Discuss Genesis 1 Page 177

  • Chosen Vessel of the Remaining Bride on Proverbs 8 - 14 years ago
    Please read and understand:

    There remains no excuse for those people who do not realize that God’s image is masculine and feminine. All of God’s creation generally declares the masculine and feminine image of Elohiym. It is clear that out of Adam came forth a female Adam who was genetically bone of his bones, flesh of his flesh (see Genesis 2:22-25). The masculine Adam and the feminine Eve reveal the image of the spiritual Father
    (Melchizedek) and Mother (Holy Spirit/El Shaddai/Shekinah). The removal of Adam’s rib to make a woman is a reflection of how Elohiym became masculine and feminine. Out of Adam came forth a female Adam (Eve) who was equal in all things. Adam was only perceptually first amongst his feminine equal, since Eve was always within Adam and is Adam. This same paradigm reflects the presence of Elohiym. Out of subatomic negative darkness of God the Father came the positive light of God the Mother (Holy Spirit), who are the atoms in all things. The Father (subatomic darkness) seemed to be first amongst equals. In the heavenly sense of the earthly parallel, the Holy Spirit, who came forth from the eternal subatomic darkness, always dwelt in the intangible eternal body. Accordingly, the eternal body of darkness became masculine (darkness) and feminine (light), just as Adam became genetically male and female. The feminine Holy Spirit has her reflection in the feminine part of creation. She is our heavenly and earthly Mother, whose greatest image is seen in the form of Eve. Our universal spiritual parents are Elohiym. Elohiym (Gods, plural) said, “Let US (God the spiritual Father and spiritual Mother) make man (Adam and Eve) in OUR image (masculine and feminine), after OUR likeness” (see Genesis 1:26, 27). This reveals how the invisible things of Elohiym are clearly revealed by the things they have recalled. Wisdom is personified as a woman in Proverbs 8:1. Wisdom is none other than the words of the feminine Holy Spirit. The feminine Holy Spirit is the Glory of the masculine part of Elohiym. God has possessed Wisdom (words/thoughts of the feminine Holy Spirit) from the very beginning of Elohiym’s ways (see Proverbs 8:22). Wisdom was set up (came forth) from everlasting (darkness of God). Thereby, Wisdom came out of God (everlasting), as Eve came out (Adam’s rib) of Adam (see Proverbs 8:23).

    The people of today who sin against Wisdom (Holy Spirit) by rejecting present truth have freely chosen to be forever lost (see Proverbs 8:36). When a person rejects present truth (this new doctrine), he or she is rejecting the latter-day words of Wisdom (Holy Spirit) and committing the unpardonable sin (see Matthew 12:31). To swallow an abomination is to believe that Elohiym is not masculine and feminine, as reflected through their greatest earthly image (Adam and Eve). Man and woman are the final reflection of Elohiym. There are three that bear record in heaven: the Father, the word (two-sided scroll of life), and the feminine Holy Ghost (Mother), as alluded to in 1 John 5:7. The Father being Melchizedek and the word being the Son and Daughter, then the Holy Ghost/Shekinah is the Mother. There can be no son or daughter without a father and mother. Accordingly, the Holy Spirit is the eternal Father’s feminine equal.

    Revelation 12:1: And there appeared a great wonder in
    HEAVEN; a WOMAN {image of the Holy Spirit} clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a CROWN {Queen of heaven} of twelve stars:
  • Ryan on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    @G_d Supporter. The complexities a woman offers man after marriage shows you that God exists? Ridiculous.
  • Mercy on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    Genesis portrays the Word of God bin all powerful.by His word,all came to be ad that gives me the courage to always rely on His word.believe that wen He says He wil never fosake me,that its the truth,wen He tels me 2ask ad He shal give,i ask knowin He shal not fail me.have also learnt that,no matter the situation that am in that His presence is in vicinity.just like He hovered over the earth wen it was void ad formless,i believe that in all situations of difficulties in myself that He is present ad therefore i nid not worry.
  • Joe on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    To G_d Supporter:

