Discuss Genesis 1 Page 175

  • Modesty on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    it does not matter if i expand on 1 verse u got to know what it means and understand what i was trying to say is GOD is the beginning of everything b 4 time existed there was no humans and the Earth was void God just has to say the word and the world is destroyed no question asked but God is a merciful he is going to save our soul thru Jesus our Lord and Saviour Amen:
  • Paula on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    I am glad for the family of God, for Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit. Evolve ? I am so glad I do not have to depend on that belief for eternal life.
  • Garyloyd newman on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    The Massorah. All the oldest beat Mannuscripts of the Hebrew Bible contain on every page, beside the Text ( which is arranged in two or more columns ), a varying number of lines of smaller,distributed between the upper and lower margins. This smaller writing is called the Massorah Magna or Greek Massorah, while that in the side margins and between the columns is called the Massorah Parva or Small Massorah. In the side margin is the or outer margin is the Massorah Parna. The Prophets placed these in their writings so not a word or verse could be changed. It is hard to explain how very well the WORD was protected and it is hard for me to explain the fullness of this and the best way is to obtain The Companion Bible by E.W. Bullinger. Get the large print for there are 198 appendixes that will give you great knowledge in the WORD and number 30 is on the Massorah and Its a lot to read and them that love God should have a Bullinger Bible.
  • Matthew on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    The bible says that the local church and his word would last FOREVER. Last time I checked, we still have his word, and we still have the local church! How could you say that the bible isn't overly religious? Have you ever read it? If you truly obeyed and followed the bible (all of it), you would be sinless. We see in the bible in romans 3:23 that we are filthy sinners. Also Derek, 12 books of the bible are devoted to history, which over and over, have been proven.
    The son of Hamass went from a son of a terrorist, helping the mass murder of thousands, to a U.S. tourist touring the country spreading the good news of god's word! What happened?? He claims he was invited to a bible study right after he got let go from prison. He converted to a christian! Why? The bigger question is why would he? The muslim (no--caps!) religion rules that the family must disown him and they must never see each other again if a family member converts to Christianity. So, why? The truth you will find over and over is god's word changes lives. What did cari say? The bible was written by 44 men in the course of 1,100 years. That is impossible for men, who were all over the world when they wrote the books, to all write the same message without contradictions! What I am trying to say is that Clearly, God's word was inspired (GOD BREATHED) through the apostles. If you have proof otherwise please write and I would be glad to look at it! Make sure you don't take verses out of context though!
  • Joe on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    Carrie: AMEN! Sad to say, I have been down this road before with others, but I sense that those who have already made up their minds that we evolved without a creator won't change their minds unless they objectively look at the absolute truth in the bible. I know. I used to be one of those who thought the very same thing. After reading the book of John, I realized that no human being could write something like that without divine inspiration. I hope Derek just reads the bible for himself. Time is running out, as I belive we are in the last days.
  • Carrie on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    say what you want derek...but there have been numerous prophecies that were predicted thousands of years ago that have come true and are still coming true today. Besides that, the Bible was written by 40 different men over a period of 1100 years, yet there are no contradictions found. And tell me, how was the earth created if God didn't do it? Hmmm...maybe it exploded out of nothingness or maybe we evolved into the intricate beings that we are. Think it through, because you sure are missing out on a lot because of your skepticism. God's real whether you believe it or not and so is the Bible.
  • Raphael on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    God's power of creations.
  • May on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    Derek; Yes you are right I read Matthew 3-17
  • Derek on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    I don't know how to say this more politely. The Bible, King James, Orthodox, Latin or Greek is not proof of anything other than the contradictory, competitive interweaving of a patchwork of myths and legends into an entertaining but not overly religious piece of literature. I don't quote Shakespeare to prove the history of Julius Caesar, I quote the historians of the period. Not only is Jesus not found in history, neither are most of the myths of the Old Testament, including that of Moses, wandering in the desert for 40 years or the destruction of the Egyptian army which in itself is not likely to have been omitted from their own, extensive writings. Enjoy the bible for what it is, literature and believe in yourself and your fellow humans for sustaining you in life.
    Good luck.
  • Derek on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    I tell you that I am the son of god and am subsequently executed. 60-70 years later some enterprising men decide to challenge the existing religious authority by martyring me and putting together a canonized book of hundreds of stories out of thousands available. They, for example, claim that I cured a blind man instead of blindness or that I raised people from the dead, who should now be roaming the earth, etc. The books that contain any scientific data have been completely wrong. Am I god?
  • Veronica on Genesis 1:2 - 14 years ago
    it shows how great and mighty god is
  • Anonymous on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    Is this a trustworthy word-for-word copy of the King James Bible?
  • Joe on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    Dear anonymous. I agree with you 100%. I was saying the exact same thing, however with a little less tact, and I was scolded not to talk so harshly. For that, I apologize. The point I was trying to make is that no one comes to God unless it is through Jesus. There is no ambiguity in Jesus' words, and there is no sense in arguing forever to those who cannot accept the truth. You either believe Him, or you don't. I hope those who do not belive in Him please study God's word, not mine. I am just a man. God is who He said He was.
  • Anonymous on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    "If you seek God, my best advice is to move away from the bronze age and look more closely at the things that make us a unique species and leave behind you the fear and guilt of man made, self serving religion." This has been made almost impossible to do by the scientific community b/c people who believe the Bible will want to find a way to relate science to God and in the religion of Science, there is no God. Science is god. According to secular scientists, the two are mutually exclusive. That is why there are so many atheists in modern science (look at Richard Dawkins for example). How can you "find God" through modern science if it specifically excludes God?

