. Jim Snyder
  • Jane on Genesis 1 - 13 years ago
    I noticed some people were commenting/asking what is a "day". Well from what I learned - "ONE DAY" to God is a "THOUSAND YEARS" to us.

    So I think that each "DAY" God created something it really took a "THOUSAND YEARS".

    I believe that there were people of different races created on the 6th day, God rested on the 7th day, and then created Adam on the 8th day.

    Which would mean that there were people here on earth two thousand years before Adam was created.
    Adam was purposefully created so that Jesus will be born and save us.

    I know many people believe different things and have different opinions. I try to only believe what I read in the bible with my own eyes. I would not express my beliefs if I didn't believe it with all my heart. I am not a expert but a student just sharing what I been learning. I like to study with Shepards Chapel. Arnold Murray reads the bible word for word and helps explain things.
  • Richard Truitt on Genesis 1:28 - 13 years ago
    "Replenish" Does that not mean that there must have been something here before to "replenish"?
  • Elliott Middleton on Genesis 1 - 13 years ago
    I think this is beautiful. And thank God for the Heavens and Earth and sea. May God Bless all of you my brothers.. :-)
  • James Pope on Genesis 1 - 13 years ago
    I have read most of the comments, and with all due respect to those who commented. The scriptures can't be interpited but only through prayer and the Holy Sprit.
  • RALPH M. WATERS on Genesis 1 - 13 years ago
    I commented on this chapter some time back. It was overlooked.

    My comment on this chapter is this. No where does it says, that one day was equal to TWENTY-FOUR HOURS. One day could be a SPLIT second or BILLIONS of years.
  • Trent on Genesis 1 - 13 years ago
    There is evidence in the Bible supporting the trinity, that God is unified. I recommend reading that first.
  • R.W on Genesis 1 - 13 years ago
    the trinity is one of the catholics biggest hoax . but please dont believe me seach it out for your self, in 325 ad.the Roman council of Nicea.. and the encyclopedia of religion & ethics
  • Mike on Genesis 1 - 13 years ago
    Any one who thinks that science supports evolution has not done his homework. There is as much or more science to defend creation than evolution. Try this, research the earths gravitation and make that justify with the earth being millions of years old. Here's another, how can fossilized trees span layers that archeologist claim are seperated by thousands of years? There is a lot more if you look with an open mind.
  • Jeff on Genesis 1 - 13 years ago
    If God clarifies the meaning of the trinity by creating marriage then it mean god has three personas. How many break up are there? Or you think it’s a good idea but your misses think otherwise.
    I have never met any1 like you had described "TWO BODIES, and TWO different people, but with ONE HEAD (The man)"
  • Jeff on Genesis 1:1 - 13 years ago
    @Edie's what evidence? evolution has more evidence.
    also your Geness 1:1 quote is completely difrent to "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth."
  • Shaun on Genesis 1 - 13 years ago
    God is three persons, who move and act as ONE. God does NOT have a split personality. He does not have schizophrenia. He also made man and woman and they ARE ONE. But it is obvious that there are TWO BODIES, and TWO different people, but with ONE HEAD (The man), and the man leads, and the other follows. God clarifies the meaning of the trinity by creating marriage and thereby revealing the mistery of the Godhead. There is GOD ....#1. The Father....#2. The word (Jesus), and #3. The Holy Ghost. These three are ONE just as husband and wife are ONE. Not as I myself am ONE (body, spirit, and soul). God Bless, and Happy New year! Ingat!
  • Edie on Genesis 1:1 - 13 years ago
    I don't know who anyone can believe anything else. This is so clear that even I, I can understand that God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are one and the same and as he created the heavens and the earth, he crated me, mmyself and I, as three in one. God is so good. How can i not belive when there is so much evidence for myself to see I can read the Bible
  • Lea on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    "If it is written in the Bible I'll believe it till I die tho the mountains be removed and cast into the sea, God's word will stand for ever throughout eternity" Used to teach that song to many a little one, because I have believed it since I was a young teen,over 50 years ago. God is Awesome!!!
  • Jeff on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    to Akpodiete Christmas's comment. " words used in distinguishing them are immaterial" and "believe will not affect the fact that God exist and he is our maker". These words dont help me, who has not a great beleif in god. How can words be immaterial? if you say some verses are irrlevent then whats the point of them? If thats the case there is no need to read the bible and we should just believe in a super power and thats it.
  • Jeff on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    to James Cropper's, "verse and trying to make it fit our own logic and understanding will always lead us in the wrong direction"
    i think your silly. One must think and understand to accept anything.
    You say you research it for years. People research to gain a greater understanding. If did actually can you tell me what research you did? Greek, Hebrew, earlier scripts?
  • Jeff on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    to Aaneiyah Brown's comment thanks love ^_^, i'll take it as a mirical

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