    May I make the following observation regarding your comments. First, in your words, "We have to sacrifice our selves for the freedoms we enjoy here in America and so will we need to make sacrifices to claim our inheritance from G_d." I must take exception. We are saved by grace, not by anything we can do or sacrifice for to claim our inheritance from God. Secondly, Arnold Murry, while being quite a scholar of the Bible, espouses that the Rapture of the church is nothing more than a fairy tale. Although he means well, he is nonetheless leading many people into a false belief that will have some people more than confused if one really studies the bible and finds therein, many passages to substantiate the existance of the Rapture of the church.
  • G_d Supporter on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    I believe that my life is a testimony for others. I am not a scientist, mathematician or a theologian. I do understand the differences and have experienced each one, as well as other important elements of life, when growing up. Cause and effect of falling off a bicycle on a gravel road, in shorts; Eating watermelon with friends and family on the fourth of July; Having too much fun in church with friends, forgetting about your Mom and her vise grip pinching ability; Giving your first girlfriend a ride on the back of your motorcycle; Learning you will burn in hell if you don't believe in Jesus. Hey, I am in. Who wants to burn in hell forever? Good to meet you Jesus. I always remembered him the morning after a late night with a few too many. Funny how pain brings us closer to him.

    Since then, my youth, I have had to learn how to live life; the hard way quite frequently, but . Marriage, choices of friends, questioning others and my religious beliefs and observations of the lifestyles, decisions and results of myself and others. Without out science, math, life's experiences and religion, my life would be pretty empty. I would have to say though that religion has kept life more interesting and meaningful. I truly believe G_d exists simply because of the complexities a woman offers a man after marriage occurs. But more so because of the vulnerability to making poor decisions and the need of someone to go to for forgiveness, comfort and guidance to get back on track. That's not always possible with your average human being, but the few I can count on do a very good job.

    So G_d is the alpha and the omega, the ultimate love of my life and the one I can count on. I try and thank him in both times of need and times of joy. Father knows best is a reality here on earth and in heaven. My soul yearns too much for understanding that I should think I was formed by a blob, a mass of gas given off by a gas monster or that I was a number to the tenth power times X divided by pi, etc, etc, etc. Does a part of our DNA require some calculations? Yes. Divine calculations at that. And we have not even started talking about our soul.

    The Bible has more meaning than we may ever know; and it's due to a lack of daily commitment G_d wishes for us to have to know him, learn about his teachings and follow his word. Luckily there are a number of dedicated people that enable us to learn about the Bible through various teaching approaches and communication. [Careful of the money mongrels, cults and religious sects. They distort the truth and can ruin your life. (I enjoy Arnold Murray with Shepards Chapel.)] His letter to us, the Bible, is a multi-dimensional instruction book to us. Dedicated people today can clearly explain the inspiration that comes from the Bible. In doing so, they reveal meaning that touches each of us differently, depending on the happenings in our life at that time. It also has been validated by historical artifacts, witnesses, truths, wisdom and knowledge that can only come from G_d. It teaches today, what was and is to come. Jesus is a great teacher and through Him we can be forgiven and saved from our sins so that we can spend eternity in heaven with Him; free of the burdens we all face today. But freedom is not free here on earth or in heaven. We have to sacrifice our selves for the freedoms we enjoy here in America and so will we need to make sacrifices to claim our inheritance from G_d.

    So I believe that science, math, life experience and religion has been a culminating effect in teaching us that G_d does exist. Don't forget about common sense.