    Also, there are REAL scientists out there searching for Biblical truth and how it relates to science. Unfortunately they are usually ostracized by the secular scientific community or branded as quacks, and phonies. The scientific community refuses to see the possibilities of their dating techniques, etc. simply because they do not agree with what they've decided is consensus. This is bad scientific practice.

    Scientists are supposed to be open to new science, even if it contradicts current thinking. Most often it is how revolutions and new discoveries are made in scientific theory. Modern secular scientists are closed-off to any science that disagrees with their theories. It is either ignored or summarily dismissed. In their view, theories are to be tested, but if the science fails the prevailing theory, don't keep searching, throw it out. That is the opposite of the OBJECTIVE of scientific theory. How ironic.

    Religious institutions and "tradition" ARE EXACTLY man-made self serving religion. I agree with you. They are the creation of humans, not God, and therefore they are fallible, and many times (most times) get things wrong. Jesus wouldn't (and doesn't) agree with that. He wouldn't stand for religious holy wars, and persecution of people of other religions. Jesus came in love to humanity and preached love. Love your neighbor (fellow humans) as yourself. Turn the other cheek. This was very different than the Old Testament "eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth" way of doing things, and animal sacrifices to make us clean before God.

    Jesus revolutionized our relationship with God as humans, but religious institutions and traditions, specifically Catholic teachings, cover that up, and even deny the personal nature of God's relationship with humans. They declare you can't access God without their priests', Virgin Mary's, and saints' intermediation, etc. But Jesus declared HE was the intermediator for us and God. He said "I am the way, the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father, but through ME." John 14:6

    Christianity before it was politicized and institutionalized by Constantine and the Roman empire, was very different. The first generations of Christians showed Jesus' spirit of humility, meekness, and LOVE for their enemies by allowing themselves to be sacrificed by the thousands before Roman mobs and in other places throughout the known world. They also showed an unwavering and courageous loyalty to Christ; enough to allow their physical bodies to be martyred simply because they believed in Him. Not for glory, but b/c they were CHANGED by Christ being in their lives and new a better life awaited them.

    If you don't believe in man-made religious institutions, then I challenge you to find the REAL Christianity, one created by Christ himself and his example. If you are openminded and seeking Truth, you will find it. Don't close yourself off to the Truth, or even the possibility of the Truth because of the failures of humans and the institutions they have created (guided perhaps unknowingly, though sometimes on purpose, by Satan). It takes a much bigger person, and more personal spiritual searching, to find the truth of Jesus and how it applies us personally, than to dismiss it off-hand b/c other people have failed. Find answers for YOURSELF. Don't believe those institutions. Humans may fail you, but God will never fail you.

    In the end an excuse of choosing not to believe at ALL b/c some versions of Christianity were perverted by men (or even b/c you were misled by those men!) will not hold water. You must take responsibility for yourself. Life in Christ is a personal spiritual journey each person must make for themselves. I can not make it for my husband, my children, my sister, my neighbor, my parishioner, my father, my mother-in-law etc. Whatever the case, each person must decide for his or herself, where they stand with God. In the end it will be YOU in front of God as Judge, and you will only be able to answer for yourself. There will be no excuses.

    Do not rejoice in it, but know that those who mislead others spiritually, and those who are themselves misled will not be accepted by God. Everything I have been writing about being misled by man-made religions is perfectly summed up by Matthew 7:15-23. "15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. 16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? 17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. 19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. 20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. 21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."
  • Modesty Richards on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    I know that in the beginning GOD created the heavens and the earth, he just says the word and its done. If anyone knows how to read it properly they might see what the Lord see's, or what it really means. God is all power no one in all the world can do what he has done.
  • Garyloyd newman on Genesis 4 - 14 years ago
    Genesis 1:31 was the end of the 6th day. God populated the earth with the various race`s and that included white,black,brown,all. On the 7th day He created Adam and Eve for the blood line that Christ would come through. If you also look at the word "life" in verse Genesis 1:20 the word can be translated to Souls and we know the orient has a beginning ahead of the rest of the world. Cain just took a wife outside the garden. We know who the tree of life is. God said let us make man in Our image after our likeness,He didn't leave Himself out. Do you think God would of sent us down here if He wouldn't come down Himself OUR? Who was there? His sons of course,as it is written in Hebrew,it`s "Elohim" that means God and His Children. Jesus said when you have seen the son you have seen the Father. In Isaiah 45:18 He created a beautiful earth for us in spiritual bodies. We were happy! Then in Revelation 12:4 satan stole a third of God`s children, stars. Revelation 12 is an outline of the Bible. Ezekiel 28 tells us satans pride took over in him and he tryed to steal the mercy seat,Throne of God. God got mad and in Jeremiah 4:22 and on tells us of the first flood. No Noah`s boat and family,no bird or twig left to flay and the waters in that flood didn't receed, it was Water Gone! That's why in 2nd Peter 3:5 to 7. In 6th that world that was overflowed with water Perished. But Peter says, this earth I'm standing on is kept in store,reserve unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men. The 4th word in Genesis says "was" but its hayah#1961 in the Exhusted Strong`s Concordance and can only be translated in the Hebrew to "become" so it became without form and void, where as in Isaiah 45:18 God establish the earth and created Not in vain He formed it to be inhabited. The word in Genesis 1:28 REPLENISH.! 2nd time around. In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. Love JESUS and you will make it. God bless you all that love our God and Saviour. Oh! Check Isaiah 45:21. Have a nice day.
  • Garyloyd newman on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    God never said the earth is 6 or 7 thousand, you ignorant men say that. God and science go together. If you don't know the word cause you have listen to men that don't know the word, so, then study. God`s WORD it is perfect and goes right along with science. The world that was, millions of years old.if anyone says there is no God he is in a dark place and that's a place to get out of. Hey! Have a nice trip. Oh! Don't take a jacket.
  • Garyloyd newman on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    In Isaiah 45: 18 we see what God says about how He created the Earth. He said He Established it, that sounds perfect to me and then you read, He created it NOT in vain, He forned it to be inhabited. What! Filled it with children. Oh! 19 is the kicker, this verse kind of makes me feel,oh, like He put it here so we`d know something, if we seek. He didn't hide the truth in a dark place so we could find it. It`s all right here,just look. He`s a righteous God and a Great Father. Jacob is all 12 tribes,it`s like saying,everyone. And look at 45:21 ...and there is no God else beside me; a just God and a Saviour; ther is none beside me. When I read this, none beside me,and God is the Saviour, I think of Jesus sittin down on His Throne and looking at His Right Hand because He sits at the right hand of God. Who`s your Father! I had to say that cause I love Jesus. Now in 2nd Peter 3:5 to 3:7 talks about the world that was that Perished but the Earth he`s standing on is kept in store,reserved unto fire untill the day of Judgement. I like this first chapter where God`s shekinah Glory or His light in verse 11 brings forth grass,herb yielding seed,fruit tress, and the sun and the moon were created later. Well, talk later. Have a nice day.