  • Joe on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    Ashley Reid: What ARE you talking about? Dreams and Nightmares. Is that what you think this is all about? My dear friend... please PLEASE read God's word. It is much more clear than what you are trying to say.
  • Devin on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    i am not one to openly dislike many things as i would like to know al sides and pass judgment with all factors included. xore: mathmeticians arent scientists and the chances you gave are for a single cell, consider this, there were 10^117 cells in the deep caves and oceans (however minute they may be) all that was need was for one to alter just right to start surviving off the other cells and evolution would proceed as planned. also we havent found everything on the Earth yet so there is still a chance of finding some definite piece of evidence. that said i still believe it is also possible for god to exist and have created the world, although i doubt it was as simple as explained here.
    ETOCHIE'S PRECIOUS: kindly realize that what you hust said hints at humans bieng able to become Gods, and also realize that energy cannot be created, only changed, so i more prefer the clock theory, that God wound up the clock and let it go, then science and religion can stop fighting as god
    could have creates the big bang or strings or altered a large amount of energy into matter. if he did the latter i would like to know ho because that would be awesome.
  • Ashley reid on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    GOD DID create ALL.... You live in his DREAM ( heaven ) when You loose faith or act bad You enter HELL ( Nightmare ). The WORLD is the reality of the DREAM.. What happens when you have no WORLD?... Well Nothing LOL.. You are YOU but are NOT because YOU are no longer in GOD'S DREAM, DEATH? NO just another form of EXISTENCE... IF A DREAM of or something similar is DREAMED again YOU will again EXIST... ( DE JA VU ) GOD is DUE to WAKE ( REVALATION )GOD WILL SEE the ( nightmare ) the ( nightmare ) ENDS and does NOT EVER EXIST again....GOD WILL FORGIVE but NOT if when AWAKE... Have YOU ever had jus say scary nightmare and awoke SUDDENLY do YOU KNOW what I'M SAYING?... DO YOU BELIEVE IN GOD? IF YOU ARE in EXISTENCE then for a moment in TIME GOD believed in YOU... www.mcphat.co.uk ( IT WAS a DREAM of PARADICE IN THE BEGINNING )
  • ETOCHIE PRECIOUS on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
  • Xore on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    However evolution has no evidence of transitional species in the fossil record but the fossil record shows species appearing suddenly just what creationism says. Also the chance of amino acids and proteins arranging themselves from the organic *soup* into the first reproducing microrganism is 10 to the power of 117. Mathematicians discard any theory which it's chance is over 10 to the power 50 of being real.
  • Chris on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    Maybe man at that time was not capable of understanding the science behind God's work. Evolution states that life began in water, and so does Genesis. "20 And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl [that] may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven."
    21 "And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that [it was] good."
  • Angie on Genesis 1:26 - 14 years ago
    This scripture proves that Jesus was in heaven with Jehovah during creation. Hence "in OUR image."
  • Pgilliam on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    We were created. Plain and simple. Earth was here billions of years. God has not beginning. Jesus Christ has a prehuman existance. We will never know all the knowledge of God. If you could explain that a literal house wa built by humans, how come it hard to believe that the universe and all that's in it was created by God?
  • JOEW on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
  • Justin on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    Are you Taking anything for Granted these days, and if So what is Precious to you?
  • Dave on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    Nick, with all due respect, are you saying God was wrong to give Adam male and Adam female dominion? Have you ever wondered why He would do that?

    BobbyJ, have you ever wondered why God commanded Adam male and Adam female to replenish, or repopulate the earth?

    Things to ponder.
  • Sunday on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    NICK> God gives man dominion over the fish of the sea for the sake of man. God does not reasonably give power over them. Without control there would be no reason.
  • Nick on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    in the 26th verse it gives man dominion over the fish and the fowl. Then in verse 28 it again says dominion over the fish and the sea and the fowl and over every living thing. now how does that make us equal with everything else? Why would "God" give man power over every living creature? that seems illogical, we should coexist not control.
  • BobbyJ on Genesis 1:2 - 14 years ago
    How could God move upon the face of the water if water wasn't created yet? I thought the first thing God created for man was light? I do realize angels and satan were already present from the book of Revelation.
  • Richard on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    Its amazing... he created the earth in the dark!
  • Minnie on Genesis 1:27 - 14 years ago
    I believe that god create angels in his own image
    male and female. And man was made from dust. We could never subdue the earth.
  • Joe on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago

  • Walt on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    Genesis 1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

    This is the beginning of wisdom. If you do not agree, you have not been shown. It is not a matter of who is right, the Bible is always right and man wrong. You have to ask Elohim for understanding. If you do not believe you shall die in your sins as Yah-shua has stated. The Father must bring you to the Son and the Son shall bring you to the Ancient of Days at the appointed time.
  • Walt on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    It is true that Yahweh created the heavens and the Earth. If you do not believe and do not accept this, peace to you and rest for your mind and house.