  • Derek on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    Quoting Biblical verses is not evidence of anything but the scientific ignorance of those who wrote the transcripts Why would a God of the 21st Century only reveal himself, according to the 3 main religions of the world to semi-literate, middle eastern men without giving them insight into the least of what we now know as fact. Do you really believe that the Earth is the 6 thousand year old center of the universe? If you seek God, my best advice is to move away from the bronze age and look more closely at the things that make us a unique species and leave behind you the fear and guilt of man made, self serving religion.
  • Garyloyd on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    Don't let anyone make you believe or think that the WORD of God isn't the TRUTH! God is LORD. In the begining was the Word and the Word was and is God. God didn't leave Himself out when He said, Let us make man in our image and let's not leave off,after our likeness! Remember Proverbs 8:22 to 8:31 when God created the Earth with Wisdom, a beautifull place for us to live. In 8:31 who do you think was Rejoicing. Not Esau I bet. Romans 9:13. As it iis written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated. Read Malachi 1:3 and you only can hate someone and know someone,how? By living and being around them and that is the same when it comess to love as with Jacob. In the very begining before the attempted overthrow of the devil spoken of in Revelation 12, where the satan steals a third of God`s stars, Gods children and cast them to Earth spoken of in Parable of the Sower in Matthew 13 and listen to Jesus from 13:36 to 43. Think of this! The word, REPLENISH! When you replenish, well, 2nd time here! So, when you read in Job 38:when God is telling Job about creating Earth and then in verse 7 where all the souls that where created were shouteing for joy, Just think of you standing there in your spiritual body, yea, it looks just like you here except its made out of a little different puddy, anyway, you can't tell the difference, when you stand with them and they speak, the messengers, they looked just like us.Oh! Looking at Job 38 I saw in verse 32 the word Mazzaroth, that`s the 12 signs of the Zodiac,just a thought. Oh! Genesis 1:2 that 4th word [ was ] is hayah and translated became without form and void, Father got mad at satan. Jeremiah 4:22 on will let you know what happen to our happy place, our beautiful earth. God filled the earth on the 6th day with a lot of folks of all the beautiful colors and then on the 7th day which you could say,spiritual completeness He created the Folks, Adam and Eve, for the blood line of Christ. Well, I'm emailing this from my phone and I got to go, so, take care and God Bless all of you that Love Our Father and I`ll be back! Gary
  • May on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    Hi Dereks. God also called many of his prophets Son;
    Exodus 4:22.
    1 Chronicles 22:10.
    Psalms 2:7
  • Derek on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    hi, God says Jesus is His son in Matthew 3:17
  • Ryan on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    The word of God as told by man. Hilarious, inaccurate, unknowable. The word of God, translated across language, edited and reedited, voted upon and edited more. Oral stories passed down for generations before being written. Hearsay upon hearsay passed off as prophesy. People claiming revelation. God appearing in dreams and people believing these dreams were God speaking to them. No one in their right mind would believe such an poor account if "religion" were not attached to it.
  • Tom on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    Something I have always wonder about was where did we get our diversity in race from.Verse 27 and on down I get the idea that these passages explain just how that came into being.From my opinion, for as far as I can recall, since it is in the beginning altogether, although somewhat vague, this is the only portion of the bible as far as I know that gives any suggestion to the descent of man. What do you think?
  • May on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    Joe; If Jesus is not a prophet than why does the Bible say he is? And where in the Bible does God proclaim he is his son as he does in the following verse of others: Exodus 4:22. God was speaking to prophet Moses, "Than you will tell him, This is what the lord says",
    Israel (Jacob) is my first born Son". "I commanded you, Let my Son go so he can worship me, but since you have refused I will now kill your your first born son".
    Also in 2 Samuel 7:14 God is speaking of David; " I will be his Father and he will be my Son".
    Psalm 2:7 The King proclaims the Lords degree, "The Lord said unto me" " You are my Son,today I have become your Father"
    Again in 1 Chronicles 22:10 God was speaking about the Son of Solomon. " He is the one who will build a temple to honor my name. He will be my Son and I will be his Father".
  • Joe on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    May: If you only think of Jesus as just a prophet and not the son of God, then I am sorry to say that your very soul is in grave danger. Jesus said NO ONE comes to the father except through me. Why? Because Jesus is the only person who was able to pay the penalty of man's sin problem. No prophet other than the God/man Jesus Himself could do that. This is said to you in all love and seriousness.
  • Derek on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    The whole idea of defining One God as a Trinity was the invention that the Jewish hierarchy used to try and separate their Gods from the Gods of the Greeks and other Pantheistic societies of the time thousands of years in the past. It is insulting to be instructed in modern times that there is One God with three personages.

    There are either three Christian Gods; the ones who presumably are the "Us" that made men in "Our" image or one God with Multiple Personality Disorder.
  • May on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    Joe: to answer your question I have to say "No, I don't believe in the word Trinity", however "I do believe in Jesus", but not as the Son of God, but as a divine prophet.
    You see the phrase Son of God is not literal but metaphorical as shown in the following verses used in Exodus 4:22. God was speaking to prophet Moses, "Than you will tell him, This is what the lord says",
    Israel (Jacob) is my first born Son". "I commanded you, Let my Son go so he can worship me, but since you have refused I will now kill your your first born son".
    Also in 2 Samuel 7:14 God is speaking of David; " I will be his Father and he will be my Son".
    Psalm 2:7 The King proclaims the Lords degree, "The Lord said unto me" " You are my Son,today I have become your Father"
    Again in 1 Chronicles 22:10 God was speaking about the Son of Solomon. " He is the one who will build a temple to honor my name. He will be my Son and I will be his Father".
    I have read many verses in the Bible where signifies love, affection and nearness to God which does not only apply to Jesus.In Luke 4:41 Jesus refused to be called the Son of God. Many who were possessed with demons, and the demons came out at his command shouting, "You are the Son of God", but because they knew he was the Messiah he rebuked them and refused to let them speak".
    Luke 9:18 Jesus asked his disciples, "who do people say I am".
    Luke 9:20-21,22 "Than who do you say I am" Peter replied "You are the Messiah, sent by God". Jesus warned his disciples not to tell anyone who he was saying "The Son of man must suffer many terrible things".
    As we read in Acts 9:20 It was Paul, who never met Jesus preached in the synagogues saying "He is indeed the Son of God".
    In Mathew 5:17-18
    Jesus announced “Don’t misunderstand why I have come, I did not come to abolish the law of Moses, or the writings of the prophets, No I came to accomplish their purpose.”
  • May on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    Felis, A lot of words we use in this Millennium are not written in the Bible, your right, but the word 'Trinity' still originated from Athenasius, which in the days of his order had to be approved by the council of Nicea, hence the word 'Trinity' was born. If you look at
    Jeremiah 8:8
    Jeremiah says"How can you say we are wise because we have the word of the Lord, when your teaches have twisted it by writing lies."
    As you say the word 'Trinity' is used to describe 'The Father, the Son and the holy Spirit' It is also described in
    1 John 5:7 as
    "So we have these three witnesses"* The spirit, the water and the blood, and all three agree’.
    I do know the verse you quoted
    Matt 28:18
    "And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth".
    He is speaking of two, there is no mention of 3.
    The path of Jesus was miraculous and he did some wonderful miracles, this we can not deny.
    But Jesus himself said;
    Mathew 15:8-9
    “ But in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandment of men.”
    John 5:37
    ‘And the father who sent me has testified about me himself. You have never heard his voice or seen him face to face’.
    John 8:28
    ‘I do nothing of myself’.
    John 14:28
    ‘My Father is greater than I’.
    Mark 12:29
    ‘The Lord God is one Lord’.
    In summary;
    Its in my hands to know the truth of our religion. So I will continue to research for the truth

  • Joe on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    So May, if you don't believe in the trinity, then you obviously don't believe in Jesus, God's only begotten son. And who reveals God to your spirit. None other than the Holy Spirit, also GOD.

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