    The Word of the Eternal God is to all, but for two purposes, to judge and to save. The reason He can do this is not just because He is God. He does it because the life you have is His life and the abilities you have are a gift of Him. All your life He has provided and sustained each of us. He is the author and finisher of everything and everyone seen and unseen. No one chooses God or loves Him unless He loves you. He has prepared a place for His people in the judgement. He has filled them with His good and taken their evil and purged it. You may not know or understand this. This is the norm of course. I cannot save or get you to look, on the Spirit of Gad can do this. He must bring you to the Savior and Yahshua must begin a work in you. Apart from that you shall be left in your sin and pay for them. May you be given wisdom in your search. It is vital. Proverbs 3:5 & 6
  • Ryan on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    @Just me. Your comment is so ignorant it baffles the mind. You have no clue what something means to be a scientific theory and no idea about what it takes to achieve such a status. People...when you say evolution states man descended from monkey/ape/orangutan you are 100% absolutely incorrect. Man and modern primate descended from a common ancestor. Dispute evolution but use valid information.
  • Ryan on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    @Brian. Science and religion are NOT one. Perhaps science and God. There is a difference.
  • Just Me on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    @Kristne's - So did God really make monkeys first then? Because if science and God are one, then how are people getting the idea that man came from monkey and evolution happened? And where do dinosaurs fit in? Please explain this to me.

    God created all things. The problem people have had through their time in this "Earth Age" is understanding the letter Father has sent to us.

    Monkeys/Apes/Orangutans/Baboons/etc...are exactly what they are. Man is not a descendant of them. God created them for his pleasure and purpose. The whole; Man is a descendant from whichever species of primate they chose in a given "Theory" came from people like Darwin, but it is Darwin who gets the credit for the falsehoods.

    Evolution as a "Descendant" point of view is a canard, promoted by people who were looking for answers to their questions...so they made them up as they went along. Filling in the details as they made them up. Science is Man's way of searching for the answers to God's creation. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with it, as long as you do not mislead people.

    Unfortunately as with anything in this world. Some deem it necessary to embellish and enhance things to promote their agenda, no matter what the cost.

    God created Us and all the inhabitants of earth. Us specifically to make a choice to "Love Him" or not? To grasp this concept, you must understand the "Earth Age" that was before this one. The "1st" Earth Age where man/woman were not of "Flesh" and that age was the place dinosaurs inhabited. The 2nd Earth Age which we are in currently, is the one where we are "Born Innocent of Women" free to make our choice to either; Love God or Choose a different path. While it is true not everyone will understand this and that is OK, because we have the Millennium for those people. I do believe there are harsh consequences for those who purposefully mislead others to benefit their own agenda (i.e. Al Gore). The consequences for these individuals will be doled out in the 3rd and final "Earth Age"

    Now, this is a short synopsis and a great level of detail is not contained within it, but it gives you a base point. The only way you can truly understand things is to study the letter God provided us. It takes effort I know, but it is worth every second. As you grow with understanding, the fog begins to clear and the answers are right before your eyes.

    All the Best~
  • Kufrtokufr on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    The Bible and Christian Challenge:


  • Kristine on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    So did God really make monkeys first then? Because if science and God are one, then how are people getting the idea that man came from monkey and evolution happened? And where do dinosaurs fit in? Please explain this to me.
  • Jacob on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    God created us; Men created disbelief

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